• Published 27th Aug 2013
  • 2,286 Views, 29 Comments

Derpy's last chance - marineproductions100

Derpy has felt suicidal lately and no pony is aware of it. An incident happens at work where Derpy meets Death himself. She says that nothing will change if she dies. Death decides to show her what will really happen.

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Chapter 4: Realization

Chapter 4: Realization

Space was moving the crates off of Derpy and saw her lying down on top of another crate.

"Derpy are you okay" Space asked.

"I'll be fine. I just need to be checked out and then i'll be good." Derpy replied..

Three hours later. Derpy walked home because her right wing was broken. Once she arrived home she saw Rainbow sitting on the couch with Dinky. Dinky got up and ran to Derpy for a hug. Derpy hugged Dinky with her left wing. Rainbow gasped once she noticed her right wing.

"What happened Derpy?" Rainbow asked.

"There was an incident at work. Don't worry i'll be fine. It'll be better in a few days." Derpy replied.

Rainbow walked up to Derpy and kissed her. Once the kiss was done Derpy went down and sat on the couch. Dinky sat in Derpy's lap and Rainbow sat down right next to Derpy and wrapped her wing around both of them. Derpy leaned her head against Rainbow's shoulder. She took a breath.

"It's good to be home." Derpy said and smiled.


Written by: Cameron

This story was inspired by thoughts that used to go through my head.

Thank you for reading.

(This story has been re-styled and is in the process of being edited)

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 25 )

i love it and please don't kill yourself i actually would miss you

3111048Even though there is misery in my life. People like you bring joy to it. Thank you.

3111126 ok and your welcome

I love this story. Instant like and favourite.
Please don't kill yourself I'm sure lots of people would miss you. Plus I know where you're coming from. Also I am here if just wanna talk :twilightsmile:

I do not know you, Ive only read this of your stories but do not kill your self this was a great story and suicide is horrible thing

I should know

:pinkiesad2: You sir have my respect, please we need people like you, don't end your life. We all would miss you. Saratoga out...

Please don't kill yourself, I enjoy your stories and you seem like a really good person. I was once there to and believe me life will get better. If writing these stories makes you feel better I will read, enjoy, and comment on every one!

Why does everyone support me.? don't even know you guys but you try to prevent my suicide. Why?

You're way too awesomely fantastic to leave. I hope you start to feel better soon

pleas dont kill yourself this world wouldn't be the same without peaple like you, also.....I sometimes question my existence but I dont give up. I know it seems hard, but you just have to have faith in love and friendship.I know you can do it.

It's the right thing to do. It's also so sad to hear about someone committing suicide. So please don't. You wrote an entire story about what would happen if some normal person (or in this case, pony) were to take their life, yet you're asking why we are telling you not to. Their are always people who care about you. So please, please, please, please, don't do it. It's not worth the pain it would inflict on you and all those who care about you.

Honestly readers. I only put up this story because I thought my family loved me. I was wrong. I know that no one loves me. Especially when your loved ones constantly treat you like shit everyday and night. What other reasons are left for me to live? I might just do it real soon.

It's not wrong to ask for help. I'm a former Marine and I have seen the horrors of war. I've seen death and pain and I've seen those who got hit with it harder than I did. But they asked for help, and managed to recover. They never got back to complete normalicy but they can function. Sometimes they barely do even that. Just ask for help and someone will.

Because every life is precious and should not be wasted.

The thought of suicide has crossed my mind as well, but I know how much it will devastate all those that know me, all those that have come to love me for one reason or another.

No matter what you may think or what you may be told, you are precious and is worth just as much as any other person.

Why are we supporting you? Because we want you to be happy, and this is the only way we can help you :pinkiesmile:

3131780 Because when you hit the rock bottom, the only way left is up.

If you die now, then you won't get the chance to get past your current troubles and be happy. As an author you should know; the stories that end in misery leaves everyone unhappy, whereas the protagonists that overcome their trials leave the audience crying with joy for the accomplishments and happiness that the troubled character can finally enjoy.
The sun is always brighter after coming out of a dark room.

3293883 That dark room has so much pain and the light is so far away. Been running towards the light for years and still have not made it. :fluttershyouch: These obstacles have been in the way for so long. I have been looking for recourse for such a long time. I even forget to look in front of me. The darkness has consumed my eyes that I have forgotten that recourse is so close. :fluttercry: and yet I still can't find it. :fluttercry: No remorse holds no recourse. Remember these words.

3293930 I can't say that I understand what you're fully going through (I know it's a cheezy line but true) I'm also not sure if anything I say here would actually be able to help. I have two things on my mind that sound sagely enough for this situation (answering me is fully optional): 1. who is lacking the remorse, or rather who do you think should? 2. No one ever said finding the right doorway out was easy- it very seldom is- but if you give up it will never be reached. I have had an embarrassing addiction for the last 7 years and it honestly makes me feel like trash. I haven't fully given up and have been able to find my door, I may teeter in and out of that doorway, but as long as I don't give up then I will keep getting closer to that light and hopefully leaving that dark depressing room for a long time. I have no illusions that after I leave the room the shade won't be appealing. Dark rooms are easy to enter and will try it's hardest to keep you there. It has been, is, and will be hard but if you give up looking, or maybe even be picky about which door (there is always more than one door) then you will keep going further into the room. It's easy to get lost in the dark, but you have to remember that that is the worst you can be. There no cliff or cage in that room that will keep you in, only a dark mist that will appear solid and opaque.

i realy enjoy your stories:twilightsmile:

This was an interesting story. I don't think I've ever seen a ponified "it's a wonderful life"-style story before, of what life would be like without somepony. And of all ponies to have it happen to, Derpy seems like the one to go down that road.

I found it interesting that Derpy didn't need a grand "everyone's life would be terrible" realization; what mattered was the difference she made to the people she cared about, to Dinky and Dash. "It's a wonderful slice of life", in a way. And that seems in some ways like a more genuine message: you, personally, don't have to have an earth-shattering impact; that's too high a standard for someone to hold themselves up to. The big events might be what people think of more frequently, but by volume, most of life is the little things and the little details, and the enjoyment to be had from those.

On top of that, Derpy stories are far too rare, and romances doubly so.

Thanks for a fascinating story and character study; I look forward to seeing your other writings in the future.

I'm pretty sure broken bones don't heal in a few days...

I read the first few lines saw that it was a little ____________ and said NOPE

Sounds similar to a story I wrote, which can be found here https://www.sofurry.com/view/1069682. Just swap out Death for Discord, and Derpy Hooves for my O C, Six String. It's the sequel to this - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1017053

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