• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 12,727 Views, 348 Comments

Just Horsing Around - Darkness Shade

Seemingly lost in his life, a young man finds himself waking up in a strange new land populated by some curious residents. When certain truths are revealed and he finds there's more to his appearing there, how will he adjust to his new life?

  • ...

20th Harvest

Ryan groaned and grumbled, his head groggy as he slowly came to the next morning only to find his body was pretty well pinned on the bed. Judging by the softness he felt he was apparent this was because of his herd and so he just lay there trying to remember exactly what all happened last night.

'Hmmm...things seem a bit of a blur to be honest.'

'Same for you too, huh?'

'Yeah.' Ryan sighed softly, 'I remember eating dinner and then Rarity brought out that bottle of wine Gustav sent from his private label and somehow she got me to have a glass and then we all did and we got the giggles.'

'Oh yeah. That was pretty funny seeing Tavi cracking up like that.'

Ryan laughed softly, even more so when he felt movement as the ponies shifted because of it, 'Yeah...and then we had...what did we do after that? I feel like it was important...like it caused off a chain of events that got more and more ridiculous. What was it...I don't even remember when Vinyl and Tavi left...'

Feeling a muzzle nudge his hand he figured it didn't matter as he reached up and began scratching whomever's ears these were. He gave a short laugh as he felt a tail swish over his face in response and deduced that said pony was quite pleased...until he heard her speak.

"Oh yeah, scratch out those beats Vinyl..."

Ryan immediately halted his scratching before opening his eyes and seeing grey fur as well as a certain cutie mark staring him in the face.

'...I think it's safe to say Vinyl and Tavi did not leave last night.'

"Ya think..." Ryan began to panic slightly, "Well, as the notes told the musician, we're in Treble now!"

"Mmmm, why'd you stop?" Octavia whined before shifting a bit, "...wait...this isn't our hotel room."

Twisting about Octavia glanced about the room before meeting eyes with Ryan as the two just stared at one another in the room that was dimly lit by the rising sunlight.

"Oh no...Ah remember now. The thing that escalated it all..."

Octavia sighed before shaking her head, "...so that whole escapade involving Spin the Bottle did happen. Oh, please tell me all we did was snuggle with everyone after the...intense jealous fueled kissing spree?"

'Well, seeing as the others are still super passed out, allow me to fill you in on what happened since I seem to be the only one that remembers clearly.'

As Dark began, Ryan's memories started to flood back as he remembered the fateful moment after they had all finished dinner that Dashie suggested Spin the Bottle. Octavia was a bit against it, obviously, but enough pestering by Vinyl got her to agree and eventually everypony there was behind the idea. It started out innocently enough, with Ryan getting the first go being the human and all, as he spun and landed on AppleJack. Then it was Pinkie's turn and she seemed a bit too happy to land on Twilight before tackling her to the ground. Dark had found the whole thing hilarious, particularly how red she had turned. And so on and so forth it went, things working out smooth enough until it came to Octavia's turn...and as fate would have it she landed on Ryan. Both of them were a bit flustered but "rules were rules" as Twilight drunkenly quipped so the two quickly kissed before backing off and laughing nervously. Of course, Vinyl wasn't laughing and glared at this, "...nopony kisses her but me you hussy! See how you like it!"

Before Ryan could even utter a "what?" she grabbed AppleJack and kissed her before smirking devilishly; of course, while Ryan was stunned Dark was more than able to make a comment, 'That was hot!'

At this point both in Dark's retelling, the two of them were well aware what happened after that as Octavia tried to bury her head in the sheets, "Oh it's all coming back now...after that it was a kiss free-for-all and then it got really heated and....I guess somehow all of us ended up in the bedroom before passing out."

'Of that I can confirm. Though there was much kissing, you all were a bit tipsy and succumbed to the warmth of being around each other pretty quickly. All in all it was amusing as hell watching Ryan's reactions as y'all went at it.' Dark chuckled softly, 'And hot too, did I mention it was hot?'

"...yes." Ryan groaned, "That would explain why I taste the remnants of apples, grapes, and pony fur..."


'Heh, oh Tavi, I never said the kissing was just on the mouth.'

Further mortified at the situation Vinyl had dragged her into, Octavia sighed before rolling over...and landing on top of Vinyl.

"Ugh...Tavi...not so rough. I know it was Hearts and Hooves Day but come on, ya gotta treat a lady as delicate as me more carefully..."

Octavia rolled her eyes before nudging her again, "Wake up Vinyl, you've gotten us into another situation that must be kept secret."

"Hmmm?" Vinyl opened her eyes, "Hey there sexy...wait...this isn't our hotel room."

"Yeah, we've been through that." Ryan laughed as they made eye-contact, "So...perhaps we should wake everypony else up. As pleasant as it is being surrounded by such beauty, I am getting a bit too warm...and I really need to use the bathroom."

After Octavia practically shoved Vinyl off the bed before moving herself, Ryan had only to carefully slip out of Lyra's grasp before landing none too gracefully on the floor. Steadying himself so he could walk despite his head hurting he finally made it to the bathroom to much relief.

"Of all the things that are similar in our worlds, thank God indoor plumbing is one of them!"

"I reckon Ah've heard that one before, sugah."

Ryan gasped as he looked over his shoulder to see Apps staring at him with the cheekiest grin ever, "A-Apps! How long have ya been standing there?"

"Hee, long enough Ry...besides, ya were taking too long. Yer not the only one that's gotta go ya know?"

"Guh...Ah'll grant ya that but...it's just a bit odd ya were just standing there while Ah was, ya know..."

AppleJack merely giggled at how flustered he was acting before brushing against him, "Ah don't know why yer getting so bent out of shape...we have showered together so it's not like Ah haven't seen yer goods before."

"....." Ryan's face was bright red at this point from the teasing as he coughed before bopping Apps on the nose, "Yer a brat..."

"Ah might be a brat...but yer the one all flustered over a simple thing like this Apple Ryder. Such a shy guy you are..."

'My my, she's certainly cheeky this morning, eh Ryan?'

"...shut up Dark. Ah can't help it if Ah'm just so delightfully in love with mah mares." Ryan smirked a bit before leaning down and nipping AppleJack's ear, "Although..."

"Eeep..." AppleJack squeaked, not expecting such an assault, "R-Ry-Ry..."

"Just remember this...." Ryan whispered softly, "Ah do love all of you, but Ah only get this flustered by you because you were first and in mah heart you'll always be best pone."

AppleJack's cheeks flushed bright red as her tail swished back and forth rapidly drawing quite a laugh from Ryan as he made his way out of the bathroom.

"Ah'm gonna go wake the others so we can start getting packed." Ryan looked about for his jeans before finding them and pulling them on...or trying to, as a certain unicorn was trying to take them for her own, "...T-Sparks..."

Twilight laughed softly before relinquishing her hold on them, "Sorry, sorry...I suppose I just feel playful this morning after such a relaxing night. Though it got a bit out of hoof in the end."

'I'll say!'

"...again, shut up Dark." Ryan rubbed his temples before shaking the others still sleeping awake and then shuffling into the kitchen for some breakfast, "It just doesn't make any sense..."

"And what's that big guy?" Rainbow yawned as she flapped over towards him, "Mmm...what's for breakfast anyway?"

"Just some simple oatmeal, I used all the eggs left yesterday for those pancakes." Ryan smiled before scratching her messy mane, "And what doesn't make sense is that despite falling asleep in the most relaxing place Ah can think of, I feel like Ah need another nap just to recover from that one. Haha."

"...I can sympathize." Octavia sighed before shaking her head, "But I do suppose this is what I signed up for when I began dating a DJ."

"Tavi baby, when you say that it makes me sound like some kind of delinquent troublemaker." Vinyl frowned, "...besides, you're the one that kissed Ryan to begin with."

"Because of a game you begged me to join in on!"

Vinyl smirked, "Well, yeah, but only because it was totally fun! Not as crazy as on Rainbow's birthday when we all had those Spectrum shots though."

'Well, I'm not sure anything could top that Pon3 for the simple fact that I do believe that night was the beginning of Ryan's journey down the harem route he has found himself on.'

Ryan, who was currently eating his oatmeal, set his spoon down before glancing up in an attempt to look at Dark, "...must you always say things in an attempt to instigate some response from me?"

'Well, yeah.' Dark laughed, 'Otherwise, what fun is there in life?'

After that, the morning went smooth enough with everypony getting packed up and Ryan's herd bidding farewell to Tavi and Vinyl as they bordered the Friendship Express back to Ponyville. Thankfully it was a quiet ride and Ryan was able to get the extra sleep he had needed as they traveled down the tracks without much issue. As it was he was surprised to see Luna hopping into his dream during such, but it became rather apparent just why she was there.

"I am sorry my Darkness, I feel completely awful to have forgotten to see you on such a day."

Ryan, sensing the two of them needed some alone time, laughed softly before heading off to another part of his dream leaving Dark and Luna alone in the moment.

"Heh, oh my sweet Woona, you know you shouldn't worry about such a thing. You are a Princess of Equestria after all...that makes yer life a bit busier than most." Dark grinned as he ran a hand through her starry mane.

Luna hummed softly at the attention before shaking her head, "This may be true, but even I should not forget to at least wish my beloved a happy Hearts and Hooves Day. Judging by the smile on his face, and the fact you're sleeping in the middle of the day, I can safely assume all went well on the little romantic get together that was planned."

"To the tee...more or less. It got a bit crazy like always, but everypone there seemed pretty happy." Dark sat down before patting his lap, smiling when Luna sat down and lay her head there, "So then, did you get my gift?"

