• Published 12th Nov 2013
  • 1,359 Views, 121 Comments

Penn and Stone: Dynamic Duo - Pennington Inkwell

On an assignment from Princess Luna, Pennington Inkwell and his assistant, Moonstone, attempt to thwart a dragon with the power to change the weather.

  • ...

The Metamorphosis

It was wrong.

It looked like it could have been a dragon once, but it had been forcibly torn to shreds, then reassembled from the pieces. Twilight could see muscle fibers, tendons, and pulsating blood vessels all wound up tight into thick ropes that layered over a sun-bleached skeleton. Anatomically, it made no sense, and it made her brain cry out in protest just by looking at it. The connective tissues were bundled in nonsensically with everything else, with no regard for structure or function, pathways for blood layered and cut off until they burst with pressure, only to seep back into the seams between layers. It was large, as well, nearly twice her height and three times in length from head to tail. Despite the layer of skinless flesh that made up the monster's body, it still looked practically emaciated, its body seeming to collapse in on itself the moment that it passed where its ribcage ought to end. Its tail made up more than a third of its length, thick and coveredIts legs were long and lanky, but forced Twilight to double-take. They didn't look exactly like dragon legs, even for a wingless drake like this. In fact, the back legs were distinctly wrong. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes caught sight of the place where it made contact with the ground: the muscle and meat pulled away to reveal pale bone hooves.

"Twilight Sparkle..."

The voice felt like it was driving nails into Twilight's eardrums, causing her to flinch back and forcing her attention to its head.

Its face was a pale mask in the shape of a dragon's head, with a pair of curved horns and a narrow snout. It seemed to have no mouth at all, simply transitioning from the fanged upper jaw to the neck, leaving the sharp fangs hanging in the air. Its eyes were inky black sockets, lit from within by pinpricks of red light. The only natural-looking motion of the creature was the flaring open and shut of the nostrils, which leaked a rotten-smelling steam.

"Who- Who are you? WHAT are you? How do you know my name?" Twilight stammered. She almost immediately regretted her words, since it made the creature actually acknowledge her. Its eyes locked on her and it straightened its crooked posture as much as it seemed able to.

"You know me, Twilight Sparkle... Or do you not recognize a GOD when you see one?

A wave of the disgusting steam washed over Twilight as it leaned in closer, sniffing at her with a satisfied hum. It took all of Twilight's self-control not to retch at the smell, and she could hear Spike dry heaving behind her while Moonstone whimpered in her ear.

"A delectable morsel... But I shall grant you a boon of life. I've greater hunts to pursue."

Twilight blinked, unsure what to make of the statement. If this really WAS Cha'Qued, it made no sense. Everything she had ever seen, ever been TOLD, described him as insatiable, a monster without reason if he were ever set loose, and he was just going to... let her live?


The skull chuckled, a deep, gravelly sound that sent fear racing through Twilight's body. In the back of her mind, she registered that Spike and Moonstone were both cowering in fear behind her. If she instigated Cha'Qued, all three of their lives would be on her head.

"Your betrayal, of course. Whether conscious or not, your actions made Inkwell more... pliable. Just enough for me to engineer an offer he couldn't refuse... Let it never be said Cha'Qued is not a gracious god."

Twilight was gobsmacked. This wasn't... this wasn't possible, was it? This monster was NOTHING like the story Lily had told her about what happened at Mozun Akai! The very IDEA that Pennington would willingly put on Cha'Qued's mask was absurd! They had all fought too long and too hard to keep the mask out of Full Sails's hooves, there was no way that he would risk all of that, right?

Twilight's racing thoughts were cut short as the monster turned away from her. She watched as the fleshy strands of its body began to unravel on its back and long shards of bone began to emerge from just behind its shoulders. In a matter of seconds, it had woven itself a pair of wings, readying itself to take off. It didn't even require conscious effort on Twilight's part to realize what direction it was facing.

It was headed for Equestria.

Her mind conjured up the imagery of Mozun Akai, of a city decimated and a population ravaged. In her mind's eye, she saw countless ponies gutted and drained, lying in the dirt. At this moment, almost the entirety of Equestria's population was gathered in Canterlot for safety from the storms. If this truly WAS Cha'Qued, then...

