• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 13,556 Views, 435 Comments

Pattycakes: The Remake - GlitchyProductions

Humanized remake of Pattycakes, takes out the disturbing elements of the original and replaces them with a light-hearted story.

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Chapter Four

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had made their way upstairs, wondering what to do in their spare time Fluttershy came up with the idea of "play time". Going upstairs back into the nursery to play games and mess around with the toys that resided in the toy chest, Rainbow Dash was a little nervous, she herself knew that wearing a diaper, using a pacifier and drinking from a baby bottle is easy. Using baby toys around others is going to be a challenge in itself.

"Do you want to play with some toys?" Fluttershy cooed, she softly held Rainbow Dash's arm as if to support her because of her apparent weak infantile legs.

"I guess it's something to do." Rainbow Dash said.

"There is some building blocks and even some lego blocks in the toy chest in the nursery, I bet you would like to play with them." Fluttershy cooed.

"I haven't played with lego bricks in years Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash laughed.

"Great! We can build a little lego house together!" Fluttershy squeaked.

"Yeah sure." Rainbow Dash smiled.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash made it to the front of the nursery door, Fluttershy took the liberty and opened the door for her baby. Rainbow Dash walked into the nursery and looked around waiting for Fluttershy to take the next move, Rainbow Dash looked at the changing table, the crib and the toy chest that was currently locked.

"What now?" Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy.

"First, I will open the toy chest and you can get some of your toys out and play with them." Fluttershy said.

"What's inside the chest?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Rarity gave me some of her sisters old baby toys, she said she was going to throw them away in the trash but I stopped her and asked if I could have the toys for myself." Fluttershy explained.

"I'm guessing she was a little freaked out about why then?" Rainbow Dash crossed her arms.

"Yes, but only for a while. I told her my obsession and she agreed to help me as long as I go to the spa with her on Thursdays. It was a very short conversation we had." Fluttershy said.

"I bet that was an interesting conversation." Rainbow Dash sarcastically replied.

"What do you want to play with first?" Fluttershy asked her baby.

"Don't know." Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders.

"How about some lego bricks?" Fluttershy cooed.

"Nah." Rainbow Dash nodded from side to side.

"Okay, uh... what about a plushy? Oh! Maybe some dollies!" Fluttershy kept on bringing on ideas.

"Dolls? I like toys, but I'm not that girly!" Rainbow Dash objected.

"Okay." Fluttershy sighed, feeling defeated. "What do you want to play with?" Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow Dash blushed, she crossed her arms and looked at the ground. Fluttershy stood there confused wondering what Rainbow Dash was thinking to herself.

"Is something wrong?" Fluttershy tapped Rainbow Dash on the shoulder.

"Can I..." Rainbow Dash paused.

Many thoughts conflicted in her head and it was starting to peel her apart, knowing the fact that she had been doing this baby act for Fluttershy nearly two hours and she hadn't been enjoying it at the very start, but as time progressed she realized that everything she was doing was making Fluttershy happy. Granted that she was humiliating herself in the process and it was killing her to even the point of crying, but she felt kind of happy that she took the free time to help Fluttershy with her problem and she was glad about it.

"... Play with you?" Rainbow Dash blushed.

Fluttershy stood still for a moment.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand..." Fluttershy whispered.

"I want to play a game with you." Rainbow Dash said.

"Y- You do?" Fluttershy leaned back, she was surprised at Dash's request. She was hoping for Rainbow Dash to play with her toys.

"Yeah, why don't we play something cool?" Rainbow Dash smiled.

"I have a couple of board games in the chest if you want to play with them." Fluttershy suggested.

"Nah, how about something normal? Something girly?" Rainbow Dash said.

"I thought you didn't like girly things." Fluttershy was confused.

"I changed my mind, I wanna try something different." Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh, okay. What would you like to do first?" Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash paused for a second, she didn't know what to say. She is a girl and she didn't really know anything girly, she mostly spent her time with the boys instead of the girls during her real childhood.

"I dunno, what do girls do in girly situations?" Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy.

"Brush hair, play with girls toys, talk about stuff." Fluttershy listed out with her fingers one at a time.

"Tell you what, I haven't brushed my hair in ages, I just let it go with the flow." Rainbow Dash said, she put her hands on her head and dug her fingers into her hair and rustled her rainbow colored hair.

"Shall I brush it for you?" Fluttershy asked her friend.

"Sure, whatever." Rainbow Dash shrugged her arms.

"Okay baby, just lie down on my bed in my room and I will brush your head in a minute. Mommy is going to prepare something for you." Fluttershy smiled at her baby, she reached for her pacifier that was in Rainbow Dash's hands and inserted back into her mouth. Soon after Rainbow Dash started to suckle on the pacifier and slowly walked out of the room. Fluttershy caught a glimpse of Rainbow Dash's diapered behind and she couldn't help but giggle at the tight fit.