Luna playfully nudged his stomach before smiling, "Yes. I'm not sure how you found someone that knew of them, but the Lunar Flowers were beautiful. And, of course, the heart-shaped treat was very nice as well...though sister seemed to enjoy hers a bit too much."

Dark laughed loudly at that one before scratching her ears, "Well, you know Tia. That's one mare that loves cake in any form. Ah'm glad to hear you enjoyed it though...I owe Ry quite a bit for helping out with that."

Luna smirked before scooting up and rolling around in his lap, her magic guiding his hand to her tummy. Dark, being quick on the uptake, began giving her tummy a rub much to her delight, "I swear Woona, you are such a silly pony sometimes."

"Perhaps...but you have no idea how good those hands feel." Luna smirked, sticking her tongue out at him, "Or maybe you do, given the fun we would get up to when I perfected my human form."

Dark coughed softly, his cheeks turning slightly red as he shook his head, "Like I said, a silly pony. So, not to break the nice mood but has anything happened since we were gone?"

Luna shook her head, "Not particularly. Just the boring old paperwork that comes with ruling a kingdom. There are some rumors, but I wouldn't wish to bother you or the others with them until we find out more solid information."

"Rumors, huh?" Dark nodded before leaning down and kissing her, "Well, just remember, if ya ever need our help, we'll come running."

"Ever my knight, even after all these years." Luna bit her bottom lip before staring into his eyes, "Darkness?"

"Yes my love?"


"For wha—oh sweet Woona!" Dark gasped as she sprung forward and tackled him to the ground, "Oh dear...I know that look...well, seeing as Ryan did give us privacy I don't see any harm in taking advantage of it."

Kissing him hard, Luna giggled softly as she nuzzled his cheek, "Now that's the Darkness I know and love."

Meanwhile, back in the world of those not sleeping, the others regarded Ryan's sleeping form curiously as he seemed to be blushing and sweating slightly.

"I do hope he's not having another nightmare."

"I doubt it's that Rarity, he's smiling too much for it to be something like that." Twilight twitched her nose in thought, "Huh...I don't know what he could be dreaming."

"Oh Twi, isn't it obvious?" Pinkie giggled, "Our human might be dreaming, but that also means Dark is dreaming."

"And? Ah don't rightly understand what that has to do with this Pinkie."

"Oh it's simple AppleJack. It's like this: Ryan got to be with his ladies—i.e. us—but Dark didn't get to be with his lady." Pinkie pulled up some crude crayon drawings to illustrate, "And so that leaves those two rather sad, but since they're dreaming and not much is going on with the plot right now, I think it's safe to say that Darkness and Princess Luna are making the most of it. When Ry wakes up, just ask him!"

About an hour or so later, Ryan gave a mighty yawn before stretching and smiling...and then seeing quite a few ponies rather close to his face, "Uhm...yes? Can Ah help y'all?"

"So Ryan, did Dark and his lady have fun?"

"What?! What kind of question is that to ask just as Ah wake up, Pinks?"

"Why it's simple Rysy-Wysy, I just wanted to know if they got to have their special romantic time too since we got to be with you."

Laughing at how simple Pinkie made it all seem, he gave a short nod before smiling, "Needless to say ladies, he was certainly making up for the last thousand years that's fer sure."

And so a rather mundane time settled back in for everypony, though needless to say once Ryan had at last finalized the plans for their new home and announced it to his herd things got a bit heated...but mostly in a good way. While they were surprised, even more so that he managed to do all this behind their backs, he found they were rather touched at the attention to detail he'd put into making sure they'd all be happy. Before too long, they broke ground on it and work began on its construction. It was a calm, pleasant day about two weeks later that Ryan found himself hurrying to the Schoolhouse to deliver AppleBloom's lunch...that she forgot. Again. For the third time that week.

"Ah swear, if that little filly put as much energy into her Crusading as she did everything else then maybe she wouldn't be so forgetful." He huffed, before finally reaching the school to see the little fillies and colts already eating their lunch, "...save for one."

"Oh, Mr. Ryan!"

"Heh, Ah told ya Cheerilee, it's just Ryan." He laughed softly, "Lil sis—"

"Forgot her lunch again?" She giggled at his nodding, "She's certainly lucky to have a dependable big bro to save the day."

"Well, I suppose. Of course, it helps that with it being winter still the farm's got a bit less work needing done around it so free time's a bit higher." Ryan handed the lunch to the hungry looking AppleBloom, "Here ya go lil sis. Don't forget it again please."

"Ah won't big bro! This time I promise!" AppleBloom nodded, hugging his leg before joining her friends for lunch.

Running a hand through his hair, he smiled before bidding Cheerilee goodbye and heading back through town. Dark was being unusually quiet about things and that set off a few alarms in Ryan's head, "Dark...is everything alright?"

Shutting off the alarms, Dark did the mental equivalent of a shrug, '...I don't know why, but I have the strangest feeling we're being followed.'

"What? Really? Who would bother stalking us?" Ryan paused for a moment, "Okay, other than Lyra...but she's with our group now so that's not an issue."

'Look, all I know is I'm getting that odd feeling...though I don't sense any danger from whoever this is.'

"Hmmm...well, no worries then. As it is we need to go check on how construction is coming. They're doing surprisingly fast work on it, at least faster work than I expected based on how long it takes to build a house like that back...on...my....Earth."

'Ryan? What's wrong?' Dark was a bit puzzled as to why he slowed his talking, 'Did something happen?'

"...Ah...my eyes must be messin' with me. Ah swore Ah just saw the fluffiest, pinkest looking pony ever out of the corner of my eye." Ryan whirled quickly to glance in the direction he thought he saw said pony but only saw a snow fort, "Weird...it must just be the stress of getting the house built, that's all."

'...if you say so.'

However, as they walked on, a fluffy pony did indeed show itself from within the snowfort as it slowly wiggled through the narrow window before staring wide-eyed at Ryan and making a noise with its mouth. Said noise seemed to give it propulsion as it cut through the snow to follow him along to the farm.

"It's looking good guys! It'll be a home in no time at all." Ryan turned to the pony in charge of construction and gave him a thumbs-up, "Yer crew is top notch Wrecking Machine."

"Heh, we do take pride on our work. Besides, building something for you? I think the Princesses would be pretty upset if we screwed up something their precious human is paying us to build."

'Everytime with that joke Wrecking...it's not our fault Woona and Tia are sweet on us.'

Wrecking gave a laugh before nudging Ryan's shoulder, "Oh Dark, you know it's just fun to rile you guys up. Anyway, even though it's hard trying to get all the styles to mesh material wise I think we might just pull it off. Another month or so and you'll have plenty of room for yourself...and those lucky ladies."

"Gah!" Ryan rolled his eyes and tried not to blush, "Sheesh...haha. Well then I..."

Wrecking seemed confused as to why he cut his sentence short, "Ryan? It wasn't something I said was it because I'm just jok—"

"No, no." Ryan quickly cut him off, "It's not that. Dark noted we were being followed earlier and I think I just saw by who. If you'll excuse us."

Poking around the tree, the fluffy pony was confused to see Ryan no longer standing where he was. Nose scrunching up in thought, said pony blinked and suddenly saw herself standing face to face with Ryan...mainly because he picked her up to do such, "So then little one, you're the mysterious stalker are you?"


"Ah...did you just....blow a raspberry at me?"

"Pblt, pblt!"

"Huh...wait...how the hell do I even know what yer saying when that's all you're doing?"


"Really? Huh...Ah suppose that makes sense otherwise how would you communicate?"

Watching her move about, Ryan was surprised to see her produce a card for him to take; raising an eyebrow he read what was written on it, "Hmmm...'As you can see I write the language we talk perfectly well. Unfortunately, for reasons I have yet to deduce myself, I can only speak in the strange "raspberries" as you call them. Thankfully the magic of our world seems capable of translating for me so that I can still talk to those around me.' Huh...how did you even write this so quickly?"

"Pbbbblt, pblt!"

"Oh. Okay, that makes sense then to be prepared once you make contact with someone...or somepony. But...how did you know I'd call them raspberries?"


Ryan stared at this strange, fluffy pony hard for a few moments, "You just...knew? Okay, but why come up to me? Wouldn't you prefer a pony be your first contact? And for that matter, where are you from anyway? Are you new to Ponyville?"

"Pbblt, pblt...pblt, pblt! Pblllllt."

"So...I reminded you of someone you knew? And so you hoped I'd be helpful like him...but hopefully less of a jerk." Ryan frowned, giving her a hug, "Sorry but I figured you needed one."

'But...you are but aren't new to Ponyville? That makes no sense.'

The fluffy pony's eyes widened before pawing at Ryan, "Pblt?"

'Oh, sorry. My name is Darkness Shade. I was a human once but now I'm just a soul inhabiting Ryan's body.'

"Pblt? Pblt."

'Heh, yeah, it's weird but at least I got to see my love again thanks to it.'

"Okay, well...while I still don't quite get what yer saying about being new but not, you clearly need help so Ah'm willing to assist. So, perhaps we should find you somewhere to stay first, how about—"


Ryan leapt straight up into the tree at Pinkie suddenly bursting forth from the other pony's fur, "Pinks! You damn near gave me a heart attack!"

"Oh! I'm sorry Rysy-Wysy, but I just wanted to make sure you got the invite to the awesome celebration I'm throwing!"

"Celebration? For what?" Ryan looked left and right before lifting the fluffy pony up and setting her on his head, "Ah mean, we already celebrated breaking ground on the house...and then celebrating the celebration of breaking ground."

"Oh you sweet, silly human of ours. Don't you know what this is?! It's only something super awesome that I'm so happy is happening!"