Twilight lashed out with her magic, wrapping it around Cha'Qued at the same moment it beat its wings in an attempt to take off. In spite of her efforts, it did make its way up into the air, but failed to fly far. With a groan of exertion, Twilight redoubled her efforts, dragging it down and slamming it into the ground with enough force to kick up a cloud of dust. Twilight's head felt like it was spinning, and she didn't know whether it was fear, overexertion, or a combination of the two. She hadn't expended that much raw physical strength with her magic since she had saved Ponyville from the Ursa Minor. However, this was no time for getting tired so easily. There was no avoiding a battle now.

"Twilight!" Spike hissed. "What are you DOING?"

Twilight lamented the fact that she didn't have time to come up with a better plan.

"Spike? Moonstone? I n-need you both to write to the princesses, warn them that Cha'Qued is loose, okay? Then run as far away as you can, as fast as you can!"

"WHAT?" Spike cried.

"Twilight, we aren't going to just-" Moonstone started, only to be cut off by Twilight's teleport spell. She sent them as far as she dared to in the direction she had come from. In the back of her mind, she whispered a silent prayer that they would make it to the Adelind Eyrie safely.

This fight was one she doubted she could win, not against a "god." If Cha'Qued really had killed the rest of the Mozunian gods except Ravia, that meant that even Celestia and Luna likely couldn't stop him. She wished that her friends were here, the fact that she was standing alone terrified her. But the stakes were too high for her NOT to make a stand. All of Canterlot, possibly all of Equestria, was on the line.

And Twilight and her friends saved Equestria. It was what they did before, and what they would keep doing.

"Is this how you choose to repay my magnanimous gift, Sparkle?"

"I... I won't let you go on and keep killing!" Twilight declared.

This elicited another chuckle from Cha'Qued as he slunk his way out of the dust cloud. His beady red eyes were locked on her in a hungry gaze that made Twilight's blood curdle in her veins.

"And how will YOU stop me, little morsel? How can you stop my HUNGER?"

There was some kind of power behind the word. The moment the sound of it reached her, it seemed to seep into her body.

"G-GAAH!" Twilight cried out in pain as a shooting pain lanced through her abdomen. Her eyes began to water from the pain... and her mouth began to water from the smell. The smell of Cha'Qued's body, of fresh meat and spilled blood, enticed her in a way no food in her life ever had. She had never even TOUCHED meat, even if ponies were technically omnivorous, but every whiff of blood felt like a delicious promise if she was willing to take it. Her stomach was churning and bubbling in her gut, and each new motion sent fresh pain running through her. It was torture, absolute AGONY that sapped the strength from her limbs and forced her to her knees. She couldn't think, couldn't even consider anything outside of how HUNGRY she was. Every twist of her stomach was like dying over and over again, with no sign of relief except to eat something, ANYTHING. It was as if her stomach was eating her from the inside out.

She didn't even notice Cha'Qued growing closer until he was practically on top of her. He loomed over her for a moment, considering her tiny existence.

You know nothing of true hunger... thus you know nothing of me.

She had thought that the lack of a bottom jaw meant that Cha'Qued had no mouth. She had been wrong. A set of bloody fangs began to poke their way up through his flesh, a vertical row of teeth that started at the tip of his snout and extended down his neck and through his chest until they disappeared from sight somewhere on his underbelly. In excruciating detail, Twilight watched Cha'Qued's mouth tear the front of his body apart.

Do something! the rational part of Twilight's brain cried.

Inside of Cha'Qued's body were countless masses of razor-sharp fangs, lining the walls of his flesh and eagerly wriggling back and forth, ready to draw her inside... and he still smelled DELICIOUS...

"How could you ever stop what you cannot even comprehend?"

DO SOMETHING! Twilight's brain screamed.

Twilight wished she could.

She wished that she wasn't so hungry. She wished she wasn't so weak, so easily influenced. First Delta Raider had tricked her, then Celestia had convinced her, and now Cha'Qued was overpowering her. Whatever there had been of Pennington was clearly gone, and she knew that, even partially, it was her fault. She hadn't made it in time. She had come here to help, to apologize. To prove she'd had at least a shred of loyalty left.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered, closing her eyes.

Time slowed to a crawl, and Twilight felt something new... relief. The churning in her gut slowed, then stopped, along with the pain. Twilight's eyes snapped open as a sweet taste washed over her tongue, washing away the deplorable meaty flavor of Cha'Qued's scent. It was a taste Twilight knew well.

Pinkie's cupcakes?

In response, Twilight heard a peal of laughter ring through her memory, sending clarity washing through her brain. With a heave of her newfound strength, she flung herself backwards, pulling herself out of Cha'Qued's maw just as it closed in on her. As she glared at her opponent from a distance, Twilight knew what it was that had broken Cha'Qued's spell.

