• Published 1st Sep 2013
  • 1,745 Views, 87 Comments

Mare-Do-Well: Dark Reflections - VampDash

Set in Shadejak's Mare Do Well stories; After many adventures as Mare Do Well, Rainbow Dash finds herself on her biggest one yet in a broken, darker version of Equestria ruled by a 'Nefarious Negamare'

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Elusive Thief

At the Diamond Museum in the HoSo region of Manehattan, everything was going about as well as it usually did. The Security Guards patrolled the hallways like always. But, that would quickly change, thanks to a female figure clad in what looked like a rather fitting black dress with long sleeves, black heeled boots that nearly reached up to her hindquarters, black leather pants, black horseshoes on her front hooves, and a badly stitched black mask that concealed most of her face. The only part of it that was exposed were her highly unusual eyes. They both seemed to be blue but had slits for pupils. Around her waist was a belt that held a whip and some type of grappling hook. This was Lady Elusive, a master thief and plunderer.

“Now then. If I was a big fancy jewel where would I be locked up?” She asked herself as she surveyed the room. She looked over the mismatched colors that the guards wore, a mix of both the former solar and lunar guards, and saw that although they patrolled in areas she would normally be able to squeeze by, they also seem to stick with a certain pattern… something that she could use to her advantage.

"All righty, Bel- er, Lady Elusive, time to bag the loot, fly the coop, and rescue your sister and your friends this time," muttered Lady Elusive as she crept down the hallway. Her horn lit up with a dim blue glow as the cat burglar fished a bit out of her pants. "Here's hoping," Elusive whispered as she sent the small golden coin rolling towards the guards.

They barely had time to wonder where it came from before they were swiftly knocked unconscious.

Before approaching the huge vaulted doors that supposedly held one of the biggest diamonds ever found in Equestrian history, known as Frostmare's Heart, Elusive picked the two unconscious guards pockets.

Every last bit counts, she thought before she approached the doors.

But, before she could input the code, the sound of crazed laughter filled the room. A shiver ran down Lady Elusive's spine.

"Well now! If it isn't my old friend Lucy! How has your night been?" A dark yet psychotic voice called out.

Oh, Faust... Not her! thought Elusive desperately. She tried to leave only to get nailed in the gut and flung to the other side of the museum. The guards, now alert to her presence, surrounded her.

“NO! She’s MINE.” The dark voice said. The guards all backed off as the glow of yellow goggles illuminated the room. Elusive tried to stand up only to get hit in the head and have a hoof connect with her horn and caused it to slightly crack.

“AAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!” She cried out only to have her head pressed against a wall.

“Now darling tell me. What made you THINK that trying to steal from her was a good idea?”

Lady Elusive looked back into those horrible yellow eyes. In the dim glow of twilight that came through an overhead skylight, those yellow eyes were revealed to belong to a pegasus mare with a familiar purple mane and tail clad in a black and purple version of what looked like the costume worn by the rebel known as The Wonderbolt. But, Elusive could see a few major differences with the suit. Where as the Wonderbolt wore an old flightsuit that once belonged to the old aerial acrobats, this seemed to be some kind of mechanical armor.

Lady Elusive knew she had to come up with a convincing story otherwise she might not get another chance to save her sister.

“Oh, it’s more of a test for her guards. As you can see they are about as bright as a rock. Imagine if a REAL thief got in? What then hm?”

The Shadowbolt seemed thoughtful at this. "Okay, I'll give you the intelligence thing. But, that's not why I'm letting you go. To be honest, you remind me of somepony I used to pal around with back when I was a weak fool. But..." hissed Shadowbolt, her yellow goggles seething with deadly seriousness. "... if I catch you stealing so much as a single bit from a fountain, well... you will merely be another rebel I've ended. Am I making myself clear?"

“As crystal.” Lady said with a smirk.

“Good. Now then I do have a proposition. We have a new 'hero' in Ponyville but you’re gonna love the name of her.” Shadowbolt said with a smirk. She handed the thief a folder which she took with her on her way out. Once she was far enough away, she opened the folder. Lady Elusive's jaw dropped when she saw an all-too-familiar masked figure beating the snot out of a pony she recognized as Quickdraw, one of Negamare's lieutenants. But, the pegasus fighting the gunslinger wore an unaltered version of their dictator's suit.