"And...what is that?"

"Come on Rysy! It's only the amazing Twentieth Chapter! And that's a pretty big deal too considering how big these things tend to be." Pinkie shoved a piece of paper in Ryan's face that the fluffy pony took in her mouth, "So you and Fluffle Puff better show up! See ya then!"

Quickly smooching Ryan in an exaggerated manner, Pinkie ran off back to town to no doubt give the others their invites...or prepare the party. Either one was probably a good guess.

"So, yer name's Fluffle Puff huh? Seems fitting." Ryan chuckled as he took the invite from her so she could speak, "...you seem confused."

"Pblt. Pbbbbblt. Pblt, pblt? Pbllllt?"

"As for what she was saying about the twentieth chapter, don't worry about it. Those that know know, and those that don't needn't worry. And for the second question, yes, she is one of my marefriends."


"Hahaha, it's a complicated story but Ah'll fill ya in if'n ya wish to hear it."

Hearing a very cute gasp from her and looking to see her excited face leaning over his head, he laughed before making his way towards town.

"Okay, so...where to start. How about just after I got here and first started dating Apps. So after about a month of trying to get settled..."

Pinkie was looking left and right, hopping about as those in her herd—and any pony that would listen and take an invite—were arriving for the party. And yet, the one person she was waiting for still wasn't there.

"Oh, he's always on time for anything! Including Pinkie Pie Parties!"

"Sugarcube, ya gotta just be patient. Ya said he was with that new fluffy pony, right?"

"Uh-huh! Fluffle Puff was getting to know him so she wouldn't feel so lonely in town since she just showed up!"

"Well then there you go, darling. Obviously our gentleman is helping her get adjusted so she doesn't feel so scared." Rarity smirked, "Such good qualities he has...hmmmm..."

"What's the matter, Rares?"

"Do you hear that odd sound, AppleJack?" Rarity looked around for the source of the sound and frowned, "It almost sounds like someone stepping on one of Pinkie's whoopie cushions."

Sure enough, straining their ears, they could hear a 'Pblt' sound getting louder and louder making them wonder if something was coming towards them.

"Oh girls, don't you understand her singing? It's beautiful...and about our human too! Look!" Pinkie pointed up in the air, "Up in the sky!"

"It's a bird!"

"It's a potato!"

"...Snips, potatoes don't fly."

"Mine do! Right, Snails?"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh!"

"You guys...." Twilight huffed, "It's clearly a pink, fluffy pony riding on our human's back...actually, it almost appears as if she's surfing on him. Pinkie...did you feed us those special cupcakes again when we weren't looking?"

"Oh Twilight, you know I only brings those out when I really wanna party!"

With that Ryan came in for a landing, Fluffle holding on tight as he touched down and let her hop off. Winking at his mares, he laughed softly, "Sorry to be tardy to the party but Ah was getting a bit of help from our new friend here creating a delicious treat!"

Pinkie looked at the dish Ryan was holding and her grinned widened immensely, "Oh my gosh! You made something sweet for us?! That's awesome! What d'ya make?!"

"Hahaha...oh nothing special." Ryan followed the others inside where the party was going, noting Pinkie hopping around him in circles, "It's something mah mom used to make: they call it an icebox cake."


"It's simple enough: layers of graham crackers, whipped cream, strawberries, and then the whole thing is covered in milk chocolate and then chilled for a few hours." Ryan heard Fluffle add a 'Pbblt', "Heh, yes, yes. Or, as Fluffle so pointed out, quick chilled with a burst of magic."

Pinkie, however, heard none of that after the word chocolate left Ryan's mouth as she stared wide-eyed at the odd looking cake before her.

"Okay, so...since Pinkie wouldn't give me a straight answer maybe you will Ryan." Rainbow Dash hovered over to him, "What exactly are we celebrating? All she keeps saying is "Twenty" this and "Twentieth" that. It's driving me crazy Rys!"

Ryan took one look at Dashie—and the rest of his herd that seemed equally confused—before shooting them a grin and laughing, "Hey, it's just Pinks being Pinks. Besides, a little self-referential humor never hurt anyone! Now let's PARTY!"

"....ugh. Too much party...milestones hurt."

Ryan groaned, rolling about while clutching his stomach, "And why is there pony butt in my face again?"

"...because that's where Fluffle decided to crash after her sugar high. Don't you remember?" Pinkie giggled, "She was 'Pblt'ing all over the place."

"Oh...okay..." Ryan grumbled, grabbing Fluffle and rolling over a bit to use her like a pillow, "Soft...."

"...is this perhaps a bad time?"

Ryan's eyes shot wide open at that voice before glancing at the doorway and seeing none other than, "Cellie! Lunes! Ah...uh...wait...I'm just having a sugar dream after crashing aren't I? Yer not really there...this isn't real."

"Not real, eh?" Celestia chuckled softly as she walked over to him, "Well then, you won't mind if I do this then."

"Huh?" Ryan gasped as Cellie smacked his butt, "The hell, Cellie?"

Celestia smirked, putting a hoof to her face, "Oh, I'm sorry...are you mad?"

'...okay, I think it's safe to say we're awake.'

"Clearly. Though my sister seems to still revel in pulling royal rank and testing any plot she pleases to." Luna sighed, "I assure you both we're here on important business, but we wanted to make sure you could come to Canterlot rather than just teleport you there without warning."

Patting Fluffle on the head and watching her little legs kick in response, Ryan smiled before standing up and stretching, "Okay...lemme grab the herd and then we can get going."

"While that would normally be the correct thinking, we only require you and Twilight Sparkle."

"...just me and T-Sparks?" Ryan narrowed his eyes, "Ladies...what's going on?"

"There is something we must discuss with you two alone." Luna lowered her head, "I can only hope that it is not as bad as we think."

At that Ryan was suddenly fully back to normal, "...something terrible is going to happen, isn't it?"

"I do not wish to think so, but we must be prepared just in case. You two are vital to what is happening, hence why we wish to speak to you two alone." Celesta seemed uneasy, something Dark picked up on right away.

'Tia...Woona...what are you hiding from us?'

"Please Darkness, go collect Twilight Sparkle and then we shall talk in Canterlot."

Figuring that was that, Ryan eventually found Twilight asleep on top of AppleJack and Rarity before nudging her and getting no response. Nudging her once more, he smirked mischievously before scooping her up, "Kidnapping you!"

"...mmm..." AppleJack mumbled in her sleep before rolling over at the lack of warmth her absence produced, "...apples..."

"Huh....what?!" Twilight gasped, terribly confused as Ryan picked her up and ran back to Celestia and Luna.


Giggling at her student's confused face, Celestia nodded and teleported the four of them away before anypony was the wiser.

In no time at all, the four of them were standing in the throne room where Twilight was still trying to figure out just what the heck was going on.

"Where....Princess?" Twilight yawned as Ryan sat her down, "What's going on?"

"Something of the utmost importance...and despite what my sister says I still think I should go as well."

"Luna, this is a test for Twilight and her friends alone."

Luna, seeming to begrudgingly accept her words, nodded before leaving Cellie alone with the two of them.

'Tia...what's going on?'

"The Crystal Empire has returned."

Twilight seemed puzzled and a bit frazzled at this information, "I've never heard of such a place in any books I've read."

'...I've heard of it.'


'The Crystal Empire...in the frozen North. A kingdom of Crystal Ponies. A marvelous place. Heh, a real gem.'

"Yes, Darkness is correct." Celestia focused her magic on a pink crystal that she levitated over, "Observe."

Ryan and Twilight stepped back as her magic spread from the crystal to form a magical model of the Crystal Kingdom. Ryan had to admit that it looked pretty impressive, very flashy.

'Heh, oh yeah. Flashy as can be...but good ponies. But...I don't understand Tia. What do you mean by returned'?

Celestia lowered her head before sighing, "After...after we defeated Discord and lost you and all the humans in our world but before my sister became Nightmare Moon, he appeared and took over the Crystal Empire."

Dark suddenly felt very ill at such news, though he wasn't sure why, '...who is he, Tia? Who took it over?'

"The evil King Sombra corrupted it with his dark magic and enslaved all the Crystal Ponies there. It was only through the combined might of my sister and myself as well as the Elements that we were able to seal him away in the frozen cold." Celestia seemed to be holding back something as she looked off into the distance, "Unfortunately, with his last breath, he cursed the Empire to disappear."


"Dark? You okay, partner?"

'...yeah, Ryan, I'm okay. Anyway, continue Tia.'

Celestia nodded before casting magic on the model of the Crystal Empire, "Legends say that if the kingdom is filled with hope and love, Equestria will prosper. However..."

"However?" Ryan and Twilight asked, eyeing her oddly as she wielded some very evil looking magic.

"However...if hatred and fear take hold."

Ryan gasped as the model turned dark as night and strange, dark crystals formed around the two of them.


Celestia and Twilight both turned to Ryan at Dark's outburst, puzzled by what was bothering him.

'No. No....no, no. Tia...please...please tell me I'm wrong. Please, for the love of Solaris, tell me that what I'm about to say is completely, utterly, absolutely wrong!'

"Darkness? What has come over you?"

'Tia...please, please...' At this point Dark voice was watery sounding, almost as if he was trying to hold back some kind of emotional strain, 'You said this guy was King Sombra...that he took over the Crystal Kingdom...please, tell me you don't mean Sombrero.'

Celestia looked towards Dark before looking away and lowering her head.

'...no. Please Tia, not another friend lost....lost because I wasn't there...because I wasn't strong enough.'

"I am sorry my friend, but King Sombra is indeed Sombra the Refractor..."

