• Published 25th Nov 2013
  • 3,191 Views, 46 Comments

I think I love you... - FinnPony

Rarity gets to know with Rumble's big brother Thunderlane, and soon notices that one certain stallion keeps spinning in her thoughts, and decides that she has to do something about it.

  • ...

The wisest pony is the shy one

Silence of the calm forest was aprupted by quiet humming. It was sweet and clear voice, and it echoed from tree to tree. Little birds peeked from their nests high up in the tree, and joined the song. Suddenly all the woodland creatures started to appear from their hiding places. Both large and small animals gathered in one place, and seemed to follow the sweet humming voice, that was getting closer to them.

There were bear, deers, mouses, couple of lynxes sitting together, small birds, minks, squirrels were sitting in a tree, and even one wolf was with the group. They all were waiting for something together, in peace.
Well the the other lynx looked at the mouses with a bit hungry stare, but otherwise they were acting nicely.

Soon the woodland creatures saw the source of the beautiful humming, and all rushed towards it.
It was a cream yellow pegasus mare with long pink mane, that flowed straight down on her shoulders and covered her other eye almost completely. Her tail was straight too, and it followed her like a veil. She had a smile on her lips, even she was carrying a basket in her teeth. She looked at all the animals with caring and love in her clear green eyes.

"Good morning!" Fluttershy said to her animal friends happily, while they all nuzzled against her body. She giggled and laid the basket on the ground. She then pulled the blanket from top of it, and announced to the animals: "Here you go!"
Animals attacked the basket full of food, but still shared the food together.
Fluttershy was pleased by their actions, and smiled warmly. She had spent days teaching the animals about how important it is to share and care.

Soon all the food in the basket was eaten, and the animals thanked Fluttershy by hugging her each at the time. When it was the bear's time to hug, he almost crushed Fluttershy against himself, and she had to plead: "Umm.. could you be just a teeny tiny bit more gentle?"

"If you're okay with it of course," she added, before the bear let her go. He gave Fluttershy a apologetic look, that made her smile at him. She then said with a ensuring voice: "Oh it's alright, just be careful next time."
Bear nodded happily, and started to waddle towards his home cave.

After a while, Fluttershy was getting back to her cottage with a empty basket in her teeth. She hummed quietly, and was thinking about her plans for the evening. She had agreed with Bic Macintosh that they would spent a night at her place, like many times before. She liked it when they could just cuddle on the sofa in front of a fireplace, and whisper nice things into each other's ears.

"And then we will move to bed.. And then.." she thought, blushing hard and letting out a small giggle.

When she reached her cottage, Fluttershy stopped walking. She saw a white unicorn mare with a purple mane walking towards her home. Fluttershy recognized one of her best friends, and smiled. She opened the door of her home, and laid the basket next to it. She then closed the door and stayed on the doorsteps, to wait for Rarity to reach her.

As the fashionista got closer, Fluttershy saw the sad and frustrated expression on her face. She was almost angry looking in Fluttershy's opinion.

"Oh no, has she heard about me and Big Mac?" Fluttershy thought, and smile disappeared from her lips. Everypony knew about Rarity's crush on Big Macintosh, and he was now with Fluttershy.
The timid peagsus backed away from her friend, who got closer and closer.

"Hi Fluttershy," Rarity said with a dull voice, and had a gloomy expression on her face.
Fluttershy was now sure that she knew about her and Big Macintosh, and hid behind her mane. She then said quietly: "Umm.. Hi Rarity."
Rarity looked at the timid, scared looking filly in front of her with a confused stare. She then asked, sounding a bit worried: "Fluttershy, is something wrong?"

"She doesn't know?" Fluttershy thought, raising her had a little. She then looked away from Rarity and said quickly: "Everything's fine."

"Are you sure honey? You act quite strangely today," Rarity asked, trying to get a hint of what was going on. Fluttershy just shook her had a little, and ensured: "No. Everything is fine."
Rarity blinked couple of times, before she said: "If you say so honey, but remember you can always tell me."

"I know," Fluttershy said, smiling nervously. She wasn't sure if she could tell about herself and Big Mac to Rarity. She might get angry at her, and maybe she wouldn't want to be her friend anymore.

"Umm.." she started, and looked at Rarity. She then asked: "Do you have something to tell me? You usually are working at this time."
She then hid behind her mane and said nervously: "Not that I would know anything about your work or anything.. I just thought that it was weird for you to.. come her at this time.."

"Fluttershy," Rarity said, making her let out a small 'meep' sound only she knew how to do. Rarity looked at her, feeling a bit worried, but then she remembered why she was there.

"Could I come in?" Rarity asked, from Fluttershy, who quickly nodded and opened the door.

They entered Fluttershy's home, and quickly walked to the living room, where Angel bunny was waiting for Fluttershy. She just looked at it with a look that told him to wait, and the white bunny got the message. It bounced towards the kitchen while the two mares sat down to a sofa in front of the fireplace.

