• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 6,650 Views, 231 Comments

In a Far Away Land - TheReaderAndWriter

The Mane Six, Spike, and indeed the entire population of Ponyville find themselves trapped in the world of Minecraft.

  • ...


So the very next day, as early as was comfortable, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Soarin, Time Turner left Swift Digger's former home, with the owner following at the end of the group. It was already noon when Time Turner directed his attention to their new ally.

"How are you able to carry a whole chest of items? My greatest number has been just three things," said Time Turner.

It took a while before the still troubled stallion picked up on him talking. He constantly seemed distracted and anxious. "You have to keep your Intent focused on all the things in your inventory and you have to split it up evenly. You'll learn it sooner or later. Doing multiple things at once isn't that hard. Just make sure you never lose your cool and drop everything when you're in danger." Fortunately, when he was asked a question he managed to think about something else than whatever the void was.

"I dropped so much the first few times I tried holding onto more than two things," said Twilight.

"It gets easier, doesn't it?" asked Swift.

"Look, we're finally back!" said Soarin, pointing towards the end of the woods. Twilight was surprised when she realized he was right. She was sure the forest hadn't ended so far away from the cave. When they reached the edge of the trees she didn't expect what was waiting. It was their outer wall, having expanded far beyond their initial camp. It covered at least half of the plains. It was clear someone had guessed how to make fences and wooden stairs, as most of the wall was decorated with small details, making it look much less like a rushed job.

"Wow, your ponies have been really busy," said Swift.

"Yeah, totally," said Soarin. "Look, there's a couple of doors over there," he said, pointing towards the right. They walked over to the entrance and went in, making sure to close the wooden door behind them.

"Now this is something," said Twilight. Basically everywhere inside the walls, hundreds of ponies were working diligently, bringing materials of stone, cobble and wood. They were creating a town.

"I'll go with Rainbow Dash and find her a doctor, Princess," said Soarin.

"I believe I'll go and find some of my friends. I hope I have served you well during this time, Princess," said Time Turner. The two stallions both gave a nod to each other and then walked away, out into the town.

"Hard-working," said Swift.

"Yeah. I mean, I know I suggested we make a town, but I didn't expect them to start so early," said Twilight. While they clearly had only just begun building their safe-haven, and most of it was just outlines made of cobblestone, further towards the cave some fully finished houses were clearly visible. Most buildings had only two floors, though some had three.

"They aren't doing it right. There isn't enough torches," said Swift.

"What do you mean?" asked Twilight.

"If you aren't around, monsters sometimes appear when it's dark. The walls won't be able to keep everything out. At least one will slip in through the dark. I know how to light the safe way, and I can teach it," said Swift.

"Alright, I'll introduce you to the mayor, she'll know who to talk to," said Twilight.


Once Twilight reached the mayor, near the cave, she left Swift there to talk. He was in good hooves. She, meanwhile, decided to look for her other friends on her own.

Ponies were quite happy she and the rest had returned, and they were open to the new arrival. At least Swift had managed to join without causing conflict, like at his last visit. Personally, Twilight longed to see her friends again. She walked down the street, being oddly happy that she could actually tread on one again, looking first and foremost for Spike. She hoped her assistant would be on top of things, as usual, so he would know where everyone of her other friends were.

Twilight didn't have to look for long before she found him. He was in the middle of some sort of future town square. Spike was standing on top of a few chests, pointing with a stick and talking loudly to the ponies.

"No, I meant over there. Just leave that spot open for now, if we get enough room we could make a fountain. Hey! What do you think you're doing? Put that stand over there, by the corner," said Spike, pointing at a stallion who in turn had to demolish a very simple wooden work. The little dragon was just about to wave his stick when Twilight walked into his view. He immediately dropped it and leaped into her. "Twilight! You're back!" he yelled, unable to contain his joy. Several other ponies realized she was there, coming closer to greet her and ask questions.

"Are you alright?"

"What happened to Rainbow Dash?"

"Why were you gone so long?"

Twilight looked at each and everyone of them. "Hey, easy. Rainbow Dash is fine, for the most part, we... just got a bit delayed," she said. Whatever had happened to Rainbow Dash was not something she wanted to discuss in that moment. What everyone needed to know she would tell them later that day. For now, she directed her attention to Spike. "Now, Spike, why are you pestering all of these ponies when they work?" asked Twilight.

"Pestering? What do you mean, Princess?" asked a familiar stallion named Caramel.

"Spike has been so helpful. He's the leader and inspector of the town-building," said Rose in the crowd.

"You are?" asked Twilight, quite surprised.

"Sure am, appointed by the mayor herself," said Spike and gave a high and mighty nod.

"He's a natural with this stuff. Did you know he figured out how to make doors and stairs all on his own?" asked Caramel. Spike couldn't help but to enjoy the praise, looking almost a bit smug where he stood.

"And fences, oh, and also gates to the fences, and he figured out how to make glass! Not to mention he has figured out how to make our own torches!" added Caramel.