'...no. I...Sombrero, why? What happened?'

"We were never sure...and it pained us to do so to yet another we once called friend, but for the world we loved we had to put him away." Celestia willed away the magical model before turning to Twilight, "That is why I am sending you and your friends there to help Princess Cadance and Shining Armor."

"My brother? And sister-in-law?" Twilight, though still worried about Dark's renewed sorrows, was surprised to hear those two names, "Are they...?"

"Yes. I sent them there when we heard return of the Empire...and to protect them in case he returned."

Ryan clenched his fist before steadying his nerves at such high stakes, if so only for Dark's sake, "Well then...what the hell are we waiting for? Let's gather the gals and go help them!"

"Heh, eager as always. You never cease to surprise me, my little human." Celestia smiled softly before turning to Twilight, "My dear student, there is one thing I must tell you though: You, and you alone, must ultimately be the one to protect the Empire."

"M-me? But...I don't know if I'm ready and..." Twilight began to hem and haw before she felt Ryan's hand running through her mane, "Hmmm?"

"Come on T-Sparks, yer not gonna get all crazy again like that are ya? If anypony can pass a test like this it's you. Now come on...we need to get our herd together and go save some ponies!"

One quick poof back to Ponyville—and a quick explanation and arrangements later—our intrepid group of heroes were on a train bound for the Frozen North with various thoughts running through their heads.

"So yer brother and his wife are trying to protect this place? Do we even know if this...Somber fellah is back?"

'It's Sombra....and call it a gut feeling, AppleJack, but I have a feeling my old friend will be there waiting for us.'

"Darky-Warky? You've been really quiet ever since that explanation you gave us before we rushed on to the train." Pinkie hopped on Ryan's lap before nuzzling his head, "Come on...I hate seeing my partner in silly ideas so bummed out."

'...I'm sorry Pink Pone....but...when will it stop? Why does it seem as if every time things level out, something else from the past shows up to show how much of a failure my death truly was?'

"Now Dark, I might not know as much about all of this as you do...but you can't beat yourself up over what happened." Lyra frowned slightly before offering her brightest smile, "Getting caught up in what if's will just drive you mad."

'...I know that Lyrs, but...Cordy...Woona...and now Sombrero. That's three lives of people close to me that may have not been so radically altered had I survived somehow.' Dark sighed softly, 'And then all my fellow humans that were lost too...'

"Dark...." Ryan shook his head, "He's gone into quiet mode now ladies...Ah don't know how he does it, but apparently there is a way he can find a part of mah mind where he's isolated when he needs to think. As much as I do worry about him, we need to focus on what might lay ahead while we can."

"Right!" Twilight nodded, "As far as we know, these ponies may not remember a thing about when they disappeared. The Princess stated the effects of Sombra's curse were completely unknown so we have to be prepared to deal with all possibilities."

"Oh to see such radiant ponies..." Rarity sighed wistfully before noting the others staring at her, "What? Oh please, do you really think I'm so absorbed in such things that I don't realize the trouble that could be brewing. I may be a fashionista, darlings, but I'm not stupid."

"I don't think anypony here was stating that, Rarity." Spike teased.

"Quite! Besides, there's always after we save the day to bask in their splendor."

At that the others just face-palmed/face-hoofed before settling in and readying themselves for the remainder of their journey. As the train finally pulled to a stop outside the station, it was clear the Frozen North earned its name as the wind howled and flung snow all about which made seeing any distance in front of them nearly impossible.

"And this is why Ah always have this jacket with me." Ryan smirked, striking a pose, "It's fashionable and deliciously warm!"

"As well as these perfectly matching scarves." Rarity giggled, "And you thought me silly packing all this. Not so silly now since it'll help keep you nice and toasty."

"...is it like this when I gloat?" Rainbow huffed, "Sheesh...if so, maybe I need to be reel myself in a bit more."

Ryan looked around as his herd made small talk and something just felt weird about this cold...especially the chills it was sending up and down his spine.


'...yeah Dark?'

'Are we prepared to try that which we thought of?'

'If it might help you out buddy, Ah'll give ya all Ah can offer.'

'...thank you. It's...it's nice to know you'll always have my back.'

'Heh, come on dude. You've saved mah ass plenty of times. Yer mah friend...pretty much like a brother at this point.'

'A brother huh? Heh. Thanks. Say...wasn't Shiny supposed to show up to meet us?'

"Ya know, that's a good point, where is Shiny at?"

"Guys! You made it!"

'Oh, there he is! Yo!'

"Heh, hello to you too Dark." Shining Armor chuckled, lifting up his goggles, "Thank goodness you got here in one piece but we need to hurry. It's not safe out here!"

"Not safe?" Twilight frowned, "What do you mean, brother?"

"What he means is ME!"

"What the buck?" Rainbow gasped, seeing a giant black cloud of smoke forming behind them, "What the hell is that thing?!"

"Trouble! Run everypony!"

With that everyone took off as fast as they could behind Shining....that is, everyone except for a certain human being that stared him down before uttering one thing, "Soul Cross!"


"Keep running; I'll help him buy you time but just keep going straight till you hit the empire!" Shining practically barked out before turning back in Ryan's direction, "What in dear Celestia's name could he be thinking?"


The great cloud of black smoke paused at this declaration before a face began to form from within it. Soon a red horn and glowing green eyes were visible along with a muzzle filled with pointed teeth. Dark gulped slightly as the eyes focused on him before he heard very jumbled words come forth, "....human...? How....? Wait? Sombrero? ...ugh...D-Darkness?"

"Yes! It is me my friend!"

"But...no...how....you're...you died...all humans gone because...Discord....so...no...no...NO! Not another trick!"

Dark growled and shook his head, "This is no trick, Sombrero! It is me! I know it seems hard to believe, but trust me!"

Sombra, however, was no longer willing to listen as he roared and shot a blast of magic towards Dark. A blast which he quickly dodged and frowned upon seeing the black crystals shooting up where it had hit, "...Sombrero."

"Ryan! Dark!" Shining shouted, blasting at Sombra before smirking, "Always getting into trouble, aren't you?"

"Hey!" Dark chuckled, "It's the human way! Although...that blast just seemed to piss him off more than anything. Might I suggest a tactical maneuver?"

"Oh yeah! Running away really fast is the best plan right now!" Shining nervously laughed as the two of them booked it, Sombra hot on their heels, "...damn, we're not gonna make it!"

Dark wasn't sure when, he just knew that one moment Shining was next to him, the next he wasn't. Skidding and turning in the snow covered ground, he could see Shining clashing with Sombra, "Shiny!"

"Huff, huff....we made it!" Lyra groaned, "Is it always like this with you guys? Wait...where's our human?"

"And my brother! Oh, I hope they didn't do something stupid again! I'll be so angry if they did!" Twilight groaned before hearing a noise, "Huh? What's that noise?"

"Oh God get out of OUR WAY!" Ryan shouted as he came in too hot, flying through the shield and crashing into the ground, "...ow...dammit Dark."

'Sorry! How was I supposed to know it was gonna wear off while in flight? Look on the bright side! We're not dead!'

"No, you couldn't have known..." Shining groaned before looking at his horn, covered in black crystals, "But...ugh! I can't use my magic. This is no good. Come on...we better go check on Cadance."

Having made their way to the castle smack-dab in the middle of the Empire, the group of ponies plus one human soon came upon Cadance sitting in the throne room. While she offered them as bright as smile as she could at seeing them okay, it was apparent to everypone there Cadance was very tired.

"...you've been keeping that shield up by yerself haven't you, Cadance?"

"Heh, yes Ryan; Sombra is strong, strong enough to defeat even Shining's strongest shields. And yet, by channeling the magic of love through the kingdom I've been able to keep him out. Though after four days straight....ugh."


"Haha, I'm okay my love." Cadance panted in Shining's arms, "I have to protect those here after all...but I'm glad that help has arrived."

"We'll do anything we can to help out." Twilight nodded before hearing loud thunder and jumping, "What was that?"

'...Sombrero...I assume that's his attempts to bust through, isn't it?'

Cadance slowly nodded, "That's why I haven't slept in so long...if I let the spell falter for even a split second he'll no doubt overtake us all."

"Well then what are we waitin' for? Shouldn't we be finding out something that'll help everypony out?"

"Ah'm with Apps, there's got to be some kind of information that'll help. I mean, it's not like all the ponies here are going to have some kind of collective amnesia or something right?"

"Well, I suppose if we're going to do anything, we should get a move on it." Spike glanced out the window to see the shield ripple again, "That Sombra guy seems pretty angry after whatever you three did to piss him off."


"Dark, I..."

'No, it's okay Spike. While he looks like my old friend, he's certainly not acting like him at this point. Hmmm, we need to find some information out...as I recall there was an artifact of high importance to the Crystal Empire. It's been a long time so I don't recall what it is exactly, but odds are it must be hidden somewhere.'

"So then what are we waiting for?" Rainbow huffed before pounding her hooves together, "We need to hit the beat hard and go find some clues!"

"Right." With that Ryan watched his herd nod before heading off into the streets, "...Cadance, Shiny, just hold on a bit. We'll figure something out...and maybe in a way that'll work for everyone."

As Ryan ran off to join the others, Cadance seemed a bit confused, "...what was that supposed to mean?"

"Well how was Ah supposed to know that they apparently would have some kind of collective amnesia thing going on?" Ryan groaned, rolling his eyes at Rainbow Dash's words, "Ah was just making a joke...not like Ah expected it to be true! We should be glad they still remembered what humans were so we didn't have to deal with that nonsense..."

