• Published 4th Sep 2013
  • 863 Views, 39 Comments

Amnesia and Love. - Shimmering Honor

When Shimmering Honor Found himself in free fall, without any memories, he goes on an quest to find himself and to start a new life.

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The desert can be a horrible place.

Chapter 4, The desert can be a horrible place.

Shimmering Honor was flying, he didn't know where he was, what day or time it was, after the fight with those wooden creatures, those wolf like animals, he had flown off in a random directions, all he knew know was it was day time.

"THAT'S IT" he exclaimed to himself, "Timberwolves, how had I forgotten about them?, oh yeah" he released why he had forgotten everything again, all because that stupid mare and her sonic rainboom. His anger began to boil up inside him.

"I am miles away from her now, what does it matter? he said to himself, he spent the next few hours trying to remember his life, small images would come back, but then fade away into the dark abyss that was his memory, or lack of it.

After a few more hours flight, he finally started to feel tired, he could see that the dreaded forest below him was about to end, he hoped a river or a stream emerged from the forest as he needed a good drink. But as he got closer, his heart sank, it was a desert.

"A desert, how is that possible for a forest to suddenly turn into a desert?" he almost shouted at the sky, thinking there was some weird logic in this part of Equestria. He landed at the edge of the forest and saw that there was a small band of grass land, then just the desert. he looked around, hoping for some form of water, but nothing, there where no clouds in the sky and the sun was almost at its highest.

"I don't dare go back into the forest, but I can't go into the desert with out food and water." Shimmering Honor was stuck on what to do, he looked out into the desert and noticed something, shimmering in the distance, a small set of palm trees, and what looked like a small lake.

"WATER" he shouted and took off at full speed, heading out into the desert, his wings flapping as fast as he could, getting slowly closer to the water, but yet it took along time to get there. It was if the lake was slowly running away from him, he stopped just a few feet sort of a punch of trees, dead, dried trees and a dried up lake bed.

"A mirage?" Shimmering muttered to himself, "how did I fall for it?, where am I?" He turned around and headed back in what he thought was the way he came, he just slowly walked for a few more days, thirsty as hell and his stomach starting to slowly eat its self. he came along a road, an old dirt track of a road. Hope, but Before he could decide which way to turn, he collapsed, exhausted and out of hope, he lay there unconscious.


Princess Luna had left the castle at canterlot two days previously and was roaming the skies, following where the voices had come from, she had stopped at Ponyvile, much to everyponies surprise. Luna had asked around, several ponies had said they had seen him, some even said he was last heard speaking to Rainbow Dash.

"Excuse me, are you thy one called Rainbow Dash?" Luna asked as she approached the cyan mare napping on a cloud.

"Yeah thats me, whos......NIGHTMARE MOON" rainbow answered, she jumped up ready to attack.

"No, Little one, I am no longer Nightmare Moon, I am here to find Shimmering Honor"

"Who?" Rainbow Dash looked at the princess with a look of confusion. "oh, that jerk who attacked me, he flew off over the Everfree forest, not seen him since" Rainbow Dash replied and laid back down to nap.

"Thank you, Rainbow Dash" and with that Luna flew away. heading over the Ever Free forest, she had to find him, She had to find the Captain of the night Guard.


Shimmering Honor awoke in a bed, in a small wooden building, He looked around him, on the walls where diagrams of Pony body structures, hearts, lungs, wings, even a few samples of different creatures in jars. He tried to get up, but was suddenly pushed down by a tingling sensation, he looked at a hoof and noticed a red aurora around his body.

"Now, you need to stay lying down Mister" said a colts voice from the other room, with an accent that reminded him of Apple Bloom.

"where am I?" he asked

"Appleoosa, I am the towns doctor, and you sir are lucky to be alive" said the colt. He walked into the room, he wore a dark Blue suit and a bowler hat, covering his white coat and red main, a horn just peaking out the top of the bowler hat, and a red cross for a cutie mark.

"What do you mean, lucky to be alive?" Shimmering Honor asked.

"Well, When the buffalo where dong their annual stamped, they found you on their trail, picked you up and brought you here. You where so dehydrated you had fainted." the Doctor finished.

"Whats a Buffalo?" asked Shimmering, just as a rumbling started,

"They are" he said pointing out a window behind Honors head, he sat up and looked out as a heard of Buffalo stamped past them, their heads where decorated with colorful head banners and feathers. It was a beautiful sight to see and often brought many a tourist to see it.

"Wow, they are amazing!" he commented

"You never seen them before?" Asked the doctor

"I don't know, I have amnesia" he said, a sad look forming on his face, his ears dropped and he looked down at the bed.

"Amnesia, I have heard about it but have never seen a case" the doctor mumbled to himself. "Well just rest here for a few more hours, drink plenty of water and eat plenty of food and you can be on your way mister" the doctor said and went back into the room he had come out off. So Shimmering Honor did just that, he got up and went to find a bar.

Author's Note:

Hi all, I am going to say I am not very pleased with this chapter, it was hard to write, but it gets the story moving