• Published 22nd Aug 2013
  • 5,502 Views, 224 Comments

Wish upon a Supernova - Hyper Atomic

If wishing on stars worked, we'd all be rich and happy. But maybe, we've just been doing it wrong.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Celestial Mechanics

Celestial Mechanics

“Hush now, thou art safe. Thy nightmare will trouble thee no more.” Luna spoke, eager to allay his fears. The dark green pegasus opened his eyes, but the look of horror remained.

He stood up, taking in the full sight of her, before looking down at himself. Luna smiled, expecting to hear a relieved thanks, unfortunately there came none. Instead, a small sob rocked the downcast pony.

“I … I can't …” His lip trembled, turning a tear streaked face up towards her, “I can't remember … what I looked like.”

The world shattered, and the dream blew away like dust carried on the breeze. The stallion had awoken, leaving the younger diarch alone amidst a sea of black.

Slowly, her somnial chamber came back into view as the dream magic faded. The walls were of polished obsidian, carved to fit seamlessly into a great dome. Silvery arcs of thaumic energy danced over their rune-etched surface, discharging the remaining magical flux from its use as a focus.

Luna remained motionless, though her mind was anything but still.

Countless seconds passed in silence. There was no feedback, neither in affirmation nor disapproval, for she presided over the nightly vigil alone. It was her responsibility to guard the restful slumber of their subjects from the predations of bad dreams.

Fear. No society is without it, and few places suffer from it more than the subconscious. Of this, Luna was well aware.

Her eyes refocused and she let out a haggard breath before regaining her composure. A nimbus of indigo lit up her horn as she walked with measured steps towards the doorway. The same effervescent light enveloped the stone of the door as it receded with a deep rumble until it was flush with the floor. The two night guards stationed outside snapped to attention while Luna passed. She gave them a curt smile and a nod, but it quickly faded once out of their view.

The air was cool. A relaxing breeze flowed through the cavernous halls of the palace as Luna continued her somber trek down the vacant corridors. They weren't entirely empty, as there was always a watchful eye open, but compared to the castle during waking hours, it might as well have been. The soft echo of her steps on the polished marble finally came to a halt on the mezzanine.

Her moon waxed full, bathing the night in a satin glow. Canterlot sprawled beneath her, its lustrous white and gold muted in the evening light. In the north western sky the great city of Cloudsdale hung in the gloaming, a bright ornament amidst the stars. Finally, past the feet of the mountain, on the edge of the Everfree, sat the object of Luna's gaze: the quaint town of Ponyville.

Somewhere, among the rest of its sleeping residents, was the frightened pegasus from her dream-walking. Luna's brow creased and a short frown tugged at the corners of her mouth as she continued to watch the little village.


She drew in a deep lungful of the night and turned her eyes to the uppermost balcony of the palace, where a light was still shining in the window. With a slow exhale, she spread her navy feathers. One powerful stroke sent her skyward, soaring through the air as quietly as her namesake. The ascent was rapid, and in moments she touched down on the landing of gilded steel and stone. Luna bit her lip as she raised a hoof, but paused before knocking. Her wings fidgeted. She closed her eyes and tapped twice on the wood of the glass-paned doors.

"Come in, Luna," a regal voice called out from within. A transparent golden shimmer surrounded the handles as they turned, opening into her sibling's study. Luna entered slowly, eyes wider than usual. "Don't look so surprised," Celestia smiled through a small chuckle, "You're the only one who comes calling from my balcony, after all."

The elder diarch was seated behind an enormous desk, piled high on either side with stacks of documents. Her mane of pastel hues gently waved as she levitated a quill, signing the request in front of her before returning it to the inkwell.

"Sister, I ... " Luna's voice faded, as if it had lost the way. "I fear I may have done something terrible ... "

Celestia's smile, though no less sincere, softened considerably. She rose from her seat, and motioned for Luna to follow. "Walk with me."

The nocturnal princess' head bowed, eyes suddenly more interested in the patterns of the floor. Nevertheless, she accompanied her sister across the room until they stopped at another set of double doors. The auric glow returned as Celestia opened the way into her chambers. An audible crackle issued from the fireplace as it sprung to life, adding a warm cast to the features of the room.

"I'm sorr-" Luna began, before the solar sovereign interrupted her. A golden clad hoof gently raised her chin so that she was looking into soft amethyst irises.

"Sister, I know you. You would not do anything hurtful willingly." Celestia gestured with her wing to the throw and pillows resting in front of the fire's light. "Accidents happen. Now, why don't you start at the beginning, and tell me what happened. Then, we can see how to make it right."

Luna smiled faintly and nuzzled into her sister's neck. "Thank you," she whispered, and quietly stepped over to the cushions and took a seat. Celestia followed suit and calmly waited for her to proceed.

"Where to begin," Luna shifted, "I was making my nightly rounds through the dreamscape, providing succor to our subjects beset by nightmare's shadows, as I have always done. It was during this that I sensed an unfamiliar pony, one I had never observed dream before. Whether this was because he hardly dreamt ill, or that he was simply a visitor from beyond our borders, I know not."

Her wings were restless, starting to fret as she continued, "He was feeling lost, alone, and confused all at once. Upon entering his nightmare, I noticed he was trapped in the guise of an odd creature that walked upright, not unlike a smaller, horn-less minotaur. The creature's face was flat; however, I could clearly see the panic in his undersized eyes."

