• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 8,432 Views, 314 Comments

My Little Pony: Grimlock is King - Flanagan

In the heat of battle a space bridge sends Grimlock and several other Transformers to Equestria.

  • ...


The Crystal Mountains…

“This weather is freezing my hydraulics!” Starscream whined taking another step through the waist deep snow. “Even on Earth it didn’t get this cold!”

“Both planets share a similar ecology.” Shockwave replied looking down to his holopad, “They are actually ninety-eight percent similar, they share the exact water to land ratio, the oxygen and nitrogen levels are off only by the most minuscule of percentiles-“

“That STILL doesn’t explain why it’s so cold!” Starscream interrupted, knocking a few icicles off the barrel of his Null Ray. “Even in the farthest reached of the northern poles of earth it didn’t cause ice to form so quickly!”

“If you were allow me to finish my statement you may find it beneficial to your ever growing concern.” Shockwave replied coldly “The reason for this world being colder is so simple that even you should’ve figured it out by now.”

“What is THAT supposed to mean?”

“Have you been so blind this whole time as to see that there are no cars on the ground or planes in the sky?” Shockwave replied, “This world is unblemished by the technology of man.”


“Meaning that the levels of carbon dioxide and other elements that filled Earth’s atmosphere are all but nonexistent on this planet,” Shockwave explained, “resulting in a generally cooler climate.”

“Well… you could have said that earlier…” Starscream said taking another step, but he was unable to see the boulder beneath the snow and fell faceplate first into the white blanket, generating chuckles from the less professional members of their group.

“Silence!” Starscream snapped, “I am the highest ranking Decepticon here and I will NOT allow such insubordination!”

“Isn’t Shockwave the same rank as you?” Onslaught asked in a mocking tone. “So that means that he’d be in charge as well.”

“Don’t be ridiculous! I am Megatron’s second in command!” Starscream exclaimed, “And I was a Sky Commander long before that!”

“That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have the same authority over me.” Onslaught replied, “And given your service record, I’d rather follow him.”

“I will NOT tolerate such blatant insubordination!” Starscream roared, pointing his Null Ray at Onslaught, “If you show any ounce of disrespect again… I WILL turn you into scrap.”

Onslaught replied by aiming his Photon Blaster between Starscream’s optics. The two Decepticons were at a deadlock, ready to blast each other’s faces off if the other so much moved and if given ten more seconds the may have, but Shockwave stepped between the two of them.

“An altercation between our forces would be highly illogical.” He said looking to the two, “Besides such a quarrel would result in disastrous results.”

“That’s right Onslaught.” Starscream said confidently, “You wouldn’t stand a chance against the might of Air Commander Star-“

“Look at yourself…” Shockwave interrupted pointing to Starscream.

Initially Starscream was confused, but when he looked to his chest he saw two red dots aimed directly at his chest. Fear gripped the Sky Commander as he strained his optics to find the origins of the lasers then the sound of metallic thunder filled the air. Soon after two figures landed on either side of Starscream, weapons trained directly at his head.

“Blast Off and Vortex have been providing flank security ever since we recovered them in the desert.” Shockwave said walking up to Starscream, as the snow behind him erupted to reveal a third figure with a weapon trained on his back. “And Brawl has been the forward Scout since he was reacquired at the base of this mountain range.”

“And if you think you can put a bead on our boss…” Brawl said as the distinct ‘click-clack’ sound of a Scatter Blaster rang through the cold air, “You’ve gotta-“

“Enough of this.” Shockwave said, clearly displeased, “Petty squabbles will get us nowhere nearer to the Titan Sphere.”

“Shockwave’s right,” Onslaught replied lowering his weapon, “Combaticons… stand down.”

Onslaught’s men hesitated for a second, but in the end they obeyed their commander’s orders. Starscream let out a sigh of relief as Blast Off and Vortex flew into the distance, but his relief was soon shattered by Onslaught’s shoulder slamming into him, almost knocking him off Balance. Onslaught however, caught his superior by the arm and pulled him close enough to where no one could hear him except for Starscream.

“If you EVER threaten me like that again…” he growled squeezing even tighter on Starscream’s arm, “My men I will not hesitate to put you offline… do I make myself clear?”

