• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 1,194 Views, 26 Comments

Gravity - FaelaArts

Rainbow Dash get's in an accident that will change her life foever.

  • ...


It was around morning when I bragged to my friends about my next trick. The clouds were placed and they would slowly fade as the day went on to lead to a bright and clear afternoon to make way for the meteor shower tonight. The Everfree was always a problem, but a weather mare would be posted at it’s fringes to deal with any stray clouds. Why ruin a good show with a few rain clouds?

“Rainbow Dash, how is this time going to be any different to every other time you went through Ghastly Gorge?” It was Twilight, the logical bookworm of the group. Our lifestyles were polar opposites, but we did read a book together occasionally. They were normally Daring Doo, but sometimes I let Twilight convince me to ‘broaden my horizons.’

“That’s because this time I’m doing it blindfolded.” My confidence is obvious, I know I can do it. My hoof points to my chest and my wings flare with pride.

“Ah dun think ya should Dash, sounds mighty dangerous.” That was Applejack, the ‘honest’ one. Truth be told, I’ve seen her lie when she needs to hide something. She isn’t very good at it though. I don’t share many secrets with her. She is, however, immensely competitive. If I ever want a good race she’s up for the challenge. We always tie in the end, but one day I’ll pull out in front.

“Relax Applejack, I know what I’m doing. I’ve been practicing nonstop just for this occasion.” They don’t need to worry about me, I’m a grown mare. If I wasn’t sure I could do it, I would be practicing right now.

“You certainly smell like it.” Rarity, ever dainty and ritzy and clean. We didn’t get along as well as the others did. We were still friends of course, our lifestyles didn’t meet that often that’s all. Occasionally we go to the spa just to hang out on her turf, and in return she sometimes watches me practice. I’d never tell her this personally, but she makes very good dresses.

“Okay so I haven’t showered today, I’ll do it after the fly.” Her grimace made me grin, it was so easy to tease her.

“A-Are you sure it’s s-safe?” Ahh Fluttershy, we’ve been friends the longest. Most of the time she is meek and allows people to step all over her, and she aims to please everyone. I don’t think I’ve seen her intentionally hurt somepony in her life. Twilight claims she battled a bear, but I doubt that ever happened. However, as meek as she is, when her friends are in trouble she can be a tough as steel.

“Positive Fluttershy, I’ve flown this a bazillion times.” Fluttershy trusted my judgement better than the others, she knew I was reckless but I wasn’t stupid.

“This is so EXITING are you exited I’m exited I made some muffins and cupcakes and Twilight said to make sandwiches even though I don’t think we need them but she said we need a balanced diet so I put them in the basket too so we can wait for you at the finish line!” Some ponies call her the human tornado, and it’s hard to disagree. Random, overbearing, and easily excitable it was hard not to defend Pinkie Pie’s nature. But those were her best traits, and it was hard not to spend five minute around her and smile. There was also a hidden dark side that comes out when she thinks ponies don’t like her anymore, so there’s more incentive to just relax and enjoy Pinkie being Pinkie.

“Of course I am Pinkie, I’ll meet you five at the finish line.” Waving my hoof in farewell, I take off into the sky, watching them head toward the end of the gorge. I make my way toward the start.

Gazing at the gorge I notice there was a cave-in last night, but I take no notice. All the carnage would be at the bottom, it wouldn’t affect my flight.

Landing at the starting line, I take out my bandanna and tie it around my eyes. The world goes black, and my ears twitch as a wind picks up, blowing my mane. The ground beneath me is the last thing to anchor me to reality. After that was gone, it would be my ears that would guide me where my memory failed.

Ready to begin, I flared my wings and waited. The wind caressed me gently, and wove through the gorge and painted a picture in my mind. Everything fell silent, and I took a breath in, and jumped.

I dove down, flaring my wings exactly five seconds after jumping. I curled to the right and dodged tree number 5 as I coasted over the lake. The wind picked up, and suddenly was loud in my ears. I picked up the pace as it blew against me, and exited the cave. I frowned in concentration, next were the vines. I dove through the opening, tilted right to avoid plant number 23, and gently grabbed onto the branch to slingshot myself through the gap and past the vines.

The eels were next. I flew up and down, diving under the first. The second one I crested over, feeling the wind as it barely missed me. I glided around the corner, where I had caused an avalanche when I had been pet hunting, and hit the breaks.

Frowning, I listened to the wind. This area sounded different from normal. It must have been where the avalanche had been. I gently fly through my predefined path, wary of sudden changes. Eventually the wind passed and the gorge returned to normal and I picked up the pace.

And that was when I ran head first into something hard, and began to fall backwards. Falling toward the ground I tried to flip myself so I could stop my freefall, and was so consumed by it I didn’t even notice the rumbling at first. I knew it was time to forget about my blind race through and get out of the pit.

I ripped off my bandanna and glanced upward as I finally noticed the rumbling., seeing the rock heading directly towards me. Glancing down, I saw lots of round rocks, and knew if I didn’t right myself I would be seriously hurt, if not killed.