Luna's head slowly sank as she remembered. "I ... performed a straightforward spell, one I had cast many times over. I know nothing went awry, and yet the green pegasus wept when I returned his form." She stared down at her silver gilt hooves. "He said he could no longer remember what he looked like..." Her eyes closed, reliving the moment. "Then he awoke."

"Luna," Celestia inquired, gazing absently into the fire. "where was this pegasus dreaming?"

"Somewhere in Ponyville," she sniffled.

"You also said he had a green coat. Did he, by chance, have a lighter green mane, red-orange eyes, and wear glasses?"

" ... Yes, he did," Luna looked up at her sister, curiosity inflecting her speech. "How didst thou know that?"

Celestia's horn illuminated once more, and a single scroll floated in from the adjacent study. It unfurled in front of the royal sisters as Luna took hold of it with her magic and drew it close to be read.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Spike and I witnessed a very strange sight early this morning. There was a bright flash throughout the town before the light receded into the sky and behaved as a star for a short time. It eventually vanished, and aside from a single injured pony, caused no damage to the town or anypony else.

The unfortunate stallion was found unconscious by Pinkie shortly after the flash, and was admitted into Ponyville hospital with rather extensive burns. Mack Swell Glass, as he introduced himself to the nurse, is a bespectacled dark green pegasus with a short green mane, and heterochromatic eyes of red and orange. The hospital staff hasn't located any record of him, and he doesn't recall how he ended up in Ponyville either. What's more, he claims his memories from before the event are significantly different, up to and including not recalling being a pony. I've been asked by his physician to determine if this could be a result of any magical cause. I will keep you informed of what I find.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

Luna looked up from the scroll, her mouth slightly agape.

"Have you uncovered anything about that stellar phenomenon both you and Twilight observed before daybreak?"

"The dwindling star?" the navy diarch blinked, "I ... Yes, we know it was not of our sky. Specifically, it was not from this realm and so the veil pulled it back." She raised an eyebrow, "Dost thou believe this pegasus accompanied it?"

"It's entirely possible."

"But if that's true," Luna mouthed, ears folding back, "then the creature I saw in his dream ... " Her magic waned and the scroll fluttered to the ground. "That was him. The real him and I ... I replaced it ..."

A downy wing gently enveloped the princess of the night, pulling her close. Luna turned sodden eyes up to her sister before burying her face into Celestia's mane. "It's alright, sister," the elder regent soothed, "You didn't know," She could feel each tear as they fell silently on her coat. "but since you did that, we now know something very important, and you probably saved his life."

Luna sniffed as her breathing quieted.

"While you did cast a True Form spell ... that wasn't all, was it?"

Her head shook, burrowing deeper into the flowing pastel hues.

Celestia sighed, "In any case, that means he's never been simply a guest. For better or for worse, he is as much a part of Equestria as any other pony, and thus deserves the same love and care." She stared into the space above the flames, lost in thought. "You've certainly made it harder for the veil to find him, but it won't stop attempting to collect until he truly belongs. It's a miracle he survived crossing it even once, he wouldn't be so lucky the next time."

"Fortune's bane..." Luna intoned as she drew herself up, away from the solace of her sister's pinions. "The veil will be after him." Her grief soaked eyes darted over to the windows and back, wings flittering with indecision. "He needs to be forewarned of this."

"I understand your concern," Celestia lamented, rising to stand beside her sibling, "You feel responsible for him, but you already know why he can't be told."

Her head bowed and her nervous motion ceased. "Yes," was her somber reply. "If he were aware this wasn't his realm ... he would never fully accept it as home."

"That doesn't mean we can't help him," the daylight princess reassured her, "but for now, he's better off believing his past is nothing but a dream." Celestia leaned in and affectionately nuzzled her sister before taking her leave.

The study was as she had left it, unchanged by the revelations that occurred in the adjacent room. Returning to her desk still laden with work, she cleared a space and brought quill to parchment.

My Faithful Student Twilight . . .

* * *

I have no idea how long I had been crying. My face ached, and not just from my repeated attempts to commune with the floor. My eyes burned as there was nothing left for them to shed. Even through the darkness, I could make out the twin trails of damp fur running down my cheeks in the mirror.

I didn't remember anything between waking up and searching through the features of my reflection. The stallion that stared back was the same one as before, only this time ...

Why can't I remember?

You've forgotten things before.

Not this much! And not completely! You don't just 'forget' something you've seen every day of your life!

... That's right. You don't.

My breath froze as a gnawing chill seized my heart. I stumbled back while my legs buckled, dropping me heavily onto my hindquarters. The pegasus in the mirror looked as if he had just witnessed the facade of the world being stripped away, leaving the horrid truth laid bare for all to see.

"What if I only thought I had seen it every day ... " my voice continued, barely above a whisper, "senses true, memories deceived."

Memories. I was losing mine, but if they vanished so quickly then they must have been made the same way. My chest shuddered, unable to stall the realization any longer.

"Oh god ... I really am crazy."

Author's Note:

Finally! I've been so busy these last weeks doing my proposal for my dissertation that I'd had nearly zero time to write. Not too much humor in this chapter, hope you still like it.

As always, feedback is appreciated!