• Published 31st Aug 2013
  • 2,633 Views, 40 Comments

A Shy Rainbow - Cloudline Dasher

Rainbow Dash tries to cheer Fluttershy up after her parents refusal to move to Ponyville, wanting desperately to live on the ground.

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Circle, Circle, Dot, Dot (ch 2)

A Shy Rainbow

Written By: Cloudline Dasher

Edited By: N/A

Chapter Two: Circle, Circle, Dot, Dot

“Sweetie Belle, why'd you have to kiss me?!” Scootaloo spit onto the ground once more, trying to get any cooties out.

“Buck up Scoots, its just'a kiss. Ah give my sis kisses all tha time!” Apple Bloom started to trot, truly unashamed for showing affection.

“All that lovey dovey stuff is just sickening!” stated the small orange pegasus as she made a gagging sound.

Sweetie Belle stopped in place as she asked, “W-was it really that bad?”

“Worse!” Scootaloo snapped, unaware that Sweetie had stopped.

The small white unicorn eyed her orange friend for a moment, before her gaze slowly lowered to the ground. Apple Bloom halted, watching Sweetie's saddened demeanor, “Sweetie, are ya alright?”

Gently standing up, and turning around, Sweetie returned with a nod, “Sure, but I think I'm done looking for our cutiemarks for today.”

“Ya sure Sweetie Belle? We were gonna go try for our shark wrestling cutie marks.” Apple Bloom looked toward Scootaloo, where she waited on her scooter, clearly bored

“Yeah, I should be getting home anyway...” Sweetie Belle forced a fake grin, turning as if headed for the Carousel Boutique.

“Oh, alright...” Apple Bloom frowned, watching her friend slowly walk off into the distance. When Sweetie was out of ear shot, she turned to Scootaloo, smacking her hard in the arm, “Ya hurt her feelin's!”

“What! She kissed me! I might even have to go get tested for cooties now!” Scootaloo yelled, flailing her hooves wildly in the air.

“Seriously..?” Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, “You really believe in cooties?”

“Yes! It's totally a real thing! There was this pony in the next town that died from it!”

“Where tha hay did ya hear that from?” Apple Bloom raised her brow accusingly.

“Featherweight...” Scootaloo quickly blurted out, her face scrunching up.

“Ya do know that he has been working for Diamond Tiara again don'tcha?” The yellow earth pony stated.

All fell silent for a few moments before Scootaloo snapped, “Hey, I don't wanna risk it!”

“Here, ya silly pony!” Apple Bloom raised her voice, grabbing Scootaloo's arm, and pulling it to her, “Circle, Circle, dot, dot, now ya got yer cootie shot.”

Scootaloo's eyes lit up as she looked from her arm to her red maned friend, “Where did you learn that!”

Once again Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, turning and walking away, “I'm going home, see ya tomorrow Scoots.”

Looking down to her hoof once more, her eyes went big again, “No really! Where did you learn that?!”

“Go home Scoots.” Apple Bloom called back, continuing her walk toward Sweet Apple Acres.


I finally finished clearing the weather, and decided a nice cloud would be perfect for a nap. However a familiar little filly drew in my attention. Darting from the sky, I left a rainbow trail in my wake. Scootaloo jumped as I landed in front of her, “Heya squirt, wheres your friends?”

“They went home, I think I hurt Sweetie Belle's feelings, and Apple Bloom thinks I'm silly for believing in cooties.” Scootaloo let out a sigh, her nose lowering toward the ground.

Letting out a chuckle, I used a wing to pull Scootaloo toward me, “Hey, cooties are real, you just gotta take precautions.”

“Precautions?” Scootaloo repeated, looking up to me from under my wing.

Pulling away, I used a hoof to ruffle her mane, “Yeah, you just gotta make sure to get your cootie shot!”

“Oh... Apple Bloom gave me one earlier.” Scootaloo frowned, looking back down, “What if they don't ever wanna talk to me again?”

“Nah, you three are too close for hurt feelings to tear you apart. Friends are better than that.” I chuckled, waving a hoof idly through the air.

“Even if cooties isn't a big deal, all that lovey dovey stuff is just... uncool...” Scootaloo stated, sticking her tongue out in disgust.

“Why do you think so?” I asked, curious as to why she thought so.

“Everypony thinks so, they are all the time teasing Snips and Snails for crushing on Trixie every time she comes to town. Plus Featherweight admitted to Diamond Tiara that he liked her. Everypony is too scared to tease Daimond Tiara about it, but whenever Featherweight is alone, they tease and bully him. Why would I want to fall in love? Nopony even wants to be.” Scootaloo looked up to me upon finishing her sentence, clearly expecting some kind of reply.