Flicking my tail, I flapped one wing vigorously, managing to right myself but allowing the rock above to get closer. I aimed downward and flared my wings, putting on speed. I would have to dive down and pull up quickly if I wanted to avoid both. Glaring at the ground, I waited until the last moment before flaring my wings and sailing out of the path of the rock as it smashed into the ground close to me.

I hover, taking gasping breaths. That had been too close, way too close. A second longer, or slightly slower, and I would have been crushed and probably killed. I landed on the rocks, letting my wings hang limply, and heaved a sigh. Pausing to see why the wind was different must have turned me off course slightly. I was lucky to be alive.

Suddenly, my ears pick up the wind behaving strangely, and I glance upward. Another rock, smaller than the last one but still pretty big, was heading straight for me.

There wasn’t time to dodge.

Everything went black.

Pain, it hurts.

“She’s waking up! Get the Morphine!”

Make it stop, it hurts.

“Get the needle in her NOW!”

Hurts! Make it stop!

“She’s resisting, restrain her before she causes more harm.”




“She’s calming down.”

The pain…It’s fading…

I wake up, and feel so very weak. My body spasms and a wave of pain hits me before fading. My eyes refuse to work. I can’t seem to find them and make them open. A groan escaped my body as another spasm racks it.

“Doctor? Is she meant to be waking up?” A voice, I can’t figure out who. Everything’s so blurry. It’s getting harder to concentrate.

“The Morphine is wearing off. I’ll give her another dose.” Something jabs into my skin, and I feel a slight tickle before another spasm of pain racks my body. Quickly it’s gone, and everything fades again.

Where am I? Moving makes pain roll through my body. I try to open my eyes, and they flicker open before I close them and groan. A hospital, the only place that blinds you when you first open your eyes. But why was I here? I try again, slower this time, and eventually I take stock of my surroundings.

I’m in one of the patient wards on one of the beds, but I was encased in the stuff they use to help with broken bones. For a moment I panic, and think maybe I can’t move anymore, before I realise all my legs appear to be working normally, just hindered by the cast. I try to speak, and a croak escapes my lips.

Before I can try again, the door opens, capturing my attention. Six ponies walk into the room, five of them my close friends and one I didn’t recognise. As they walk in I see the relief on their faces. I tried to smile in return, but winced, smiling hurt.

“I would advise not trying to move Rainbow Dash. You were severely injured and have only just come out of serious status.” It was the unknown pony, he must be the doctor. I open my mouth to try to speak but my voice cracks again. Twilight levitates over a cup of water, and I take a sip.

“W-hat happened?” My memory was still fuzzy. I tried to think about what I remember, but I wasn’t turning up many results. I had gone to Ghastly Gorge to race blind. Everything had been going fine and then…

“You got caught in an avalanche. If Fluttershy hadn’t gone looking for you, you might have died.” Twilight’s words brought forth still images of rocks, the hard ground, and darkness. I glanced to Fluttershy and gave her a grateful smile, which she returned. However there was something wrong with the smile.

“Hey is something the matter? I’ll make a full recovery right guy’s?” Seeing all five wince brought forth even more concern. They were hiding something. Dread began to coat my entire being.

“I’m so sorry Dash.” Twilight and the others turned away, tears beginning to brim on their eyes. Fluttershy was the only one still facing me. She wouldn’t turn away from the problem, she knew I wanted answers. Turning to the doctor, she motioned for him to explain.

“I’m afraid Rainbow Dash, that while we were able to save you and your limbs, there was fatal damage to the nerves connecting to your wing joints.” Wing. My wings, I glance down, and see them hanging limply. I try to move one, it doesn’t react. I try again, same result. Again, again, again, again. No no no this can’t happen! Anything but this! You can’t do this to me!

“You will never fly again.”

“I told you the hot air balloon would get us here safely.” That was Twilight.

“A-Are you sure we should be bothering her?” Fluttershy, and no you shouldn’t be.

“Ahm sure. We can’t leave her here alone.” Why thank you Applejack, your not welcome.

“Yes, why I bet she hasn’t even been keeping up proper sanitation.” Why would I care about that Rarity?

“I want to give her the invitation.” Of course you do Pinkie.

The door opens, they enter and see me on the couch looking out the window. Looking at the sky I will never feel again. I don’t bother looking to them, there would be no point.

“Dash, this is an intervention.” I really hate it when Twilight uses big words. I turn my head, giving them my undivided attention. They seem shocked, I guess they’ve never seen a mare without hope before. Twilight trots over and grabs my hoof, her determined gaze locked on my own.

“You’re coming with us.” Twilight pulls me off the couch, showing off the piece of paper strapped around my waist to keep my wings from causing me to trip. She pushes me out of the house and into the balloon, the others follow.