“Of course…” Starscream hissed, freeing himself from Onslaught’s grasp, “But if YOU don’t remember your place I will-“

“Shockwave!” Brawl suddenly yelled, breaking any threat Starscream was about to make. “Shockwave I-“

“If you have anything to report you WILL report it to ME!” Starscream yelled, pushing Onslaught to the side, “What news do you bring for your commander soldier?”

Brawl stared down Starscream with a glare that would terrify a Sharkticon, but just he soon turned his attention to the one he called out for. Shockwave stepped forward staring at the two for a few moments before finally nodding. “Proceed…”

“There’s one hell of an energon signal coming from over the mountain range sir.” Brawl replied pulling up his hologram. “I picked it up several hours ago when you told me to scout ahead to see what I could find.”

“Why didn’t you give us this information when you arrived?!” Starscream roared, “Are you so dense that you forget that any information regarding energon should be brought up to us the instant it is uncovered?!”

“The storm’s been interfering with communications…” Brawl growled, holding back his anger. “And we can’t fix that until we find Swindle… not to mention I was distracted on my return…”

“Understandable.” Shockwave replied with a nod, “Did you investigate the source thoroughly?”

“I did.” Brawl answered, “I was able to pinpoint its location despite the storm, but you won’t believe your optics…”

“What are you talking about?” Starscream asked, “There is nothing special about an energon lake.”

“It’s not a lake.” Brawl answered, “Follow me…”

Suddenly Brawl took his tank form and began to plow a path for the other Decepticons. The others followed the action in kind, minus Starscream; he couldn’t risk crashing into a mountain side and devastate his chassi once again. Several hours had passed and finally Brawl stopped and reverted back to robot form, prompting the others to do so he motioned them to come to his side so they could get a better look.

“There…” he said pointing down the mountain.

The others looked into the direction Brawl was pointing, what they saw made their optics widen. A massive spire of crystalized energon towering above what seemed to be an entire city sprawling around it, but that was only half of the surprise. Despite being farther north than anywhere on the constantly updating Decepticon maps, it looked like the spire and the city around it actually temperate weather, even so much to have large tracks of greenery its icy borders.

“How...?” Starscream said shaking his head, “How is that even possible?”

“Energon is capable of taking many forms.” Shockwave replied pulling up his own holopad, “It only becomes a solid if there is a large enough concentration in a certain area… this is one of those instances.”

“I know how energon works you buffoon!” Starscream replied with venom in his voice, “I was referring to the apparent civilization that surrounds the spire, that much energon could be fatal to almost anything within a mile.”

“Organics need not worry about energon overdoses…” Shockwave answered, examining the spire yet again, “As for us, if we execute our actions properly, we could last a Cycle or two within the spire’s killing zone.”

“That still doesn’t explain the society that has sprang… wait did you say something about going down there?!” Starscream yelled in shock.

“Further investigation is required in this matter.” Shockwave replied, much to Starscream’s dismay, “As for the civilization, we should not be surprised the universe is nigh infinite, the possibilities of life are boundless…”

The distinct hum of Shockwave’s canon began to fill the air around the others as he gave them one last emotionless look over. “Now if you would be so kind…” he said pointing his canon at the spire, “I need samples…”


“Three days…” Applejack said taking her hat off in awe, “In three days he’s already put over half a Ponyville back together.”

“That is quite an impressive feat.” Twilight said nodding her head, “but he still destroyed the town in less than three minutes.”

“Why didn’t you take Trixie’s offer?” Rainbow asked landing next to the two, “He would’ve been out of our manes is we let her take the big lummox.”

“It looks to me like someone is actually using my word calendar.” Twilight replied with a smile and an added giggle from Applejack.

“Ok… maybe it wasn’t such a lame gift.” Rainbow said rolling her eyes at the two, “But it still doesn’t answer my question. Why didn’t you let Trixie take him on her road show?”

“We were given a task by the Princesses RD.” Applejack replied, “An that task was ta make sure that he don’t get into no more trouble than he already has.”

“And to show him what it’s like in Equestria.” Twilight added.

“Trixie could’ve done that a lot better than us Twilight.” Rainbow said much to the two’s surprise, “She does travel across the country and beyond you know.”

“That may be, true but Princess Celestia trusts us as ambassadors.” Twilight replied, “And I’ll emphasize on what Applejack said, WE were chosen by BOTH Princesses… not Trixie, not themselves… but US.”

“Fine, I get it… I can’t convince you to get rid of him…” Rainbow said with a sigh, “But you’re not going to change my opinion of him.”

