• Published 30th Aug 2013
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Operation: VECTOR in Equestria - type13

Delta Team's VECTOR finds himself in Equestria

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Mission 23: Welcome

Just outside the Goblin Barracks, a battle is being waged with the joint forces of the Crystal Empire and Canterlot against the Goblin Army of King Sombra. The plan of attack was an improvised Pincer attack, with Shining Armor leading the front lines and the two rulers of Equestria; Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, on each side of the Goblin Army. Even with a coordinated and Pre-emptive attack, The Ponies of Equestria are still struggling with the number power of the Goblins.

“Keep Attacking! Don’t let your guard fall! If the first line of defense falls, it’ll be a matter of time till we get overwhelmed!” ordered Shining Armor as he fires shot after shot from behind the Earth Pony ‘Wall’.

Meanwhile, On the side of the battlefield; Princess Luna and Princess Celestia attempts to lessen the number of the Goblins, so that the pressure on the front lines will lessen.

“Keep Attacking! Do not let up! We must do everything that we are able, for the sake of Equestria!” ordered Princess Celestia as she hovered over her forces and let out a magical light as strong as the morning Sun to blind the enemy forces and sear any Goblins close enough to harm her little ponies.

But even with the power of the Princesses by the ponies’ side, the Goblins still kept on pouring out of the barracks endlessly.


As a battle wages on just outside of the enemy barracks, VECTOR along with the Elements of Harmony have arrived in front of the gates of the Goblin Castle, after disposing of what few Goblin Guards that were left.

Upon reaching the said Gates, VECTOR beckoned for Rainbow Dash and Rarity to join them, so that he can re-organize his little team.

“Alright girls, Time to re-organize our Strat. First of all, I’d like to congratulate all of you for making this far, but we still have a long way to go, so don’t let your guards down. Our reorganization won’t change much; Rarity will just join Fluttershy in the middle of the group, whilst Rainbow Dash will just hover on above the group, the rest will still be the same formation” said VECTOR as he looked at each of his friends, he then added. “We’re almost there, now before we move out; I’d like to add something important.”

“Something. Important? “ asked Twilight as she looked at the others, who wore the same expression as her; confusion.

“Yeah V. What’s so important as to just tell us NOW?” added Rainbow Dash.

“You girls remember what I told you about King Sombra’s Champion?” asked VECTOR as everypony nodded in response and gestured VECTOR to go on.

“Well, that new Champion. Is my Mentor, HUNK or otherwise known as Mr. Death. King Sombra was able to trick my mentor and superior to come here in Equestria to help him win the war. Now I’m still not sure if HUNK agreed to Sombra’s terms, but I’m just warning you girls to keep your guards up at all times. He’s not called Mr. Death for no reason.”

As Elements of Harmony heard this; fear started to creep on their heart and mind; the teacher of their friend; a person who teaches the way of killing another, the person that made their friend what he is today. And this person is their enemy. A man called Mr. Death.

“B-b-but we CAN beat him, right, sugarcube?” asked Applejack nervously as cold sweat started to appear on her and her friends’ faces.

“I don’t know yet; the first and last time we sparred was when I was still joining Umbrella. Even though he applauded me on how I managed to counter one of his signature moves, I still got pretty beat up” replied VECTOR, remembering his one and only fight with HUNK.

“So we still have a chance! If you learned from this man, then that must mean you know how he moves and how he acts. Like the saying goes: ‘The student always surpasses the teacher’” replied Twilight with renewed bravery.

“Twilight is right, and besides, this Mr. Death fellow is lacking something if he ever faces us” said Rarity as she and the rest started to look at each other and trot closer to VECTOR.

“What’s that?” asked VECTOR.

And with a warm smile from each of his friends, Fluttershy spoke.

“He doesn’t have friends by his side” with those simple words, VECTOR smiled behind his mask, his worry and fear starting to disappear and a new found resolve starting to emerge. True, he might be facing his Mentor, but that does not mean he will let his friends get harmed, he’d rather die than see his friends get hurt.

And with new vigor and resolve; VECTOR and the Elements of Harmony, steeled themselves and entered the Castle of the once King of the Crystal Empire, King Sombra.

If he was still alive that is.


Upon Entering the Castle, The group was not that shocked to see that it was now empty. But even still, they know that something was lurking in the shadows of the Castle. VECTOR then thought that King Sombra himself might be hiding himself in his Throne Room. And after ordering Fluttershy to scan the building with LUPO’s specialized mask, Fluttershy told them that the Throne Room was at the upper floor of the Castle, and that the stairs where located at the main hall of the Castle.

After a short travel to the empty halls of the castle, they arrived at two huge wooden double doors that led to the Main Hall of the Castle.

And as they opened the door, they were greeted with two Goblins; one was so small and was so covered in bandages that it looked like a small mummy, whilst the other one was spotting a wizard getup complete with a staff.

“Welcome! Esteemed Guests, to the Castle of the Great and Powerful, King Sombra!” said the Goblin that wore the wizard getup as it gave a mock bow. To which made the Elements cringe at the word ‘Great and Powerful’.

“Where is King Sombra?” asked Twilight as she took out a sub-machine gun and aimed it at the Goblins.

“No need to be eager! The Master has prepared a ‘Party’ for thee” replied the Goblin Wizard.

“Did you just say Party?!” screamed Pinkie Pie as she practically jumped in joy upon hearing the word Party.

“What the hay Pinkie? What kind of Villain gives parties?” asked Twilight.

“The Joker?” replied Pinkie with a shrug.

“Who?” asked Twilight with a raised eyebrow.

“Focus Girls! I think we’re about to find out!” shouted AppleJack.

As the Goblin Wizard casted a black spell on the mummified Goblin whilst laughing maniacally, the mummified Goblin fell on the ground as the black Aura-like spell engulfed its whole body and it started to squirm, and after a few moments started to grow in size.

VECTOR, who was not fazed to what he was seeing, unsheathed his blade and dashed to the two Goblins, thus surprising both the Goblin Wizard and the Elements of Harmony. With a light jump, he aimed his combat knife at the Goblin Wizard.

As his blade was mere inches close to the forehead of the Goblin Wizard, he was stopped by a huge green fist upper cutting him from below. VECTOR was tossed upwards due to the sheer force of the punch.

Rainbow Dash; who was quick to react, flew in fast speeds to catch VECTOR in mid-air. VECTOR, who wasn’t knocked-out by the punch, saw Rainbow Dash coming his way, flipped in the air and grabbed the front hoof of RD and the two slowly descended back to the group.

“Witness, the power of King Sombra!” shouted the Goblin Wizard whilst laughing maniacally. All the While, the Mummified Goblin growing larger and larger as its wraps started to tear apart. And after a few more moments, a 10 foot tall Goblin Brute radiating with Black Magic stood before VECTOR’s group.

“Well then, If you want to Party…” said VECTOR as he turned to Twilight “Time to let loose, Princess”

“With pleasure” replied Twilight unfolding all 6 of her Sub-Machine Guns and aiming at the Goblin Brute.

The sound of Gunfire echoing through the halls of the Castle.