• Published 1st Sep 2013
  • 539 Views, 11 Comments

Might Be a... - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the MAybe series, part 45. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the power he possess. And how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 1

Might be just a day away

Chapter 1 – Diapers or shovels

The morning's air has taken on it's normal pleasant and comfortable warmth, still though a slight bit of wispy white lines of steam dance just above the hot cup being held in your hoof. The little wisp of the last winter's cold don't last long though as you quickly move your hoof back to the table, bringing the still scolding hot chocolate cup to sit back to the table. Note to self, teach Twilight how to properly heat things up, and not follow the rule book of cooking.

You shift your gaze to the filly across from your seat as you look over the unmoved cup that has a steady and barely visible cloud of wispy lines coming from it. A slight smile cracks from your face as you look over the light purple filly that hasn't caught your gaze, ya ya, mini Twilight knew it was still too hot.

Your thought comes to an end as the steady chime of magic coming from your right breaks with the sound of another failed spell. "UGH!"

From the sound you turn your head back to the lavender mare with the same winter wrap up saddle and boots you saw her in yesterday. As she snouts her nose back her voice comes up, "-...I do NOT want to do winter wrap up sick!" A new found determination comes over her purple eyes as she squints to the book in her magical purple hold in front of her, "You are going to let me do the spell correct, you hear me Mr.Book?"

A chuckle comes from you as you smile to the mare, "Mr.Book?"

Her death stare comes to point at you, as it does you widen your smile as her heavy stuffy nosed voice comes back to her, "Yes, MR.Book...And I am still mad at you for making me sick, heck I didn't even get to write Celestia about Violet because of being too tired last night. OH AND i'm mad at you for letting me sleep in this morning."

You shrug to the comment as you move your hoof back to the cup just testing the temperature.

But even without your voice her's comes back as she turns her body to face more towards you, "I mean really, you know I had to get up early today."

You blink to the comment for a second but quickly roll your eyes as you nod to the stack of papers at the edge of the table, "Twilight, you do not have to go over every word you wrote."

The mare's stuffy nosed voice comes back to her as she puffs her chest out, "Write, look over, correct and look over. That's how you make sure there's no mistakes..." She holds her superior know it all stance as she continues, "...And if you find one mistake you can't just cross it out, quil ink would smudge, you have to restart."

A faint chuckle comes from you as you think to yourself, drunk Twilight-horny,giggly,sleepy, hangover Twilight-perfect,awake,smart. You move your eyes over the mare's face as you notice she's waiting for some kind of response, knowing you've lost this argument you change your approach with a now almost mocking tone, "Sooo...hows your head?"

Twilight loses her superior stance as she sighs and floats the book to her face, "Horrible! Its like being in heat..." Her voice quickly jumps from her last words as she speaks up, "Ah, here we go, this should work."

Twilight's tongue pokes a little from one side as she squints her eyes to the page of the book. The low chime of her horn comes up fast as she pushes through the spell, around her body a low purple glow comes to shimmer around her like the other few attempts before the spell's vail would break. But this time the vail doesn't break with a resonating chime, instead the wall that surrounded her body takes on a brighter glow as the wood room around the now bright purple veil shines from the new light thats suddenly appeared.

The light purple filly holds her ears up high and her eyes stay pinned to the oval shaped as the last loudish chime rings through the house. As it does the vail that clouded Twilight's figure is lost and the light purple filly gives a happy front hoof wiggle to the reappeared mare.

Violet's reaction sparks your own new amusement to the spell you've already seen, but you hold the smile to the purple mare as she takes a deep breath through her nostrils, "Ahh...Much better..."

As her voice ends the sound of a young boyish dragon runs down from the stairs next to the room, "Can you guys keep it down! Jeez, its not even after morning yet..."

Twilight sighs to the voice as she trots to the bottom of the stairs and calls up, "Spike, I told you not to have any cider!" No response comes back from the stairs as she shakes her head and turns her trot back to the floating book beside her, "He knows dragon's react different to cider then ponies."

You give a light laugh to the comment as Twilight floats the book to the empty spot in the bookshelf. As the book comes to set in place a knock at the door runs through the house but it's not just a simple knock, instead whoever is on the other side of the door really wanted to make some noise...or is really really hyper.

The answer to your thoughts comes fast as you watch the door fly open without you even getting have way over to it, the flood gate of pink has been breached as you see Pinkie's happy face comes hopping into the room. Although her happy pink face and bright blue eyes are not the only thing that scream good morning as she blows a party blower from her mouth.

Even you shrink your ears back to the shrill loud sound as the pink pony takes the item of ear rape from her mouth, "HI Twilight!"

You can tell from Twilight's downed ears and her hoof that she's brought to her head, that her mind from last night has still not calmed, however she gives a friendly hello to her friend as she holds her own, "Hello Pinkie..."

Without a moment the pink ball of fluff has started up in her normal nonsense as she begins to sit her flank to the ground as she moves her hooves to something on her back, "AjsaidthatIshouldcomeandsayi'msorryforwhathappenlastnight." A giggle comes from the mare as she moves one hoof to poke happily towards the lavender mare, "Hee-he, you were funny last night, you were all..." Her hooves both come back in front of her as she sticks her tongue out and wobbles her eyes crazy, "Whoo whoo ooh.. you know?"