“Only you can do that RD.” Applejack said with a smile, “But I think the rest of the town has pretty much come ta one conclusion.”

“Really?” Twilight asked, “What’s that?”

` “Ta stay the buck out of his way…” Applejack replied smugly. “I don’t know how many times I’ve caught Apple Bloom tryin’ ta get close enough ta pester ‘em… fortunately she’s been listenin’ ta me ‘bout him bein’ dangerous.”

“That’s the truth…” Twilight said repressing a giggle, “And I guess it’s a good thing that everypony learned that one quick.”

“Well…” Applejack said as she noticed a certain pink pony bouncing towards them, “ALMOST everypony.”

“HI GIRLS!” Pinkie exclaimed loudly with a huge smile on her face, “Whatcha doin’?”

“Just hangin’ out.” Rainbow replied turning around to see that Pinkie was adorned in all manner of party favors. “I could ask the same of you.”

“Today’s gonna be the day girls!” Pinkie said happily as a rubber chicken fell out of her attire, “Today’s gonna be the day that Pinkamena Diane Pie is gonna officially make friends with Grimlock!”

“You’ve said that the past three days Pinkie…” Rainbow said dragging her hoof down her face. “How’s today going to be any different?”

“Because I haven’t used…” She said as she started to rummage through her outfit, pulling things easily three times her size out of her pockets. “THIS!” she exclaimed, eyes glowing.

“Well… that’s nice Pinkie…” Twilight said with a cocked eyebrow, “but what is it?”


“Your what?” Rainbow asked immediately regretting the question afterwards.


“I’m pretty sure we all got it the first time!” Applejack said quickly covering Pinkie’s mouth, “But why don’t ya just respect his wishes? He don’t seem ta be the sociable type…”

“Cranky was the same way when he came to town.” Pinkie replied with a smile, “But he warmed up to me just like everypony else.”

“Cranky can’t destroy the whole town in a matter of minutes…” Twilight said, “Applejack’s right, just let him do his thing and then he can get along with his business.”

“But Twilight…” Pinkie said with her hair suddenly becoming flat, “I… I thought we were supposed to become his friends…”

“Well… we’re actually supposed to just show him around.” Twilight explained, “That’s what Princess Celestia said anyway.”

“Well how are we supposed to do that if we just stand over here and watch him?”

“I… uh…” Twilight said trying to think of a comeback, but Pinkie’s simple logic couldn’t be denied. “Fine… third times a charm right?”

“You bet!” Pinkie said as her hair puffed up again, “I’ll pull out all the stops! He won’t be able to deny my friendship THIS time!”

“You said that the last two times too…” Rainbow said with a smirk along with Twilight and Applejack’s small giggles.

“Third time’s the charm!” Pinkie said with a smile as she began to playfully bounce towards the hulking giant. “Wish me luck!”

“Of course…” Twilight said watching the happy pony bounce into town towards the sound of splitting wood, “Why aren’t you trying to stop her?”

“What?” Rainbow asked looking over to Twilight.

“Why aren’t you trying to stop her?” Twilight repeated, “You think that he’s a mindless monster after all…”

“He hasn’t hurt her the last few times she’s tried…” She replied shrugging her shoulders, “I think he’s figured out that if he tries anything He knows I’ll put him in his place.”

“Ya seem awful confident ‘bout yerself RD…” Applejack said with a smirk, “Why don’t ya move along and tag along on her as she tries ta befriend him again.”

“H-he won’t hurt her…” Rainbow said quickly, “She’ll be fine… I’m here just in case.”

“Maybe if ya were at her side Ol’ Grimlock would think twice ta do somethin’ if YOU were there, unless yer scared that is…” Applejack finished with a playful wink which caused a small giggle, but the only thing that showed in Rainbow’s eyes was rage.


Twilight and Applejack were taken back by the sight. The normally laid back and confident Rainbow Dash was red-eye mad, nostrils flaring and teeth gritting to boot. The two watched uneasily as the deep breaths began to fade in their friend, she was so tense that her wings actually stopped flapping. It took a few more seconds for her to finally calm down enough for Twilight and Applejack to approach her, but they still did it with extreme caution.

“Rainbow?” Twilight said reaching out to the pegasus gingerly, “Rainbow is there something wrong?”

Rainbow didn’t respond, she was still tensed up, but there was not as much rage in her eyes as there was a few minutes ago.