Even if they weren't physically present, Twilight's friends were always with her. The Elements of Harmony had given her a second chance, and she wasn't going to waste it.

"How?" Twilight straightened her posture. "With something YOU can't comprehend, Cha'Qued, and more powerful than even YOUR hunger!" She stamped her hoof and ignited her horn, a violet mist forming around her before solidifying into a set of four magical rapiers. It was the spell she would never have learned if not for Pennington. She glanced at the familiar shapes, steeling her resolve. If somepony as awful as Full Sails could be freed from Cha'Qued back at Mozun Akai, then there was no way that Pennington could be gone for good. Even if she needed to carve him out from the heart of that thing.

"The magic of FRIENDSHIP!"

Cha'Qued lunged forward as Twilight attacked with her swords, plunging them into Cha'Qued's open mouth and pushing him back. Twilight brought the blades into a cross formation and began to spin them, tearing into his insides like a blender and sending teeth and pieces of flesh flying. Cha'Qued let loose a roar of pain before clamping down on the blades, snapping them and shutting his horrendous mouth. Twilight let the spell fade, changing her focus. After a short teleport jump to put more distance between herself and Cha'Qued, she charged up a fresh spell. With no warning except a grunt of exertion, Twilight unleashed a sea of white-hot flames.

Cha'Qued didn't even flinch at Twilight's fire spell, stepping forward and easily walking through it.

"I have feasted on dragonflesh, and you think these measly flames can hurt me?"

The words caught Twilight off-guard, making her blink in surprise. In the moment between her eyes closing and opening again, Cha'Qued appeared mere inches from her, his head bent low beneath her.

"YIPE!" Twilight yelped, instinctively teleporting herself as Cha'Qued reared back. Twilight didn't need to be a genius to tell that, had she been a second slower, Cha'Qued's horn could have easily gutted her in a single blow. Not willing to risk it again, Twilight wrapped herself in her magic, levitating herself into the air.

Okay, if Cha'Qued is the "god" of blood and flesh, let's see if we can take a chunk out of his power?

As a filly, Twilight's first great hurdle had been transfiguration spells. After she had gotten her cutie mark, it had seemed that everything Princess Celestia wanted to teach her came easily up until her first transfiguration spell. It had taken nearly a week of careful study and contemplation before she had made her first breakthrough, a clumsy half-formed teapot made from a local flowerpot. When Celestia had seen the result, she had been entirely pleased with Twilight's results, but Twilight had been mortified for the princess to see anything less from her than perfection. From then on, she had practiced obsessively until transfiguration had become one of her strongest spells. Even today, Twilight made sure to do at least one every day, and considered at least FIVE mandatory for her warm-ups.

She unleashed a blast of magic at Cha'Qued, aiming directly for his head. Seemingly able to predict her strategy, Cha'Qued lifted his wings to block the spell. To Twilight's glee, the wings immediately were engulfed in a burst of light and vanished, dropping a pair of pony-shaped statues on top of his head. As Twilight prepared to strike again, however, she felt something sharp stinging at her flank.

"OW!" she cried, grabbing at the offending object with her magic and bringing it up close to examine.

It was one of Cha'Qued's dislodged fangs from her initial attack. The remaining flesh attached to it had morphed into a spindly, mosquito-like body with a pair of narrow wings. "Okay, that is just..." Twilight trailed off as she heard a loud buzzing sound rising on all sides. She snapped her head upwards, only to see herself surrounded by the fang-bugs, "...disgusting."

Twilight immediately hoisted herself further upwards as fast as she could, the swarm close on her tail. She twisted herself in the air to face them, hurling a disintegration spell at them. They were faster than her magic, however, easily parting to let the spell pass by. She knew that she couldn't outrun them forever, she was rapidly running out of magic AND breathable air at this altitude.

Then maybe I should stop running?

Twilight brought herself to a full stop, casting a barrier to keep the disembodied jaws from eating her alive. All as a single unit, the swarm backed away, then clamped down on top of her, trying to chew their way through. Twilight felt a growing headache as the barrier was placed under more and more strain, forces that the tiny wings should have found impossible to muster. Still, it wasn't enough to stop her from conjuring the spell she needed. With a grunt of exertion, she sent out a wave of magical power, one that transfigured everything in the immediate area. She let out a sigh of relief as the entire swarm dropped from the sky. Noting that they looked off from what she had been envisioning, she took a peek at the one she was still holding in her hoof. It looked as if the actual fang, itself, had refused to be transmuted, even if the fleshy body had been perfectly transformed into a porcelain figure of Princess Celestia.