"Oh...oh dear...oh...oh my...don't fight you two. It's not anypony's fault." Fluttershy fidgeted, unsure how to handle the rising tension, "Maybe...maybe the other's had some luck?"

Giving a shrug and figuring there wasn't much else they could do at this point, the three of them headed back to the castle entrance and waited a few minutes before the others met up with them. Unfortunately, they had all had about the same luck—though as Ryan could tell from their reactions, and the fact Pinkie was dressed up as Fluttershy at first, the results may have been for entirely different reasons.

"Despite all that collective amnesia nonsense, Ah did find out something useful." AppleJack motioned to their right, "One pony did say something about the local library...so Ah figure if we're to find any information, that's a good a place to look as any."

"Okay girls! We've got to go check out this lead." Twilight looked at the shield as it shuddered briefly again, "...we're running out of time. I don't know how long my sister-in-law can keep this up."

As the other six ponies gave a nod and took off, Spike paused to see Ryan staring off into the distance...in fact, it was apparently where they'd crash-landed now that he thought about it.

"Hey big guy, what's wrong?"

Ryan shook himself from his thoughts before looking over his shoulder at Spike, "It's just this whole thing with Dark and Sombra...it doesn't seem right."

"You mean that he has to fight another friend?"

"Yeah." Ryan sighed before motioning towards the library, "Come on...we should catch up to them and see what we can find. I just..."

Spike looked up at Ryan and frowned, "Just what? Wish you could save him somehow?"

"...heh...reading me like a book."

'Just knowing you'd try if there was a way is enough Ry...'

Ryan clenched his fists as a pained look made its way to his face, "...no it's not. Not after Disky...not after Chrissy."

"Hey, come on big bro; you can't worry about that right now. Let's see if we can save the Empire first, if we can protect it then maybe we can find an answer to set things right."

'Spike's right, Ryan. We need to protect these poor ponies first."

Nodding in reply, he picked up the pace as he and Spike hurried on their way.

Despite the librarian not knowing if she was the librarian, and the fact that there were so many books Ryan was afraid T-Sparks was going to lose her focus to a knowledgegasm, they eventually sorted everything down to one book that might possibly be of some help before returning to the throne room.

'The History of the Crystal Empire, eh? I remember a book like that from so long ago...we may yet find our solution.'

"Dark's right. In this book is all sorts of important things about the Empire, but right here is something I think we can use."

Rarity turned to Twilight, "Well then darling, don't leave us in the dark."

"Right! It says here that the Crystal Faire was something they held every year to renew the spirit of love and unity they had to protect the Empire. If we hold one of those, I'm sure we can help snap the Crystal Ponies out of their strange funk."

"I think that's a wonderful idea." Shining turned to Cadance and smiled as she nodded as well, "Twily, I'm leaving this in the capable hooves of your friends."

"Okay....but wait, ya only said hooves! Ah know yer such a stickler that ya usually says hands too cause of Apple Ryder."

"That's true AppleJack, but I have request to make of both him...and Spike." Shining smirked, "I trust the seven of you ladies can make do without your human and friend for a little while, yes?"

"Well, I suppose we can take care of things without our handy human about." Lyra giggled at Ryan's eye roll, "What? Don't think we're capable enough?"

Ryan smirked before lightly flicking her ear, "You've gotten so cheeky lately. Haha, I like it though."

"Hey mister!" Lyra snickered before licking his hand, "Take that!"

"Hey!" Ryan grumbled, wiping his hand off on her neck fur, "You brat! T-Sparks! Get this goober out of here so Ah can get to helping Shiny!"

"Nooooooooo~" Lyra cried as Twilight lifted her off the ground and levitated her behind them.

"It's for your own good! Rysy-Wysy has to be all serious business now! He can't do that if yer licking him like that...we all know what that does to him!"

Ryan began coughing violently before turning to both Shining and Cadance who wore the most amused smiles. Laughing nervously he tried to play it off as best he could, "Sooooo...what's this job ya got for the two heroes?"

"I don't get why he's so worried about the perimeter like this."

Ryan flipped around in mid-air to look at his younger bro flying above him, "It's because Shiny is concerned that, what with the fluctuations in the barrier happening more and more because of Cadance's weakening state, something might get through."

Spike shrugged as they cruised along, "But you saw Sombra. Even if a part of him got in, it's clear he's got a central form. So even if he managed something like that, I don't think it'd be enough to do anything."

'...maybe, but Sombrero was well-versed in crystalline magics. Even if he was my friend, we still have to act as if he wasn't and prepare for any possible tricks.'

As if on cue, the barrier faded in and out rapidly again before stabilizing itself; sensing something was off this time Ryan motioned for them to land.

"What is it Ry?" Spike looked about before back at him, "Should I put on my gauntlets?"

"No...not yet. Keep those hidden as long as you can; Ah highly doubt Sombra would expect something like that so we need all the things we can muster in our arsenal if we want to have any advantage when the fighting happens."

Spike was nodding along until that last bit as he paused before slowly looking towards him, "...sooooo, couldn't help but note you said 'when' not 'if'."

'As much faith as I have in our friends and family, Sombra is formidable if he has the abilities I remember he did. Cadance's strength is faltering. The Crystal Faire is a good idea...but something just sits wrong with me. There's something I'm not remembering or don't know...just part of all that which I still don't remember from back then.'


'Heh, it's okay little buddy. Our herd will pull through and make things right, that's what we always do!'

"Yeah! We can do it!"

Ryan simply laughed after the exchange before smiling, "You two....but yeah, we'll do fine. So then, we're just about done with our round so maybe we should—"

And that's when there was a big lapse in the shield, far longer than before, "Oh buck!"

'Ryan...he's coming!'

"You felt that too? Oh man, such creepy magic." Spike shivered, "Oh...hey look!"

"The shield...guess whatever happened to Cadance passed. Hmmm...hey, do you hear something?"

"Now that you mention it, it sounds like a whistling noise. Almost like something is falling out of the sky...."

"The sky?" Ryan looked up and gasped, "MOVE!"

Shoving Spike out of the way, Ryan barely manage to dodge a giant red object that impacted hard upon the ground. As the dust settled and the two were able to better examine it, they were rather confused as to what they were looking at.

"What...what the hell is that?"

"Ah don't know little buddy, but it looks....like a horn?"

'Guys! Get back now!'

A bit shocked at how loud and worried Dark sounded at that, Ryan grabbed Spike before dashing backwards just before the horn exploded and transformed into a dark crystal that then embedded itself into the ground.

"...wait, that looks like..."

And before he could finish that thought, he felt a strange sensation tug at him...

...and then found himself face to face with Twilight in the empty throne room.

"Uhm....what's going on?" Ryan asked, eyeing Twilight who seemed a bit nervous, "T-Sparks?"

"Soooo, something may have gone terribly, terribly wrong and we might have been missing a page of that book that had some super important info on it."

Spike shook his head, "I'm sorry...what are you going on about Twilight?"

"We announced the fair, got it all set up, things were going nice and smooth, the Crystal Ponies all looked like their old selves and actually remembered who they were...and then it happened."

'...Twily, what is this it?'

Twilight tapped her hooves together before laughing nervously, "So we kind of...possibly...might be missing the actual Crystal Heart that we need to channel the love of the ponies and help protect us."

Ryan looked at her before tapping his foot and sighing, "Which basically means we are missing it."

"Yeah! And I know the Princess said it was up to me and me alone to save them but she couldn't possibly mean I have to do it alone. Even her and Princess Luna know that alone ponies might be able to do things, but together they can do greater things."

'Which is why you poofed us here to help while no doubt the rest of our herd is outside trying to run damage control and keep the Crystal Ponies from freaking out....right?'

Twilight simply nodded her head at Dark's guess, "Yeah...ya got me Dark. By the way, I didn't take you away from anything important did I?"

"Oh, Ah guess not...if you don't count the fact that a part of Sombra apparently got through the shield and is now currently a dark crystal on the outskirts of town no doubt preparing to corrupt its way towards the town and castle." Ryan laughed before running a hand through her mane, "If we don't think on that, then no...ya didn't."

Twilight's eyes paled as she fell back on her flanks, "...oh boy, we're getting it from both ends now aren't we?"

'Huh...funny, Woona's said that before but for entirely other reasons.'

Spike and Twilight both looked at Dark before bursting out into laughter that was clearly needed to relax the moment. Twilight caught her breath before standing back up and nuzzling Ryan's side, "Thanks Dark...sometimes those terrible jokes of yours help out quite a bit."

'...who said it was a joke?'

At that the human, the mare, and the dragon there all promptly blushed before coughing and composing themselves.

"A-Anyway, apparently Sombra hid it somewhere nopony would expect to find it. And I figure if that is anywhere, it's right here in the throne room."

Spike snapped his fingers, "Of course! The last place anyone would think to look! Right under their noses"—he began looking around rapidly—"But, uhm, it doesn't seem like anything could be hidden here."

As the three continued looking on, Ryan gazed at the throne before hearing Dark speak up, '...you don't think?'

"Did you figure something out, Dark?"

'Maybe Twily...Sombrero is a bit predictable because of his expertise. I know you can do such, so replicate his magic the same way Tia did on that large crystal on the throne. Just call it...call it a hunch about an old friend.'

"What?" Spike gasped, "You figured out how to do that creepy, evil magic just from watching the Princess?"

"Uhm, well...I am a quick study." Twilight concentrated intensely as she stared at the crystal.

Ryan and Spike watched as her eyes glowed and the strange purple flames began flickering around her eyes before she unleashed a blast of dark magic. Hitting it's mark, the throne room began to change and distort until it seemed to resemble something more along the lines of how it would have appeared during Sombra's rule. For a moment it seemed as if nothing would happen, and then the floor began to shimmer before disappearing to reveal a spiral staircase descending deeper than they could see.

