• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 806 Views, 6 Comments

Ignoreland - Atlas_Nebula

An unusual stallion appears in the small town of Ponyville, and eventually falls for the Element of Kindness. He soon finds out more about the world around him, and all the challenges and dangers that come with it.

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Chapter 1

A low purring can be heard from the back of the carriage. The product must’ve awakened prematurely. Not that this is much of a concern to you; it’s only normal for an animal to notice when its surroundings have become unstable. The carriage goes up and down, left and right ever so slightly as it traverses the bumpy road that leads to where you plan on going. The clank of metal against the carriage ensures that your journey is not a silent one. If anything the cages that house your products are the most unwieldy things you’ve ever had to deal with.

No doubt the villagers took notice of your arrival. Merchants coming into Ponyville was a common happening, but what you’re selling and who you are is a completely different matter. They didn’t take too kindly to you, you’ve noticed. None of them outright insulted or berated you, but there was an undeniable tension in the air, and you could’ve sworn you even heard whispering and murmurs. “One of them andys” was something you got used to over the previous months, but only in small doses. This... this is a brave new world for you, but you sigh and continue on your merry way.

Your vision never lies to you, and you can see the cottage in the short distance. That cottage on the hill, so secluded and organic and green, to think that this would be the ideal place. You’ve heard through the grapevine that a shy pegasus mare lives in that cottage, and with her a multitude of animals. She treats them like they were her closest friends, and it makes you wonder if she’d be interested in any of your products. Animal lovers were the prime demographic in your line of work, after all.

With a well-hidden confidence in your being, you trot up the trail and stop just outside the mare’s domain, pulling all the weight with you that may as well be all that you possess. Meows and whimpers and even chirps can be heard from your roofless carriage, and there’s no doubt now that the products are up and ready for action. Assuming there will be any, of course. Cautiously, you detach yourself from your livelihood and make your way to the front door of the lone cabin.

Knock knock.

“Sorry, we’re not taking visitors today. Please come back later if that’s alright with you,” a muffled voice, no doubt feminine, occupies the other side, and for a second your heart sinks. Whatever you might consider a heart to be. But you haven't lost hope just yet. You knock again. “I’m sorry, but we’re not-”

“I know you said you’re not open today,” you plead. “but I’m here to see if you were interested in buying something. Something I think you might like.”

“You’re a merchant?”

“Yes, ma’am. On behalf of the Lunar Corporation, to be exact. I’ve come many miles to see if anyone in this town is interested in my products, and I heard you seem like a very profitable customer. May I please come in?” You suspected that the mare wasn’t the most outgoing lass in the world, although you didn’t think she would be this weary towards strangers. The world is rich, and its inhabitants are friendly and well to do.

“...okay. My friends tell me that I should be more social, but I just can’t help it sometimes,” she says, and the door slowly opens a little bit, but enough for the mare’s voice to carry through. “I’m sorry about that.”

“It’s not an issue, ma’am. So long as business is going smoothly and no one is harmed, then all is well.” you tell her with the level of enthusiasm you’ve put to good use since you’ve started your profession. Customers always appreciate a friendly merchant, and it makes transactions all the more relaxed and natural. You give her a genuine smile and pass by the shy mare as you enter the cottage.

Almost as it were instinct, you inspect the interior of the mare’s home, eyeing it from top to bottom with great efficiency. It’s easy to tell just by the scent that this place is occupied by many animals, most of them probably mammals, with a few birds perhaps. Jackpot! The cottage is rather lively, you couldn’t help but notice; just by looking to your right you can tell that you’ve come to the right place. Beside the shy mare is a bunny, its fur white and healthy, and you become curious as to whether it’s a really good copy, or if it’s the real deal. You stop eyeing the rabbit, who was getting noticeably annoyed at your presence, and the mare speaks up just above a harsh whisper.

“Please, sit down. I could get us some tea if you wouldn’t mind.”