I suppress a sigh, this was the fifth time I’d been dragged out of my house since the accident. The first time it was to a party. The second time it was to the spa. Third time was to help buck apples. Forth was to spend some time with the critters at Fluttershy’s cottage. I wonder where Twilight is taking me.

It turns out, it was the train station. And they brought Scootaloo. Of course they did, they obviously think she’ll snap me out of it because she admires me. However, surprisingly no words are spoken. Scoots simply gives me a pitiful gaze and hops on the train.

I take in the train, it’s different to the normal one. For one this train has a cone shaped front and is shaped to be aerodynamic. I catch myself wondering how fast this thing travels along the tracks.

“This train goes faster than an average Pegasi can, just under the speed of a Sonic Rainboom.” Twilight has a point, that is pretty fast. I enter and look around, there were seats designed to support your back while the train moves. It was made to stop ponies getting jostled and thrown off the seats.

We continued moving toward the front of the train, and I notice that we pass another aerodynamic section that opens on a latch. As soon as we are outside, I notice Scoots set her feet where there were some markers, and copy the action. Twilight flipped a switch and the latches secure around our feet. Pressing a button, the cone in front of us peels outward, becoming a part of the train behind me. I see remaining five hurry in the door before the door closes. I glance back, and frown with slight concern. The cone finishes joining with the section behind me, and I realise where I am.

This train was made so that those who couldn’t fly could strap themselves in and feel the intensity of the wind at high speeds while travelling from one city to another. It was obviously made by an expert engineer, and for a brief moment I feel a stirring in my heart.

“The Rainbow Dash I know doesn’t give up just because she’s had a setback.” Turning to Scoots, I see the knowing smile in her eyes, and realise she above all others would know how it feels to be stuck on the ground when your heart longs for the sky. I never realised how much what I could do, and she couldn’t, had probably hurt her.

“Remember Rainbow Dash. Who is the fastest Pegasi in Equestria?” Scoots grins as the train lurches into action, slowly getting faster. Her eyes close, wings flaring as she feels the wind picking up, enjoying the very act of feeling the speed.

I feel the wind beat across my chest, my hair begin to fly straight backwards. I lean forward, years of experience reminding me how to reduce air friction. I feel the paper around my waist ripple, and rip as the wind twists it too far. My dead wings snap backward, and I see them fluttering behind me, attached to my body, but not in use.

Turning to watch the world form in front of my eyes, I feel a smile fall across my face. We had reached top speed, and the wind was now caressing my face, now I was used to it. I close my eyes, feeling as if for the first time since the accident completely at ease.

The ground beneath me serves as my only reminder of reality. For a brief moment it was just me and the wind, everything else faded. Eventually the sound of the wind faded too, and all I felt was my sense of touch. And for a split second, my wings stopped flapping like flags in the breeze, and tilted slightly to catch the wind.

My eyes flare open, my wings go limp, my mouth screams madly. Everything hurts again. Why does it hurt it hurts it has to stop! Pain blazes through my body. Old wounds begin burning, my eyes roll back in their head.

And then mercifully, everything goes black.

Waking up, I feel a dull pain all over my body. I’m lying down next to the latches that held my hooves to the train. Six faces swim into view, I groan.

“Rainbow Dash, are you ok?” I groan in response to Twilight’s question, and sit up. Rubbing my face, the pain fades away and I begin to remember what happened. My face breaks out into a smile and I turn to look at them.

“I felt them!” They look at me puzzled, and I roll my eyes. I stand up and beam at them, the first good news having reached my mind since the accident.

“I felt my wings!” They gape, I smile. It takes them three seconds before what this means computed, and they jump for joy.

“That means-“

“There’s a chance I might be able to fly again! I might be able to fly again!” My joy was obvious to all of them, and they were happy with me. But then they glanced away, as if another thought occurred.

“Rainbow Dash, this is good and all but-“ Twilight was the one who spoke, and my heart sank as I realised their point.

“What if it turns out I never gain it back.” I watched Twilight nodded in reply. Turning my gaze skyward I gave a sigh. Looking back, I smile sadly.

“If that’s the case I’ll have to find another race to run. I may not be able to fly anymore, but I’ve still got four legs to run on. Right Scoots?” I turn to Scootaloo, who flinches. So I was right, she was envious of the fact I might get to fly again, and she might never be able to. Her eyes look to me, and she gives a warm, thankful smile. I wrapped a hoof around her neck.

“Whatever happens Scoots, I’m not going to forget about you.”

“Pain instantly after you say? Interesting…” The doctor was currently examining my wing. We had decided to go to Canterlot due to the doctors being more experienced, the others were currently waiting outside. You were only allowed one guest while inside the doctors, and I chose Scootaloo.

“The Ponyville doctor was right in saying you would never be able to fly again.” I felt my heart sing in sadness. So, there was no hope after all.

“But…” I jolted alert, my eyes wide. He smiled and pointed to an x-ray of my wing.