Twilight gives an annoyed sigh as she nods, "Yes...I remember."

Pinkie smiles as she nods, "Glad you had fun! OH!ButIAlmostforgot! Here you go Twilight!" The mare jumps from her seated spot as she, in one motion brings a small box up in her front right hoof, "I hope you're not too mad Twilight."

A soft but large smile comes across the mare as her usual excited voice calms down.

Twilight blinks to the small box as she floats it from the mare, "Oh...thank you Pinkie."
"IT's a cocoa-butter vanilla super-duper good cake..." A smile comes over the mare as she takes a pause, "I know its your favorite, and this way we can see if Violet still likes vanilla! Thatwaysomeponycanmakesaspecialbirthdaycake!" Her smiling face turns to Violet as the filly just blinks to the words.

You have the same slightly confused stare but you've gotten better at deciphering the mare and you speak up, "Well Pinkie thats still a couple of months away."

"PFF!! As if..." She darts over to you as she moves her hoof to mess up your mane, "Celestia's year has shorter months but longer days silly, that means EVERY thing is soon! Hearts and Hooves day, The running of the leaves...OH! And That means more birthday parties for every PonY!"

The wide smile to her face holds for a moment but she stops it as she squints to you, "Hey...When is yours?"

You blink to her comment as you stutter, "Uh...I'll tell you when it is."

Her slightly faded smile comes back to it's full as she nods, "Okey dokey."

As Pinkie's voice ends Twilight takes advantage and speaks up as she trots over towards the table and floats the cake box to the table, "Well thank you Pinkie..." A giggle comes from her as she continues, "And don't worry about Violet's birthday party, of course we'll be asking you to help with it, no pony creates a party quite like-..."

"Alright!" Pinkies words end as her vice grip hug comes wrapped around her friend.

Twilight's face puffs out a little as the air is quickly pushed from her, to the mare's reaction Pinkie lets go of Twilight as she talks with a light laugh, "Sorry."

With a quick intake of air Twilight nods her head as she talks, "It's fine Pinkie...Are you ready to go?"

Pinkie speaks up as she nods her head to her saddle, it's at this point you realize what's draped over her, "Yep, I got my ice skates and everything."

You squint to her comment as you cock your head, "Ice skates?"

"Yep, OH!" Pinkie tilts her head back towards you as she talks, "Do you want to come and help me out with cutting the lake's ice?"

You smile as you start your words up, "Somepony has to watch Violet."

Pinkie blinks to your words as she shifts her eyes beside you, a laugh comes from her as she nods, "I bet."

"Violet." Twilight's voice turns your head as you shift your gaze back to the light purple filly that has frozen with big caught in the act eyes, Twilight's voice comes up as her magic wraps around the box, "You know no sweets so early."

Pinkie lets out a snorting laugh as she rolls her hoof to the comment, "Ha! That's funny Twilight."

The lavender mare doesn't pick up on the comment as she starts her trot towards the kitchen, you move a little closer to the filly as you look over the slightly pink frosted tips of her hooves. Your stare doesn't go unnoticed though as Violet gives a sly smile as she brings her hoof to her mouth with a childlike glee as she licks a bit of the frosting off.

"You're still going to wash your hooves." You hold your stare to the filly as the weird idea of washing something you walk with holds in your mind, but you stand by your comment as the filly nods her head.

The sound of Twilight's hooves comes back to the room as her voice trails in after her, "Alright Pinkie, lets get going. I'm hoping Winter Wrap up might actually be on time with no mishaps, we still have Violet's magic training to continue."

Pinkie nods her head as she trots towards the door with a slight bounce to her step, "Duh, of course we'll be done, you're doing the planning." Pinkie turns back to Twilight as she taps her hoof to her head, "You know your a smart cookie Twilight."

Twilight gives a friendly giggle to the comment as her horn sparks to float the few papers from the table. As the papers come to float next to her she speaks up, "Hopefully this won't take all day...but the last three years it did." A slight sigh comes over her as she shrugs.

You nod your head as you give her a little hug, "Bye Twilight."

As your embrace ends the mare trots towards the door with her friend as she starts outside. Your gaze of the mare is cut as you watch the door close, but as it does you move your eyes back to the filly with the still slightly frosting covered hooves as you speak up, "Come on Violet, lets get you cleaned up and then we'll find something to-..."

Your voice is cut off as you hear a quick paced tap-tap-tap of claws coming from down the stairs, you turn your head to the purple dragon as his eyes meet to you with a bit of surprise, "Twilight left?"

Spike's tone holds a slight grogginess to it, but his wide open and alert eyes show he's not really as tired as he sound...or so you think.

You nod your head as Violet moves from her seat, "Ya, she just left."

He blinks to your words as he stumbles a little on his words, "T-then can I just go back to sleep?"

You shrug to the comment as you and Violet move towards the stairs the little dragon came from, "Fine with me."

"All right!" Spike starts up after you and Violet as his voice ends with a boyish glee. The small dragon makes his way around you as he picks his pace up a little more, you watch him for a moment as you continue to lead the filly upstairs.

End of chapter 1