“Look squirt, I know how young fillies and colts can be. They find any reason to cast everypony away and make themselves look cool and different. Everypony wants to be special, and everypony wants to stand out from the rest, but that shouldn't stop you from being yourself.” Once again using my wing, I pulled the little orange pegasi toward me, “And ya know what?”

“W-what?” Scootaloo hesitated, looking up into my magenta irises.

“That is the secret of being cool, you be yourself. You may not gain the cool factor from everypony, but to the ones that matter, you will win them over every time.” I gave a fake smile, slightly embarrassed that I was being all philosophical all of a sudden. It wasn't like me at all, and I could picture somepony like Twilight saying all of this, but I highly doubt it would sound as awesome coming from her. She would most likely use big gigantic words and then make the moment bland and boring.

The little orange mare gazed to the ground, a small sigh escaping her mouth, “and Sweetie Belle was just being her own self, and I just totally put her down didn't I? I feel like such a creep...”

“Heh, that's nothing! Remember that story I told you yesterday, about why I moved to Ponyville?”

She just nodded, and I grinned, “Well, we had admitted that we loved each other, but at the time I thought it was just because we were friends. I've always been a little dense, and it took me awhile to actually figure out Shy's feelings went far deeper than just friends, it was years later when she confronted me about it--” I start to explain, my mind vividly recapping my past experiences.


It didn't really feel any different being a teenager, I was much bigger, and it was a pain trying to fly while my wings molted their old baby feathers to make way to my larger adult primaries. It was the main reason why I couldn't even practice my Sonic Rainboom. I sighed as I look around the room, it was just a basic room with two single beds, a desk for working at, as well as a closet. Neither Fluttershy's or my parent's wanted to move to Ponyville, so it left us to move to a hoofaway house. It was just basically a home for orphans, but with our parent's being decently wealthy, they had no problem taking us in. I was to be trained for the weather team, while Fluttershy seemed to be taking her own private path with the animals. Ponyville was known mainly for its crops, so there weren't many that could help with animals, not that Fluttershy wasn't already awesome at it.

“Bored!” I moaned, landing back onto my bed. For around a week I had nothing to do. I couldn't fly because of my molting, so I couldn't continue my lessons for the weather team. Mumbling incoherent profanities, I exit the room, only to be stopped by Miss Flower Bee. A yellow mare with a bright orange mane. Her cutiemark consisting of smiling sunflowers.

“Where are you off too hun?”

“I'm bored, so I'm going to go explore.” I stated blandly, waiting for her to either stop me or let me go, either way I would most likely stay bored.

“Okay hun, but if you get hungry, just head over to the Sunflower and Daisy Cafe. Hoofaway's eat lunch there for free. Curfew is at ten.” She stated calmly, before walking around me.

“Alright.” I nod, heading out to the front door.

Looking up to the sky, I watch the pegasi clear the sky. Every one of them behind schedule, “I bet I could clear the sky ten seconds flat! That is... if my wings weren't molting...”

“Hi Hi Hai!” A pink blur yells, making me fall backwards and onto my rear.

“Oww...” I groan, shuffling back to my hooves.

“Hi I'm Pinkie Pie, I'm new here in Ponyville. See see!” She spazzed, pointing with her hoof over to a yellow stallion talking with a gray stallion, in front of a rather large building that seemed to be made of sweets, but probably wasn't, “I'm just moving in, my pa says I can move in with the cakes as long as I work for them, which it isn't much like work since I'm baking goodies. Though, I always end up eating them as fast as I make them, so it takes me three times longer, but they are just so delicious not to taste them. It doesn't really matter how long it takes since I love baking, but Ma says if I don't stop eating them, I will take to long to get the goodies to the customer and then they will be saddy sad sad.”

“I uh...” I hesitate, looking to her in confusion and barely hearing half of what she said.

“Oh! My apologies, I can't remember if I introduced myself yet, but having two introductions is better than none at all, am I right?! Anywho, I'm Pinkie Pie, and you!?”

Staying silent for a moment, I look to the pink mare waiting for her to spazz again, but when she remained silent, I slowly spoke, “I'm Rainbow Dash.”

“Ohhhhh! It's nice to meet you Rainbow Dashie, Dash. Hey! You mind me calling you Dashie? You can call me Pie-ee if you want, er no that don't sound right...” She fell silent for a moment, tapping her chin, but she quickly sprung back to life, “Just call me Pinkie okay? I gotta go, supposed to get my room ready so I can start work. It was nice talking to you, see ya later Dashie!”