Are his fangs magic-proof? Twilight thought to herself. That probably goes for all the bone parts of his body... Noted.

As Twilight had a brief moment of silence up in the clouds, she pondered the fact that her magic likely wouldn't be enough to stop Cha'Qued alone. As she thought about what she could do, Twilight felt the heat of the sunlight on her back. She thought about Celestia. She thought about the many, many lessons she had learned from her mentor over the years. Even if she DID have some flaws, Celestia had taught Twilight most of what she knew about magic. And there was one spell that she had taught Twilight, one that, per her instructions, Twilight had never cast.

Twilight shuddered to think that she might need it.

When Twilight flew back down, her eyes narrowed as she noticed that more armor plating had appeared on Cha'Qued's body. It was enough to shake her confidence in attempting another transfiguration spell, especially one at a distance.

Twilight changed gears with her magic, swooping down and blasting him in the side with a new spell. As she flew away and back out of reach, Twilight felt a swell of satisfaction as Cha'Qued roared out in pain again. When she turned back to examine her work, she could see that almost half of his body had been encased in a thick chunk of blue ice.

"YES!" she punched the air before diving towards him again. Once he was frozen solid, she could maintain the prison long enough to try some of the emergency spells Celestia had taught her for dealing with dark magic. Before she could finish the icy prison, however, Twilight watched Cha'Qued's tail thrash and lengthen. Starting at the tip and moving down, plates of bone armor emerged, covering the exposed flesh. The tail whipped around and slammed into the chunk of ice, sending cracks through it in its entirety. Twilight narrowed her eyes, changing her focus to keeping the frozen portion intact. "Oh, NO YOU DON'T!"

As Twilight's beam of ice magic closed in on its target, something unexpected happened. Long, insect-like limbs emerged from beneath the plates on its tail, lashing out at the energy and easily dispersing it. Twilight stopped the useless spell and shifted gears once again.

Accelero was a useful spell, but it was rarely used casually because of how taxing it was on the user. But if there was one thing Twilight knew how to do, it was make efficient use of her spells. As the rest of the world around her slowed to a crawl, Twilight already had the ritual prepared in her mind. The moment her hooves touched the ground, she was running, circling Cha'Qued while she still had time. With his actions in slow motion, Twilight could see the exposed veins of Cha'Qued's body literally boiling the blood inside, swiftly reducing her ice to steam. After that, Twilight focused on her preparations, only giving enough attention to her surroundings to duck under and weave around the bug-like legs springing from his tail. The ritual she was preparing was the most powerful she knew, and required one of the most complicated runic circles she could draw. As she went, she picked up stones and dirt from the ground, using her transmogrification spell to create the alchemical agents she needed and carefully arranging them at the focal points. Celestia had forced her to practice these particular transmutations over and over until she could perform them in her sleep, and Twilight was glad now for her mentor's rigorous requirements. When the circle was complete, Twilight released Accelero and slid to a stop directly in front of Cha'Qued's face. The monster wasted no time with banter, attempting to lunge at her the moment he laid eyes on her. Twilight didn't flinch or run this time, swiftly drawing the activation rune in the dirt with her hoof.

Immediately, a golden barrier sprung up around Cha'Qued, locking him inside. Twilight breathed a sigh of relief as the wall held fast, not even cracking under the strain. She closed her eyes, feeling the power of the ritual beginning to rise up, threatening to overtake her.

Celestia had taught her this spell just before sending her to Ponyville, a final resort if she were to ever find herself facing dark magic and great evil. It channeled the power of the celestial bodies directly, and was extremely dangerous.

"If you use this spell, Twilight, it must be when you are in the most dire of danger. It will call upon the same source that my power draws from, as well as my sister once did. But take great care, the power of the sun and the moon aren't anything to EVER take lightly! This spell will bring their judgement down on YOU, as well. And if they deem you unworthy..."

Twilight forced the latter half of Celestia's warning from her mind. This wasn't the time to hesitate.

"By the power of the sun, I purify..." she whispered.

