• Published 26th Aug 2013
  • 1,534 Views, 10 Comments

MLP meets ___! - EpicStory

Deadpool appears in Ponyville and brings chaos! After that, the forth wall lets every kind of hell loose!

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Chapter 1: Deadpool

Our story takes place in Manhattan of the Marvel universe. We can see two of Marvel’s superheroes, Iron Man and Dr. Strange having a heated discussion in the middle of a street.

"Magic is a bunch garbage!" Says Iron Man. "Everything in this world, and any other world, can be explained with science!"

"Magic holds the answers that science has never even come close to revealing!" Dr. Strange responded. "Plus, magic looks pretty.

"You're a doctor, a doctor for god’s sake!" Iron Man yells. "You should be able to tell that science is more reliable and, frankly, badass as all fuck!"

As the two continue arguing, Deadpool is watching from a nearby alley. He is sitting in a lawn chair, eating popcorn.

"Good thing we decided to watch this instead of going to the movies." Said Deadpool's crazy voice. "It’s free and not total shit."

"Plus it will probably spur some flame wars in the comments and forums." Said Deadpool's calmer voice.

"Alright, that’s it. Bring it magic boy!" Says Iron Man as he charges his unibeam.

"Fine by me tin man." Says Dr. Strange.

Dr. Strange begins to cast a spell. Just before they unleash their attacks, Deadpool sneezes. The two are both caught off guard and direct their attacks just behind Deadpool. The unified attack creates a wormhole, which begins pulling Deadpool towards it.

"Hey, breaking the fourth wall is my thiiiiiiiiing!" Deadpool screamed as he was sucked into the wormhole.


Meanwhile, the citizens of Ponyville are going about their day without a care in the world. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are gathered at Sugar Cube Corner, enjoying the day together. However, their day is interrupted when a wormhole opens at the center of town. A few nearby ponies gather near the portal with inquisitive minds. Then, Deadpool tumbles out of the wormhole, which immediately disappears. Deadpool is dazed for a few moments, then looks around, with a sense of wonder. The ponies are looking at Deadpool with confused and surprised looks on their faces.

"Woah!" Says Deadpool, shocked.

"An entire world made of diverse technicolor equine species...da fuk?"

"Da fuk is right! Look at this place! It’s so colorful and happy. It makes me feel at one with my emotions...or maybe I’m just hungry for chimichangas."


"Definitely chimichangas, maybe tacos from Samantha’s."

"Man, my video game kicked major ass!"

While Deadpool looks around, the Mayor of Ponyville walks up to Deadpool.

"Hello, strange visitor!" She says cheerfully. "Welcome to Ponyvil..."

"Holy shit! A talking horse!" Deadpool shrieks.
Kill it! Kill it!

Without hesitation, Deadpool whips out his sword and chops the top of the Mayor’s head. All the other ponies scream and run in panic. Deadpool starts shooting ponies left and right, occasionally saying 'Bang Bang' as he fires. Twilight and her friends, who have been watching from a far, make their way towards the outskirts of the city, leading as many of the ponies as they can to safety. Deadpool takes aim at the fleeing ponies, until a pony falls out of the sky, Derpy Hooves.

"Gosh, I’m sorry if I scarr... wow!" Says the innocent Derpy Hooves. "You look cool, mister! My names Derpy Hooves. Do you want to be friends?"

Deadpool stares at Derpy, gun still pointed at her. Then, he imagines him riding Derpy, dressed in matching Deadpool costumes, raining bullets on the people below. He imagines a new line of comic books of him and Derpy titled: 'The Adventures of Deadpool and Derpy aka Team Double D!' Finally, a team-up that sounds both awesome, clever, and boob related! Deadpool immediately lowers his gun.

"Yes. Yes I do!" He says. "My names Deadpool. Can I ride you?"

"Sure thing!" Derpy replies.

Now, Deadpool rides on Derpy and the new duo begin raining bullets and causing havoc all through Ponyville.


All surviving ponies have taken refuge in a cave on the outskirts of the city. Twilight is trying to calm everyone down, but Fluttershy is making it difficult.

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear..." Fluttershy repeats over and over.

"Fluttershy, calm down!" Twilight says to Fluttershy. "You need to calm down. Everything is going to be okay."

"What part of this is going to be alright?" Rainbow Dash interjects. "Everypony is either freaking out or dead!"

"Lay off of her Rainbow Dash!" Applejack says. "She's trying her best!"

While they bicker and argue as to how to deal with the problem, a pencil appears and draws me. I have brown hair, a five o'clock shadow, pale skin, dark jeans, and a black shirt that says 'Meh.'

"Thanks Barry!" I say to Barry, the off screen animator.

All eyes are on me. Everypony is either curious or scared. Twilight walks up to me with trepidation.

"Who are you?" She asks. "How did you get here?"

