• Published 9th Oct 2011
  • 8,605 Views, 204 Comments

My Old Apple Acre Home - Sith_Dreamer

When Sweet Apple Acres burns, it will take more than just friendship to heal an certain orange pony.

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My Old Apple Acre Home Part 8

“Twilight…” Rainbow Dash said, walking closer to the purple Unicorn.

Twilight looked up from her book. The tears in her eyes were evident. She didn’t say anything to Rainbow Dash, and slowly looked away. It reminded Dash a bit of that first night when her and Applejack had kissed for the first time. As she came in, Dash came to the realization she really didn’t have anything planned to say to Twilight.

“Twilight, I uh, just want to talk to you,” Dash tried not to sound anything but nice.

“Maybe…maybe it’s best we don’t Rainbow Dash,” Twilight sniffed, and tried not to let more of the tears fall from her eyes.

“But Twilight, if we don’t, I can already tell it’s gonna drive me crazy. And since I can’t even confess things to Applejack, I don’t want any more stress on my mind.”

For a moment it surprised Twilight, hearing such strong words from the Pegasus. Back when Twi had first met Rainbow Dash, Twilight could tell she was strong-willed, but could also tell she did not have a way with words.

“Look Rainbow Dash, I…I know it was wrong what I did…I understand if you want to end our friendship,” Twilight put her head down on the bed and turned away.

“No, it isn’t that Twilight…I mean, yeah I’m not entirely happy about what happened but I can’t stop thinking about it. I thought about it in bed with AJ, I dreamt about it. There was just…something…”

Twilight looked up, and Dash could see she was trying to force back something of a smile.

“You…you did?” Twilight asked her, halfway still in tears, and halfway suddenly very happy.

“That’s what we need to talk about…” Dash hesitated for a moment, seeing the happiness in

Twilight’s eyes and knowing full well she was about to crush it. “I love Applejack, Twilight, I can’t be fooling around on her. I’ve heard the rumors around Ponyville about me before,” Dash looked very serious at this point.

Twilight drooped at those words. She knew she should have expected it, but they still cut deep. She hated herself a little inside, being so jealous of one of her best friends, knowing what all this could do to not just her and rainbow Dash’s friendship, but her and Applejack’s as well.

“What’s to talk about Rainbow Dash!?” Twilight snapped suddenly, “I messed up! But can you really imagine what it’s like seeing you two here, every day, so happy together. No matter what’s going on in your head Rainbow Dash, I bet it all gets better with Applejack! I miss the days before the fire, Rainbow Dash, I long for those. I could talk to you more often, I could watch you streak your Rainbow across the sky, and hope that one day, I could hold that beautiful cyan Pegasus close and tell her how I feel!”

Twilight broke down into harder tears. She threw herself to the floor, and continued to talk through her sobbing.

“I didn’t want things… t-to be like this Rainbow! D-do you t-t-t-think I like the idea o—of hurting Applejack”?

Rainbow Dash didn’t know what to say. Twilight’s outburst had come on so suddenly, she hadn’t had time to take all those words in.

“Twilight…you egghead,” Dash actually managed with a smile, “Why couldn’t you tell me this?”

“Would it have mattered?” Twilight asked her. “Before the fire, t—the way you t-t-talked about Applejack, I-I knew what you w-w-were thinking about.”

Dash thought on those words for a moment. She admitted, she’d wanted to be with Applejack a very long time. But just as other mare’s sometimes took their chances when certain colts asked them out, she couldn’t say for sure if she would have given Twilight the time or not. Dash admitted that she hated the situation, but it was getting harder and harder for her to find a way to resolve it.

“How long…have you felt this way about me?” Dash asked her.

“Since we first used the Elements of Harmony. When we were together, that first night after Nightmare Moon was defeated, all of us together, I just felt so much more for you. I wasn’t sure at first, so in the following days I tried to spend a lot of time with everyone. I had sleepovers with Rarity and AJ, had talks with Fluttershy, and went to every one of Pinkie Pie’s parties. The one thing I realized though was that I loved having such good friends, but none of them made me feel that way. I knew I wasn’t wrong after that.”

Dash thought back to all the time she had pinned over Applejack, a longing that existed before Twilight had come to Ponyville. Still, it had been a couple of years now since that time, and Dash knew all too well how horrible such secret passion for another could be.

“What is it you want me to do, Twilight?” Dash asked, full well knowing what her answer would likely be.

Twilight didn’t respond. She stared deeply into the violet orbs that were Rainbow Dash’s eyes. All that she could think of were Dash’s words: “I can’t stop thinking about it.” Before anything else could be said, Twilight threw herself on top of Rainbow Dash, forcing her lips across Rainbow’s. Rainbow didn’t resist, and gave back just as passionately. Dash could feel that spark, growing brighter and brighter. For a moment she pushed Applejack from her mind and laid back, trying to enjoy of moment.

Now awake, Applejack tried her best to slip silently out the door. She couldn’t imagine anypony would be happy of being woken up at this hour of the night. The door only made a slight creak, and quickly Applejack was in the darkened library. With the candles blown out, Applejack found it nearly impossible to find her way around.