“RD?” Applejack said “Look I was just kiddin’ ‘bout ya bein’ scared of em.”

“I’m... NOT…”

The sudden sound of snapping wood and metal slamming against stone rang across the sky, followed by an eerie silence. Moments later the three heard the sound of squeaking approaching them. As it got louder Twilight looked to the sound and saw Pinkie shakily making her way back to the three. Pinkie’s outfit was tarnished, the balloons were popped, the streamers were torn and a large branch was stuck through her clothes.

“He said no…” Pinkie said disappointedly. “But don’t worry girls. I’m sure he’ll warm up to me tomorrow!”

Twilight and Applejack rolled their eyes as pinkie bounced off back towards Sweet Apple Acres, where most of the ponies were staying until Grimlock rebuilt the town. After she was out of sight the two turned their attention to the pegasus who had snapped so violently at them only a minute ago to see that she was troubled by the word exchange they had previously.

“Rainbow…” Twilight said comfortingly, Is there something that you need to talk about?”

“I’m fine…” Rainbow growled through her teeth, “There’s nothing to talk about…”

“Don’t try that stuff on me RD I know when yer lyin’.” Applejack said sternly, “We’re here fer ya it ya need ta tell us anything.”

“I don’t NEED to tell you anything.” Rainbow shot back, “Right now I need to take care of Tank… YOU two can run to your little pet project for the Princess.”

Before Twilight could offer a response Rainbow bolted off into the sky towards her house, leaving the other two to cough up the dust in her wake.

“What do you suppose that’s all about?” Twilight asked.

“I’d recon she still has her tail in a tussle about gettin’ knocked ta Baltimare by Grimlock when they first met.” Applejack answered, “Y’all know how upset she gets when she loses.”

“I guess you’re right Applejack.” Twilight said with a sigh, “Come on, let’s go see how Grimlock is doing.”

With that the two made their way to the now half rebuilt town. There weren’t many ponies in town, just a few of the braver ones moving their belongings into their newly made homes. The others huddled together in hastily made tents strewn across Sweet Apple Acres or in Fluttershy’s front lawn, much to her dismay. Twilight and Applejack stopped to make some small talk with a few of them, but the sound of wood being sliced effortlessly. The stallion that they had talking to suddenly slammed the door on them, signifying that their conversation was over. Shaking their heads the two continued on their trek to the sound, where finally upon arrival they saw something they didn’t expect.

Grimlock had stopped cutting wood, in fact he was looking down to the ground, arms crossed and sighing. Twilight and Applejack’s eyes followed the direction to what he was staring at when they saw that he was looking down at Rarity, who seemed to be giving him a piece of her mind.

“And let me be very clear…” she said pacing back and forth, “The pillars MUST be perfectly spherical, or else the spiraling design I showed you would be completely ruined… and PLEASE insure that they are colored correctly I know that you don’t care much for matching color schemes but my clientele would find it absolutely appalling if they saw anything remotely-“

“Grimlock have idea.” He interrupted to Rarity’s displeasure. “You do it, Grimlock not have time for marshmallow’s talking.”

Rarity’s jaw hit the ground as a massive pile of lumber fell at her hooves, while Grimlock just turned around and began cutting the frames for yet another house. Twilight and Applejack trotted up to their friend’s side, almost bursting into laughter at the expression on her face.

“Ya ok there Rarity?” Applejack asked holding back a laugh, “Seems that ya just got told-“

“The NERVE of that… that…” Rarity hissed, biting her lower lip so it wouldn’t quiver, “That glorified metal saurian! I’ll show HIM what happens when he-“

“What exactly where you asking him to do?” Twilight asked, “You already know he’s not happy about helping rebuild, why egg him on?”

“Because he was FINALLY getting around to rebuilding Carousal Boutique,” Rarity sighed swallowing her anger like a champ, “I had a few new ideas for remodeling and I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to make my ideas into reality.”

“Wait a second…” Applejack said raising her hoof, “Ya thought that askin’ HIM to build yer house ta YER specifications was a good idea? AND you thought he’d listen to ya?”

“A girl can dream can’t she?” Rarity said placing her rear on a pillow, “And he’s the only one strong enough to make it happen…”

“I’m sure that you’ll get a chance one day.” Twilight said offering encouragement, “But you won’t be getting any help from him.”