"My name is not important." I say. "As for the means of my being here, it is simple, when Deadpool is present, fuck the fourth wall!"

For a moment, life pauses and words appear saying 'Looney Toones animating skit bitches!' After a few seconds, life resumes.

"All you need to know is that I’m here to help get Deadpool out of here!" I say reassuringly. "He is way too cool to be in a place like...this."

Rainbow Dash flies over to me and gets in my face.

"What do you mean by ‘a place like this’?!" She asks angrily.

"What do you think I mean?!" I reply. "He is an immortal mercenary in a world full of multi-colored ponies!"

"Well, what kind of world does he belong in?" Asks Rarity, who seems insulted by my words.

"How about the world he came from!" I reply angrily. "The one with literally dozens of superheroes that can either tolerate or defeat him!"

In the middle of their argument, thunder booms outside. Twilight, her friends and I look outside and see skeletons rising from the ground. The skeletons walk to Deadpool and kneel before him. In the sky, there is a visage of a female figure with a skull for a face.

"Thanks Death, you sexy ass beast!" Deadpool says to the woman in the sky.

I’ma sex you up proper one of these days!


"See you next time you die, my love." She says.

While the ponies are distracted by the sight, I break the silence.

"Shit!" I say. "Death gave him a fucking army!"

"Death?!" Twilight exclaimed. "That was Death?"

"Yup." I responded. "Deadpool died a while back and the two of them got...close. But his wounds heal quickly and he was cursed with immortality so he can’t really stay dead."

"What do you mean by ‘close’?" Fluttershy asks.

I whisper in to Fluttershy’s ear. Her face turns red. The ponies begin to squabble again until I break the silence.

"Well, there is only one way to help you guys now." I say. "Barry, Code A-2012!"

The eraser side of a pencil shows up and erases the six main ponies. Then, the pointy side of the pencil draws them again as the pony version of the Avengers. Twilight becomes Iron Man, Applejack is Black Widow, Rainbow Dash is Thor, Pinkie Pie is Cpt. America, Rarity is Hawkeye, Fluttershy is the Hulk. The ponies around them marvel at their new forms. The mock-Avengers inspect their new forms.

"There, you are now the Pony Avengers!" I say triumphantly. "You now have the tools and powers to beat Deadpool and his army. Now, go forth and..."

Vinyl Scratch shows up and interrupts my speech.

"Hold on a minute!" She says. "I want some cool powers and stuff!"

"Wait, why do you want to fight?" Twilight asks.

"Because the internet loves me" She says with a smug grin.

"You don't have to tell me twice." I say.

I think about her request and try to come up with an idea. Then, it hit me.

"Barry, Code WM-2010!"

The pencil appears again and changes Vinyl Scratch into War Machine.

"Wait, something isn't right." I say, looking up at Barry. "Don’t you think?"

The pencil then erases the mini gun and replaces it with a mini Bass Cannon.

"Now that is bitchin' as all fuck!" I say proudly. "Now, get out there and kick some ass!"

The Pony Avengers cheer and leave the cave to fight. As I stand there in a triumphant pose, the pencil creeps up on me attempting to erase me and do some wacky shit to me. But before the pencil gets too close, I pull a gun on the pencil.

"You really wanna play this game, bitch?!" I say threateningly.


Skeletons patrol the devastated remains of Ponyville, killing anything that moves. Deadpool and Derpy have taken a break and are eating muffins until the Pony Avengers show up. When Deadpool sees them, he is dumbstruck.

"Okay...didn't see this coming." He says. He whistles. "Get ‘em boys!"

The skeletons all begin to converge on the Pony Avengers. Twilight takes flight and begins to crush the skeletons with a mix of repulsar blasts and close combat. Rainbow Dash zooms past each skeleton with a bolt of lightning crashing down on each skeleton she passes. Pinkie pie begins hopping up and down, with her shield on her hoofs, landing on each skeleton. Applejack starts fighting alongside Rarity using mixed martial arts, while Rarity fires a multitude of trick arrows at the skeletons. While the other Pony Avengers focus on the skeletons, Fluttershy as the Hulk lands at Deadpools feet.

"Hey Barry!" Deadpool shouts at the sky. "I’ll give you Sandra Bullock’s number if you take care of this one!"

"Finally, being associated with Ryan Reynolds pays off!"

The pencil changes the Hulk pony back into Fluttershy. She then shrieks and runs off. Just as Deadpool is about to take on the Pony Avengers, Vinyl Scratch shows up. Deadpool recognizes the armor, but doesn't recognize the new shoulder weapon.

"What the hell is that?" He says pointing at the cannon.

"Oh, nothing much...just my Uni-wub!" She shouts.