“There is a very expensive operation that just might be able to restore your wings. However unless you take it slow during recovery, you may injure them worse. If that happens, we’ll have to amputate them. “ I jumped for joy, and hugged Scoots.

“I’ll be able to fly again Scoots!” She winced, and I remembered my oath. Turning to the doc I pointed to Scoots.

“Doc? Do you think it’d be possible to give Scoots a check-up too? She can’t fly.” The doctor raised an eyebrow, and walked over to Scoots. Scoots resisted at first but quickly let herself be fussed over and get a lot of tests done.

“Thank you for your cooperation Scootaloo, you are perfectly healthy. Please give this note to the clerk at the desk for me and wait for Rainbow Dash out there. I won’t be a moment.” Scootaloo took the note and skipped out the door. Once it closed, the Doctor’s face took a grave turn. My concern was justified.

“Your friend Scootaloo has a rare condition that means she will never be able to fly.” My jaw dropped, and my heart sank.

“All ponies are born with a magical centre, unicorn or earth pony.” The doctor pulled out a chart showing various organs in a Pegasi. He pointed to one coloured purple.

“This organ allow the Pegasi to reduce the gravity affecting their bodies enough that it allows flight. Without it, we are far too heavy to get off the ground, normally.” I nodded, I understood him so far.

“Your friend, was born without one.” Without one? So that means she could never fly, no matter how much she trained.

“Surely there’s something you can do. There must be something!” I turned to the doctor, standing on two and getting right in his face. There had to be something, he was a doctor! He fixed people!

“There is one operation. It is around the same price as the one for your wings. It would involve opening up your friend and putting in the organ. It would take some time for it to connect and the magic to flow, and her wings will take a long time to catch up with the rest of her body, but she would be able to fly.” I winced, the same price as my operation? I shook my head and released the doctor, it didn’t matter.

“However, there’s a catch.” I frown, what kinda catch did he mean?

“Another pegasus would have to give up theirs.”

“So what did the doc wanna talk to you about Rainbow Dash?” I blink, it was Scoots. Shaking my head, I discard my current thoughts and grin at her.

“Nothin much, just setting a date for the big operation.” I held up a hoof, and Scoots returned the hoof bump. We head outside to tell the others the good news.

Twilight blinks in mild shock before showing relief at the news Scoots will be able to fly. I’m not surprised, she had taken a real liking to the filly after finding out they shared a common interest, physics. I’m honestly not sure why Scoots likes the stuff, but it’s nice to see that she’s got other interests than destroying the city in her search for a cutie mark.

“So how much is it?” I tell Rarity the price, and they all gape. It’s more than the Cake’s made in a year.

“How are you going to afford it?” I grimace at Twilight, and scratch the back of my head.

“Well I kinda received inheritance a few years back and I’ve had it hidden away for a rainy day so to speak. It will cover most of the cost but I’ll still need to earn a substantial amount.” I wince as Rarity smirks, jabbing me in the stomach.

“I’m surprised, Dashy is a penny pincher.” They laugh at Rarity's joke, and I join in.

“I need about 50 more bits, and I earn that much a day in my job as-“ I cut myself off and face-hoof.

“That I can no longer do. Great.” They nod in sympathy, and begin suggesting ways I can earn the money.

“Well I’ve got a week before the operation. It shouldn’t be too hard to make it. But for now I’m really tired and would like to go home.” They agree, and we head toward the train station. It gives me time to collect my thoughts. It would be the normal Ponyville express night train so they would probably all fall asleep soon..I glance to the sky, the sun was already setting.

After getting on the train we chat for a little while, Scoots getting teased about how she’ll have to make her own cloud house soon. Eventually things wind down, and everyone settles into the beds. Soon enough, it’s just me and my thoughts.

Scoots was my little sister, and I had just lied to her about the fact she would never be able to fly. It may be seen as a mercy now, but it will make the suffering later much stronger, and directed at me. I sigh, and gaze out the window.

There was another path I could take, but it meant giving up my dream. I could forget about my own wings, and ensure Scootaloo lived a long and happy life in the sky. But it meant loosing the thing that mattered the most to me. I would never be able to fly again, even if my wings recovered.

There would be no more Wonderbolts, no more Cloudsdale visits, no more Sonic Rainbooms. I would be more or less and earth pony. Would I really be able to live like that?

For a moment, I play with the idea I be selfish, and get the operation. I would be able to fly again, join the Wonderbolts. My life would be perfect. But I would lose Scootaloo. When she found out I lied, she’d blame me. It wouldn’t be immediately, but a part of her would always resent me.

I gaze out the window, watching the world pass by, and know I’d never be able to do that. I couldn’t go against my very nature like that, as much as I want to. But giving up wings permanently, could I really do that? I was at war with what I want and what is morally right.

I think of my life before the accident, always flying, always in the sky. I lived how I wanted, I was happy. Before the brief moment when I felt my wings, I had accepted my fate. I loved racing, I could find a new race to run. And once I did, I would probably move on.

