• Published 21st Aug 2013
  • 5,963 Views, 331 Comments

Synthetic - Not Luna

In an HiE, what happens after the humans’ story seemingly ends? What happens after years have gone by and everyone save for his wife has forgotten him? In the future, anything is possible... Luna is not about to let death part them any longer.

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Ch3: Wake up. See this. Wat do?

From the outside, a passerby going on a moonlit walk through uptown-Canterlot might describe the building seen here to be silent, empty, and dark. Such was not the case as Twilight Sparkle Cybernetics was still very much alive and well, bustling with various activities. Such being the late night employees who had overworked themselves and fallen asleep at their station, various nano and serv bots cleaning up the floors and lobby after the recent “incident”, and the soft whirs of machinery or beep of electronics.

But none rose above the noises coming from the penthouse on the top floor.

What noises you ask? Why, it's the sound of four mares, arguing bitterly with each other. Who are these mares? I'll tell you. One of them is Princess Celestia, Regent of the Sun, first diarch of the Equus System, and owner of Celestial Power and Light, the only source of free energy in the whole system. The second is Princess Luna, Regent of the Moon, second diarch of the Equus System, and president and CEO of Lunar Munitions, the biggest provider of military arms and ammunition ever. The third is Princess Mi Amore “Cadence” Cadenza, Regent of Love, and the commander of the Equus System Colonization Fleet, now preparing to head beyond Pluto to other systems. The fourth being is Princess Twilight Sparkle, Regent of Magic, and CEO of TS Cybernetics, the biggest, richest, and most influential company to rise up since Sweet Apple & Co. I think you can already tell what they make. Now there was a fifth being in there too, but lets not worry about him, he's unconscious!

“…and I thought I told you this before we were going to wake him up! I am NOT keeping secrets from my husband, especially one as big as THAT!”

“And I thought I explicitly told you NOT to activate his memory bank fully so soon little sister! We were going to introduce him to the idea of the future slowly and carefully, but you had to go and FUCK IT UP DIDN'T YOU!”

“Auntie I have to agree with Luna on this one. Marriage is a very delicate and demanding relationship. Keeping secrets as big as that one and for how long we were going to keep up the charade is bound to end up nasty. We've all seen how angry Jacob can get when put in the right situation.”

“Cadence how can you possibly think it was a good idea to reintroduce him so soon? The future shock could have effectively fried his processing unit from how fast he would be circulating information! All my work could have been for nothing!”

On the lavish couch, a large form stirred as the four mares began increasing their argument's volume.

“You think this is still all about your little project? This agreement is all in equal parts! I wanted my husband back, Cadence couldn't stand to see me depressed anymore, Twilight wanted to use her new technologies on something, and Celestia needed a super spy assassin!” Luna yelled, on one side of the coffee table with Cadence, both seething in anger.

“You should be more grateful for the gifts you have! We could've resurrected anypony we wanted to, WE COULD HAVE RAISED A FORMER ELEMENT OF HARMONY! But no, I took the time and consideration to allow you to use your dead husband, a being with no magical prowess whatsoever and no combat skills, to be used in my plan to battle one of the greatest threats I've seen since Chrysalis came back!” Celestia bellowed on the other side with Twilight, bordering on Royal Canterlot Voice.

“No combat skills? No Magic? Auntie did you see what he was doing to those attackers a few hours ago? He was quite literally slicing them in half one minute and burning them to a crisp with the AMPS the next!” Cadence retorted.

“That was only because he was under the influence of the command override code I gave to Luna! Under normal conditions he would not know a single thing about combat or magic! He would be completely useless for both my testing, and Celestia's’ Special Forces!” Twilight threw back, defending her longtime friend and former mentor.

The figure's optical sensors flickered to life to see his family arguing with one another over him.

“This is exactly why I believe we need to terminate his coding and use the shell on somepony else.” Celestia stated in a no-nonsense tone.

“WHAT?” Luna and Cadence both shouted in unison.

“You can't do that!” Luna blurted out tears streaming from her eyes.

“I can and I will, you had been hoarding what basically amounts to his brain in your head for five-thousand fucking years and now that it's clear, it's time you grew up and got over it. I need a trained infiltrator, not a whimpering, inexperienced, little monkey.” Celestia said attempting to put the argument down.

I fucking hate you!”


“Luna, I'm so sorr-GAK!” *crash*

Before she could finish her sentence a dark green and blue blur tackled Celestia off the couch and onto the floor, wrapping its hands around her neck and banging her head against the floor.

I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE MY SISTER-IN-LAW! YOU DON'T TOUCH MY WIFE LIKE THAT EVER!” Jacob screamed, the last word distorting dangerously and his normally calm and comforting hazel eyes burning with an intense scarlet red as both he and Celestia continued wrestling on the floor.

Luna instantly shot off of the couch and threw Jacob to the floor, getting on top of him.

“Stop!” she pleaded “Stop this right now!” she pleaded again, eyes bloodshot from her earlier crying.

“Must… Kill!” he stuttered, flailing about as Luna pinned his arms and legs to the ground with her hooves. “Must… Destroy… Burn… KILL HER!”

She continued pleading and begging. “Stop this, this isn't you!” She looked into his furious red eyes and said “Where is the calm, collected, rational thinking man I fell in love with? Where is the man I agreed to marry? Where is the man that I spent countless nights in bed with? Because you are certainly not him!” He stopped thrashing about and opened his eyes to look at hers.

“Where is my love monkey?” she said in a breaking voice, new tears flowing in droves onto Jacob's face.

His eyes slowly changed in color from red back to their original hazel, becoming watery in the process. He always hated that petname.