"I'm just also going to say that I'm not wearing any dresses!" Rainbow Dash turned around and leaned against the doorway, she looked at Fluttershy who was busy packing away some of the baby supplies that were on the changing table into their correct cupboards and drawers.

Fluttershy immediately paused her actions and looked up at Rainbow Dash who was still standing in the middle of the doorway, her arms were crossed and she was tapping her foot off the ground.

"I wouldn't do such a thing... only if you... umm... wanted to..." Fluttershy blushed. "But the baby clothes like the onesies, rompers and umm... the dresses only fit babies..." Fluttershy continued.

"Don't sweat it, I'm just sayin' that I don't want to wear frilly girls dresses." Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh, okay." Fluttershy nodded, she began to continue with her job of cleaning up the nursery. "You can sit down on my bed for a minute, mommy will be with you soon." Fluttershy said.

"Sure." Rainbow Dash said and walked out of the nursery.

"I'm sorry for taking too long Rainbow Dash, I just couldn't couldn't choose between dolls or lego bricks for you and I-" Fluttershy walked out of the nursery holding a very large dolly in her left hand, and a plastic container full of lego bricks in her right hand. She looked over to the other side of her bedroom and saw Rainbow Dash lying on her bed, she couldn't see what she was doing as she had her back facing to the rest of the room. Rainbow Dash had her face hidden and she was facing the wall.

"Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy lowered her voice, she was curious at what Rainbow Dash was doing. "Are you okay?" Fluttershy whispered.

Fluttershy slowly made her way towards her bed and saw that Rainbow Dash was lying down on her bed in a very strange position. It looked like she was curled up into a ball position.

"Oh..." Fluttershy blushed, she slowly placed down the toys on the floor and walked over to sit down on her bed slowly, trying not to awaken her precious little baby. "...How precious..." She giggled.

Fluttershy slowly moved towards her bed and gently reached out her pale hand and lightly rested it on Rainbow Dash's shoulder and slowly shook her from side to side in an attempt to wake her up without startling her from a sudden wake-up.

"Rainbow Dash, it's time to wake up little baby..." Fluttershy cooed to her friend, she kept on lightly shaking her friends shoulder from side to side until she woke up.

"I'm awake..." Rainbow Dash groaned, she quickly unwrapped her arms and covered her face from the bright light that shined in her face. She felt Fluttershy's hand on her shoulder and she knew it was a sign to wake up and get back up to being a baby.

"Good girl." Fluttershy lowered herself onto her bed and sat on her bed right next to Rainbow Dash she watched her friend get out of her sleeping position and sat upright next to Fluttershy still feeling dazed in her eyes.

"Wh-what happened?" Rainbow Dash yawned out loud, she rubbed her eyes still feeling the sharp pain of light flowing into her eyes.

"Does baby's eyes hurt from the light?" Fluttershy cooed, she wrapped her arm around Rainbow Dash and patted her on the back.

Rainbow Dash silently nodded up and down, she felt really relieved from sleeping but the problem was that she still had to do the whole baby thing with Fluttershy still.

"What time is it?" Rainbow Dash whispered to her friend.

"That doesn't matter baby, you still have toys to play with." Fluttershy smiled, she looked down at her friend and lightly hugged her.

"I couldn't help but fall asleep after all that jogging I did in the morning." Rainbow Dash rubbed both of her eyes and whispered to her friend.

"Jogging must take a lot of energy out of you." Fluttershy cooed.

"I guess..." Rainbow Dash lowered her head, she started to rub her eyes and began to yawn.

"I brought some toys for us to play with, if you want I will empty the bucket full of lego on the floor and you can make a really nice house for the dollies." Fluttershy pointed over towards the bucket of lego that was perfectly lying still on the ground, she also then moved her finger to point at one of the pink dolls that she also put on the ground.

"Fine, I play with the toys, only if you play with me." Rainbow Dash said.

"How come?" Fluttershy asked in a childish voice.

"So I don't look like an idiot while I'm making a house made out of lego." Rainbow Dash groaned out loud, Fluttershy instead kept on hugging her little baby.

"Anything to make you happy." Fluttershy smiled at her friend.

"Yeah... great..." Rainbow Dash huffed.