As the pink Earth ponie happily bounced away, I just stand there, utterly confused. After several moments collecting myself, I let out a sigh, “At least she was amusing for a moment or two...”

Walking away, I glance back, but she was nowhere to be seen, “Dashie... It's Dash, not Dashie...”


“Whoa! Was she always that talkative?” Scootaloo asked with astonishment in her eyes, “And why didn't you ever stop her from calling you Dashie, if you don't like it?”

A small reddened hue formed on my cheeks as I look down to her, “I erm... I suppose it just stuck, I... Hey! I'm telling a story here, or do you not want my help with Sweetie Belle?”

“Yes Dash...” She nodded, acting like a little filly that had just been scolded.

I clear my voice as I state, “Anyway, where was I?”

“Dashie...” Scootaloo snickered, but froze when I shot her a menacing glare.



I didn't really know anypony so I decided to go find Fluttershy. I really didn't like hanging around animals all that much, but it was better than being bored. Walking down the road, I notice a large orchard of trees. I see dozens of weird looking bat thingies and decide that where there are animals, Fluttershy would probably be. I run through a large white arc that reads, 'Sweet Apple Acres' and run toward a large red barn I see in the distance. I skid to a halt when I see three ponies. One a older red stallion, the second an orange pony around my age with three red apples as her cutie mark, and in between them, was my friend Fluttershy.

“I... I, you...” Fluttershy stuttered, glancing in between the two ponies.

Scratching the ground with my forehoof, I flare my nostrils, “Leave her alone!”

All three look toward me, and Fluttershy gives me a shocked look. However, it was too late and I rushed forward. The larger red stallion blocked my path and I skidded to a halt, glancing up to him. I gulp as he gazes down to me with a serious, yet somehow calm expression.

The orange pony stepped around her larger brother, patting him on the shoulder, “It's okay Big Mac, it was just a misunderstandin'.”

With a nod, the stallion stepped off to the side, but never once did he take his gaze off of me.

“Howdy, ah'm Applejack, and that there is mah brother Big Mac.” the orange pony stated, extending a hoof.

I glance back at Big Mac, and his eyebrows turned down in a threatening glare, nudging his head toward his sister. I took that as a 'you better shake mah sisters hoof' and extended my own. Before I knew what was happening, I was being lifted and sat back down repeatedly, feeling as if my arm was about to be ripped from its socket. After being let go, I rub my shoulder in hops of soothing the aches.

After a few brief seconds, I reply, “I'm Rainbow Dash.”

“Fluttershy is just about the only pony that can understand these fruit bats, and the other ponies are too busy to help. We were just hoping Fluttershy here could help us.”


“All this is fascinating and all, but it just seems like you are recapping how you met your friends. Where does your lovey dovey mare crush come in?” stated Scootaloo as she looked up to me.

I furrow my brow as I glare death threats to the small filly, “Fine, I'll skip that part!”


Fluttershy had talked to the fruitbats and managed to get them to leave. Afterwards, Shy and myself went to Sunflowers and Daisies for lunch. It was a fairly small cafe, but it seemed to be getting plenty of business, simply due to the fact that most of the profits went toward funding the hoofaway house. We sat down and a mare named Daisy took our order. She was the sister of Sunflower and Miss Flower Bee, but her cutiemark was a daisy. Her coat a white, while her mane was a soft milky brown. We ordered daisy salads and we were left alone.

All was silent up until Fluttershy spoke, “Ponies are real nice here. I haven't been picked on yet.”

“Well, that's good.” I state with a small smile.

“Rainbow?” Fluttershy slowly squeaked, and I look up to notice a small red in her cheeks.

“Yeah? Something wrong?” I ask, expecting her to grow silent.

“Since we moved here two years ago... we...” She averted her eyes, clearly struggling with what she was wanting to say.

Knowing her deeply, I just remain silent, giving her time to continue. It was strange, I never had patience, and I always wanted everything to run so smoothly. However, I always gave Fluttershy every minute I could spare, just to say what was on her mind. I never felt that nagging feeling in the back of my mind to make things go faster, to get things over with so I can continue. I just found myself staring calmly and patiently at Shy, taking in her features.

“You remember, when I said I love you?”

I blink, wondering why she brought it up, “Yeah, I remember Shy, I love you too. You're the best friend anypony could ever have.”