Shifting position, I know my decision. I knew what I was going to do before I even began thinking. However, I also knew if I didn’t think this through, I would regret it later.

I close my eyes and begin to fall asleep.

Today was day one of my money search. Rarity had suggested she could use someone to model. I gritted my teeth, it was not one of my favourite pastimes. However I knew Rarity would pay well, and I might be able to knock off a whole 20 bits if she was feeling really generous. But that was best case scenario, it would be most likely 10.

“Hey Rarity, I’m here.” I enter, and see her working on one of her dresses. I wince, it was way too bright for my tastes.

“I’ll be right with you darling, just give me a moment to put on the finishing touches.” I close the door behind me as Rarity fusses with a ribbon, rolling my eyes. As if sensing it she turns around and rolls hers in return.

“Honestly Rainbow Dash, you really must better yourself a bit, this is the latest style in Canterlot.” Rolling my eyes again, I walk over to her and wait for her to leave her zone.

“Well I hope you like the dress, because that’s the first thing you’ll be trying on.” I groan, and she grins. Of course she would grin, she knows how much I dislike it. Rarity knows where to push my buttons.

So I tried on dress after dress, each design making me cringe further and further. By midday, I had lost count of how many I had tried on. Mercifully, she had run out of dresses and made us lunch. I shifted the strap around my waist slightly before tucking into a sandwich.

“Does having limp wings get annoying during the daily drone?” Rarity was concerned that they were being annoying?

“Kinda, the strap tends to slip and they’re not really serving a purpose.” Taking a sip of my drink I glance toward the window.

“I can understand the feeling, my horn sometimes gets stuck when I’m trying on dresses.” The sky was cloudy today. The weather ponies were probably preparing for a storm.

“I was actually thinking of having them removed.” They weren’t serving any purpose as they were, and I wasn’t going to be able to fly again. It would render me more or less an earth pony, but it would mean I wouldn’t have to worry about them catching on something. I hear a gasp and turn to see her horrified face and frown in confusion. And then I remember and give a shaky smile.

“I-I mean if I wasn’t getting the operation! You know, I was thinking about it on the way there.” Rarity frowns but immediately shrugs it off and swipes her concern under the rug. I’m tempted to ask what is wrong, but I really didn’t want to open the barrel of bees.

“Of course darling, I was merely shocked that you of all ponies were even considering it.”

Twilight was my last stop for today. It would also be where I was staying tonight. I had sold my cloud home, before the ride on the train, and was moving into a regular house. The movers were moving everything in tomorrow. It was for the best, I couldn’t really stay in the clouds anymore. Knocking on the door she quickly answers. Spike is sleeping on a pile of books in the corner.

“There you are Dash, so how much did you earn from Rarity?” Twilight walks over to a big pile of books, I follow. The door closes behind me.

“Ten bits, I’m 20% done.” It might not be much, but with a week to go it was well on my way to my goal

“Well after you help me I’ll give you another ten, sound fair?” I nod, it was very fair. Normally Twilight would give five not ten, but I guess she wanted to help pay for the operation too.

“Alright Dash, I want you to help me put these books away. We’re using a basic A to Z system for now. Spike kept putting books in the wrong places so I changed it.” Picking up a book, I nod and walk over to the shelf and slot it into it’s rightful place. Twilight followed my lead, putting away three books to my every one. Eventually the last book was on the shelf, and we were done for the day.

“Why don’t you go freshen up? I’ll get started on tea.” Turning toward the stairs, I head for the bathroom. I was in bad need of a shower, but Twilight only had a bath. Filling the tub close to the brim and closing the door, I slipped into the embrace of the steaming hot water, and sighed as my body melted.

“Dash, tea’s ready are you coming down?” Jolting awake, I glance to the door where Twilight’s voice had come from.

“I-I’ll be right down!” The water had already started to go cold, so I got out and emptied the tub. Drying myself with a towel, I headed downstairs. Twilight had set out the kitchen table with plenty of food, I licked my lips in anticipation. Digging in, she chuckled but let me eat my fill. Twilight always knew when to let me be myself, and when to hold me back. She says she learned it from Applejack. It was probably true.

“So what’s the first thing you’ll be doing once the operation is done?” I stop mid bite, before finishing the food in my mouth and swallowing.

“Uhh, probably go for a short flight. The doc said not to push it right off the bat otherwise I might lose them, permanently.” Twilight nodded, absentmindedly picking her food.

“You know Dash, I’m well aware of Scootaloo’s medical condition.” I choke on my food, swallowing and taking a big drink of water. She knows?

“I just hope you’re prepared to deal with the pain she’s going to feel when she realises you lied to her.” Locking eyes with Twilight, I quickly glance away. I was well aware in any other circumstances it would look like I had given Scoots false hope.

“I’m fully prepared for the results. Everything will be fine after the operation.” I knew how this probably looked, but I wasn’t ready to tell just anypony. Twilight’s eyes flare with anger and she slams a hoof on the table.

