• Published 29th Aug 2013
  • 2,858 Views, 116 Comments

These Flowers Never Bloom - Cerulean Voice

The Lord of Woe laments his undying existence as the shade guardian of forest Everfree. Here, his tale of creation, love, betrayal and sorrow will be shared: The Chronicles of Woe.

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Sleep has overtaken us, and if it weren't for these binds, I would float away.

It's been countless moons since that fateful day. Our once beautiful forest, reduced to ruins. Vorjhan's castle smashed to pieces, an eternal curse of darkness and evil filling our realm. Because of Morrow.

No, because of Vorjhan. It was his influence from the day he was released that took a hold of Rose. I knew, all that time ago, that something was off about the way Celestia's copy had been dissipated and transferred into Rose to be reborn. That wrongness that I felt back then... I should have acted on it. I should have refused Vorjhan's gift, no matter how heartbroken Celestia would have been. But hindsight is a terrible thing, ever arriving late by its very nature.

Rose never was the same after that day. The way that her coat faded a few shades of colour should have been an obvious indicator. He had an influence on her; made her less warm, loving and open. Transformed her into a more selfish, colder being. I'm just glad that there was only a small amount of taint left inside Luna when she was born.

Celestia. Luna.

Each of our races split off into different groups, my family dividing itself. They developed a mistrust for each other, especially the unicorns, who considered themselves the master race because of their magic. They forced the pegasi to control their weather and forced the Earth ponies to grow their food.

The day finally arrived when the Earth ponies would not tolerate their oppression any longer. This simmering rage reached a boiling point when one of Vorjhan's corrupt races cast an extended winter over the land, fueled by the tribes' hatred for each other. But three brave ambassadors—one from each tribe—united them all again with the power of friendship and defeated Vorjhan's windigos. So it was at this time that Equestria's greatest defensive weapons were born: the Elements of Harmony.

"The Elements of Harmony..." That is what my Lady called them, when I felt my spirit taking root in the dark, forcing its crystalline foundations out from the Earth. "They will awaken soon," she told me as my shimmering branches extended beyond any reach I'd ever had. "You will see them rise again," she assured me while blue leaves and small white orbs spread out from above me. "They will take the fruits you now bear—infused with my own spirit—and triumph over the power of chaos," she said while five gemstones grew upon my new limbs and warmth converged upon my heart. "One day, they will truly realise who they are. They will fulfill their destinies."

I will never forget Lady Dimiourgia's parting words, her final whispers as a blazing sun and waning moon engraved themselves onto my cobalt trunk: "I love you, Ilias. I am so sorry for what came to pass. I promise I will keep watch over your daughters. One day, I will tell them about the brave stallion who gave his life for them. The wonderful, loving, caring stallion who forsook his own existence for the sake of their happiness. They will do you proud."

Some time after this turn of events, Celestia took up the role of sun shepherd, as Luna took up the moon in Rose's stead. They shared the responsibility that they inherited and ruled Equestria as sisters and equals. Princesses. Never queens, for the title did not suit them. At first, there was Harmony between them. All was well, for a time.

Vorjhan made another appearance. Renaming himself as "Discord," he returned to Equestria many years after Morrow had banished him from the wood. He sought to enslave all of our little ponies as his own personal playthings. Corrupting their world, making life a living tartarus for them. Celestia and Luna were forced to stand up to him once again. Wielding their new weapon of Harmony, they put a temporary end to his reign of terror and chaos and cast him in stone; a state of what should have been a permanent petrification.

Alas, all was not to be well. Not long after Discord was defeated, my daughters were once again forced to use the Elements to cull an evil unicorn whom Discord had tainted. Sombra was his name, I believe. Like Discord, he sought slaves to do his dark bidding. Although a being of inferior power to Discord, he and his accomplice fought a mighty battle against the sisters' weapon. In the end, my daughters prevailed and cast him deep beneath the ice of the frozen north. While the price of victory proved steep, Harmony reigned over the land once more.

They had thought that Harmony made them invincible... until the day there came a new threat, one they never expected. A threat from within.

Luna's taint finally caught up to her. Jealous of the attention that her elder sister received for raising the sun, while ponies slept through her beautiful night, she rebelled. Luna attempted to seize control of Celestia's beloved Sol. Unable to negotiate with her sister, my firstborn was forced to take up the very weapon they had wielded together twice before and banish Luna to her moon, lest she let everything we loved die in a freezing, eternal night.