Her mane drooped, soon followed by her ears, and her eyes dropped to the table. I couldn't quite hear her, but I could see her lips move, “Friends?”

“What did you say? Didn't quite hear you.” I say in a soft tone, trying to make it easy on her.

Fluttershy flinched as a plate landed in front of her, our eyes look to the right as Daisy placed the second plate in front of me. She gave us a soft smile, “Let me know if you two need anything else.”

I give her a nod, but turn my attention back to Fluttershy. She just glances up to me, and I could swear I could see her eyes glossing over with tears as she says, “Oh, n-nothing...”

Grunting, I slowly furrow my brow. Knowing her far too well to know it was truly nothing. I stand up in my chair as I place my hooves on the table, “Is somepony messing with you? Are you having trouble with those bunnies again?!”

“No, it's okay. They are just playful, and want to play instead of take a bath.” Fluttershy always perked up when her animals were involved.

“Then what's wrong? You can't hide it, not from me!” I raise my eyebrow, shooting her an accusing glare.

“If you don't mind, can... can we please talk about something else? If, if you don't mind that is?” Shy shrunk back in her chair, hiding her gaze behind her mane.

“Mmmm...” I groan, sitting back down in my chair, “Okay...”

Everything fell silent, and I take my frustration out on my sandwich. It absolutely sucked, whenever something was wrong with her, I just wanted it to be like that day. Forcefully pulling her into my forehooves and holding her tightly and making everything all right. She was the only mare I felt that way for, and she wouldn't even tell me what was wrong. Deciding to just finish my meal, we ate silently. Every once and awhile I would glance up at her, but her eyes remained fixed on her plate as she delicately nibbled on her sandwich.


Later that night we were home well before curfew. Fluttershy had helped around town with many of the animals and pets, while I just tagged along for the heck of it. Hoping to ward off my boredom. I let out a sigh after dinner that Flower Bee had set out for us, and headed for our room. Since we came at the same time, Fluttershy and I shared a room, but I preferred it that way. Fluttershy followed closely behind and jumped up into the other bed.

“Good night Shy.” I say before yawning, my eyes clenching closed and wetness forming in my eyes. I wipe away the stray water, sleep getting the better of me. I wasn't really tired, but being bored all day, as well as not getting my normal exercise, had left me drained and feeling lazy.

“Dash?” Fluttershy calmly called out.

“Yeah?” I simply ask, hoping dearly she was going to suddenly tell me what had been bothering her earlier.

I hear her squeak, but just as I had done before, I patiently wait for her. I lift my head off my pillow, barely able to see her through the moonlight shining through the window. I squint my eyes as I focus. I see her shuffle in her bed, facing me, and I can barely see her face as she says just loud enough for me to hear, “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I eagerly reply, laying back down, my head colliding with my pillow.

Waiting for her to say anything else, I slowly end up letting sleep overcome my senses.


“Eeek!” I suddenly hear, but it's tiny and barely registers. I shuffle in my bed to try and fight consciousness, going back to sleep.

Thud~! “Nooo~~!”

I jump up, hearing Fluttershy yell out. It was uncharacteristic of her to just suddenly yell out like that. I leap from my bed, and rush over, hoisting my upper half onto Fluttershy's bed. I nudged her hoof with my nose and whisper, “Shy, you okay?”

She just rolls over, her back facing me. Squeaks and incoherent murmers escaping her lips. I jump up onto the bed next to her, and notice tears trickling down her cheeks. My heart feels like it stops for a moment. Feeling as if some outside force was tugging my insides out. Taking the blanket in my teeth, I nose my way under the blankets and lay down next to my yellow friend. I gently push her wings back to her sides with ease, and lay my head next to hers on her pillow. I snake my hoof around her torso and pull her against my chest. All I could hear was her softly exhale, before feeling her muscles slowly relax. Her wings started to soften, and soon her breathing calmed to a steady rhythm.


“Poor Fluttershy...” Scootaloo pouted, scratching the ground with her hoof, “I wonder if she was dreaming about you?”

Looking at the ground where Scootaloo had scratched, I search my memory, “Actually, I don't know... She never said anything.”

“Really? Then what happened when she found out you were asleep next to her?” the small orange crusader questioned, looking up to me once more.

“Well what did happen was...”


The steady warmth of the sun beamed through the window, making me squeeze my eyes closed. I ever so slowly forced my eyes barely open, trying desperately to make them adjust faster. Once they were fully open and starting to focus, I realize another pair of eyes locked with mine and looking to me. I smile as a chuckle slips, “Morning Shy.”