“Of course it will, so long as the great Rainbow Dash can fly again.” Her disgust is apparent, and I shrink under her glare.

“So much for loyalty.” Okay, that’s it. I stand up and slap Twilight across the face, growling with anger.

“So much for friendship.” I turn and head for the door. She merely watches me go, the door slamming shut between us.

“Thanks for letting me stay here Fluttershy.” One of my closest friends, and also one that never lets me down. She smiles in response, glad to be being thanked. As she turned away I saw her smile be replaced with a guilty glance she was trying to hide.

“Not you too Fluttershy. How many people know?” How many people knew while I didn’t?

“J-Just us five, we w-were planning on telling you soon.” I sigh and rub my forehead. This was getting out of hand. Even Fluttershy was angry with me, though she would never show it.

“Listen, can I tell you a secret? Just promise not to tell anyone, especially not the others.” I needed someone who knew, someone who understood. Fluttershy would support me, the others? They’d probably secretly side with me, but also want me to be happy. Mixed feelings, how I knew them well. She turns and gives a hesitant nod. Sighing I stand up and glance to my wings, once more strapped to my body.

“I’m giving up my ability to fly, so Scoots can.” I force the words out, feeling something inside of me die. I take a moment to work out it’s the finality of my decision. I turn back hesitantly to Fluttershy.

“Oh Dashie…” was all she said, but her face told the entire story. I give a sad smile, she knew why I was so hesitant to tell them.

“If I tell them, they’ll have to face the same decision. They know I wouldn’t just dismiss their opinion, mostly.” Oh how I wished I didn’t have to put Fluttershy through this, but she was one of the few ponies I could always turn to. She takes a few breaths to calm herself, and a proud smile falls on her face.

“While I wish you didn’t have to make such a permanent decision, I will follow you every step of the way. Whatever happens, we stick together.” It was moments like this that I remembered how much steel Fluttershy could have, if only she didn’t have her crippling weakness. As if on cue, she turns her face away.

“I-I mean if that’s okay w-with you…” she whispers, and I give a warm smile.

“Yes Flutters, yes it is.” Her head rises slightly and I can see a small smile fall on her face. I hadn’t used her old nickname in years.

"I don't use my wings very often, you c-could-" I cur her off.

"No, I won't allow it." She nods at my reply, as if expecting it.

And so we talked through the night, sharing old stories and having a good laugh between old friends. Fluttershy tried to convince me to tell the others, but I shook my head.

“A-at least tell Rarity. Y-You know she’s kind and will understand this better than anypony.” Fluttershy had a point. Rarity was the element of generosity, she would at least agree with me. I give in and agree to talk to her in the morning. We talked some more, and then both went to bed.

“Hey Rarity, you here?” I knock on the door, and a sleepy mare answers.

“What is it Rainbow Dash, it’s not even sunrise.” I wince, and give an apologetic smile.

“I wanted to see you before heading over to Applejacks. See…It’s kind of important.” She gives a sigh and lets me in, pouring some coffee and drinking it down in one gulp.

“Fluttershy told me you know about Scootaloo’s condition.” Rarity flinches, and her gaze rests on my own. All signs of sleep were gone.

“I’m giving Scootaloo my wings.” Rarity doesn’t seem even the slightest bit surprised, which helps relieve some of the blow of speaking to somepony about it.

“I know dear. As soon as I saw you come out and lie about it, I knew what you were doing.” I blink, she did?

“You did?” I watch Rarity rolls her eyes at me, and frown in irritation.

“It’s what I would have done in your shoes. We may be completely different ponies but loyalty and generosity go hand in hand in my book.” I feel a little bit of the weight dragging me down vanish.

“Now dear, go speak to Applejack about this too.” I rear back in alarm, what!?

“Just do it, she has a story to tell you that you need to hear.” I glance toward the door, and roll my eyes. I knew better than anypony not to say no to Rarity. It only made things worse, in a good way of course.

“Ok ok, see ya Rarity.”

“Come on Applejack! I’m not as strong as you okay? I was a good flyer, not a good kicker.” Bucking another tree, a few more apples come loose. It took me five times to dislodge all of them. Applejack was already on her sixth tree by that stage.

“It’s just about practice Dash. We gotta get those muscles in shape in time for the big race in 3 months.” Kicking another tree, I grunt before pausing and taking in what she said.

“What big race?” Applejack paused and glances to me, rolling her eyes as if I asked a stupid question.

“It’s tha Appleosa Sprint. First place is a cash prize, it could really help tha farm.” Rolling my eyes, I buck the next tree. It was just like Applejack. Pausing, I take a big breath and decide it’s time to tell her.

“I’m going to give up my wings to Scootaloo can fly.” Applejack, mid buck, completely misses the tree and falls to the ground. Picking herself up she glances to me and frowns.

“Ah…Ah see..” Tree bucking all but forgotten, Applejack motions for me to follow and leads me toward a small creek near the edge of the woods. At the edge, I see a single grave.