"Mare-Do-Well... why didn't you save them?" whispered Lady Elusive, tears coming to her eyes.

Before Lady Elusive knew it, a surge of anger raced raced through her. If Mare-Do-Well hadn't turned into a cowardly daughter of a nag, she'd still have everything that ever mattered to her... her friends... her sister... her sister's friends... the night and day... everything would be the way it was before.

Lady Elusive now knew what she had to do. No matter how much it hurt, no matter what sort of pain she had to endure, she would return to Ponyville, challenge Mare-Do-Well, and teach her a lesson she wouldn't soon forget: that being a hero was a full-time job, and there was no such thing as quitting or retirement.

"So, Applebloom, who else is working for Negamare?" Rainbow Dash asked the young mare as they, along with Gilda and Cheerilee, were eating a meager meal.

Applebloom rubbed her head. “Sorry Dash but mah memory’s kinda fuzzy. Ah just know that me and mah sis were a part of that nag’s crew-”

“APPLEBLOOM!” Cheerilee exclaimed. Gilda, however, smirked at this.

“Oh come on teach. The kid’s gotta grow up sometime. Besides I think that’s the least of our concerns right now.” She said as she bit into her meat sandwich.

"Why? What's going on?" asked Rainbow, raising an eyebrow.

Gilda sighed. "... she was been sighted in Manehattan," she said.

Cheerilee's eyes widened as both Apple Bloom and Rainbow Dash looked confused.

"H-how many casualties?" asked Cheerilee.

"Not a single body. Which either means the Dusk Soldiers got rid of the bodies, or for whatever reason, she didn't kill anypony. But, I doubt it," said Gilda.

"Uh, will somepony tell me who 'she' is?" said Rainbow.

"Yeah, who y'all talkin' 'bout?" said Apple Bloom.

"The Shadowbolt," said Gilda.

Apple Bloom shuddered. Her memory may be fuzzy, but she certainly knew who that was.

Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, felt like her jaw had a weight attached to it.

"Sh-Shadowbolt?!" babbled Rainbow.

"Ah, I see you know of her. She your sidekick or something back in your world?" asked Gilda.

"Puh-leaze, G, Tartarus would freeze over before I ever worked alongside that murdering psychopath," said Rainbow, before adding, "Not that either of them is possible."

"Really? How so?" asked Cheerilee.

Rainbow Dash sighed, before she began to tell of her final battle with the Shadowbolt, alias Lightning Dust.

Once Rainbow was finished, Gilda smirked. "Sounds like your version of Negamare's enforcer is a total wacko. But, she's a saint compared to our version," she said.

"What do you mean?" asked Rainbow.

“Okay for one thing. YOUR version didn’t burn down an orphanage and laugh at the ponies who were burning inside of it. YOUR version didn’t beat two foals to near death and leave them with broken legs. Twist and Button Mash haven’t been the same since. Oh and did I forget to mention that this version also spat on your tombstone?” Cheerilee added at the end. Rainbow’s jaw nearly hit the floor. Yeah the Shadowbolt she fought was bad but this one…. this one was a complete nutcase.

"And that's not all. She's got specially designed battle armor and is tough to take down. Even I had a hard time fighting her Dash.” Gilda said as she checked her claws.

"Negamare must have a lot of resources then. That complicates things," said Rainbow.

"You have no idea... especially since you're supposed to be in Elysium," said a familiar voice.

A shiver ran down Rainbow's spine. She knew that voice all too well... she turned around to find Soundblast, Trickster, Zerok, and a pegasus mare wearing what looked like an old Wonderbolt uniform. A golden mane and turquoise wings were visible through the mask and bodysuit.

Rainbow knew this wasn't the real Lightning Dust. Well, at least not the one who had embraced the Nightmare Force and had gone completely insane. Nevertheless, it took almost all of her willpower to keep herself from pounding this mare's head in.

"Ah, nice of you to drop by, Lightning. Rainbow Dash, this is Lightning Dust, alias The Wonderbolt," said Cheerilee.

"Yeah, that's nice, but tell me, 'Rainbow' you're not going to turn into a big black monster with a long tongue and eats brains, are you?" asked Lightning as she took off her mask and sat down at the table.