A steady stream of red forms on her cheeks, but she remains where she was, our hooves gently touching. She opens her mouth for a moment, but I cut her off, “I'm sorry I'm in your bed, you were yelling in your sleep.”

“It's okay.” she stated, hiding her gaze behind her frizzled mane.

Deciding not to bug her about it, I motion to get up, but was stopped when two hooves tightly pulled me back to the bed, “Dash?”

Laying back down, our eyes once again connect, “Yeah?”

I see her bite her lower lip, and my face softens, “It's okay Shy, you don't have to tell me. You're my best friend, and even best friends have things that are just too personal.”

“Come with me today...” my yellow friend blurts out, and I just blink in confusion, thankfully she continues, “I'm going today to find some lost birds, will you come with me?”

Chuckling, I quickly nod, “Of course!”


After breakfast, and getting all ready. I quickly followed Fluttershy to where she was told they were seen last. We pause at the large tree at the edge of Ponyville. The Everfree forest could be seen just beyond that. However the large tree didn't look like a tree. It was hollowed out, it had a door, many windows, and seemed to be overrun with branches and plants. Several of the windows were busted, and the front door hung loosely on a single hinge.

“T-their owner says they were seen nesting in there, but...” Fluttershy hesitated, her wings shaking by her sides.

“You were too afraid to go in alone?” I ask, grinning because I knew exactly that was what it was.

She gently nods, looking to me with fear marking her expression. I just merely laugh as I trot up to the door, pushing it off to the side, “Okay, let's find those birds!”

I step in, and pause to wait for Fluttershy, I look about to notice the entire tree seemed to be someponies home at one point or another.

Bang~! We both yelp as the front door snaps off it's last hinge, colliding with the ground just outside. I blink as my heart starts to slow, noticing Fluttershy's hooves wrapped around my torso, “Ahem...”

Pulling away with a blush, I pretend like I was annoyed, but broke out into a small smile, “Just a silly door, but we should be careful. We could fall through the floor or something.”

Fluttershy shakily nodded, her head lowering as she stood up. I pretty much had to lead the way because every time I would stop, so would Shy. Heading over to the stairs, I tested the wood under my hoof. It barely gave way, but deemed sturdy enough for my weight. I stepped up and glanced back to my creamy friend, “Wait here if you like, I'll check upstairs and I'll be back.”

Knowing for a fact that she was scared of heights, I left her there, knowing I would be speedy. Glancing up into the rafters, I made sure to see if maybe a nest was up above. I groaned and mumbled, “This would be so much easier if I could fly.”

Flapping my wings, I see a few more baby feathers fall. Each wing had large primaries growing, but I still would need far more if I wanted to fly properly. I come to a door, nosing it open and glancing inside. I look down, noticing most of the floor in the room was crumbled away, and down below I could see what looked like a basement. In the middle of the room, lay a single board that seemed to once be a part of the flooring. It seemed a tad bit sturdy, but I wouldn't put my faith into it.

“Tweet, tweet.” I instantly look up, seeing a group of birds up ahead.

“Hey Shy! I found them.” I call out, stepping inside to the edge of the hole.

“Really!?” She calls back, and then surprisingly I hear hoof steps racing up the stairs. I turn to Shy, but too late to notice she wasn't stopping. As she turned the corner to enter the room, she collided with me. I yelped as I rolled out onto the rickety plank of flooring.

“Dash!” Fluttershy pleads, extending her hoof frantically.

Starting to try and stand, I halt as the wood holding me up starts to crack. I lay still, noticing it stop, unsure how to get out of this situation. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, “Shy, go get help...”

“What!? I can't leave you here alone!” My small yellow friend stated, panic in her eyes.

“Listen Shy, you have too... I can't fly yet, not with my molting. If I move, the plank will break, just go.” I try to reason, but slowly I see tears well up in her eyes.

“No... I, I can't...” Shy pleads, shuffling on her hooves back and forth.

“Listen Shy, remember that last day in Ponyville? I picked a fight with that stallion and you protected me. You said you wanted to take care of me, so do it now. Go find help.” Keeping my eyes on her, I try not to let the fear creep in. I was starting to realize something, without my wings I had a little fear of heights. I dared not to look down, keeping my eyes glued to my pink maned friend.

Stepping back from the hole, Shy looked up to the birds. I followed her gaze, to notice all the birds silently perched and watching the two of us. Upon glancing back to Shy, I could see her focusing, the tears slowing, but not stopping.