“This is Grandpa Smith.” I stand beside Applejack and look down at the grave.

“When I was a little Foal, barely days old and unable to speak, I got very sick.” My gaze turns from the grave to Applejack, and I wrap a hoof around her neck. She was shaking.

“The doctors said I would die unless I got an organ from a donator. But back in those days, to donate meant death. Meaning someone would have to give their life up to save my own, it was a tough decision.

“Grandpa Smith stepped forward, and discussed it greatly with Granny. After a while, she relented and let Grandpa save his granddaughter.

“Because of him I’m alive today. I will never forget the sacrifice he made for me.”

I hold Applejack, pretending not to be looking at her face. She was shaking badly, and I can tell even to this day the story still hurts her. I couldn’t imagine how Granny Smith must have felt, nor how Grandpa Smith did. Compared to their decision, mine was a walk in the park.

“You’re doing a good thing Dash. You’ve got my support.”

Pacing my room, I growled in annoyance. No matter how I looked at it, I couldn’t think of a good reason to tell Pinkie Pie or Twilight. I knew I had too, but I needed to have a good reason.

A knock on the door, it’s Fluttershy. Letting her in, I see she has food for me to eat after a long day of working at Applejacks. I dig in enthusiastically.

“C-Can I help with you problem?” I stop eating and raise my head, giving it some serious thought. I dismiss it with a wave of my hoof.

“Unless you can think of a good reason to tell Pinkie Pie and Twilight, then no.” I dig in once more, enjoying a brief reprise from morbid thoughts.

“Uhm, how about just because they’re your friends?” Pausing again, I blink at her reply.

“Well when you say it like that it makes me look stupid.” Glancing to her I grin sheepishly, and she gives a shy grin in return.


“Hey don’t sweat it. And thanks Fluttershy, I owe ya one.” I sit up and prepare to leave, when I realise Fluttershy is doing the ‘I want to say something but it would probably be awkward.’

“Something wrong Fluttershy?” She jumps at my words, I was right.

“We-well it-it’s just t-that u-um…” she trails off and I inwardly sigh. It must be important if she’s stuttering this much.

“Rainbow dash!” A voice coming up the stairs, oh no. We turn to look at the door as it opens.

“Come downstairs, everypony’s here. We’re having an intervention.” Twilight, why now of all times. And why everypony. Had she even explained why they were here? Probably not. I sigh and head down the stairs, Fluttershy following behind. Turning the corner, I see all three waiting for us. I growl and sit down in the chair marked ‘for Rainbow Dash.’

This means war.

“Rainbow Dash, I want you to go to Scootaloo and tell her the truth before this gets out of hand.” Twilight sat down in the ‘official chair’ while the other 4 sat on Fluttershy’s couch. Everyone except pinkie pie gave me a nervous glance. Pinkie Pie was munching on popcorn.

“You didn’t tell them what you were coming here to do did you.” I rebuke her statement with my own, my eyes narrowed. Twilight was getting close to the line, and I was tired of putting up with it.

“I told them we were coming to talk to you about something important.” My eyes narrow further, nothing made me itch like when Twilight didn’t tell people what was going on. It was almost like she didn’t trust us.

“I told you Twilight I’m not going to do that!” I stand up, and take a step to head back upstairs. Twilight stops me with a hoof.

“Why are you being so disloyal Rainbow Dash! You’re the element of Loyalty act like it!” I turn on her, my eyes ablaze wings fla-Oh…Right. For a moment I almost forgot I couldn’t move them. My temper abates slightly, and I settle for a glare.

“Twilight, you’re being too harsh on Rainbow.” It was Applejack, Twilight turned in mute shock.

“Seriously Twilight, you’re speaking as if you don’t know Dashie at all.” Her shock grows, and she glances to Fluttershy as she turns away.

“I don’t believe this, you’re supporting HER?” I push Twilight’s hoof out of my way and head toward the stairs, Applejack shouts at my back.

“Rainbow just tell ‘er!” I flinch, and don’t bother turning around.

“No.” If I was going to before, I wasn’t going to now.

“T-ell me wh-“ Twilight gets cut off by Rarity.

“Rainbow Dash please listen to us, just tell her and-“ Okay, that’s it. I’m done with this entire situation. I turn and glare at them.

“YOU TELL HER THEN! Because I don’t want to tell someone who would turn on me at the slightest chance!” Before they can reply I’m up the stairs and in the room. Slamming the door shut, I grab the nearest pillow and strangle it to death. After that I bite at the feathers flying about the room, tearing them into smaller pieces.

Eventually my anger abated and I noticed the mess I had made, and took a moment to calm down. Sitting in front of the door so no one could open it, I close my eyes and fall asleep.

“Dash,” a voice wakes me up from the other side of the door, my eyes open and I stifle a yawn. Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, my mood immediately sours as I realise who it is.

“I’m sorry.” That’s it? That’s the only solution you could come up with to what you did?! That’s not going to cut it Twilight.