“Yeah, I’m fine with that. Just... looking around is all. Also, I’ve heard a lot about you, but I don’t recall ever getting your name.”

“It’s Fluttershy. I’m Fluttershy,” she blushes ever so slightly for some reason that escapes you, and you tell her your name in reply. It is only good business for the buyer and the seller to become somewhat familiar with each other, especially if the customer comes back for more products. As you will forever remember from your training, the customer is always right.

“Pleased to meet you, Fluttershy,” you say casually. “I’ll be over in the living room, just to let you know.” With that said, you sit down in the sofa and wait patiently for the mare and her tea. To be honest, fluids and food don’t do much for you, but they do make you feel more natural. More like them. You run a hoof through your mane nonchalantly and take a breather, noticing the rabbit from before looking at you. It’s tapping its foot rapidly, and is frowning in a way that tells you he doesn’t like visitors at all. If he’s a copy, then he’s a very glitchy one.

You just glare at the small animal, your sky-blue eyes trying to pierce its soul. Maybe it’s a he, or a she, but it doesn’t take a liking to you, so you don’t like it either. The staring contest goes on for what could’ve been ages, and you start to silently wonder if the little creature has a mind of its own. Maybe it thinks the sofa belongs to it? Neither of you move an inch, but the tension evaporates when Fluttershy hovers into the living room section of the cabin, carrying a tray of delicious tea in her hooves.

“Sorry about the wait. The birds needed to be fed, and I thought you and Angel could take company in each other,” she timidly sets down the tray onto the coffee table and lands softly next to you. “He’s a bit rough around the edges, but he’s nice when you get to know him.” A grumpy creature like that being named Angel? You roll your eyes and contemplate what your next move is going to be.

“May I ask you a question, Miss Fluttershy?”

“You can just call me Fluttershy.”

“Alright then, I have a question... that rabbit there, Angel you call him, right?”

“Yes?” she replies. You hear a slight hiss coming from the rabbit, and he’s still there, looking at you. Maybe he’s malfunctioning?

“Is he synthetic, or organic?”

“What? I don’t really know what you mean by that.” Fluttershy eyes you curiously. She’s acting like she’s never encountered an electric animal before. That’s a first, but then again, there’s a first time for everything.

“Is he real, or does he run on electricity? Looks like he might be a bit buggy if he’s a copy. Electric animals aren’t supposed to behave this way, that is until you specifically programme them to act like this.” you tell her. The idea of a synthetic animal being designed to be hostile seems absurd to you. There’s no need for such a thing, let alone in a rabbit of all creatures.

“He’s real, then. I remember when he was born, actually. He was so cute when he was a baby,” Angel instantly hisses at Fluttershy, which throws you off for a second. Since when did rodents hiss like cats? “Not that you’re not cute now, Angel bunny!”

“I see... are all the animals in your home authentic? Because if they are, then I’m quite impressed.” you exclaim. The very notion of a household filled with real animals is almost unheard of nowadays. Every citizen of Equestria knows by this point that it’s cheaper to own and care for an electric animal than it is to own the real thing.

“Oh, yes, definitely. I raised just about all of them myself. Dash says I’m a lot more open towards mice and bears than I am with other ponies,” she shrugs and smiles a bit, looking at you with a certain friendliness you’re not that familiar with. “I don’t see that as being a bad thing, though. Some ponies can be very mean.”

Great scott, she’s one in a million! A vast array of numbers and patterns fly at rapid speeds through your brain, and you think about the situation you’re in. This mare is the prime customer for your profession, and who knows; she might even make you a very rich stallion if time allows it. You know that what is good for you is also good for the company. Taking you out of your joyful trance, Fluttershy speaks up again.

“Sorry, Mister, but I don’t think you told me what you sell. You’re a traveling merchant, right?”

“Yep. I’ve been working for the Lunar Corporation for almost two years now,” you gingerly reach into your saddlebag and take out your business card, which shows the company’s insignia. A crescent moon surrounding three different colored stars makes for both a flashy and informative image. Fluttershy hesitantly takes the card out of your hooves and analyses it, her eyes surfing the logo and slogan.