“Birdies, would you mind helping Rainbow out of that hole?” Fluttershy simply stated, making me look to her in confusion.

“Shy, birds wont be able to lift me.” I point out, but suddenly my eyes go wide as she shakily extends her wings. Flapping them tenderly to test them. She took to the air and I panicked, flinching and making the wood crack further, “Shy!”

It was too late, even with her fear of heights, she was hovered over me. Her hooves slowly clasping around my torso. Soon after I felt dozens of tiny birds grabbing hold of my mane and tail, and guessed many more were probably doing the same with Shy's mane and tail. I clench my eyes closed and tightened up as I felt the plank underneath me finally give way and went tumbling down to the basement. However, I remained in place. Glancing up, I notice Fluttershy focusing hard on flapping her wings, trying to force them from snapping back to her sides.

After a moment we were back in the hallway, surrounded by many chirping birds. Shy stepped away from me to state, “You birdies have worried your friends in Ponyville sick! Go back home and show them you are alright!”

The birds started to chirp, but Fluttershy slammed down her hoof, both eyes going wide and staring them dead in the eyes, “I said go!”

I shudder from the sheer look in her eyes, my eyes glued to her. I almost flinched in fear as the birds flew away and she turned to face me. However, by that time, her face had softened, and tears quickened their pace down her cheeks. I sat up and extended both my hooves. She eagerly accepted and she started sobbing onto my shoulder. I calmly stroked her mane and whispered, “It's okay Shy, don't cry.”

“I thought I was going to lose you!” Fluttershy sobbed harder, and I felt the liquid intensify on my shoulder, and I could only hope it was tears and not snot, but I didn't let that bother me at the moment.

“It's okay, we are both safe. You saved my life, Fluttershy!” I chuckle, barely managing to admit somepony saved me, but right now I was focused on her.

For a moment we just sat there, but then I softly heard, “I love you, Rainbow.”

“I love you too.” I softly smile, but it disapeared as she continued.

“No... Nooo...”

I stop breathing for a moment and my heart seems hollow as I mutter, “N-no?”

“I love you! Not as a friend, I love you Dash, why.., why can't you see that?” She managed to say in between sobs.

Actually I was a little astonished that she could even speak while crying so hard. I pushed her away until I could look her in the eye, “Not as a friend?” She just stood there looking to me. Something of disbelief on her face. I blink as everything slowly caught up to me, 'how could I be so dense?'

A sigh escapes as I rub the nape of my neck, “Shy, I didn't realize...”


“Wow! Fluttershy saved your life?!” Scootaloo blurted out, her eyes wide in astonishment.

“Heh, yeah, but don't repeat it, okay squirt?” I chuckled nervously, regretting even telling that part.

“What happened next? Did you two kiss or something?” Scootaloo winced at her own words, still a little disgusted at the lovey dovey stuff.



“But Shy... Why me? Why not a stallion, or maybe even a herd? I'm too tomboyish.” I say softly, trying to see her face past her mane.

By now her sniffles had slowed, but didn't seem to be ending any time soon, “Because you are you... Stallions scare me, and... and you don't Rainbow... I've never been scared of you...”

“But...” I say in disbelief, my mind going blank, unable to come up with a come back.

“I thought the feelings would go away, but they just wouldn't...” Shy shoved her face into her hooves, and I just watched her for a moment.

We just sat there for the longest time, Shy's face buried in her hooves, while my mind tried to search my own feelings, 'do I love her back? Do I love her back? Hurry up and answer her!' grunting, I furrow my brow, “Fluttershy!”

Her sobs had long but stopped, but tears still fell. I let out a steady breath as I thought, 'here goes nothing!' and I lurched forward, grabbing her forehooves and pulling her toward me. Our lips connect and her eyes go wide. She doesn't kiss me at first, but as I always done for her, I waited patiently. She had admitted her love, why wouldn't she kiss back? I start to have my doubts, and was about to pull away just as she pulled me closer, the kiss instantly deepening.


Glancing down to Scootaloo, I search her face for a moment. A small grin formed on her face as she yells, “That is totally awesome Rainbow Dash!”

The suddenness of her turnaround sent a blush into my cheeks, but luckily Scoots was too excited to notice, “So what happened next? Did you both get married? I didn't know you were married?!”

My mouth suddenly goes dry and my eyes widen, “Er... uh what?!”

“You know! When ponies fall in love, they get married! Isn't that the way it works?” Scootaloo calmed down a great bit by the end of her sentence, looking to me for a serious answer.