“It’s me, I’m here, it’s OK.” She said in an empathetic voice. She knew what it was like to wake up from a fit of rage all too well. So she knew what was coming next.

He suddenly shot up, wrapped his arms around her, squeezed tight, and buried his head into her shoulder.

Everything from the past half-day came rushing back in one big heap. Finding out he died, Twilight lying about his memories, unconsciously slaughtering an entire strike force, waking up to find his sister-in-law striking his wife, the ensuing fight, all leading up to this point.

He let it all out.

It was too much for him to handle and he let it all out. Even some repressed emotions from when he left his home world came rushing out onto Luna’s shoulder. She just sat there and held him, letting him cry and wail to his hearts content while she shushed him and told him everything is going to be alright.

Celestia, realizing her grievous mistake walked out of the room.


The penthouse floors of TSC were always a sight to see. Built in the old-style Canterlot Castle it gave off a sense of comfort and safety. The stain glass windows showed scenes of victory, friendship, and happiness from ages past instilled a sense of awe. The white-washed walls and ceiling gleaming with a soft glow told of good maintenance and quality workers. The holographic guards in golden armor that patrolled the hallways, day and night with no rest whatsoever, commanded a sense of respect and provided a feeling of safety from outside dangers, ready to alert the building should something go awry. The soft, red carpet threw some casualty to it, breaking the prim and proper vibe the the floors emanated, as intended.

None of these things calmed Celestia in any way as she ran to her room on the other side of the hall.

Sprinting through the long hallways of the penthouse floor, she began to think over what what happened back in Twilight's suite..

She had just struck her sister in anger.

She had just disregarded the fact that Jacob was a living, sentient being and had- No. deserved rights!

She had just struck her sister.

She had even agreed to train him after he got adjusted!

...struck her little sister.

She made her little brother have a breakdown.



The doors to Celestia's suite burst open widely to allow entry to the sniffling alicorn. She didn't even bother to reach the couch before flopping on the floor on her side and magicking the doors closed, typing in the lock code on the panel next to the light switch. She continued crying and sobbing on the floor occasionally whispering the word:

"Why?" she asked herself again, and again, and again.

She's done this twice now. Both times presented with a heated argument over something and both times handling the situation so poorly that they both ended in tears and anger. A 100% percent failure rate two times is still a 100% failure rate. She always does this; thinks of the practical uses before the feelings of others around her; especially her family. She also should have remembered alicorns are extremely possessive by nature, so of course she should have predicted that Luna would put her husband's memories into her head in an attempt to revive him later.

She couldn't have moved on and forgotten all those years ago because she wasn't physically able to. His preserved thoughts were a part of hers and she literally could not forget him. When the opportunity presented itself for a fully sentient android to be created, she jumped at the chance to use it to bring him back, told the rest of them what she had done and asked if the android shell could contain the dead humans' personality. Twilight explained that it was very possible but very dangerous. You didn't just explain to a previously dead being "Hey, you're alive again, congrats!". Hence the future shock time line charade that Twilight performed and Luna sabotaged. But really, if Luna hadn't cleared the effects the cinnamon rolls had on him, he would have sat there in a drug induced stupor and the gang would have gotten what they wanted, whatever it was.

Really she should have thanked Luna for her brash actions.

But the attack on the complex had just pushed her over the edge and convinced her that fixing the problem was greater than choosing the correct solution.

So instead, she struck her sister and attempted to essentially kill her brother.



Fresh tears entered Celestia's eyes as she was reminded of just who was across the hall. She could hear him clearly crying at the other end of the building it was so loud.

She didn't want to think about how they got into this situation, she wanted to think about how the was going to say something as simple as "I'm sorry" without sounding half-hearted or forced. She thought back to all the times he and Luna got into arguments and made up in the end. How did they say sorry to each other to show how much they really meant it?

Suddenly, an idea popped into her head and she trotted over to a nearby bookcase. Pulling out a cookbook she mentally made a list of things to get at the twenty-four hour grocery store.

She had one hell of an apology to cook...


After he was done with his meltdown, Luna asked Twilight if she could take her room tonight. Jacob really wasn't in any condition or mood to move very far. Twilight obliged, telling her she can stay as long as is needed. She walked out of the suite, off to Luna's room, followed by Cadence going to her own room, wishing the two a good night.

"We can talk about all of this in the morning, right now we need to get some sleep and recollect ourselves. That sound okay?" Luna spoke in a comforting manner.

Jacob only nodded into her shoulder as she carried him on her back to the bedroom. When she laid him on the bed, she remembered a couple of things she wanted to show him when he woke up.

"Wait here, I'll be right back." she said backing out of the room, eager to get the gifts for him. He nodded again and waited patiently for her to return to the bed.

She came back thirty seconds later holding a jewelry box. Without saying a word she opened it and took out two onyx, obsidian, and diamond rings, placing one on his finger and the other on her horn.

"I kept these all these years, just for this moment." she said with a wide smile.

Jacob could only stare in awe at the gift she had presented him with. It was his most prized possession and having it not on him earlier made him feel naked in a sense.

"Thank you, Luna." he whispered in a hoarse voice, overused a few minutes ago on sobbing and shouting,

"I have one more thing for you." she said with an even wider smile. She then did something she liked to call "powering down". It's when alicorns essentially stop feeding magic into their forms and lose the ethereal flow of their hair. Twilight and Cadence never seemed to like using it because it made them feel weird. He wasn't one to jud-

He stopped mid-thought at the sight of something truly and utterly beautiful. All he could do to express his elation and joy at this wondrous act was pull her onto the bed and suck on her muzzle like there was no tomorrow.

She kept it short…