"What is wrong Rarity?" Fluttershy asked, not feeling nervous anymore. She had seen Rarity's angry look, and she wanted to know if she could help her friend in any way she could.
Rarity looked at her, and said: "I just wanted to talk to somepony."
Fluttershy seemed nervous, had something happened to Rarity, something bad maybe?

"I know that Applejack and Rainbow Dash would have just laughed at me, and Twilight wouldn't know anything about these things. Pinkie Pie.. Well she's Pinkie Pie."

"What is wrong?" Fluttershy asked.

Rarity looked at her, and said angrily: "I hate Thunderlane."
Fluttershy looked at her with wide eyes, and mouth hanging open from surprise. Why would she hate him in first place? They didn't even know each other. Then she frowned, and thought that what ever made her hate Thunderlane had to be serious. Rarity wouldn't be mad at him for just any reason.

"What did that meanie do?" she asked and looked at Rarity, who was looking more sad than angry now. She then started to explain to her friend.

* * *

Rarity was sitting on the divan in her home with Thunderlane. They were cuddling, and talking about their relationship.

"Thunderlane," Rarity started, while running her hoof down his chest. Thunderlane pulled her closer, and asked: "What?"

"We've been together for two weeks now," Rarity said, lifting her head to the eye level with Thunderlane. She looked at him happily, and said cheerily: "I want my friends to meet you."

She immediately saw how Thunderlane didn't seem to agree with her. He squirmed a little on his place, and looked at Rarity. He then said: "I don't know Rarity."

"What's wrong?" Rarity asked, leaning away from him. Thunderlane looked troubled, and he rubbed his neck with his hoof. He then asked: "Can't we wait for a while longer?"

"Why?" Rarity asked confusedly. She didn't get it why Thunderlane didn't want her friends to meet him.

"Sometimes rushing can make things worse you know. That happened to me and Blossomfort," Tunderlane explained, feeling a bit sad while remembering about it. Blossomforth had been really nice filly, but her friends haven't.

Rarity looked at him a bit strangely, but then smiled and said sweetly: "Well I promise it won't happen to me and you."

"I know, thanks," Thundrlane said and nuzzled Rarity's cheek.

"We're going to see them today though," Rarity added, and Thunderlane stopped instantly. He looked at Rarity right in the eyes, and asked: "My opinion doesn't matter, huh?"

"Of course it does, but I know you'll like them," Rarity said, and tried to nuzzle his chin, but Thunderlane stopped her with hoof. She looked at Thunderlane, and saw that he was looking at her with strange look in his eyes.

"So I don't need to go?" he asked. Rarity sighed irritated, and said: "Yes you do."

"Why?" Thunderlane asked.

"Because I say so!" Rarity said, a bit more loudly this time. She wasn't used to stallions disagreeing with her.

Thunderlane turned his body towards Rarity and asked: "Why do we have to go see them just now?"

"Because I want to," Rarity said without thinking about the sentence first. Thunderlane looked at her a bit confusedly, and then asked slowly: "So my opinion doesn't matter after all?"

"No," Rarity slipped, and immediately lifted her hooves to her mouth. She knew that she shouldn't have said that, and was just about to say something else, but Thunderlane rose up.
He looked at the mare in front of him, and said: "I thought you were the element of generosity, but you don't even give a change for other pony's opinions."

Rarity looked at him, with her eyes wide and mouth open from shock.

"How dare you?" she asked with a angry expression on her face and ears folded backwards. Thunderlane looked at her calmly, and she stood up with her face just inches away from his. She looked at him with a mix of angry and sad look in her eyes.

"Going in that stupid academy must have gotten you too full of yourself!" she said angrily, and poked Thunderlane in the chest with her hoof.
For a moment Thunderlane looked like he was going to say something, but then he let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm not doing this," he said and turned away. Rarity let out a small 'hmph', and said to him angrily: "I wasn't finished!"

"Well I was," Thunderlane said, and walked out of the room, leaving Rarity alone.

She sat on her haunches and folded her front hooves over her chest. She then felt tears form in her eyes, and she thought: "What a jerk! I hate him!"

* * *

"...and then I came here," Rarity said sadly, while gazing to the floor and rubbing her hooves together.
Fluttershy just stared at her, with her mouth slightly open and with confused look in her eyes. She realized that Rarity was waiting for an answer from her, but she was dumbfounded by her story.

"Uh.. Umm.. Are you dating him?" she asked. It was the only thing she had understood from Rarity's story, and wasn't sure how she should react.

"Fluttershy! You didn't get my point!" Rarity said loudly, making Fluttershy wince. She then muttered: "Sorry.."
Rarity sighed, and looked at her timid friend a bit annoyed.

"Yes, I am dating him. Or was. I don't know.. I never have fought with anypony I dated. They always listened to me," Rarity told her, and then frowned again.

"So.. So what was your point again?" Fluttershy asked timidly, and Rarity quickly answered: "That he is a total jerk!"

Fluttershy looked at the sad mare in front of her, and then started to smile a little.