Peace was had by all Equestrians for the next thousand years... until the day that the stars in the night sky aligned to allow the abomination to escape. The legacy of Discord and Morrow—Night Mare Moon—had returned. She seemed all-powerful. Nopony truly knew who she was; certainly none were powerful enough to oppose her in any way. Yet hope was kindled in the form of a distant descendant of Starshine's. A lavender unicorn, Celestia's star student: Twilight Sparkle. She and her five friends made their way through my cursed forest, bravely going where nopony had ventured for a millennium or longer.

I watched all of these brave ponies, my spirit ever-present, as they made their way through my cursed wood. Luna—no, Night Mare Moon—used her dark powers to manipulate the wood, seeking to halt their progress, sometimes even to end their lives. It pained me greatly to observe Morrow’s taint corrupting my precious daughter, even more so to witness her wielding our once-beautiful home as a living weapon.

They faced all the trials that the nightmare threw at them, reactivating my long-dormant Elements in Discord's crumbled fortress to defeat her, eradicating all of the taint from Luna once and for all in the process. If it were possible at all, I would give each of those brave bearers a hug of gratitude for rescuing my darling from her taint, after her horribly extended torment in exile. Mercifully reunited, my daughters reconciled and were once again able to split their duties. Balance was restored and Equestria's defenses reborn in the form of six new bearers, more powerful than ever.

* * * * *

I burden no longer the tales I wrote, take of me these Chronicles of Woe.

They call my forest "Everfree" these days. Perhaps because nopony will ever venture into it willingly to make it into a home. Well, except for one certain odd individual. Dimiourgia must have created others besides Rose and I, for I had never seen a pony like her before. A zebra, she calls herself. She seems... aware of me, somehow. It is... comforting to have her living in my domain, at peace with the tainted flora and fauna. It gives me great hope that one day the forest shall flourish once more, that ponies may yet again see it for the paradise it once was.

Still, I cannot help but laugh at the wood's name: Everfree. Most ironic, given that I am permanently bound within it to keep it from spreading. Even now, Morrow's spirit fills the wood. She tries unceasingly to break free of my containment spell and cover Equestria. Yet as long as I have bound my own spirit to it, though, she will fail again and again.

Morrow will never win. If it takes all eternity to keep her sealed away, then so be it. I will not have the beautiful world that my daughters have cultivated be destroyed. They deserve to be happy, as long as they both shall live. All of my little ponies do. Just as Dimiourgia and I wished for them, all those years ago.

The Neverbloom bush remains the same. Untouched and untainted. An unchanging monument to the great love that Rose and I once shared.

I'd wait here forever, just to see these flowers bloom. They never bloom.

The creature appeared in a flash of blinding light, on the borders of a forbidding looking wood. His world was pain. Every one of his limbs crackled and stung with residual arcane energy, the likes of which he'd felt only once, after facing her wrath. He recognised the essence of the power immediately.


But Dimiourgia had long since departed from the world. She'd abandoned him, imprisoning him and creating a new "master race" before doing so. Yet the power that the creature had just been subjected to reeked of her creative and destructive omniscience. It terrified him. No creature of any species had ever stood up to him and come away unscathed, or at least mismatched in some way. Yet there he lay, writhing in life-consuming pain, on the threshold of what was once his own, glorious domain.

And you called me a monster.

Moments later, the agonising pain faded, subsiding to a dull ache. His fingers still crackled from the last dying wisps of power, but it was over. Mercifully, over. The creature welcomed his current pain, preferring it far more than the disintegrating feeling he'd experienced but a moment earlier. Rising to his feet, he stared back through the trees he had just been expelled from. An unusual emotion filled him, one he'd only recently become acquainted with personally. An emotion he was not keen to feel again.


The creature knew the emotion. He had tasted it, in every being he had ever played with. What fun he'd had, marching into that lion's den without a care, clicking away at them while he transplanted other creatures' body parts onto them. Scorpion tails replaced their own and grew to an immense size. Bat wings swelled from their shoulders. He'd cackled madly as the newly manufactured manticores began to attack each other, out of their own pain and horrified confusion. From manticores, he'd proceeded to mutilating chickens and serpents, throwing members of each species into makeshift arenas.

The serpents had had a field day at first, with the sudden all-you-can-eat buffet. That is, until the creature had turned the tables. One by one, snake heads had detached themselves from their bodies and simply vanished. But the chickens' respite was short-lived. By the time the creature had finished toying with his "playthings", a flock of cockatrices had rapidly fled on their new scaly bellies, as far from him as possible. The ones that hadn't been petrified, at least.

The realisation dawned on him that he had just been defeated, by what he'd considered to be a far lesser being than himself. A different emotion replaced the fear, a much more powerful one. Anger. Who was she to usurp his domain? The rage festered like an old wound within him. He'd not had one before, but he'd seen the aftermath of the manticore fight days afterwards. Not a pretty sight at all. Or smell, for that matter.

