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Ghee Buttersnaps

Comments ( 68 )

good god over 15,000 words.
too late at night. read tomorrow.

3126548 Yeah hehehe, :twilightsheepish: I love writing fics, but it's impossible for me to make them short...

*looks at word count*
*looks back up*
i could tell lol.

Short is for illiterates and greenhorns!
This fic is awesome, 'cause I say so, and you should therefore, by contextual evidence, feel awesome!

And thank you for not making this second-person. I shudder at the mere thought.

3126964 Well thank you for making me feel awesome :rainbowlaugh: I'm glad you liked the story. And I'm not gonna lie, I've written my fair share of short fics, but that was before I realized how much fun it was to write 15K+ word fics.

I don't know if I could ever do a second-person point-of-view type of story. I've read a few that weren't that bad, but I much prefer third-person, and since I've written this fic, I'm really starting to like first-person fics. I just might need to write a couple more.

More please...

This was freaking amazing. Like fave and files follow as soon as I get to my computer.

3128486 Awesome, I'm glad you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

3129319 Granted, I don't know when I'll be able to deliver more, but there will definitely be more stories in the future.

There is a 'your' 'you're' slip up in here...

Found it!

“You bet you’re ass I did.” I placed my hand on Octavia’s plush rump and gave it a firm squeeze,

Made me cringe a bit, but it didn't detract from the story.

That's a fine piece of plot ya got there.

3129499 hey I understand perfection can't be rushed and real life can't be put on hold so as long as I know there'll be more on the horizon I'll be happy to wait.

3130188 Thanks for pointing that out. I tend to be a bit of a stickler when it comes to grammar (comes from being an English major) but it doesn't stop a few mistakes from slipping through the cracks. I'm out right now, but I'll fix it when I get back to my computer. Also, I'm glad you liked the story.

*edit* corrected the error.

Sorry for being nitpicky, but as a cellist, I have to point this out:
"I could watch her fingers as they danced elegantly along the bridge of her cello, seeking out just the right strings before she drew her bow across them..."
The bridge is the little wooden piece near the bottom of a cello that raises the strings and keeps them taut. The part you're thinking of is the fingerboard, or neck.

3130823 thanks. I had meant neck, and I'm not really sure where I got bridge from (I play guitar myself so I know the terminology, I just tend to forget important things like that when it really counts). I'll go ahead and change it so it makes sense.

I Love this Fic from start to finish, can't wait to see more from you, as I do enjoy the anthro and human fics more than the normal Pony fics so keep up the good work as this was an amazing fic, good luck to you.
:heart: :heart: :heart:

3131284 I'm glad you enjoyed my first anthro story. I had so much fun writing it, although I must admit that it proved to be a lot more challenging to write than my normal pony fics. But it was totally worth the effort. Honestly, when I started writing fics, I didn't think I would do anthro, so this one was a bit of a test to see if I could...guess I can. So that means there might be a couple more from me. I'm actually toying around with an idea for a Vinyl Scratch fic that takes place in this same universe (so that means there will be a few connections to The First Duet).

Oh my goodness. That was amazing! I love sweet first time stories. Keep up the good work, i look forward to reading more :heart:

my eyes landed on the bottom curve of her pink, treble clef cutie mark that peeked out just below the hem of her skirt.

That is a pretty damn short skirt!!

little whole-in-the-wall

Drop the w from hole.:twilightblush:

Again, there needs to be a classy clop group on this site, and this story belongs in it!

Just one thing... who's Vinyl married to?


That is a pretty damn short skirt!!

That's what I had thought too, and I toyed around with getting rid of it, but I decided to keep it in, figuring that her cutie mark is long enough so that it goes down her leg a bit. idk, I might need to go back and revise that scene (maybe I'll have her flip her do a little twirl to jokingly show off how she looks, and her skirt gets raised enough so he can just make it out).

Just one thing... who's Vinyl married to?

Hmmmm, I haven't quite worked that one out yet. I know it's gonna be an OC, and an idea that I'm toying with is that he works as the bartender/manager of the club that Vinyl owns and DJs. Basically he's in charge of the club because out of the two of them he has the business degree, and because Vinyl would much rather spend her time partying than worry about all the technical stuff that comes with running a nightclub (that doesn't mean she doesn't help out when she can, her husband's just better at that sort of stuff). Idk, that's just an idea that I was sort of playing around with, but it could most likely change once I start writing her fic.

I'm glad you liked it.

3132516 No, keep it there! I'm just surprised I'm the only one that noticed!!!

That idea of yours actually sounds pretty good, and makes a lot of sense. I think it would work well.

3131806 Me too, sweet first time stories are the best. I love reading them, and I love writing them. I know I'll be doing a few more. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

I Highly recommend a sequel of another fic related to this one which follows Vinyl scratch or something as I would happily read it as I did enjoy this one a lot so please write more, my mind needs it!
:heart: :heart: :heart:


3134082 3135212
Guess that means I really do have to write a sequel then lol :rainbowlaugh: Granted it probably will take a while before I write it, and it probably won't be the next one that I publish (I started one a while ago that I'm excited to get back to once I'm done with the next chapter of the story over on my main account). But I promise, once I figure out how the next fic will go, it'll be put on the list of fics that I'm writing. :pinkiehappy:

A well written romance.
to be honest i can't find anything to criticise so i give you full marks.

the scene in the bedroom didn't feel awkward with the rest of the story, a nice gradual build-up, and you managed to keep them true to their selves in that scene. I've read too many fics before where the instant it goes t the bedroom, the characters seem to start acting like you'd expect from a porn star, you haven't made this mistake, you kept the story genuine and heartfelt throughout.


