• Published 23rd Aug 2013
  • 10,584 Views, 261 Comments

Carapace of Lavender - Dark0592

What would happen if Chrysalis became Twilight's mentor?

  • ...

8: Ponyville pt.2

Twilight and Spike spent the next few hours catching up, talking about accomplishments and events that had been happening around. Twilight’s memory filled in more and more as they spoke, Spike made sure to cover a lot of information to help jog her memory. Luckily she only got a bit lightheaded from the rushes.

Something became apparent, though, and Spike noticed it.

“You already miss the hive, don’t you?” He asked after a moment or two of silence. Twilight sighed.

“Yeah, I do… Though I know when I go back I’ll miss it here too. I suppose I’ll just have to deal with it.” She said with a half-hearted laugh.

“I’ve got a feeling that the Hive is your home now, and that’s where you’re most comfortable living no matter your memories. There’s also people you care about there, and also here. And comfortable or not memories don’t die.” Spike said. Twilight gave him a strange look.

“Wow… That’s kind of really philosophical… Since when did you become such an intellect?” Twilight chuckled. Spike rolled his eyes.

“I really got into the studies you had me on and my own I decided I needed after you… left. I’ve been to the Canterlot University a few times, once by request even, and I’ve spent a lot more time researching in libraries. I guess it all just stacked up. I still have fun with the CMCs all the time though.” He explained.

“That’s good, wouldn’t want you growing up too fast.” Twilight laughed. They sat in silence for a little while longer before Spike got up.

“Do you want to come with me? I’m heading over to Rarity’s soon. She probably forgot to tell you but we’re kind of experimenting with a relationship.” He said with a bit of hesitation. Twilight raised the equivalent of an eyebrow.

“Really now? Exactly how does that work?” Twilight asked, curious, as she got up too. Spike grinned and closed his eyes. He exhaled what looked like green fire out of his mouth, but it swirled around him and his form changed.

“It’s Dragon Magic, the ability to camouflage myself as something else. It’s hard to mimic a living thing, but I’ve been working really hard on this one.” He explained, though instead of the dragon he was; he looked like a human male a couple years younger than Twilight. He wore all purple, naturally, and had spiked green hair. His eyes were the same, though, and if you looked closely you could see scales on his skin. There were a few ridges or spines here or there, and his fingernails were more like talons, but he looked mostly human.

“Wow Spike, I’m impressed.” Twilight said. Spike grinned and walked over to the door, opening it and beckoning a ‘you first’ sarcastically. Twilight laughed and poked his forehead as she passed him, with her carapace covered finger it might have broken the skin if he didn’t have scales.


“Oh I was hoping you’d bring her along Darling, it saves a lot of trouble of me wondering if she knew or not.” Rarity said happily, waving over from her seat at the cafe.

“So you finally got together, what happened that made you try it out, Rarity?” Twilight asked as they sat down.

“Well, you know that he’s had the cutest crush on me ever since you first came here. At least hope you do anyways… Well as he grew he got a lot more mature, and we talked a lot more. The girls and I were obviously devastated when you didn’t come back, but we couldn’t even imagine how he was feeling…” Rarity started, looking at the Draconic boy next to her.

“I wouldn’t even talk to anyone, not her or even Celestia for a while… It was a bad time for me, but everyone persisted and finally got me out of the library and got me talking.” Spike continued. Rarity continued off of that.

“We all spent a lot of time together, spending nights at a time with each other… Eventually we all kind of accepted it, knowing you wouldn’t want us to mope around if you actually… well… you know. Spike still took it harder than anyone and I had him living with me for a while and we just got really close. We had started joking around about it, as were all of our friends, but not too long ago he found that book of Dragon Magic at the Canterlot Library.” She explained.

“I spent almost four days straight learning and mastering it. I still need improvement, but it’s good enough to not be really weird and awkward now.” Spike said. Rarity giggled and pulled him into a hug.

“I guess I should be glad that Dragon life cycles are so inconsistent, he aged quickly because of all the magic he was around according to that book. It’s a bit strange dating something you’ve known since it was only a couple years old, but hey he’s old enough now.” Rarity giggled. Twilight laughed.

“How about you Darling, any changelings that strike your fancy?” Rarity asked. This question surprised Twilight.

“Um, well… Changelings never really developed the individuality to have relationships like this until about a month ago… The only ones with true individuality are me, Chrysalis and a couple of the younger ones.” Twilight replied, sort of avoiding the answers.

“Without relationship how do they reproduce?” Rarity asked, curious.

“Well we can convert other creatures into Changelings, though that fell out of practice even before my incident. I’m not entirely sure, it’s not like bees where the queen lays lots of eggs. I think there’s just big mating chambers where we go to mate and there’s some sort of Changeling magic involved. I’ve never been in one and I’ve never really asked.” Twilight answered.

“Hm… Sounds kind of like nightclubbing if you ask me.” Rarity said, earning a bout of laughter from them all.

“But, back to the subject, is there one that’s stuck your fancy? You never answered my question.” Rarity said after they stopped laughing. Twilight hesitated.

“Well… There’ve been a couple I guess. There’s Kaine, one of the head hunters, that I’ve kind of been thinking about. There’s Cerene too, though she seems a bit young.” She admitted.