With a soft pop, the creature teleported himself back into the wood, with murderous intent. He'd been a fool to leave them to their own devices, allowing them to carry on extending their exponentially-growing herd. He'd show them the true meaning of pain and suffering!


As he returned to the wood's outskirts, the pain returned twofold. All life ceased to exist for the creature, as the feeling of thousands of jagged rocks piercing his skin invaded every nerve. In agonising pain once more, the creature admitted defeat. The power—that terrible, uncontrollable, viciously corrupt power—was absolute. Once again, every limb crackled with arcane energy. He had received the message loud and clear.

"I hereby banish you from this realm, as Dimiourgia did before me! As far as my forest spreads, you will not enter! You shall never again set foot in my world!"

Morrow, the betrayer. She had sacrificed everything she loved, in direct opposition of his "tainting" of her world. She'd been so angered at his superior modifications to her realm, that she'd tapped into her goddess-given power in the hope of forcibly "correcting" his alterations. How was it his fault that she didn't like what he'd done? Nevertheless, the nightmare had been unleashed. Morrow had become the great destroyer, her former life-loving self clenched in the grip of insanity forever.

Ilias, however, had tried to reason with him. The creature had liked the stallion. He'd been willing to let everything go as it was, under the solemn promise of simply leaving his own family and home alone. It would have been a mutually fair arrangement. Vorjhan would have had the rest of the world to shape and play with, with free reign to do whatever he wished; simply in exchange for not touching the herd. Of course, there was no way the spirit of chaos would ever have really kept that promise, but he would have given them a decent period of peace, at least.

Yet it had not come to pass. The damage was done, completely irreversible. A wood, and almost an entire world destroyed, tainted forever by Morrow's blackened heart. The creature knew he could never re-enter that cursed grotto again. He could feel the lingering traces of Morrow's power. A power that warned him against trying to enter once again. With a sigh and a long gaze at his old home, the creature flapped his mismatched wings and made to fly north.

One epiphany later, Vorjhan's head had snapped back to face the wood once more.

Nothing was wrong at all! Ilias had appealed to him to leave their home alone, with the condition that he'd have a free world to explore and warp to his own desire. He had achieved exactly this result. The only difference between being unable to accept Ilias' proposal, versus his current position: that Morrow had forcibly, yet effectively enacted that very proposal. The wood was now completely inaccessible, but there was still another entire world out there, waiting for him. To top it off, nothing remained to contest him!

The creature's laughter echoed over the wood, as birds were startled from their perches.

"You want to banish me from your home? You can keep it! You hear me, Morrow? It's a destroyed realm now anyway! I'm off to have far more fun, with my own incredible world!"

As he once again made to fly away from the wood, an unexpected sound interrupted him. A gasp. Followed by the sound of a short struggle, magic activating and silence, muting the final words of the unfortunate soul. Intrigued, the creature cast his gaze further into the wood. It rested on a most peculiar sight. A unicorn. A petrified unicorn, freshly cast in stone. Searching for the culprit, he caught a glimpse of a serpent's tail whipping around a large willow, before vanishing into a bush.

He had won staring contests against cockatrices before. It had always been amusing to see the chicken hybrids' eyes extinguished, by the very power they'd been emitting. But there was something about this unicorn that gave him pause. Somehow... it just didn't seem as funny as usual. The way it had frozen was not contorted into the usual, ridiculous shape, as one would normally have ended up in, while it tried to escape the spreading prison. Its eyes were not wide and staring, fear etched into them with great detail. It just looked like a normal unicorn. Four legs on the ground. Tail dragging between legs, limp. Head down, eyes closed. But what drew Vorjhan to investigate the statue further—as close as he could get to see it—was the twinkle below its left eye.

A frozen, crystalline teardrop.

The pony's last words echoed in Vorjhan's mind.

"Forgive me, Grandsire."

Author's Note:

Neverbloom is the name of the album that I based my story off of. The themes of the lyrics

"I'd wait here forever, just to see these flowers bloom. They never bloom."

are the main bread and butter of the story. It's an album about a once-great and powerful love between two souls, that became irreversibly corrupted. In the album, the Lord of Woe is the singer/narrator and Morrow is the one who betrayed him (ie. cheated on him, left him, whatever) and the "forest" (which I've used literally) is a metaphor for the world they created together with their love.
Now, the Neverbloom flower is simply a symbol of the undying—yet corrupt—connection that Ilias and Morrow share.

Thank you for making it this far. Please, carry on with the sequel for more adventures if you desire.