Vinyl fires a ‘Uni-wub’ at Deadpool and Derpy. The duo get out of the way, but a new wormhole pops up where the ‘Uni-wub’ hits. Deadpool moves toward the wormhole, but Derpy hesitates.

Damn, that is some wicked dub step!

True, but lets enjoy the wonders of bass in our own universe, shall we?

"Come on, Derpy!" Deadpool shouts.

"I don’t know..." Derpy says with an unsure voice.

Deadpool tries to think of a way to convince her to follow. He then comes up with an idea.

"There are muffins where we’re going!" He says.

"Muffins!" Derpy yells.

Derpy races towards Deadpool, tackling him through the wormhole, which disappears immediately. With Deadpool gone, the ponies burst into joyous celebration and cheer for the Pony Avengers. Then, Vinyl interrupts the cheering.

"So...do we get to keep this stuff?" She asks. "‘Cuz this suit would be killer for washing the dishes!"

"...I hate my life...so much." Octavia says in the background.

I walk over to give a speech, but now I look like a pony (pony, colt, whatever term applies to adult male horse in MLP). I'm a dark grey colored unicorn with a jet black mane and tail with red highlights and light grey eyes. Before the others can ask why I look like that, I do my speech.

"Well, it seems like life in Ponyville has returned to normal, and with no casualties!" I say.

Applejack nudges my shoulder and points at the corpses and broken houses.

"Oh yeah, that’s a thing. Hey Barry, we need a mass corpse reversal!" I yell at the sky. "And throw in some repairs while your at it."

An eraser erases the corpses and a pencil draws them back to life. Then, the pencil starts repairing the damaged houses. The Mayor, now revived, looks around at the destruction with a wondering look.

"Did I miss something?" Says the Mayor.

"Besides the massive butt kicking? Not much." I say.

"Uh, dude...why do you look like…?" Spike says while standing next to Twilight.

"Oh...that." I say while looking at my new form. "Well, Barry and me got in a sort of fight, he drew me as this and told me I needed to 'experience the power of friendship on a concentrated level'. In other words, I’m gonna be stuck here for a while."

"For how long?" Twilight asks.

"That depends on how much hype this gets on the forums." I say.

"...What?" Asks everyone.

Then, Applebloom, Sweety Bell, and Scootaloo show up and bring something about my new form to their attention.

"Hey, you don’t have a cutie mark!" Applebloom says. "Wanna join the Cutie mark Crusaders?"

All I can do is sigh.

"Oh, by the way, since you're gonna be here a while," Twilight starts to ask, "what is your name?"

"Well, just call me Epic Story for now." I say.

"Really?" Rainbow Dash says. "That's your name?"

"Don't make me sick Barry on you." I threaten.


Back in Manhattan, Iron Man and Dr. Strange are still arguing as to who should be credited for the wormhole.

"It was my Uni-beam that opened the wormhole!" Iron Man yells.

"Bullshit! It was my spell you fucking nerd!" Dr. Strange yells back.

"You couldn't make a rabbit come out of a hat, you fuck stick!" Iron Man says, ready to throw a punch.

Before they do combat, they stop their argument when they see a wormhole opening up in front of them. After a few moments, Deadpool and Derpy tumble out of the wormhole and land at Iron Man’s and Dr. Strange’s feet. Just as surprised to see that Deadpool survived, they are even more surprised at the blond and grey Pegasus next to him.

"What the hell happened?" Iron Man asks.

"There is no way they will believe what happened."

"We need to say something inspired and cunning to avoid getting our ass handed to us."

"Basically, a talking horse made a replica of your armor, fired a mock Uni-beam at us and opened the wormhole." Deadpool says outright.

"Ha! I told you, you half-assed magician!" Iron Man shouts triumphantly.

"Okay, truth works."

"Just keep poking the armored and magical bears and we might get out of this."

"Well, technically it was using the War Machine suits cannon thingy." Deadpool syas.

"In your face, you failed wrench jockey!" Dr, Strange says mockingly.

"It’s still my suit bitch!" Iron Man responds.

Dr. Strange and Iron Man continue arguing as Deadpool and Derpy make their escape.

"Like a boss! Now, who wants muffins and pancakes?" Deadpool asks.

"Me!!!!" Derpy yells.

//////End of Chapter One//////

Chapter Two: MLP meets Borderlands!

Author's Note:

*Note: Deadpool’s crazy inner voice thought bubble text will be colored in orange. Deadpool’s well mannered inner voice thought bubble will be in red.

**Note: My goal is to make this into a video. If it does become a video, the animators name will be mentioned throughout the video as a character alongside me.

***Note: If this becomes a video and if the hype is ridiculous, I will attempt to make this a series, so the ending will be sort of open ended.

As of 5/26/2014, my OC's name will be Epic Story because I wanna and the Animators name will be Barry for the same reason.

(This is a work of fandom. I do not claim any of the properties portrayed in this story.)