“Huh, and I totally thought you were banging Chrysalis” A very distinct voice said from behind them, making both Twilight and Rarity nearly choke on their drinks.

“Oh man Dash, That was awesome!” Spike said, laughing. Said Valkyrie high fived the Draconian and plopped down on an empty seat.

“But seriously, I thought you had a thing going on.” She continued. Twilight groaned and wiped coffee off of her lap.

“not exactly. We share a bed, that’s about it… and in the hive there are normally dozens in one bed. We’ve been using smaller beds and sleeping pods more lately, but still.” Twilight explained.

“Twi, when you have ash colored skin you can’t hide when you blush.” Dash retorted.

“She has a point Darling, it is rather brazen.” Rarity confirmed. Twilight groaned and facetabled.

“Just because we’re close doesn’t mean we’re together…” She moaned into the table. The others laughed.

“Twi, do you like her in a romantic way?” Spike asked, strangely serious for all the laughing he’d been doing. after a moment Twilight nodded, head still planted on the table.

“Are you satisfied with your current position with her?” He continued. Almost a full minute before she shook her head. He smiled and patted her head.

“Then do something about it. I know it’s not easy to keep secrets with Changelings with the hive mind and all, but you’re obviously doing a good job of it. If she knew I bet she’d be all over you.” Spike finished. Twilight raised her head and stared at his grinning face.

“If that doesn’t work then just get drunk and bang her. with a body like that she has to change her mind.” Dash said poking her chest carapace. Twilight laughed and rolled her eyes.

“Thanks guys, I needed that. And Spike, since when did you become an advice guru?” She asked. Spike shrugged.

“Dragons inherit experiences from their ancestors, sometimes we’re wise as elders out of the shell. But for that, it’s one of my own experiences.” Spike replied, pulling Rarity close. She kissed him on his scaley cheek and he grinned.

“Well I just dropped by because i saw you and wanted to mess with you. I’ve got to get the weather team ready for the Wonderbolts tournament.” Dash said, saluting to them and flying off.

“Wonderbolts tournament?” Twilight asked.

“The Wonderbolts are holding a tournament late tonight, they’re passing through all notable areas searching for the best weather teams to train with them and fly standby for a set of massive storms and hurricanes that are scheduled or predicted soon. Now that I think of it we might be able to get there in time after the hunt tonight.” Spike said.

“Oh right you guys are hunting that Ursa… I really hope you’ll all be careful, even though we know you can handle one Twilight.” Rarity said.

“Don’t worry, we’ve got more than enough people to take care of it. We’re not killing it, just scaring it off.” Spike said.

“Speaking of the hunt I should probably re-coat my quiver with a stronger anesthetic solution.” Twilight said, putting a finger to her chin. Spike and Rarity gave her a curious look. She smiled sheepishly. “You don’t want to know.” She added.

“Is it that weird organic stuff you spit out? I heard Applejack talking about it, apparently you spit on her wound and it healed her?” Rarity asked.

“Well, not really. It’s an organic material with anesthetic properties that can be modified internally. In that situation it was in place of a bandage, it eased the pain and kept it covered.” Twilight replied.

“Fascinating, do you know how it works?” Rarity asked.

“Um, a little bit but I’ve no idea how to explain it. You might want to ask Nel or Charon, they were born long before I was.” Twilight answered.

“I see… Oh! Twi! I almost forgot!” Spike said suddenly after a few moments, almost falling out of his chair and jarring Rarity.

“What?” Twilight asked, curious.

“If you don’t remember, this all happened because you were writing research books on Changelings. We managed to salvage all of your notes and stuff so they’re here, so if you wanted to continue that endeavor it’s an option.” He explained.

“Really? Where are they?” Twilight asked.

“Celestia’s keeping them in her private study, at first she was supre analyzing them to try and figure out what happened but now I guess she’s just keeping them safe for you.” Spike replied.

“I’ll have to talk to her about them then, though not for a little while. I’m still trying to figure myself out. I don’t remember much right before being born.” She said.

“Well, I suppose you need more time for that. I have to get going soon, Darling. I recently started a new line of clothing and it’s begun to soar, Spike promised he’d help me but if you want him for longer I can wait to borrow him.” Rarity said after a few moments of silence, standing up.

“Oh no I won’t keep him. We had our catching up, I’m not leaving for a while so there’s no rush.” Twilight said, standing as well.

“Alright Darling, we’ll be seeing you then.” Rarity said, quickly hugging the Changeling girl.Spike did the same and they walked off together. Twilight smiled at the sight and started looking around, thinking of something she could do.

“If you get bored, you could always retreat into the hive for a little while.” A soft voice sounded in her mind. It was Chrysalis, and she smiled at it. She had all but forgotten about their connections.

“I’ll think about it.” She said aloud with a giggle, though the amused feeling she got from her connection told her that Chrysalis had heard as well. With a hunt tonight and a tournament to go watch directly after, she decided to go take a nap and Indulge her queen’s suggestion.

Author's Note:

been a while, but I finally got around ot finishing. The initial directive of the story is long gone, but I'm making due : P
I only plan another couple of chapters at the most