“Security. Efficiency. Prosperity,” she reads the slogan out loud, and hands the card back to you. “You work for a protection group?”

“No, definitely not. I work in the Department of Synthetic Beings. It’s a bit of a long name I know, but basically, we work with robots, androids, electric animals and the like,” you say proudly. “We’ve been the world’s leading company in the realm of robotics for decades now.”

Fluttershy just eyes you, puzzled. She doesn’t seem to know much about your profession. How is that possible? The Lunar Corporation has been around since long before either of you were even born, and much of society these days relies on what the company and its contemporaries produce.

“I’m sorry, but... what’s an android?” Your jaw practically drops. The tea has gone somewhat cold. How can she not know?! No matter. Maybe you’re the perfect specimen to show her just what an “andy” is.

“An android is a... how should I explain this? An android is a robotic pony. A synthetic being that looks and acts just like a pony, but it isn’t one. Tell me something, Fluttershy, have you looked at my flank at all?”

“W-What? That’s rude to do, especially to a visitor.” the mare stammers, blushing violently. You’ll take that as a no then.

“Here’s the thing, Fluttershy. Androids don’t have cutie marks. Not without some secret tampering that gives them one. Look at my flank. Do you see a cutie mark there?” as you ordered, she slowly looks down, and notices that you’re right. You lack a cutie mark. In fact, you’re an android yourself, and adult andys stick out like sore thumbs because they don’t have cutie marks. Fluttershy gasps, and you can tell that she’s at least a little bit frightened. “Now, now, don’t be scared. I’m not going to hurt you.”

“You’re... you’re a...”

“An android, yes. Maybe I should’ve told you that sooner, but seeing as how you didn’t even know what an andy is until a few moments ago that may not’ve been the best idea,” you put a hoof on her shoulder, telling her with your eyes that she needs to calm down. “For that, I sincerely apologize. It goes against my very nature to harm a pony, let alone you. I’ll be honest, Fluttershy, you seem like a very nice mare. Feeling better now?”

“Y-Yes. Thank you, I’m just not used to this sorta thing.” you can tell that she’s still shivering, but she’ll get over it. It’s a much better alternative to harsh language and slurs. You know that androids are still not accepted in some parts of the country, especially the more rural, less enlightened areas. This town must be one of those places.

“That’s okay, ma’am. I should’ve told you earlier. You’re not used to synthetic beings, are you?” your curiosity gets to you. You figured the mare was shy and reclusive, but you didn’t think she would be this unfamiliar with modern technology.

“No, I can’t say that I am. We don’t really see much, um... new stuff in Ponyville,” she says, and it occurs to you that the town might be more isolated than you originally thought. Magitek is not a new concept in Equestria, at least relatively speaking. You decide to let this slide and gently grab Fluttershy by the hoof.

“Tell you what, I’ll try to make this up to you. Maybe we can have lunch at the local bakery and talk business? It’ll be my treat,” you can tell that the mare is nervous, but her muscles appear to be relaxing finally. “I’ll explain everything when we get there, okay?”

“...yeah. I can do that.” she uneasily answers, but manages a small grin. Maybe this won’t turn out to be a disaster after all? You wonder if any of the other residents in town will be just as uninformed as she is. Who knows, maybe this’ll turn out to be your big break? Confident again, you get off the sofa and look over your shoulder.

“That’s very good, Fluttershy. I think I’ll even be able to spread the word on my products to your friends, if you don’t mind that is.” you say cheerfully, but can’t help but notice that Fluttershy is staring at your flank. Probably still weirded by the prospect of an artificial pony. No matter, she’ll get over it.

“Oh, um... I think Twilight would really like to meet you. Also, you told me who you work for, but... what do you sell?” she eyes you questioningly.

“Synthetic pets, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

The tray of tea cups is completely ignored.