“R-relationships are deeper than that... Scoots... You can go for your entire life without being married. Marriage is just a title that binds you by law. That's all...” I started to get uncomfortable, shuffling under this fillies unyielding gaze.

Her eyes shifted a few times, and I could see the sheer determination forming on her face, “I need to find Sweetie Belle!”

She rushed over to her scooter, her wings kicking up dust, rock and dirt, making me cough heavily. The air slowly cleared and I just blinked in confusion. I was about to chase after her, but flinched as I heard a loud booming voice, “Rainbow Dash! You missed some clouds over the south part of town!”

I groaned loudly and rolled my eyes, “Fine...” I took to the air, flying off. Hopefully Scootaloo wouldn't do anything too drastic. Whatever she was thinking in that silly head of hers.


Sweetie Belle sighed as she plopped herself down on a park bench. Looking over several fillies that she recognized from school.

“Hey Sweetie Belle, ya okay?” A familiar voice calmly asks, stepping in front of where she sat.

The white unicorn slowly raises her head, giving a small fake smile, “Hey Apple Bloom, thought you were going shark wrestling?”

“Searching fer cutie marks isn't as thrilling without all of us, plus where would we find sharks in Ponyville anyway?” Apple Bloom grinned, jumping up onto the bench next to Sweetie.

Lowering her head and resting it on her hooves, Sweetie Belle fell silent. Apple Bloom tried to see her face, but let out a small sigh, “Scootaloo didn't mean it ya know?”

“I know, and I'm not even sure how I feel about her, it just... stung to see how badly she reacted to me kissing her...” Sweetie slowly raised her head, looking over to Apple Bloom, their eyes meeting briefly before looking away.

“Don't sweat yer pretty little heart Sweetie Belle, she'll come around, and when she does ah'm sure she'll return yer affections.” Apple Bloom smiled full heartedly, patting Sweetie on the back.

“Like I said, I don't know how I feel. I see how ponies at school bully each other when somepony even has a crush, and I don't understand it... What is so wrong with it? I see Rarity kissing ponies she barely even knows, yet she doesn't get bullied for it.”

“Kids at school are just immature, and Applejack says that you can't take what they say ta heart. As for Rarity, Applejack said that ponies sometime are so lonely that they seek companionship from anypony, and that just leads ta further lonesomeness when they leave.” Apple Bloom stated, sitting up on the side of the bench, her hind legs dangling off the side.

Raising up her head, Sweetie Belle gently smiled, “I suppose you're rig--” She was cut off as an orange blur skidded to a halt.

“Scoots, what ya doin here?” Apple Bloom stated in sheer shock.

“I could ask you both the same question! You both said you were going home, and I find you in the park! If you both wanted some alone time, all you had to do was ask!” Scootaloo frowned, anger apparent in her tone.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked to one another in confusion, before glancing back to their orange friend, “No, ah was just making sure Sweetie Belle wasn't upset.”

Scootaloo's expression softened, turning her attention to Sweetie, “Look, I'm sorry for earlier... I just see how the ponies react at school, and well... you know me... I want to be cool like Rainbow Dash! But... I talked with her... and love isn't as uncool as I thought.”

“It's okay Scootaloo, I understand.” Sweetie Belle smiled, looking at her from her spot on the bench.

“No, it's not okay!” Scootaloo suddenly flailed her hooves in the air, “I was being a total jerk!”

“Really Scootaloo, it is alright.” Sweetie Belle awkwardly chuckled.

For a moment they didn't realize three ponies walk up, but then a shrill voice immediately gained their attention, “Look who it is, the Cutie Mark Crushers!”

“It's Crusaders, Diamond Tiara...” Apple Bloom hissed, glaring daggers at the filly.

“Whatever! Anyway, I heard you had a crush on Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle. Is that true?” Diamond Tiara looked to Sweetie Belle as if she was accusing her of murder.

“It's none of yer business who she has a crush on!” Yelled Apple Bloom as she jumped from the bench.

“Pshh, I didn't mean anything by it. I mean just look at my coltfriend. He does everything I say, it's like having a personal servant where ever I go!” she grinned as Diamond Tiara pointed to Featherweight.

Featherweight just nodded, giving what looked like an embarrassed grin. Tinge of red blurred Scootaloo's vision as she stomped her hoof as she stepped toward the pink prissy filly, “That isn't what love is for!”

Daimond Tiara simply rolled her eyes as she retorted, “Then what is it then, if not to make ponies do as you say?”