“Speakin’ of him…” Applejack said, “Y’all seen where he headed off to?”

Both Twilight and Rarity looked to where Grimlock should have been, but sure enough, the giant had once again evaded them.

“How does he do that?” Twilight asked.

“I don’t know Twi…” Applejack said scratching he head, “Ya think we’d be able ta notice when somethin’ as big as him goes out for a walk.”

“He’s done that several times the past few days…” Twilight said reassuringly, “And he always comes back after a few hours, I’m sure this time will be no different.”

The Everfree Forest rumbled with every massive step Grimlock took. It was already hard enough to get some alone time, especially with that little pink horse always nagging him to be his friend. He counted himself lucky though, not many of them noticed that he had excused himself and those who did didn’t have the brass to stop him. It wasn’t like he needed a break, he could continue until his spark flickered out and that day was far from approaching. What he did need however, were clues, clues that would bring him to his ultimate goal, Shockwave.

Arriving at the crater in the crater he rose from some four days ago he began his analysis of the site. The first thing he noticed was the same thing as he did every time, the ever so meniscal trace amounts of radiation that every Cybertronian emitted from their bodies. It wasn’t lethal by a long shot, the amount radiated was more or less like the sun, but it was like a distinct footprint. However like most footprints they could be covered up, Grimlock knew that he wasn’t the only one to come through the space bridge and there was the chance that a few of his traveling partners may have landed near him. All he had to do was find the evidence of another nearby.

This was frustrating for Grimlock. He was used to charging in and ripping any foe to shreds within seconds. But all of this examining, studying and thinking was more along the lines of Preceptor’s line of work. Hour after hour he toiled, straining his circuits to piece together what had happened, but time and time again he would give up and just go back to cutting the timber, at least it was a way to vent. Today however, Grimlock lost his patience hours earlier than usual, roaring viciously he slammed his fist into the ground, making the earth quake for what seemed like miles around. Strike after devastating strike he continued to show his frustration on the innocent ground beneath him. In truth he may have not stopped if not for a nearby log rolling out of place and sending his scanners on high alert.

“Decepticon?!” He exclaimed turning around, his fist clinched in anticipation, but all he saw was the long.

“That not make sense…” he said scratching his head, “Sensors fixed mega cycle ago… should be good for five more…”

Grimlock took a few steps closer to the log just to insure that his sensors weren’t haywire… again. It wouldn’t have surprised him, he’d been hit in the head several times since he’d arrived and though it didn’t hurt, it could have popped something out of place. However upon closer examination of the log he noticed a single sliver of metal logged into the wood. Putting his scanners on maximum he pulled the sliver out of the log to see if he could get an exact identification. It didn’t take long for the analysis to be completed and one it concluded he crushed the sliver in rage.

“Starscream…” he growled to himself, “Starscream was with Grimlock when me went through space bridge…”

Grimlock dropped the now twisted and crumpled piece of metal to the ground and growled. A failed opportunity to extinguish the spark of one of the Autobots greatest enemies had slipped through his fingers. The only closure was that he may have been injured upon coming here, meaning that he would be easier to track. Grimlock was about to scan for a trail when something he said ran through his mind. He had promised the pretty horse that he’d rebuild the town before he would attend to his ‘personal business’, but he didn’t know how long the trail Starscream may have left behind would remain.

Grimlock continued to rack his mind, trying to think of his next move. He could abandon the ponies and pursue Starscream in hopes of finding Shockwave therefore insuring his revenge that was four million years overdue. However if he were to do that then he would break his promise, making him no better than the humans who promised so many things only to go back on their promises.

“Um… Grimlock?” a timid voice squeaked from behind him, breaking the titan’s concentration.

He spun around, reading his sword. He wasn’t about to be caught off guard just after he found evidence that at least one Decepticon had come with him through the space bridge. Unfortunately for him it wasn’t a Decepticon, it was just the little horse that called herself Fluttershy. This was the second time she had snuck up on him, and this time it could have jeopardized his hidden agenda. Unlike the first time she managed to do so however she fell over to her side much like the first time they had met.

Grimlock sighed as he drug his hand down his faceplate, Fluttershy was certainly an odd one. She was one of the most cowardly creatures he had ever met, but she was at times brave enough to stand up to him with his sword ready to slice.

“Little horses more complicated than humans…” he grunted, “They may be weak but Grimlock knows where they stand.”