"Now." Fluttershy paused. "Make your way to the toys and play with them while I go downstairs and get you another bottle filled with some nice warm milk." Fluttershy cooed to her baby, she got up from her bed and began to walk towards the stairs on the other side of her bedroom, she stood at the very top of the stairs and turned around to look back at Rainbow Dash who was still sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Okay..." Rainbow Dash shrugged, she put her pacifier in her mouth and began to suck on it. She then lowered herself down to the floor and sat on her bottom. She then watched Fluttershy make her way downstairs and waited for the loud footsteps to stop. As soon as the footsteps from Fluttershy stopped and she was fully downstairs, Rainbow Dash slowly got on all fours like an animal and began to crawl like an infant towards the toys, even though no one was watching her she felt really stupid crawling to a bucket of lego and a pair of colorful dolls.

The first thing that Rainbow Dash did was reach over to the dolls that were lying on the floor, she picked one of them up and gave it a good inspection. It was a large doll that was nearly as big as her torso, the doll was made out of a hard plastic that would take a large force to snap or either break. The doll itself had long blonde hair that could be brushed with a plastic brush or even a real one. Most of the doll was covered in a very colorful pink frock that a little girl would wear. The shoes were little baby shoes that had a velcro strap on the top of them.

"This looks so stupid, what stupid girl would actually play with something like this? The teddy bear is better than these ugly dolls..." Rainbow Dash took her pacifier out of her mouth and let it dangle off from her necklace. She lifted up the doll into the air and chucked it across the room, causing it to land at the top of the stairs.

Rainbow Dash giggled to herself because she had thrown the doll across the room like a bad child, she liked what she just did and she wanted to do it again. She then leaned forward and grabbed the second doll and looked at it, she inspected it and saw that it was the same old doll as before although the pink frock was replaced with a yellow summer dress.

Rainbow Dash threw the doll across the room as she did with the first doll, the only difference was that she thrown it a little too hard and it began to tumble down the stairs like a slinky but without the actual slink.

"I'll just play with the lego." Rainbow Dash sighed, ignoring the fact that she threw both dolls near the stairs and one of them had fallen down to the bottom into the living room.

Rainbow Dash leaned forward and grabbed the handle on the end of the lego bucket and placed the bucket right in front of her legs where she was sitting down on the ground. She then quickly tipped the lego bucket over causing a massive tidal wave of lego bricks to spill out of the blue bucket.

"Sweet!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, feeling rather amused about the giant spill of lego bricks that spread themselves across the bedroom floor.

Rainbow Dash immediately pushed the bucket out of the way with quite a force, causing some of the remaining lego bricks to spill out even further across the bedroom. She crawled over to the giant pile of lego bricks and spread them out with her hands to try and find the correct pieces that she wanted, she found five two by two red bricks and managed to find a small pile of three by three red bricks.

The immediately started to stack the piles on top of each other and began to make a very short wall that would serve as one of the walls for the little lego house that she was going to make. She continued to search for even more matching lego pieces, especially the lego pieces that were colored red. There was too many to count and Rainbow Dash did her job in trying to separate half of the bricks so she could find the ones that she ultimately needed.

"Is my baby playing with her lego toys?" Fluttershy cooed, standing on the other side of the bedroom opposite to Rainbow Dash and her pile of lego bricks. Rainbow Dash turned her head to look at Fluttershy for a moment before she went back to building her red house made out of lego bricks.

"Do you want your bottle of warm milk?" Fluttershy walked over to her best friend and she saw the damage that she had done to the bedroom, she had thrown both of the pink dolls out of the way for the more interesting lego bricks. It was certainly a good idea of what little children and babies really love playing with. She finally got to Rainbow Dash and lowered herself so she could sit down on her knees.

"I'll drink it by myself." Rainbow Dash happily hummed, she was busy trying to make a floor for her little red house, she kept on leaning back and forth to the pile of lego that she spilled out of the bucket.

"I don't know baby, I have to look after you, remember?" Fluttershy moved the bottle away from Rainbow Dash and stuffed it in one of her trouser pockets.

"You let me drink from the bottle downstairs on my own, why can't you let me do it now?" Rainbow Dash turned around and stopped what she was doing, she looked at Fluttershy and she noticed that she had stuffed the baby bottle in one of her pockets.

"I just want you to lie down on my lap and I'll feed you like a little baby." Fluttershy smiled at her best friend.

Rainbow Dash looked back at her lego bricks and then looked back at Fluttershy who reached out her arms towards her little baby. So many ideas and so many thoughts about what she could do.

"I'll do it, but next time, I'll get to do it all by myself." Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and looked at Fluttershy in the eyes. She momentarily groaned at her friend as she got the baby bottle out of her pocket ready to feed her little baby.

Fluttershy pulled the baby bottle full of warm milk outside of her pocket and placed it on her lap, she leaned forward to grab Rainbow Dash's warm hand and she pulled her under towards her lap. Rainbow Dash followed to where Fluttershy was dragging her and saw that she she had to lean back, without any words she just complied and leaned back and rested her head onto Fluttershy's lap, Rainbow Dash gave a weak smile to her pink haired friend and brushed her hair out the way so she could get comfortable.