“On all the nights fer Luna to slack on tha light,” Applejack whispered to herself.

As if on command, the clouds that had been covering the moon slowly floated out of its way, shooting beams of moonlight directly through the library windows. The room glowed in the blue moonlight, and gave Applejack time to adjust her vision. After a few moments she was sure Rainbow Dash wasn’t here.

“Would she’ve gone outside?” Applejack asked herself.

Applejack decided to continue looking around. There was no sign that Dash had stayed long. Applejack sighed. She walked to each one and glanced out the windows, but Ponyville was too dark to be able to tell if anypony was out there. She thought about going back to bed and waiting for her cyan Pegasus to come back herself. She couldn’t imagine she’d be gone long, and Applejack was sure Dash had a good reason for it. She wasn’t even sure where she would start looking. She thought maybe Dash had things to check on in her cloud house, especially since she didn’t often stay there anymore. Still, with no way to check things out, AJ decided it would be useless to go out and check.

With that, Applejack decided to turn back and go back to bed. And then she heard a thump. It wasn’t very loud, but the brief, frantic rustling that came after made Applejack suddenly very suspicious. Surely Rainbow Dash wasn’t up talking to Twilight at this hour. And if she was, she knew Twilight would be very careful to not cause any disturbances for fear of incurring the anger of anypony that might be awakened at this hour. Spike was also asleep by now, though he’d generally need to be smashed against a brick wall, or something to that equivalent, to be awakened again.

Regardless, after being so sure just hours before, she could feel her heart sinking in her chest, being eaten away at by the fear that maybe Rainbow Dash was trying to hide some very large secret from her. Applejack knew if she didn’t at least investigate, then she didn’t feel she could even begin to continue to trust Rainbow. Slowly and as quietly as possible, Applejack started up the stairs.

Twenty minutes before Applejack laid the first hoof on the staircase, Dash was now sitting up, her face flushed and hot. Twilight sat behind her, and stared out the window into the moonlight.

“I’m not sure how to feel now,” Dash said low, her mind racing.

What a winner we have here, that voice in her mind spoke up, the “fastest flyer in Equestria” is also the fastest cheater as well.

Dash ignored it. She hated it, but the past minutes, when she’d had her lips pressed against Twilight’s, they’d been nothing short of amazing. Was this some added bonus of unicorn magic, the power to make something like this so incredible? Had her first kiss with Applejack felt this incredible? Dash suddenly felt like she couldn’t remember. She could still see it in her mind, but all feeling had been replaced by the strange euphoric feeling that had come with touching Twilight’s lips. For a good ten minutes, Dash sat there, lost in thought.

“Rainbow, I’m sorry”, Twilight had walked over to the Pegasus, “I mean, I’m not sorry for how I feel, but I’ve made you do horrible things to Applejack. You can…hate me if you want.”

Without even thinking, Dash turned around and threw herself back onto Twilight, kissing her furiously. They landed with a thud against the floor. In a surprising turn, Twilight took control and rolled the two so that Dash was below her. Even with her eyes closed, Dash could visualize every inch of Twilight. She caressed Twilight with her hooves, feeling the softness of her mane as they slid down her back.

In her mind, she a thought occurred to her that she both loved and despised: If Applejack never finds out, I’m fine with this.

Too lost in their embrace, neither pony could hear the sound of the bedroom door creaking open, nor see the shape of the orange earth pony about to step inside.

“Maybe Ah should go back,” Applejack said, moving up one step.

She was up five of the fifteen steps that led up to Twilight’s bedroom, and with each step she asked herself the same question. But with so much doubt clouding her mind and swallowing her heart, she knew she had to find out. So with each successive step, she continued to ask herself over and over, until she stood on the landing at the top of the stairs. She could hear the rustling again, a little more clearly now. Was that moaning she could also hear?

Applejack tried to put the idea out of her mind. Rarity had said herself she couldn’t imagine Twilight Sparkle as having interest in just about anypony.

“But Rainbow Dash isn’t anypony,” AJ said, “She’s my pony.”

She put a hoof to the door, hoping she wasn’t going to be walking in on something she’d regret seeing. As the door slid open, she could see Twilight’s tail and flank, but the candle burning in the corner made it harder to see just what she was doing. The door began to creak as Applejack pushed it slightly more. She poked her head inside, and simultaneously felt her heart explode.

She couldn’t stand to see anymore of what was happening. Applejack loudly bucked the door completely open with one hoof, slamming it against the wall. Twilight leapt off of Rainbow Dash and fell hard on her flank. Dash looked up quickly, a look of regret quickly filling her eyes. Despite the noise, Spike continued to sleep.

“Applejack, wait!” Dash tried to cry out as the earth pony turned and began to storm down the stairs.

Dash glanced at Twilight, seeing the unicorn with tears in her eyes and the similar look for regret on her face. Dash stood up and glanced away quickly, running down the stairs to catch Applejack.