• Published 23rd Aug 2013
  • 1,306 Views, 9 Comments

The Elements of Chaos - CroakerGamer

To restore Chaos to Equestria, Screw Ball must embark on a journey for power and find the Chaos within herself.

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Chapter Ten: Collateral Damage: Screw Ball

The pair made it to the Crystal Empire at sunset. They had only minutes to get into position and launch the assault. Screw Ball’s heart raced with adrenaline from anxiety and power.

“Where do you want me to land, dear?” Screw Ball noticed Discord had started using more affectionate nicknames for her. She disliked that, but she was too polite to correct him.

“If you can, at the very top of the tower.” She pointed to the structure in the center on the Empire where the Crystal Heart was contained. Discord flew to the top and looked around, no pony saw them in the twilight of the sunset.

This was perfect, Screw Ball thought. Celestia and Luna are both working, leaving this hiding spot wide open. The guards also rotated shifts, so there was no chance a guard could have spotted them. However, for insurance, Screw Ball cast a mirage spell over Discord and herself. Now they played the most boring game, the waiting game.

Celestia came back first from lowering the sun. She traveled straight to her chambers as the new guards took their positions. Luna flew back from the moon moments later. She didn’t see either Screw Ball or Discord as she landed on the balcony to watch over the Empire. So far so good. Screw Ball lowered her mirage and pulled up a sound barrier around Princess Luna so that neither the guards nor the other ponies in the tower could hear the fight. Only one thing left to do.

Screw Ball pounced on Princess Luna , holding her down so she couldn’t get away. Luna called for help, Screw ball could see she was using her loud, third person voice to call out. Screw Ball concentrated on using a memory spell, countered in into a memory loss spell, and touched her horn to Luna’s. Suddenly Luna stopped crying for help. Her eyes glowed of pure light, her mane grew as large as Celestia’s, and her body sized increased as well. She was now Nightmare Moon. The passed years had been erased from her brain. She truly believed she was still locked on the moon and the Elements of Harmony hadn’t shown her the error of her ways.

Nightmare Moon was more powerful than Screw Ball had imagined. Nightmare Moon was able to shatter the sound barrier placed around her and was able to blindly scream to the night sky, “We shall engulf the land in Eternal Darkness!” This was bad, every guard turned and looked up at the hostile princess. They took flight and pointed their spears at Nightmare Moon.

One guard opened his mouth and declared for Night Mare Moon’s surrender. She didn’t even acknowledge him and was able to whip every guard out of the sky with one flick of her mane. The guards flew back up to face her again. This time she turned around and shot a beam of condensed magic over a wide range. It made contact with every guard, sending them to the ground. Each one lay unconscious after the blast.

This was Screw Ball’s chance. She cast the spell to absorb Nightmare Moon’s powers. The Titanium was ready, but Screw Ball couldn’t seem to pull Nightmare Moon’s power to it. It was like Nightmare Moon simply willed the spell not to affect her. This was bad, Screw Ball would have to weaken her before taking her power. But how would she be able to counter an Alicorn?! The situation seemed hopeless.

In a flash, Nightmare Moon was pummeled off the balcony of the tower. Screw Ball looked over the edge and saw Discord had pulled Nightmare Moon off the balcony and crashed to the ground with her in a body slam. Nightmare Night was dazed from the speed and force with which the attack had been carried out.

Screw Ball quickly teleported to the ground level and cast the spell. The Titanium was fused with the power and placed in the tiara. “We’ve done it father!” Screw Ball said, looking up at Discord. She only now noticed that Discord had gotten pretty scratched up from the fall. He was looking back up at the balcony. Screw Ball followed his eyes to see Celestia peering down at them.

“Screw Ball, go find Pinkie Pie. I’ll distract Celestia.” Screw ball put on a brave face and ran for the tower entrance.

“Be careful, Daddy.” Screw Ball whispered. But, it was too late. The Draconacus and the Alicorn began there battle.

End of Chapter Ten