"Why in the wide, wide, world of what used to be Equestria would I do that?" asked Rainbow.

Lightning thought back to a book she'd read called Venom Rising. "Eh, no reason," she said.

“Aaaanyways. I take it you heard what I said about you then?”

“Yeah…. to be honest I could SEE myself going that way…. if it wasn’t for the fact I got my team killed.” Lightning said which caused Rainbow to raise an eyebrow.

“It took you getting a team killed to make you humble? That wouldn’t have changed you. Where I was from you nearly killed my friends but that didn’t seem to phase you one bit. What was so different about this team?”

“It’s a little…. complicated. Anyways I can confirm that Shadowdolt was in Manehatten and for once she didn’t break anypony’s neck.”

"That seems a little odd... especially after what she did to Skizzors and Crawls," said Gilda.

"Snips and Snails," Cheerilee explained to Rainbow.


"Yes well we didn’t LET them be heroes. They tried to be heroes…. although it was their first time being heroes and they thought they could fight Shadowbolt… those two didn’t stand a chance. But, I still don't get why she would just stop killing."

"Maybe she's gotten somepony else to do it for her," said Zerok.

"What do you-" started Soundblast, before her armor's audio receptors picked something up. "Rainbow... somepony's challenging Mare-Do-Well."

“Oh great let's see who it is this time.” Rainbow said. Soundblast adjusted her audio and let it play out.

“-are-Do-Well I know you can hear me. I personally challenge you to a fight to the death. You will meet your end at the old Carousel Boutique tonight. This is for abandoning us…. and for leaving my sister to fend for herself.” The voice said. The recording stopped and then repeated a few times. Rainbow couldn’t help but feel she recognized where the voice was from but the name escaped her at the moment. She wanted to say Rarity but even though she was going to fight where Rarity once worked at didn’t mean this new fighter was her. Plus it sounded too…. high to be her and sounded much less fancy then what she remembered.

"Ah know that voice," said Apple Bloom.

"Who do you think it belongs to?" asked Rainbow.

"Well... it kinda sounds like one of the Belle sisters... but I'm not sure which," said Apple Bloom, before she got up and left.

"Well, Rainbow? What's the plan?" asked Trickster.

"I'm going to go confront whoever this is punk is. Belle sister or not, whoever this is needs to know that when you mess with the minotaur, you get the horns," said Rainbow Dash as she donned her mask and hat, and set out to confront the mysterious enemy.

Comments ( 16 )

IT LIVES! *Running OMG.exe*


*Composes self*

I also see you taken the liberty of referencing your own fanfic. Well played old chap.

I'm glad to see you're able to handle this without me. I've been so caught up in other story plans and such I really don't have time or really any dedication to delve back into my MDW-verse any time soon, so it's really pleasing to see you able to handle things now and make the story your own. :twilightsmile:

My only critique, punctuation. When a quote ends but follows a character speaking, it ends in a comma instead of a period. Someone gave me a tutorial about it in my story Gilda Versus The Telephone where you can see. Otherwise good work :twilightsmile:

5124695 No prob! Also.... you're gonna love my little idea about WHY it's bad MDW beats all these villains.

I helped! Lady Elusive's wardrobe was inspired by the form-fitting black dress in As The Sky Falls, and Shadowbolt II's battle armor was inspired by Harry Osborn's Goblin armor.

"Nega"mare?!? *Fanboy Squee*:pinkiegasp:

Well, after looking through your story list, it seems your storys are superherocomicystuf based.........I LIKE IT!!!:pinkiehappy:

I like what you have set uo for thee story so far...

But why is there no Mare Do Well character tag?:applejackconfused:

Just curious, are you ever going to finish this? Shadejak's Mare-Do-Well series where this takes place in is one of my favorite series and I'd love to see how this ends (I've got a suspicion about who the Negamare might be, but I don't want to give anything away :raritywink:.

Lightning thought back to a book she'd read called Venom Rising. "Eh, no reason," she said.

Came after reading that.
Good referencing.

I thought Shadejak wrote that story series.

Why was this cancelled?


He did. I guess I just never noticed that I wrote the wrong one. Oops :twilightblush:.

Fixed it! Thanks for pointing it out.

How would this story have ended?

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