Fluttershy didn’t respond; she was still frozen in fear. Grimlock growled to himself again, he would have to wake her up before either could continue their conversation.

“Fluttershy…” he said lowering himself to her level. “Fluttershy, Me say wake up…”

She didn’t respond yet again. Now Grimlock was getting angry, if she didn’t wake up in the next few seconds he would just leave her to her fate and just head continue to debate with himself on what to do. But before he walked off to be alone again Fluttershy finally loosened up, however by the time she came to her senses she saw Grimlock making his way deeper into the forest.

“Wait!” she exclaimed reaching her hoof out, “Grimlock! WAIT!”

“What you want?” Grimlock asked turning around, “And why you keep following Grimlock?”

“I just wanted to know what you were doing…” Fluttershy replied sheepishly, “You’ve been coming back here for the last three days…”

“You not respect Grimlock’s privacy?” he growled, clinching his fist.

“Oh no, I’d never…” Fluttershy replied backing away a bit, “I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”

“You think Grimlock not alright?”

“Well… n-not necessarily…” she replied lowering her head, “But you always seem so angry… I just want to know why.”

“You want to why Grimlock always angry?” he asked, Fluttershy nodded with a smile.

“I think that if you tell somepony about your problems they can help you become stronger.”

“Me not need to tell no one why me angry,” He replied casting his shadow over her, “and Grimlock not need help from weak little horses. Me handle problems alone, like me always have.”

“It’s never a bad thing to ask for help.” Fluttershy replied shrugging her shoulders.

“Grimlock… not… need… help…” he growled deeply adding some extra force behind his next step so the ground would shake underneath Fluttershy.

“Um… Ok…” Fluttershy whimpered.

Grimlock nodded to himself thinking that he had finally got his point across. He turned around so he could possibly find the trail the Starscream had left behind. However his plans would once again be foiled by the little yellow horse.

“Grimlock?” she asked, much to his annoyance, “What’s this?”

Grimlock turned around again expecting her to be pointing at something ridiculous, but what she was holding terrified him for the first time in over four million years. It was the piece of scrap that Starscream had left behind. Now he wasn’t scared as in he was afraid for his life, more along the lines of a child with their hand in the cookie jar. If she found out that he wasn’t alone then he would never be allowed out of sight, not to mention that he wouldn’t be allowed to hunt his pray as he pleased. He couldn’t allow that to happen, he needed to play off and quickly.

“That nothing!” he said quickly, spooking Fluttershy, “It just… old junk…”

“It looks new…” Fluttershy replied confused, “Well… newer then what we use.”

“It nothing.” He repeated, “Probably just old scrap that broke off.”

“Broke off of what?” Fluttershy asked. The questions kept coming for Grimlock and soon he knew that he wouldn’t be able to answer a question Fluttershy presented without her figuring him out. He needed a scapegoat and fortunately it came in the form of Fluttershy herself.

“Where my tree?” he asked, hoping that that would bring her off topic.

“Y-you actually want to see it?” Fluttershy replied with her eyes practically glowing.

“Yes!” he replied, faking excitement, “Grimlock LOVE to see tree!”

“Alright!” Fluttershy squeaked happily dropping the metal, “Follow me! I planted it next to my house.”

“Alright…” Grimlock growled watching her happily trot off out of sight.

Once he was sure that she couldn’t see him he looked to his only bit of evidence. It pained him deeply, but after a few brief moments he chose his honor over his revenge. Slamming his foot down onto the piece of scrap he buried it as deep into the earth as he possibly could, sealing away any other risk to his ultimate goal.

“That be you soon enough Starscream…” he growled to himself as he began to walk off to Fluttershy’s cottage.

Little to Grimlock’s knowledge however, there was another pony present. One who already didn’t trust him, one who saw everything from her cloud perch, one who decided to listen in on his monologue.

Grimlock rose from the Everfree Forest close to Fluttershy’s cottage, much to the dismay of most of the squatters. He blocked out a lot of the screaming, not like it bothered him anyway. Humans did that to him all the time even though he had saved them on multiple occasions. The only one who actually darted towards him was Fluttershy who immediately motioned him to follow her. He humored her request and the two made their way to behind her home, where sure enough Grimlock’s tree was standing alone in the middle of a well-kept garden.

“It look… nice.” Grimlock said nodding, doing his best to pretend to be interested.