First, Scootaloo glanced over to Apple Bloom, but then her eyes slowly moved over to Sweetie Belle, “Love is keeping the ponies you care about most near you, and keeping them from harm.” Her gaze hesitantly pulled away from Sweetie Belle, locking gazes with Diamond Tiara.

“Oh really? Where did you hear that gibberish from?”

“From the awesomest pony in town, Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo grinned, seeing the confused grin on Diamond Tiara's, Silver Spoon's, and Featherweight's faces.

“Rainbow Dash would never say something like that, she's too rough to like the lovey dovey stuff.” Diamond Tiara retorted, her eyes furrowing in anger.

“I thought so too, but I was wrong, and so are you!” Scootaloo grinned as she turned away from the three, “Let's go girls, let's let these little fillies think whatever they like.”

Sweetie Belle jumped down to follow her friends, but before they could get anywhere, they could hear Silverspoon speak up, “Bet they don't even know how to kiss yet, they're too young.”

Tinge of red once again blurred Scootaloo's vision, slowly turning around, but instead of looking to Silverspoon, her gaze focused on Sweetie Belle. Sweetie froze in place as Scootaloo stepped toward her. She was about to say something, before her chin was lifted and a pair of lips pushed against hers. Her eyes went wide in disbelief, unsure what was happening. However, after a moment, she eagerly reciprocated. A small warmth filling her chest as she kissed back.

A whimper escaped Sweetie as their mouths parted. Scootaloo just snickered at Silverspoon, and Diamond Tiara, before turning away without another word. For a few brief seconds, Sweetie Belle remained in place, the world spinning slightly around.

“Come on Sweetie, let's go.” Scootaloo called back, snapping her back to reality.

Apple Bloom looked back, a grin on her face as she stuck out her tongue. Diamond Tiara closed her mouth, to look over to notice Silverspoon's and Featherweight's mouth agape, still staring where the Cutie Mark Crusaders had went.


After reaching the club house, Apple Bloom giggled, “Oh mah goodness, did you girls see the look on their faces?!”

Sweetie Belle stole a glance at Scootaloo, “Y-yeah, that kiss really showed them...”

“Oh that kiss was serious.” Scootaloo admitted, making Sweetie's eyes go wide in disbelief, “What? Do I have to say it?”

Apple Bloom remained silent, glancing in between her two friends. Scootaloo rubbed her neck awkwardly, a red hue marking her cheeks, “I'm still not a hundred percent about the lovey dovey stuff, but I do know I love both of you girls, whether it's friendship or more.”

“Awww, how sweet!” Apple Bloom teased, sticking her tongue out at Scootaloo.

For the moment, Sweetie remained silent, her gaze focused on the floor just beyond her hooves.

The orange pegasi just lowered her gaze, giving out a brief grunt, “Whatever, I come to apologize, confess I love you girls, and I get teased?! I'm going home!” she huffed, flaring her wings as she headed for the door.

Before she could reach it, she felt a hoof on either shoulder. She glanced left and right between her two friends in confusion, but then she felt a pair of lips on either of her cheeks. Her eyes go wide, stumbling away from the two. Apple Bloom starts to laugh, followed by Sweetie Belle. Seeing her two friends laughing ultimately sent all three giggling. Once the laughter died down, Scootaloo chuckled, “You think we need another cootie shot?”

Apple Bloom just snickered, “Ya silly pony.”

Sweetie Belle covered her mouth with a hoof, giggling at her two friends.

Author's Note:

I hope Dash doesn't seem to out of character in this chapter. I know she is brash and leaps before she looks, but with it being Fluttershy, I was thinking she would be far more willing to be patient. This was probably one of the longest chapters I've written. I usually try to keep it around five thousand or under, but didn't want to quit before I stated everything I wanted too in this chapter.

Comments ( 10 )

Nice chapter:twilightsmile:

Scootaloo gets all the fillies. :applecry::heart::scootangel::heart::unsuresweetie:

Gettin all the bitches

3174362 I'm glad you think so too. Not to mention, friends will go a long way out of their comfort zone for ponies they care about.

I like longer chapters, so this was perfectly fine. I've never contemplated CMC shipping much at all, so I'll go along with ScootaBelle.


3175713 Have you ever noticed that all there is for CMC shipping is ScootaBelle?

3213223 Sort of.

4441491 sooner or later, yeah. It was actually supposed to be complete after the first chapter, but everyone liked it so I continued. Then I got swamped with so many other projects that I had to put it on hiatus.

4442111 ^^ I'll just set it to complete until I start work on it again.

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