Fluttershy looked down and used her right hand to place her hand on the back on Rainbow Dash's head, she placed her fingers in the correct place and decided to rustle her hair around so even she would get comfortable. She then used her left hand to lower the baby bottle to Rainbow Dash's mouth and soon enough she began to suck on the bottle, causing quiet suckling sounds to emit from the tip of the amber nipple. Fluttershy couldn't believe what she was watching, she was feeding her own baby, she wished this moment would not stop for anything. The sunlight through the windows began to dim and the cold wind outside was the only noise for miles on end.

Rainbow Dash looked at the bottle that was stuffed in her mouth by Fluttershy, she had positioned the bottle into her mouth in a perfect angle that made Rainbow Dash feel comfortable. Rainbow Dash started to drink the milk slowly without taking too much energy from herself, she looked up at Fluttershy who in turn was looking back down at her and was smiling at her friend.

"See Rainbow Dash? It didn't take so long, you're such a good baby." Fluttershy praised her baby out loud.

"Yeah, thanks." Rainbow Dash blushed, she licked her lips to make sure there wasn't any milk left on her lips.

"Does baby need a burping?" Fluttershy asked her friend.

Rainbow Dash's eyes opened as wide as they could get, she immediately leaned up away from Fluttershy and turned around to her. She felt a massive grudging pain in her belly from all of the milk she had just drank.

"No... it's okay, I can do that myself..." Rainbow Dash stammered as she spoke, she blushed even harder than usual and crossed her arms and started to pout.

"Are you sure?" Fluttershy put her hands on her lap and patted herself.

"I'm sure!" Rainbow Dash yelled at her friend, she lifted up her hand and ruffled her hair and moved it our of the way of her eyesight and looked back at the pile of lego bricks that she made a few minutes ago and began picking up the pieces that she needed to restart her creation once again.

"Earlier you said that you wanted me to play with you and so I have the free time to play with my adorable baby... if that's okay with you..." Fluttershy blushed, she knew how Rainbow Dash was busy making a small lego house for herself and it looked like she was half-way done with the house, she had done a little lego house colored with the red bricks, it seemed that she had done the windows and all she needed was a front door.

"Sure, whatever. You can help me with this house or something..." Rainbow Dash offered her friend a chance to play with her toys, Rainbow Dash was starting to get bored playing on her own and she was glad that Fluttershy wanted to join in.

"So what does baby need doing first?" Fluttershy moved herself in position opposite to Rainbow Dash and the pile of lego that was on the floor, she sat down on her knees and watched Rainbow Dash place certain bricks and pieces together.

"I need to finish off the house obviously." Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh... okay..." Fluttershy blushed at her little mistake.

"Could you make me another house?" Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy.

"Oh... er... sure..." Fluttershy began picking up pieces of bricks and chose a color design for them, she picked up as many blue bricks as she could which was easy considering that most of the red bricks were gone and the pile of lego bricks had gone down. She began making a separate pile of blue lego bricks and began sticking them together piece by piece to make a wall.

The room was silent for a few minutes, both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy stopped their want to talk to each other and began to get more focused on the lego pieces instead, it was like they were more important than anything else. Rainbow Dash was having loads of fun with the lego, she snapped the pieces onto each other quickly and perfectly. Whereas Fluttershy was taking her time and twisting and turning the lego bricks round to make sure they fit into the right pieces.

After both of them finished their little houses, Rainbow Dash made a red brick house that was in the shape of a square, Fluttershy had made the same, yet only it was smaller and it was blue with a little hole in the walls to make it look like there was a window.

"I'm finished with my house, how about you Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash put her creation on the floor infront of her for a moment and looked up at Fluttershy who had done the same thing as her but with the blue bricks.

"This is quite fun, don't you think baby?" Fluttershy giggled.

"Yeah, sure." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy squeaked.

"What?" Rainbow Dash looked up, she stopped what she was doing again to look at what Fluttershy was doing.

"I just forgot..." Fluttershy put her hands up to her mouth, her face began to flush a bright red and her eyes widened.

"What's wrong?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at Fluttershy's all of a sudden panic.

"Look at the time!" Fluttershy squeaked, she turned around and pointed at the clock that was on her wall near the top of the stairs. The big hand was on the number twelve and the little hand was on number one.

"It's one o' clock?" Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders innocently.

"Don't worry little baby, I'll get your bed ready!" Fluttershy immediately rose up back on her feet and dropped all of the lego pieces that were on her lap, she quickly made her way towards the nursery and closed the door behind her.

"Bed?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at what Fluttershy had said.