"Looks like your hunch was on the mark Dark."

'...forgive me if I'm not too thrilled given why I was right.' Dark sighed, 'Sorry Twily, just...'

"No, I understand. I can't imagine how hard this must be on you. If any of my friends...my herdmates ended up like that..." She smiled as she felt Ryan's hand on her shoulder, "We'll try and make things right somehow."

'That would be nice...but at the very least let's protect those we care about and the Crystal Empire as well. Come on, let's head on down. I'm not sure how long with have with that crystal out there now...' Dark felt the barrier fizzle briefly again, 'Damn...nor do I know how long Cadance can continue to hold out. We need to hurry.'

Having at last made it to the bottom of the stairwell, they were puzzled by the fact it ended in a circular room with no way out save for the stairs they just came out of.

"You don't think that..." Twilight mumbled before firing up the same dark magic again and flaring it at the walls.

"...that's still creepy how easily you learned that hon." Ryan seemed a bit shaken before he saw something appearing, "...a door?"

Walking over to open it, he was a bit annoyed as it "ran" along the wall away from him. In fact, in a hilarious looking montage of events, no matter how fast/sneaky/tricky he was in trying to reach the door and open it the darn thing was just too quick for him. Eventually running out of patience, Ryan was about to just go all Malus Domestica on the darn thing were it not for Twilight walking over and tugging on his jacket.

"Dear, if I may..."

Sighing, Ryan let her have a go at trying to tame this unruly opening and watched as she shot forth a dark magic attack at it...which strangely enough locked it into place.

'...careful. Something about this doesn't seem right.'

Spike merely watched as the door opened into a seemingly endless void, "...I'm inclined to agree. That doesn't seem natural."

"I know, but with the kingdom on the line we can't be afraid!"

As the two bickered, Ryan felt his stomach tighten in knots at...something. He wasn't sure exactly what but this door just screamed evil for some reason.

"Look out!" It almost happened faster than the two of them could notice, but Ryan and Dark barely knocked Spike and Twilight out of the way before getting zapped by something that emerged from the doorway, "Argh!"


"Where....ugh....what?" Ryan blinked as his vision refocused, "What is...How!?"

Looking around him Ryan could see trees, houses, and roads...but something zooming by on those roads in particular were not something he expected to see.

"Cars..." Ryan groaned as he slowly got up, "How...what happened? That strange door...T-Sparks and Spike! Where are they? Where am I?"

Slowly walking down the road, Ryan saw a familiar sign appear on the horizon before he became too stunned to move. He gulped before letting one word slip from his lips, "...home?"

Ryan shook his head, unable to believe such a thing was happening, "That's not possible! If that was true, then does that mean...was it all...no! No! I won't...I can't....not that kind of pain again! Please!"

"I'm afraid it is true."

Ryan whirled on the spot to see someone that shouldn't be there, "...Dark? H-how...oh my head hurts at all this."

"Yer gone....and soon all you cared about will be gone....all gone...gone, gone, gone..."

"Dark...what the hell are you going on about?"

"You poor, sad human...you failed. You failed those you left behind...and you've failed those you came to love....and you've failed me."

Ryan ran towards Dark, to reach out towards him, but watched as he simply faded away into nothingness the moment his hand touched him.


"Apple Ryder..."

"Apps?!" Ryan turned to see her standing there with the rest of his herd, his family, all those he came to love and care for from his new home, "Yer here! Ah thought...Ah thought Ah'd lost you all....lost mah family again..."

"But ya did darlin'...ya couldn't save us...and we lost to Sombra....we no longer can be with you..."

"Apps! Dashie!" Ryan ran towards them, but they too slowly turned before fading away, "Pinks! T-Sparks! Flutters! Rares! Heartsy!"

At this Ryan's surroundings began to slowly fade away, breaking up into nothing before he was left in a white, unending void, "Lil bro...lil sis.....Cellie...Lunes....no...don't....don't leave me...don't leave me all alone again....please....don't...."

Ryan fell to the floor in a crumpled mess, curling up as he continued crying for all those he cared for and seemingly had lost....all the while unaware of the evil laughing at that which he was now caught up in.

"What's wrong with him Twilight?" Spike noted, concerned at the unmoving state of his brother, "He's...he's crying...."

"It has to do with that stupid door!" Twilight growled, glaring at the now closed entryway, "It must've been a trap of some kind by Sombra...but why...why isn't he waking up?"

"Don't you know of something we can do!? I hate seeing the big guy like this! Especially..." Spike looked at the ground, "Especially because if he hadn't knocked us aside it could be us stuck like this..."

Twilight bit her lip as she wracked her brain for something that would work...and then finally it came to her. Walking over to his sitting form, she leaned down and wrapped her forelegs around him before whispering in his ear, "We'll always be there for you Ryan, no matter what happens, no matter what we face. Just as you would pick us up if we fell, we'll always help you back to your feet if you fall. We love you...I love you...and nothing will ever take that, or us, away from you."

With that she gently touched her horn to his forehead before kissing him softly, "Now please come back to us."

Ryan groaned as his eyes slowly returned to normal. He was disoriented for a moment before feeling soft lips on his as he leaned into the kiss.

"T-Sparks." He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight as he nuzzled her neck, "Ah...Ah was all alone...Ah'd lost everybody...it...it was awful."

"Ryan...haha, you silly human. Didn't we tell you you'd have to mess up super bad to lose us?" Twilight smirked before licking his cheek, "You're stuck with us mister, so don't ever worry about being alone."

"Thanks...but what the hell caused that? What was that that hit me?"

'...a trap. Left by Sombra to confound anybody foolish enough to search for the Heart...apparently by making their worst fear a reality. I am sorry I couldn't help Ryan...'

"It's okay bro, Ah imagine ya had yer own issues to deal with as well." Ryan held Twilight close a few moments longer to steady his nerves, "...at least y'all are okay. That's what matters most."

"Heh." Spike smirked before glomping on to Ryan's back, "Big bro, you gotta quit being so tough. How the heck do I become a proper hero if ya keep saving my plot like that?"

This brought forth a hearty laugh from Ryan that finally had him his normal self once more. Releasing Twilight from his hug and standing up he pulled Spike into a hug before giving him a noogie, "Getting cursed by some ancient evil magic wouldn't make ya much of a hero, lil bro. Now fighting an ancient evil...that's a different story."

"Haha, okay you two. I'm glad to see everything is going to be alright, but I think I may have found our way forward!"

Outside the others had been doing their best to keep the Crystal Ponies calm and distracted despite things falling apart around them. As Fluttershy went flying once again after dueling against Rainbow Dash, Pinkie kept up the excited commentary as best she could with Lyra providing support when needed.

"...hmmm...Pinkie, is it just me or does the sky seem to be looking a bit weird?"

"Huh? Well, now that you mention it, it seems to be get all ominous and stuff Lyre-wyre. I wonder why it's doing that? Ooooooh, I bet that means the dramatic stuff is happening and we're about to hit the awaited climax!"

Lyra snickered before rolling her eyes, "If Dark was here, I can only imagine the stupid thing he'd say in response to that."

"Oh it'd be naughty for sure! Haha...but seriously, that sky doesn't look good at all."

As this was going on, AppleJack had her hands full along with Rarity as they tried to keep the Crystal Ponies that had gathered around the central point where the "crystal heart" was on display from finding out it wasn't the real one.

"Now y'all just need to calm down. Everything's fine and such..."

"We wanna see it!"

"Just a peek!"

"Please, to make sure it is there!"

Rarity laughed nervously before fashioning another basket and handing it out, "Here darlings! Take these festive baskets and relax!"

As the situation got more tense and harrowing, the worst possible thing actually occurred and Cadance was unable to keep her barrier up anymore as she succumbed to fatigue. With it down Sombra wasted no time in pouncing, his dark magic billowing and winding its way towards the castle along with the dark crystals that had embedded themselves in the ground. Panicking, the Crystal Ponies swarmed AppleJack and Rarity, knocking them out of the way to unveil the "crystal heart"...and then losing any shimmer they'd recovered at seeing it was not the true one.

"Oh no....without it we'll..."

"It's HIM! Run for your lives!"

"What in tarna—oh buck it is him! Quick! Take refuge in the castle everypony! We'll do...something to hold him back!"

Rarity turned to AppleJack and frowned slightly, "And what would that be exactly, darling? We don't have the Elements on us..."

"Ah...Ah know that! Don't know why we didn't bring them ta be honest." AppleJack adjusted her hat before narrowing her eyes, "But Ah know that we have to hold on somehow. Ah'm not sure where they are, but Ah know Twilight and Apple Ryder will come through for us so we just need to stall fer time!"

As things continued to go quite south outside, Ryan was panting along with Twilight and Spike as they slowly climbed their way up the very, very long spiral staircase they had found after correctly opening the door forward. As it was, they could sense that something bad had happened outside and that they were running out of time.

"We....huff...we're never gonna get to the top at this rate." Ryan grumbled, "Stairs...why did it have to be stairs? Oh Dr. Spengler, you were right....stairs truly are one of the most evil things in existence."

"...wait! I just had an idea you two!" Twilight beamed, her rear shaking excitedly at her thought, "You know that little magnet spell you like to use to go faster? The one you used when we had that foodfight or when you were trying to get away from our misplaced justice?"

Ryan snapped his fingers and suddenly felt very dumb, "Of course! We use a similar spell to that one and just let gravity do the work for us! That's mah bookworm, using them sexy smarts of hers!"