The effect was instantaneous. The circle was struck by a massive pillar of golden light, blinding Twilight to what was happening inside. If the agonize roars of Cha'Qued were anything to go by, however, then it was having the desired effect. Twilight could feel the heat on her, as well, even on the other side of the barrier. She could smell the ends of her hair and fur beginning to smolder, and the light of the spell was enough to feel as if she were going blind, even through her eyelids. She felt as if the power were cooking her alive, threatening to burn and peel away layer after layer. Twilight gritted her teeth and stepped forward, focusing on letting the power pass over and through her, rather than resisting it. While it made the pain more bearable, it did little to lessen the heat. When she took a breath to whisper the next portion of the spell, it burned her mouth and lungs, scorching the surface of her tongue. Still, she forced herself to continue, refusing to be swept away by the power.

"By the power of the moon, I punish..."

The change wasn't instantaneous, as she expected, and at first Twilight thought she had somehow failed. After a few seconds, however, she felt the intensity of the light beginning to fade. As soon as she felt she could do so without going blind, Twilight cracked open one eye to look at what was happening.

The golden light was slowly being overtaken by an abyssal darkness, a column of sheer black that was eclipsing the sun's light. In a few more seconds, the deep dark had completely filled the runic circle. It radiated a tidal wave of negative energy, and Twilight was standing at ground zero. As she felt the dark beginning to creep into the corners of her mind and a heavy weight form in her chest, Twilight focused her mind on the memory of her friends. She thought of Pinkie Pie's giddy laughter, Rainbow Dash's unyielding loyalty, Applejack's frank honesty, and the generosity and kindness that Rarity and Fluttershy always kept in ample supply. Even with this, Twilight could feel the dark tugging at her heart, making her brain fuzzy and beckoning her for only a moment's indulgence. A curiosity about how deep the pit she hovered above prodded at her mind, and for a moment, Twilight considered seeking an answer. However, for once, she let curiosity pass. She didn't need to know everything, not so long as she kept her friends close in her heart. As swiftly as it had crept over her, the darkness allowed her to pass through to the other side, gently departing.

She let out a shuddering breath, somehow even more drained from the gentle, painless assault of the dark than she had been from the searing power of the light.

"And by the power of the countless stars, imprison..."

Within the tower of darkness, Twilight began to see small pinpricks of light, twinkling on and off again. They were few and far between at first, but quickly grew in number and frequency until the entire column had been transformed into a shimmering pillar of light in every color. Twilight's eyes widened as she stared into the eternity of space, galaxies and nebulae laid out before her, as if she were standing before a prism that had refracted the entirety of the heavens directly into her eyes. She felt herself beginning to slip away, losing herself in the sheer magnificence of the cosmos. She knew that she could look into it for an eternity and still not see the entirety of its magnificence, let alone comprehend it. Out of nowhere, Twilight felt a tug, a tether bringing her back to the present. In that moment of awareness, Twilight realized that she had stepped forward again, and was reaching out her hoof to the light. Immediately, she drew back, shocked at her own behavior. She had nearly trapped herself in her own banishing spell. Stepping away, she tore her eyes away from the spectacle and focused her attention on drawing the final rune in the dirt.

"And this is I do in the names of harmony, of righteousness, and of justice!"

There was a final, long, echoing roar from Cha'Qued before the spell concluded, leaving a deep crater inside the bounds of Twilight's ritual circle. She peeked down into the hole, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as she saw the withered remains of Cha'Qued sitting at the bottom, shriveled dry and torn to shreds. What bones remained had been scorched black with soot, and Twilight could see the mask laying in the place his head had been, returned to its familiar, pony-skull form.

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief before falling back onto her haunches, then onto the ground, spread-eagle with exhaustion.

She had done it. She had cast the "Heaven's Wrath" spell. It had almost killed her, if not worse, but she had stopped Cha'Qued. She knew she wouldn't be able to move for a while, but that was fine. Somepony would come soon. Celestia would know she cast it, even if Moonstone and Spike's letters didn't reach her.

She did have to wonder what had happened to Pennington, though... If he had been Cha'Qued's host, why hadn't he been left behind when Twilight banished Cha'Qued?

And that was when she heard it. The insectoid chittering. The grinding of bone against bone. Her blood ran cold in her veins as she rolled herself onto her hooves, trying to gather the energy to stand again.

The sun... the moon... the stars...

Twilight watched a new, alien creature rising up from the smoldering crater.

"N-no... that's not possible..."

Do you know who created them? Who placed the heavens in the firmament?