"Hey, if you keep trying you're bound to find something to craft," said Spike with a smile.

"Why did the mayor pick you?" asked Twilight.

"I'm a good at multitasking. Had to be since I'm your assistant," said Spike, receiving a few chuckles from the group. Spike's eyes suddenly sprung up. "Speaking of which, I'm almost late for inspecting the hospital! Come on, Twilight! Rarity, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are there too! They'll want to see you're okay," said Spike, dragging Twilight with her. "And the rest of you, make sure the stone foundation of the town square has a pattern, then go help the rest," said Spike, picking up the stick and directing the workers.

Dragging Twilight with childlike energy, Spike rushed her through the streets, waving to some ponies, giving advice to others as he went. Many were happy to see Twilight safe and sound.

"What is it that you do, exactly?" asked Twilight.

"Mostly tell them what would be best for some houses, how to craft some things, and make sure everyone are given things to build with, and tools. Hey, Matilda, some ponies over by the town square needs more stone and picks!" said Spike as they rushed past a mare carrying an ax in her mouth.

"Right away, Sir," said the mare, rushing in the opposite direction.

"Everything looks so very well planned out, it almost feels like I'm in a town already," said Twilight.

"I helped, but the mayor did almost all of the planning. She's really good at it when it really counts. If it hadn't been for your idea and her leadership, we would still be cramped together in a cave," said Spike. "We're so lucky to have you. Look, there's the hospital!" said Spike, pointing towards one of the buildings that seemed to be almost done, easily towering over the other ones. It was one of the few buildings that was three stories tall, at least that had been built so high. It was also covered a slightly larger area than any other house would. It was a simple building, made of planks, but wooden logs were used to outline the edges. It had several entrances at the front, and Twilight suspected they weren't the only ones. The building really only had parts of its roof left. Even the windows had flat glass in them.

"Twilight! You're unharmed! Thank heavens!" said Rarity. Twilight looked up, Rarity was just finishing up the outside, putting down flowers in a small garden on the front. They rushed to each other, hugging tightly.

"Rainbow Dash, is she alright?" asked Rarity.

"Yes, she's mostly fine. A bit shocked, but healthy," said Twilight.

"Shocked? Did something happen?"

"Yeah," said Twilight, realizing just how difficult it was to actually explain it to her friends. "I'll tell you about it later, alright?"

"Of course. We are busy as bees anyway, the only thing we really need is something nice to sleep on once the houses are finished, but so far the softest thing we've created are bales of wheat, and I doubt anypony would want to sleep on that," said Rarity.

"Oh, well, Swift Digger seems to know a way to make real beds," said Twilight. Rarity's eyes lit up.

"What?! Tell me how immediately, I refuse to sleep in the hay for a single moment more!" said Rarity, again getting a grip on Twilight, lightly shaking her.

"I think he's still with the mayor, but-" Rarity was already gone, rushing away.

"Nicethatyou'rebackbyeeeee!" she yelled as she ran around a corner.

"Rarity, she sure has her priories straight, doesn't she?" said Spike with great admiration. Before Twilight could even roll her eyes, something caught their attention.

"Twilight! You're back!" said Applebloom from behind. Twilight turned around. The three little fillies were standing in the open door, before rushing to her to give her a hug.

"There are my girls! Are you working hard?" asked Twilight as they jumped into her embrace.


"What do you mean that we need wool?" asked Spike.

"We need wool! If we want to make beds or carpets we need wool," said Swift Digger as they walked towards the, now finished, town square. Several dozens of ponies were walking with them. Twilight needed to inform everyone about the void, and the rules of death. She also needed to warn them about the new threat, Enderponies, and how you should never look directly at one.

The sun was almost setting. Some buildings had managed to get finished, but a majority of everything was still just outlines and half-made walls. There was plenty of light everywhere, something that had basically interrupted the construction of the town, because of Swift. He had demanded that everyone make sure everything was lit for the night, so making hundreds, if not thousands of torches, had diverted their attention somewhat. Still, everything would get back to full speed the very next day.

"Where do you get wool?" asked Spike.

"Sheep, mostly, but if you craft together a bunch of strings from spiders, then you get wool too."

"What?" asked both Spike and Twilight.

"Hey, I don't know. That's just the way it works, okay? When sheep stopped walking around my area, that crafting was great! Sure, you had to kill a bunch of spiders, but at least I could make stuff," said Swift. "Spider's aren't as dangerous as other monsters."

"Okay... whatever," said Spike, turning his attention to Twilight. "So, Twilight, what are you going to talk about today?"

"Some things I learned about," said Twilight.

"How to get home, maybe?" asked Spike, hopeful.

"No, sorry," said Twilight, looking at the town square that just came into view. She didn't really look forward to it, talking about things she already knew, just to see the shocked, worried or confused faces of everyone around her, but it was something she had to do.