Twilight gasped before blushing, "Ry....anyway, come on! Hop on Spike!"

Spike shrugged but figured they knew what they were doing as he hopped on Twilight's back and held on tight, "....this isn't going to be another one of those hare-brained schemes you two are always cooking up is it?"

Ryan and Twilight looked at each other before smirking, "Oh come on lil bro, when have we ever steered you wrong?"

"Well there was—"

"No time for that now! Let's flip and fly baby!"

With that they slapped the modified gravity spell into effect and flipped upside down before sliding up the staircase at a heck of a pace.

"This...this is actually working pretty well." Spike laughed softly, "Although...it feels weird to go up while down."

"Ah hear ya buddy but we just gotta deal with it! Come on, double time!" Ryan twisted a bit so he was turned sideways as he slid up, "Whoosh! Eat yer heart out Jet Set Radio! Let's grind them lights fantastic!"

Spike and Twilight looked at each other, but decided to ignore whatever it was Ryan was apparently referencing as they had enough to deal with as it was.

Eventually our heroes finally came to the top where they could see that the barrier had indeed fallen and things had taken a rather dark turn outside. Noting they were apparently now at the highest point of the castle, they were stunned to see the Crystal Heart just...sitting there. Out in the open with no real signs of protection or anything.

'...I don't like this. It seems too easy...'

"Oh Dark, you're just too worried. Obviously Sombra never expected anypony to figure out where he hid it, let alone how to get to it." Twilight grinned as she trotted over towards it, "This is in the bag! As you like to say, "It's time to save the day!""

"Ah don't know....." Ryan frowned as he looked around cautiously, "Ah think Ah agree with Dark...this does not sit well with me. Ah...!"

And that's when the thought dawned on him but it was too late; unable to voice the thought that came to mind, the floor surrounding the Crystal Heart began to light up as if an alarm of some sort had been signaled.

"...that's not a good thing, is it?"

'No Spike, it's not! Ryan! Down there! Look!'

Leaning over the ledge and looking down towards the square he could see him: Sombra, in his physical form once more, stood there laughing as his crystals wrecked havoc on the square below.


Spinning around at hearing Twilight scream so suddenly, Ryan growled at seeing the same black crystals now surrounding her. The Crystal Heart had skidded along the ground and now lay close to Spike who began to move towards it.

"No! Wait!" Twilight shouted, "If...if these are here he knows we're up here. Don't move towards it..."

"T-Sparks is right lil bro. Just...let's think here...we have to do something to distract him."

'...you know there's only one way to do that.'

Knowing Dark was right, Ryan gave a nod before turning back towards the ledge and laughing softly. Holding his right arm out to his side, he gave Spike and Twilight a thumbs-up before snapping his fingers and donning his wings.

"You two wait for the moment...Ah know you'll know when T-Sparks. As for me...well, it's time to do what Ah always do in situations like this."

Spike, not one to miss a moment, smirked before speaking up, "So basically jump in with no real plan and hope to the heavens above you don't die again."

"Haha, you got it! Now then...Ah'll get you yer moment." Ryan glanced over his shoulder and smiled at the two of them, "I love ya guys. Be careful."

With that he ran towards the ledge and leaped off, diving down to gain all the speed he could possibly muster as he zeroed in on his target. As soon as he was near enough to be heard he shouted as loud as he possibly could, "Hey! SOMBRA!"

Sombra, not expecting somepony to actually call out to him without fear in their voice, looked about in confusion before slowly looking up, "Crystal....What? Who dares....HUMAN!"

"PEGASUS! MACH! PAWNCH!" Ryan and Dark shouted as his fist connected with Sombra's muzzle, the impact knocking Sombra off his perch and to the ground where he made a nice-sized crater.

Landing just in front of him, Ryan gave a nod before readying himself and shouting loudly, "Soul Cross!"

"Sombrero! I know you're still in there somewhere old friend so answer me!" Dark shouted, watching Sombra's prone form as it lay there, "...I know that' s not enough to stop you so get up!"

Sombra growled softly before rising to his feet, glaring at him in annoyance after that last attack, "Human...you are foolish...your...friend....urgh...no...!"


"Ugh....stop....you fool..." Sombra seemed to be fighting with himself at once again hearing Dark's voice until finally, "...Darkness..."

"Sombrero...please believe that I am here." Dark pleaded, daring to take a step closer to his friend, "I know that the last thousand years trapped in the ice could not have been pleasant on your mind but please..."

"Dark...no...I know it's you this time." Sombra seemed to struggle momentarily with himself before his eyes changed back to a normal white, "I'm not sure how...but the fact you are here...that it is your voice despite not being your body. There's no mistaking that aura for anyone else's."

Dark seemed to relax slightly at seeing his eyes change, "Sombra mah friend...what happened after I died that led to this?"

Sombra grunted slightly before panting, "Ugh...after you stopped Discord...and lost your life...I tried to keep going but..."

"But what?"

Sombra lifted up one hoof and stared at it, "But I couldn't help keep thinking there must've been something I could've done to save you. I had such mastery of the crystalline magic....but what good was it if I couldn't save the friend that always stood by me no matter what? If I couldn't ease the ache in the friend's heart who's love was lost so cruelly?"

Dark frowned at hearing the grief his friend had carried all these years, "Sombra..."

"And, without our mentor there to guide me, I fell deep into my studies and searched and searched for something, anything that could be of use to...to possibly find you...bring you back." Sombra grunted in pain, "That's what eventually led me...here...found the crystals hidden deep in the mountains. Studied them but...ugh...they were beyond anything I knew or could have hoped to control."

"Sombrero?" Dark leaned in a bit, noting his discomfort, "What's happening?"

"They slowly corrupted my mind, began taking over my thoughts with the dark magic hidden within." Sombra clutched his head and began panting again, "I knew I was slipping...left Canterlot to protect friends but....it was too much. You know what happened after that...this poor kingdom..."


"And...it's ponies...all fell...to...my poisoned...mind and became..." Sombra growled loudly as his eyes began turning green again, "My crystal slaves!"

"Gah!" Dark jumped back as he was nearly impaled by Sombra's dark crystals, "Sombrero!"

"Rawr, your little friend is a fool. To know he held me at bay for so long simply because his memories at the sight of you came flooding forth." Sombra cackled darkly, "Too bad for him it wasn't enough."

'...Darkness...stop me...please....'

"You evil bastard! Leave my friend alone!" Dark growled, flaring his magic, "I won't lose another friend! NOT LIKE THIS!"

"Hahaha...come at me then little human. Let us see if the regards he held you in were warranted."

"What in tarnation? Is that Dark down there...and how was he just talking with Sombra? What's goin' on?!"

Shining Armor had to admit he was confused after he saw what appeared to be Ryan diving down from the top of the castle before decking Sombra across the face. After watching what was going on, he finally started to piece things together, "It's Dark...he's using that weird spell Ryan has to take control of his body again."

Rarity, who had been helping to try and bring Cadance back around, seemed confused, "But why would he do that? Don't tell me he was hoping to plead to what might be left of his friend?"

"It would seem that way." Rainbow frowned, punching one hoof into the other, "It seemed like it almost worked too! I'm not sure what all is happening but if those two are down there....where's Twilight and Spike?"

"U-uhm...well, if he came from way up there wouldn't it be possible they were with him?"

Lyra looked way, way up towards the top of the castle but couldn't make out anything, "I don't know, but considering they've been missing for a while that's probably a safe assumption. The question is...did they succeed in whatever they were doing?"

"Come on Darky! Show that guy why humans are awesome!" Pinkie cheered before gulping when Sombra glared at her, "Eep!"

"Hey! Get out of there!" Rainbow groaned after Pinkie had tossed her portable hole on her and jumped in it again, "...seriously, that's way too creepy."

"Nuh-uh! That guy is scary! I'm staying right here in you where it's safe."

"...it's probably best we ignore that." AppleJack groaned, "Well then...Ah don't know what they're planning to do but—what in tarnation is that? Spike?!"

Sure enough, as the others looked away from Dark and Sombra's fighting, they could see Spike trying to be careful as he flew out from the tower holding...something shining by the looks of things.

"Could...could that possibly be?!"

"...it is." Cadance groaned, barely coming around enough to speak, "They found the Crystal Heart...but...ugh...it's up to them to get it where it belongs....hurry..."

A few moments earlier, Spike and Twilight had been waiting for whatever moment it was Ryan and Dark had hoped to buy them.

"...oh, it's killing me not knowing what's going on." Spike grumbled, twitching slightly as he kept staring at the Crystal Heart.

"Just wait. I know you're worried...I am too." Twilight tried again to teleport out of the trap but had no luck whatsoever, "We just have to trust they know what they're doing and—!"

"...what was that?"

"That's our sign! I don't what they did but his magic changed! Quick Spike! Grab the heart and get it to the pedestal!"

Spike quickly nodded before running over and grabbing hold of the heart moments before crystal spikes shot up where it had been. Thinking quickly, Spike flapped his wings and took flight before the rest of the floor had become covered in them as well, "Twilight! What about you?"

"As long as you succeed I'll be fine." Twilight shot him a reassuring smile, "Now hurry! While I believe in our human, I don't know how long he could fare against someone like Sombra!"

And that's what lead us to now, with Spike flying about and trying not to be seen by said evil king...and totally failing after Dark was sent flying by a headbutt.

"Dark!" Spike shouted before noting Sombra's attention on him, "Oh crap!"

"That is mine little dragon!"

"Yikes!" Spike gasped, weaving all about as he dodged Sombra's attacks, "Oh boy! Oh boy! This is not good! Not good!"