Pegasus-skip's Pinkie smile rating : :pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile: / 5


the scene in the bedroom didn't feel awkward with the rest of the story, a nice gradual build-up, and you managed to keep them true to their selves in that scene. I've read too many fics before where the instant it goes t the bedroom, the characters seem to start acting like you'd expect from a porn star, you haven't made this mistake, you kept the story genuine and heartfelt throughout.

Yeah, I've read those types of stories too, and some of them can be kinda fun, but there are far too many. When it comes to my writing, I prefer a more realistic take on relationships. For this particular story I hard time making that transition to the bedroom because I was trying hard to avoid making it too pornographic; I wanted the readers too feel like they stumbled in on two ponies making love, not some raunchy scene from some movie one might find if one were to turn on Cinemax at three in the morning lol :trollestia:. Judging from the positive response this story has received, I guess I pulled it off.

I'm glad you liked it. :pinkiehappy:

Awesome story. I give it a five out of five. Mainly because unlike other stories this one isn't forced. It flows naturally and smoothly. It gives all the important parts before the bedroom and the bedroom isn't instant sex. Its gradual and real. Great job and keep up the awesome work.

That was pretty good.

Personally, I want wincest threesome with Strat, Tavi and Scratch, but that's probably not gonna happen :raritydespair:


Personally, I want wincest threesome with Strat, Tavi and Scratch, but that's probably not gonna happen

Yeah, sorry, but you're right, it's probably not gonna happen, but only because I'm not into the whole incest thing. However, I will say that I toyed around with the idea that when Octavia went into her dressing room, Vinyl was hiding out of sight, and tied Tavi up when she was alone. Then Vinyl disguised herself as Octavia (probably uses a spell or something, idk, I never really worked out all the kinks), then the rest of the story happens. The story ends with Octavia getting free, and bursting through the door of the hotel room the next morning to find Strat and Vinyl (whose magical disguise wore off sometime in the night) cuddled up in bed together.


It gives all the important parts before the bedroom and the bedroom isn't instant sex. Its gradual and real.

That's basically my philosophy when it comes to writing clop fics; keep it real. I don't want it to be just porn, with the focus just on the sex, I want it to be about the story as a whole. I'm glad you enjoyed it :pinkiehappy:

No thank you for being one of the few writes who has an awesome philosophy about romance even in a clop fic. Thank you.

3141224 Awww, you're welcome :twilightblush: *actually blushing* Romance is something that's always been important to me, and I'm glad I get to share it with everyone through my stories.

And that is why I love writers like you. Keep up your amazing work.

Awesome story.
Now, I'm a trumpet player in my high school marching band, and honestly, when I saw that Strato played the trumpet, this was my overall reaction: /)>3<(\

Seriously. Nice work.
I'm actually going to write a similar fic, but it's going to focus on my OC during his years of marching band

3156098 Nice, I'm having a bit of a similar reaction when you said that you also play trumpet /)^3^(\. I was a trumpet player too, and, as Strat said in the story, I wasn't that good (oh well lol). I played for four years in high school for our concert/pep band, and our jazz band (and four years before that in middle school). I might not have been that great, but I had a lot of fun. I'm glad you liked the story, and I wish you luck, both with your music, and with your fiction writing :pinkiehappy:

Now, not to blow my own horn...Eh...Anyways. I'm pretty good.
Oh, and I finally meet a trumpet player on FiMfiction. Finally!

3161123 That's cool. I probably could have been better if I had had a better trumpet (I got mine off ebay and only paid a little over $100 for it) and maybe if I had *cough* practiced *cough* :twilightblush:

Oh, and I finally meet a trumpet player on FiMfiction. Finally!

Not that many of us on here, huh? That's odd; there should be more of us. I mean, trumpets are awesome :pinkiehappy:

But there are very few bronies in marching band at my high school. There's one pegasister in the color guard, and five in the actual band (Three trumpets, one Bari sax, and one guy in the pit)

I must say, this is quite an enjoyable story. However, one minor positioning question.

When Octavia is riding him cowgirl style, it mentions he puts his left hand on her rear and right hand on her right breast. Given that, if she's facing him, her right breast is on his left side, wouldn't this be a somewhat awkward position?

Only quip I can find in over 15k words. The rest I was too busy enjoying. Felt very real. Well done.

3172608 I'm glad you enjoyed it. And you're right, it is a little weird; I went in and changed it to her left breast.

P.S. If this is the same Tatsurou I'm thinking of, then how did you even find me here :derpyderp2:? This isn't my main account, so you would know me under a different user name (at least you do on DA). I'll give you a hint: you might know me as a certain someone who wrote a lot of fics based on Princess Luna :raritywink:

3171112 Just goes to show how awesome trumpet players are; we've got the most bronies :rainbowlaugh: Though looking back now, I can't think of that many people in my old high school pep band that would have become bronies (there might have been one or two other than myself). Sadly I graduated long before MLP FiM was created so I'll never truly know :moustache:

Yeah, that's the thing I noticed.

And I found this story by searching the new Anthro tag. Wait...by any chance are you the one I talked about writing "Luna's New Moon" with? Name's always escape me.

3172802 Yup, I'm this guy. Well, I guess you now know why it takes me so long to update my current story hahahaha :twilightblush:

Any chance you'll be looking at some more of my stories on here then? Some are fimfic exclusives.

3173242 Maybe, though if I do, it'll probably be on my other account, since this is just my clop writing account and I try to do my reading (if any) on my main account.

Pretty long, but this was rather sweet

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