"Stop beating yourself up over it, you did fine," said Spike, eating a piece of pumpkin pie.

"I, I know, alright? But, I keep going over it in my head. Should I have said that thing differently? Should I just been more careful with my words? Giving speeches is hard!" said Twilight, resting her head against the wooden table.

"You're used to giving speeches," said Spike.

"I'm used to giving information, Spike. This, this is completely new. This was more than just info. I have... I have to try to be a better leader, I have to inspire. Ponies need to- no, I need to make ponies look up to me. You know, it's weird, but I feel like nopony in the world is expecting anything from me, except me. I try to be the best Princess I can be, but I never get a chance to really prove myself, or even test myself. I know this is probably going to change in the future, but I'm impatient. It feels like my entire life has been leading up to me becoming an Alicorn, and now it's like my destiny ran out of energy. I expected something to happen, something I had prepared for, something I knew how to deal with. This whole thing here, it's too much unknown and too much danger."

Spike looked at her a moment, then reached over the table to gently stroke her mane with his claw.

"Twilight. I don't know if you're going to be a good Princess, and I don't know if you can get us home, but I will believe in you until the end. If there is anything you've taught me, it's that I should never give up. Keep that in mind, okay?"

Twilight looked up at him for a few moments. "Okay..."

"Great. Let's go to bed, or bales," said Spike, jumping of his seat.

"Where?" asked Twilight.

"Upstairs, duh?" said Spike, walking towards the blocky spiraling staircase in the corner.

"Won't the owners be mad we're in here?" asked Twilight. Spike turned to face her, a bit confused in the way he looked at her.

"Twilight, this is our new house. Didn't you know?" asked Spike. With a shocked expression, Twilight started to look around the simple, but roomy place. "I built this myself when I had the time. Do you like it?" asked Spike,

"I- I love it. There's even room for bookcases if we figure out how to make those. How did you know?" asked Twilight.

"I really only made it big for chests, but if we can make bookcases, then great! But come on, let's go upstairs and sleep," said Spike.

"Alright," said Twilight. She walked over the floor, it having a pattern of blanks and stone, going up the stairs to enter a hallway with rooms on each side.

"Your room is on the left. Mine is on the right, but I didn't have time to finish the whole second floor. I'll moved my bales into your room, so for tonight it will be just like in Ponyville," said Spike.

They both walked into the room. Through a simple window Twilight could see ponies still working on the roofs of their future homes. A couple of beds of wheat, two by two blocks each, was on the floor, looking comforting if a bit messy.

"Good night, Twilight," said Spike, lying down on the hay.

"Good night, Spi-" To Twilight's annoyance, someone suddenly started to knock on the door downstairs. "I'll get it," said Twilight.

"Remember, if someone starts to break in it's-"

"Zombies, I know, I heard about that too," said Twilight as she walked out the room. She went back down the stairs, through the living room, through the hallway and up to the door. When she opened it, a pair of usually kind yellow eyes were looking at her.

"I'm sorry it's so late, Princess, but could I have a sleepover here really quickly?"

"Derpy, what are you doing here?" asked Twilight to the gray mare, and then she noticed her watery eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Timey kicked me out, said I wasn't good enough for him," said Derpy. "He's never said that before."

"Oh, come on in. Let's talk," said Twilight. "Listen, when we were out to save Rainbow Dash, we all went through some pretty tough times. I am sure he is just very stressed. Once he's calmed down, I think he'll come around."

"I hope so, because what he said really hurt," said Derpy as she sat down at the table.

"Come on, I'm sure it wasn't-"

"He said he had always hated my baking."

It had been like being hit in her forehead with a mallet. Twilight just sat there in shock for a few breaths. A slight gasp from the top of the stairs told them Spike had come down as well.

"That... that is just unacceptable. How- Why? He's never been that- that's just wrong," said Twilight. "You're one of the most talented- a bit clumsy, yeah, but you- how could he have said that? That's so unlike him. I thought you were his best friend," said Twilight.

"I thought so too."

"I... I suppose he could have been under much, much more stress than I thought, but to do that... if he's calmed down, and isn't looking for you right as we speak, ready to apologize for his behavior, then you should just stay away from him," said Twilight.

"I know that! But, I thought Timey would be a good friend. I guess I was wrong. He's nothing like the Time Turner I know, he's not doing a very good job," said Derpy.

"You're free to stay here for as long as you like," said Twilight. "Spike, do you have a few more bales?" she asked towards the stairs.

"No, but I could take two from my bed and let Derpy sleep on those," said Spike.

"Take a couple from mine too," said Twilight.

"Hey, Derpy, would you like some cookies? Swift had a few special types of wood and some cocoa beans, and I have one of those, and some wheat in the basement," said Spike.

"If it's not too much trouble," said Derpy, able to finally crack that carefree joyful smile everypony loved her for. "I think I can live with Carrot Top tomorrow, but I was getting a bit scared of the dark and she lives too far away."