"Leave my brother alone!" Dark growled, charging at Sombra and grabbing hold of him before lifting off the ground.

"Rawr, put me down you freakish abomination!"

"You're one to talk!" Dark spat back, holding tight to the squirming Sombra as he began diving back to the ground, "Perfect Pony Piledriver!"

Sombra seemed puzzled until he found his upper torso completely planted into the ground. As he wiggled to get free, Dark tried to keep him in place, "Spike! While he's down! Hurry!"

Realizing this was the moment they needed, Spike folded back his wings and dove as quickly as he could towards the pedestal under the castle. Just as he landed and placed it where it belonged a huge explosion rocked forth from where Dark had been holding Sombra back. Turning around Spike saw Dark's body going flying through the air before landing in a heap next to him, "Dark!"

Dark groaned softly as he stood up and panted, "Why dammit...why is it like this with everyone I knew back then? All of my friends...why did they have to suffer just because I wasn't there!?"

As if charged by the love Dark had for all his lost friends, the Crystal Heart went crazy as it began to produce a bright blue glow that spread out across the kingdom. Spike, sensing his brother needed his support in this moment, pulled on his gauntlets before nudging him. Dark turned to him with a questioning look on his face before he looked at the Crystal Heart before nodding as he stood back up. Staring at Sombra he raised up his right hand before smirking, "Here we go!"

Spike ignited his gauntlets before lifting his left one up to match Dark's right.

"These hands of ours are burning green/purple!"

"Their loud roar tells us to grasp peace and happiness for those we love!"

"What is this...madness....the Crystal Heart...how is it...amplifying their power!?" Sombra groaned, unable to move at the glow they were now giving off.





With that loud roar the two of them dashed towards Sombra's prone form before imbedding their hands into his chest, the crystalline flames swirling about as the evil king tried futilely to break free as they lifted him up.

Dark looked at his old friend as the flames slowly grew in strength and felt tears falling down his face, "...I'm sorry...Sombrero..."

'Don't be...I'll finally be at peace after such a long time. Thank you my friend...now finish it!'

Dark gritted his teeth as the tears flowed freely now, "And now...HEAT! END!"

With that the crystalline flames swirled and gathered before erupting in a massive explosion that spread them throughout the whole kingdom, utterly obliterating King Sombra in the process and leaving no trace of him behind. Silence hung in the air for some time as the dust slowly settled, Dark and Spike standing where they were with their arms still extended. As the rest of their herd and then the Crystal Ponies themselves saw that Sombra was no more they began to celebrate, the cheering filling the emptiness outside...but it did little for that which Dark felt on the inside.

"SOMBRERO!" Dark shouted, falling to his knees in grief, "Why? Why? Why? WHY?!"

Pounding the ground at each shout until he began to crack it, Dark was unaware as the cheering became muted and he felt himself slipping away...

"Why....why....why..." Dark panted as he felt his grief slowly easing up, "Sombra..."


Eyes flying open at that voice, Dark was surprised to see he was no longer in the Crystal Kingdom but rather a familiar grassy field instead. Glancing to his left and right to see it extending forever he immediately knew where he was, "...so I'm back here again. That's how you're here, isn't it?"

Sombra nodded before walking over to him, "Yes my friend. It would seem that, despite all the trouble that research unleashed, I've been deemed innocent of it and allowed to move on where I belong."

At that Dark smiled slightly before looking up at the clear blue sky, "Something tells me Solaris had a hand in this one..."

"You could say that. Have you two met before?"

"Heh, you could say that." Dark sighed slightly, "I have my hunches on who she really is, but I highly doubt she'll ever tell me straight out. But hey..."


"Why am I here?"

"Well, it didn't seem right that our final moment together was so...heart-breaking, so Solaris decided it was only fitting you get to say goodbye properly to me." Sombra chuckled softly, "Something about how it wasn't appropriate that we didn't get to do so after not seeing one another for a thousand years."

"So...what you told me earlier, was that the truth? Did you...really end up like that because you tried to find a way to help me?"

Sombra nodded slowly, "Yes. I was stricken with so much grief. You were the first friend I ever had...and you always stuck by me and defended me, especially when my fellow colleagues would be...what was that word you used?"

Dark snickered before removing his shades, "Asshats."

"Ah yes. So charming." Sombra let loose a hearty laugh, "But yes, when they were, as you said, Asshats about the fact I did not have a cutie mark despite being a grown stallion."

"Ya know...I never did get that. You were so good with the crystals and all the arcane gems and the magic they possessed...how in the hell was that not what you would get a cutie mark in?" Dark shook his head, "Our mentor never could figure that one out either...probably why he would occasionally mumble that as a human I was lucky not to have to deal with that burden."

"Didn't stop you from claiming one anyway Mr. Lemon."

"Hey! The lemon is underappreciated in the fruit world; I was just showing it some love."

Sombra stifled a laugh, "When you weren't showing the moon or sun love that was."

"Hey!" Dark grabbed Sombra and ruffled his unruly mane, "Nice to see your real self survived all those years."

"Hahaha, I forgot how nice moments like these were. I'm glad we got at least one more before the end."

The two friends sat there for a few silent moments before Dark spoke up, "So...since I feel our time is coming to a close, would you want to do that thing we used to do for old time's sake?"

"You mean...what we use to do to annoy Celestia?" Sombra smirked at the idea, "It would be a fitting goodbye so yes! Let us be our awesome selves."



With that Dark and Sombra grinned before the two of them began hopping in place on their legs.

"Sunshine, Sunshine!"

"Ladybugs awake!" Pulling out shades, the two of them donned them before laughing

"Clap yer hooves!" At this the two of them did an ultimate double bro-hoof before nodding.

"And do a little shake!" With that they hip-checked each other before striking what one would assume was an awesome pose of some kind whilst simultaneously a magical explosion occurred behind them making the moment that much manlier!

"Hahaha, oh dear heavens." Sombra laughed as he removed his shades, "That used to drive Celestia up the walls something fierce. I never got why exactly, but it was the sweetest revenge whenever she decided to pull those pranks of hers on us."

Dark snickered, "And remember that one time, when we roped Woona into it and had the Trifecta of Terror? Ah'm surprised she didn't teleport us all to the moon for that one."

Sombra burst into laughter at that memory, clearly remembering the unbridled anger on Celestia's face that day, "Oh...good times my friend, good times."

"Ya wanna know a secret?"


"Twilight Sparkle, her number one student and part of our herd?"

"The purple one that helped the little dragon stop me? What about her?"

"Her and Princess Cadance do that little song but with their own version of a dance. I should totally see if Ah can get them to do that in front of Tia." Dark laughed softly as a very diabolical smirk appeared on his features, "Oh yes...that's definitely a thing I'm getting Ryan's help to make happen."

"A pity I won't get to see it, but one day I'll hear about it. Hopefully not any day soon though."

"You are correct."

Dark and Sombra turned to see the owner of this new voice was none other than the alicorn from before.

"Hello again my little human. I hope you've enjoyed catching up with your old friend."

"I have." Dark paused for a moment, "I'm just gonna ask...are you Solaris?"

The alicorn laughed softly, a motherly type of laugh, before replying, "I'm afraid I cannot answer that..."

"Because it's not the time for me to know?"

"No. It would simply take away my fun and I can't allow that."

Dark deadpanned at that, stunned at how honest she was being before laughing loudly, "Okay, okay. I'll play yer game."

"I am glad to hear it." With that the alicorn turned to Sombra, "If you are ready...it is time for me to lead you where you belong."

"Darkness..." Sombra took one last look at his friend and frowned, "I guess this is finally goodbye."

"Hey, none of that." Dark knelt down and took his friend into a hug, "At least this time we get to say goodbye my friend. Besides, it's only goodbye for now."

"Darkness is right, my little pony. He has much still to do but I can promise that you will see one another again someday."

"Thank you for saving me my friend."

Dark clutched his chest as he stood up, the ache in his heart all too real, "I just wish...I could've saved you another way. Woona...Cordy....Chrissy...and then you. So much pain and sadness...why couldn't I do anything to save any of them? Why did all those that were my friends or who could've become friends have to suffer they way they did? Why can't I ever save them?"

The alicorn, noting his discomfort, wrapped a wing around him, "My kind little human. I do wish your heart did not feel such pain, but do not lose hope."

"...what do you mean?"

Watching as Sombra and her began fading away into a bright light , he heard her say one last thing before he too was engulfed by the light, "You may yet get your chance to save a friend...and one who's soul is twisted by anguish. Good luck....Darkness."

Author's Note:

So at long last, we've reached a hell of a milestone. The 20th Chapter. 20 chapters of silliness, crazy shenanigans, and even some character issues. Ah never imagined this story would get as big as it did when Ah first started writing it way back in July of last year but boy howdy has it been fun. Especially with the great fans Ah've got following it, the joy y'all get from it really warms mah heart and motivates me like nothin' else. Some of ya have even inspired moments in the story itself, either directly—like Rain Nero's anime nods—or indirectly through the passing moments in comments or other silly things mentioned in mah blogs. Saved SoulWriter, Incognito Blazer...Ah'm looking at you. :derpytongue2:

Hahaha, anyway y'all, Ah hope ya enjoyed this chapter as well, including the special surprise picture mah good buddy Andrea drew for me to help make it even more special. He's drawn all sorts of cool pony stuff on his page so y'all should go check it out through the handy-dandy link!
In fact, Ah might have to ask him to do this again since it turned out so silly and awesome.
With that all said, it's time to turn to the next chapter y'all...and if ya saw mah blog entry that should be up shortly, you'll know just why Ah'm so excited for it!