It looked like some kind of giant centipede, covered in the bone plating, which had grown into a full exoskeleton, now. Just the head of the monster was the size of Twilight's entire body. Its countless legs seemed to pay no mind to anatomy or sense, overlapping and shuffling around one another in constant agitation. Its mouth seemed to split it horizontally down the center, now, framed by a pair of massive pincers at the front of its body. It was huge, large enough to swallow her whole. Twilight watched as it opened its mouth, unleashing fleshy tendrils that began to descend towards her.

"N-no! NO!" Twilight cried, stumbling backwards. She tried to teleport, only to find her magic still depleted. In a matter of seconds, the tendrils had wrapped around her hooves, lifting her effortlessly from the ground. Every place that it touched her, Twilight's body went numb, no longer responding to her demands to struggle. Soon, she had been lifted high enough to stare eye to eye with Cha'Qued's hollow sockets.

"Then I shall tell you, little morsel. It was Mozun, King among Gods... AND I ATE HIS HEART FROM HIS CHEST!"

Cha'Qued roared at a deafening volume, his voice making Twilight's entire body shudder and shake.

Your power is not unlike his. In fact, you are the first to cause me any real pain in more than a thousand years. Die knowing that you sit in good company, Twilight Sparkle..."

Twilight tried harder and harder to struggle, but her own flesh and blood seemed to have been turned against her, refusing to respond.

"TWILIGHT! HANG ON!" A familiar voice cried out. Twilight's head snapped to the side, the only movement she could still make of her own free will. In a flash of golden light, the tendrils holding her were severed, freeing her and sending her plummeting towards the ground. Twilight braced herself for a collision with the hard dirt, only to find herself come to a surprisingly soft landing. Before she could even process what had happened completely, she had been spirited away on a bed of soft leaves and vines, finally coming to a stop a far out of Cha'Qued's immediate reach.

"TWILIGHT!" Spike cried, running up and planting himself face-first into her chest for the tightest of hugs.

"S-Spike? How did you- hrrk!" Twilight choked out the words, only to dry heave unexpectedly and fall into a coughing fit. From the corner of her vision, a small pair of entwined roots were offered by a friendly looking hoof.

"Marshmallow and ginger roots. Both good for a cough."

Twilight looked up, her jaw dropping at the sight of Ravia's mask and wood armor framing a mare's body, one with a familiar aqua-colored mane.

"LILY? Is that you?" Twilight eyed the intertwined plant roots with suspicion. "Or- or is Ravia controlling you?"

The figure made a "so-so" motion with her hoof.

"It doesn't matter that much when we've got the same goals, does it?"

Twilight glanced down again, then took the offered roots, popping them into her mouth and beginning to chew. The marshmallow root coated her raw throat with a thick syrup while the ginger offered a cleansing feeling to her senses.

In the distance, Cha'Qued reared back, tilting his head in a pleased manner.

"Ah... Ravia. I do so wish I had time for your- GRAAH!"

Twilight's eyes widened as a massive spike of intertwined vines sprung up from the ground beneath Cha'Qued, skewering him through the head. Her eyes shifted back to Lily, who had stamped her hoof lightly against the ground.

"Achillea flowers..." she muttered. In response, the spear sprung into multicolored bloom. Cha'Qued simply chuckled, his body seeming to disassemble to allow him to pull himself off of the spike, then pull itself together again once he was free, none the worse for the wear.

Twilight reached out a hoof, brushing it against Lily's side, just enough to get her attention.

"Lily... he's in there somewhere... He has to be..."

Lily turned to look down at her, then nodded silently.

"War it IS then, Goddess of the Earth..."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, everyone! I mostly have just wanted to make sure I got this part right, you know?

I'm not going to promise any kind of schedule for the next chapter, I want to make sure that the clash of god vs god is appropriately epic, but know that this is at the top of my priority list outside of summer classes and my own well-being.

If you've enjoyed all of this, please comment with your thoughts below, your feedback means the world to me and keeps me writing!

Comments ( 3 )

The description of Twilights spell was beautiful.

Good work.

Yes, I teared up reading it.


Twilight's super cool spell, her thinking of her friends, Cha'Qued's transformations, Lily and Ravia showing up... I hella don't mind waiting because this gauntlet of battles is just AWESOME :rainbowdetermined2:

Take your time, this will be a treat.

I don't know why the site didn't give me a notification for this comment, but thank you!! So glad you've been here and stuck through all of this. Your comments really help me keep working, man. I always think about how Twilight is such a powerful unicorn without using runes or reagents or anything like that, and it makes me wonder what she's really capable of without holding back, you know?

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