"Was that all? Oh my heavens I thought for a moment that something bad has happened," Fluttershy thought, and Rarity saw Fluttershy smiling at her, and asked confusedly: "Why are you smiling like that?"

"So you and him are dating?" she asked, more calmly this time. Rarity gave her a questioning stare, but then said quietly: "Yes."

"Do you like him?" Fluttershy continued asking from her friend coyly. Rarity frowned at he, but then nodded. Fluttershy continued to broadly smile at Rarity, but then her smile started to change into a nervous grin. Rarity noticed that, and asked: "Fluttershy, are you sure that you are alright?"

Fluttershy pondered on something, and then looked at Rarity with her big green eyes.

"To explain this next part to you.." Fluttershy started, hiding her face behind her pink mane. Rarity perked up, and listened her closely.

"I have to confess something to you," Fluttershy finished, and looked at Rarity for a second. Rarity then blinked couple of times, and asked: "What is it honey?"

Fluttershy waited for a moment and inhaled deeply, before quickly saying: "I'm in love with Big Mac."
Rarity's eyes went wide, and she stared at her timid friend in front of her. Fluttershy thought that she would be angry at her, and drooped her head. She felt nervous, and she pleaded: "Sorry.. Please don't be mad at me.."

"Oh honey! I could never be mad for you!" Rarity quickly ensured her, and wrapped her hooves around the cream yellow colored mare. She lifted her head up and looked at Rarity, who smiled at her gently.

"I'm so happy for you honey!" she said, and nuzzled Fluttershy's cheek.

"Really!?" she asked confusedly, and started to smile a little at her friend

"Of course," Rarity ensured.

They spent a while talking about Fluttershy and Big Macintosh, before Rarity remembered why they were having that conversation.

"And.. well.. he lives up to his name.." Fluttershy said shyly, before Rarity could bring them back to their original subject. They both went scarlet red around their cheeks, and Rarity looked at the ceiling.

"Yes honey, I reckon that.." Rarity said quietly, and they were silent again. After a while from the awkward moment, Rarity asked: "What were you going to tell me by the way?"

Fluttershy winced due Rarity suddenly speaking. She then started to smile, and continued her lecture: "I was trying to tell you about me and Big Macintosh."

"You already did," Rarity reminded her, but she giggled and said: "No no no.. I was going to tell about our first fight."

"You.. you two fought?" Rarity asked. She couldn't believe that two of the most timid ponies in whole town would have fought.

"Oh yeah, I wanted to present him to my mom, but he's really shy and didn't want to go." Fluttershy told her, looking serious. Rarity listened interrested, and then said: "Just like me and Thunderlane! What happened next?"

"Well we had a fight, and I was really furious.." Fluttershy said, and Rarity thought that the sentence didn't sound right coming from her mouth, but she let her continue.

"We then were separated for couple of days, and we both felt really terrible." Fluttershy told, looking sad while remembering that incident.
Rarity nodded, and could relate. She felt terrible. The strange feeling in her chest had gotten bigger again, and every time she thought of the two past weeks she had spent with Thunderlane, she felt the tug in her chest. It was driving her mad.

"What happened then?" she asked.

"We realized that we couldn't stay mad at each other, and we forgave each other," Fluttershy said, smiling happily.

"So you just forgave him? Even he had hurt you?" Rarity asked. She had taught these things many times to Sweetie Belle, but she had never actually gone trough them herself.
Fluttershy smiled happily, and told Rarity: "Yes.. Because that's what love is."
Rarity too smiled at her, but then drooped her ears, and said: "But he said something really rude."

"And you didn't?" Fluttershy asked with a raised eyebrow.
Rarity looked at her in a bit irritated way, and said: "No, I only..."
She stopped, and stared blankly in front of her. She remembered what she had said to Thunderlane: "Going in that stupid academy must have gotten you too full of yourself!"
Rarity realized that she had bashed Thunderlane with the most important thing in his life. His dream of becoming a Wonderbolt.
Rarity gasped, when she realized that she had acted just as badly as he had, and that Fluttershy was right.

"I have to go," she suddenly said, and jumped up from the sofa. She then started to run towards the door, which started to open suddenly. Rarity galloped too fast to stop, and almost collided with a big red stallion with orange mane and tail. They avoided the crash barely, and Rarity ran trough the door.

Big Macintosh looked after her, and then turned towards Fluttershy, who smiled to him happily.
Then they both heard a voice from the door, and turned towards the door, where they saw winded Rarity. She flashed a quick smile to them both, and said: "Congratulations! You two are so adorable together!"

"Thanks," Fluttershy said, smiling happily. Meanwhile Big Macintosh just nodded and said: "Eeyep."
Then Rarity was gone again, and they two could hear running hoofsteps getting further away from the cottage. Big Mac blinked once, before closing the door behind him.
Bic Macintosh looked at Fluttershy strangely, and walked in front of the couch. He sat down next to Fluttershy. He turned towards her, and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Fluttershy just giggled, and said: "We we're just talking about some girl stuff."

"Eeyep," Big Macintosh said and planted a soft kiss on Fluttershy's lips.