“I thought you would like it.” Fluttershy replied with an adorable smile. “And look…” Fluttershy pointed to some of the branches, “It looks like it’s starting to bud.”

Grimlock looked to the small green bulbs that were on the otherwise dead tree. There were about eight buds, and three seemed to be much farther along that the rest, while one of them looked much farther behind then the rest.

“Tree growing…” he said looking to Fluttershy, “That good… right?”

“It’s very good.” Fluttershy answered. “It may even bloom completely by the time you leave here.”

“Me doubt that…” Grimlock said with a chuckle, turning to face the town again. “Grimlock get back to building homes now.”

“Ok Grimlock!” Fluttershy said happily trotting to his side. “I’ll come with you.”

“You no need to-“ Fluttershy flew up to Grimlock’s shoulder before he could finish. Sighing at the fact that he couldn’t convince her not to come along without ending up in the pit again, he made his way back to the town with his cargo.

“There you are.” Twilight said looking up to him, “You’ve been gone for nearly an hour… where’d you go?”

“To think…” he replied as Fluttershy hopped down to be with the rest of her friends, an action that didn’t go unnoticed by the young princess.

“Looks like you and Fluttershy seem to be hitting it off quite well.” She said with a smirk.

“She not give me much choice.” Grimlock replied shrugging his shoulders, “Grimlock still not like little horses that much.”

“Ponies…” Twilight corrected, “We’re PONIES…”

“Same thing,” Grimlock answered, much to Twilight’s frustration.

“So yer ‘bout halfway done with the town here,” Applejack said looking around the town. “Any estimate on when ya gonna get done?”

“Soon now.” Grimlock replied, knowing that he wouldn’t get a chance track down Starscream anymore.

“Well ain’t that some great news!” she hollered, “I’ll recon that ya’ll be on yer way in a day or two.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure…” Rainbow growled descending from the sky, “In fact… I don’t think he’s being all that straight with us.”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight asked. “He doesn’t even seem like the type to keep secrets.”

“I’m not so sure about that…” Rainbow replied, “If he didn’t keep secrets then he should be able to tell us about Starscream…”

Grimlock froze at the very mention of the name while the ponies around him looked to one another with confusion.

“Starscream?” Rarity asked, “What a tacky name…”

“We can discuss the tackiness later Rarity…” Twilight said shaking her head, “but what is Rainbow talking about Grimlock? Who’s Starscream?”

Rainbow stared directly at Grimlock’s faceless expression, thinking that she had finally caught him in the act. Grimlock remained silent, holding back his rage and trying to think of a way to get past this without incident, but with each moment of silence the suspicion continued to rise. He was caught between a rock and a hard place if he told the truth his mission would be in jeopardy, but if he remained quiet about it the leash he was already on due to his promise would become even tighter.


“Twilight Sparkle!” a familiar voice said from behind them.

“Princess Celestia?!” Twilight gasped, turning to face her mentor, “What are you doing here now?”

“I have received an urgent message from my niece…” Celestia explained in a worried tone “Quickly go to the train station, I need the elements with me… now…”

“Message? Station? The elements?” Twilight asked, “Just what’s going on?”

“Twilight… The Crystal Empire is under attack…”

Author's Note:

I hope this is up to standards... :fluttercry:
Oh... the mountains pretty nice-Oh S#$T! Decepticons!
No matter what planet he's on Starscream will complain...
Shockwave is getting all sciencey :applejackconfused:
Starscream mad! Now Starscream surrounded... :pinkiegasp:
Oh... lawrd... the Crystal Empire... and Shockwave wants samples...
Meanwhile in Ponyville...
AJ and Twili... well at least they're getting used to Grimlock...
RD swoops in RD still no like Grimlock...
RD flies off... she isn't really... is she?
Rarity? why were you asking Grimlock to do something complicated? :rainbowhuh:
Where's Grimlock goin?
Me Grimlock best CSI!
Flutters again?!
Smooth Grimlock...Smoo- Oh crap...
well the tree is growing, that's good...
RD...Why you do this to Grimlock?
What's Tia doing- Oh God...
Next chapter: Chaos in The Crystal Empire or Grimlock vs. The Crystal Empire (You guys pick)
Also I found a song that seemed to fit Grimlock perfectly here it is

What do you guys think? what song do you think fits Grimlock best?
As usual same questions... feedback is appreciated.