“I’m not going to make excuses, nor say you should forgive me. I just wanted you to know. I’ll leave now.” I hear her standing up and frown, how long had she been there?

If I was honest, I wasn’t really that angry anymore. I completely understood where she was coming from, she didn’t want to see Scootaloo get hurt. As angry as I was, I could relate to her feelings.

“I forgive you.” It was the truth, I wasn’t that mad really. However before I can fall back asleep, or even finish my thoughts the wall behind me vanishes and two purple arms leap into my vision.

“But-I was against the door!” My confusion only makes the purple arms rumble with relieved laughter.

“The door opens outward Dash!”

I blink, “oh.” Lifting my head I glance upside down at Twilight, and see her happy tears and feel a smile tug at my face. I force it back down, I couldn’t show weakness in front of the vile beast. Ok, she wasn’t vile, she was more a fluffy beast than vile.

“I’m so glad you’re my friend Dash.” Twilight buries her face in my fur and laughs away her tears. I glance toward the window, and let the smile finally show.

“Yeah, me too.”

“Hey you stinking flying brats, get off of my lawn!” They chuckle at me waving a hoof, and I hide a smile behind a scowl. I swear, they did it just to hear me say the line. Picking up the paper, I smile to see Applejack’s farm was going well. I should probably go visit her today, or maybe visit Pinkie Pie and she can organise a party for us all at my place.

“Hey Dash, guess who just saved FIVE buildings from fire at the same time!” Scootaloo beamed, thrusting her chest out to show off the medal of honour. I glance to the two Pegasi brats as they gape at Scoots.

“Is that Scootaloo, captain of the Wonderbolts?” I clucked, and their mouth only hang wider as Scoots lands and nods.

“That I am kids. But you know, I wouldn’t be anything without my teacher, Rainbow Dash.” I can hear their necks snap to look to me, their wings flaring in amazement. Me and Scoots begin to laugh.

“Well ya better come inside, tell me how life is treating you.” I open the door and let Scoots in, leaving the two dumbstruck kids on my lawn. We sit down at the table, and Scoots begins to tell me of her amazing life as a Wonderbolt.

“Say uhh, Rainbow Dash? Remember when you told me I got hospitalised because I got knocked out by a pack of diamond dogs at the hospital?” I cough, and choke slightly on my food. Scootaloo grins a knowing smile.

“You didn’t think I’d figure it out someday? I asked Twilight the full details.” I take a drink of my water, drinking slower than normal Scootaloo catches on and rolls her eyes.

“I just wanted to tell you how much it means to me, that you would do that just for me. If there is anything I can do to make it up to you, name it and I’ll do it.” I put the drink down and close my eyes, and take a deep breath before opening them and gazing straight into Scoot’s eyes.

“Scoots, I wanted you to be able to live like I had always lived. Seeing you flying through the air, a smile on your face, no cares in the world, is all the thanks I need.”

Scootaloo left that afternoon, and I began closing up the house for the night. Once everything was closed up so no one could see inside, I pulled off the strap holding my wings to my body, letting them hang limp.

I slowly brought them to rest horizontal.

I gave a slow flap, followed by another, picking up speed.

Wind began to pick up around me, pain beginning to build up around my wings.

Faster, Faster.

And then finally.

I began to hover in the air.

Everyday I prepare to run for events beyond compare. Pushing myself to my limits, riding that fine line between too far and not enough. Stamina, strength, speed, I will run everything. I have fans, I have a sister, I have friends. I still love to race, but there is one big difference.

“You will never fly again.”

Dream on, Rainbow Dash doesn’t quit without a fight.

Comments ( 26 )

Absolutely amazing.

That was sweet. Very, very sweet.

Beautifully done!

Beautiful story!!
Much more than I thought it would be.
And delightfully longer than most other stories similar to this one - not that shorter stories are any less, but it is nice to read a bigger, longer story.

8 likes, 4 comments... and Featured. FIMfic, I don't get you. At all.

That was cute c:

However, I noticed a lot of grammar mistakes. Some of the sentences were a little awkward as well. I suggest that you get an editor, and/or a pre-reader.

I-I don't get it...

It's just.... Ugh.... I... I-I don't know...

You're not meant to get, you're meant to read.


Hrm, ok I'll contact my proofreader.

What's wrong?

3161428 Ehh...
I do-...
*smashes face into wall*

There were quite a few times where you referred to scootaloo as he or his instead of she or her


:raritycry: Damnit I did it again. First it was :rainbowkiss: and now :scootangel:

That ending:ajbemused: I'm soz but that ending was bad good story bad ending

I can't please everyone :applejackunsure:

Absolutely loved this fic

Beautiful. Glorious, even.

What happened to Rainbow Dash (accident wise), basically happened to me, except I don't have wings :derpytongue2: I was playing a game of basketball and this girl from the other team's elbow slammed into the side of my head. Luckily, i just got knocked out and had a bit of pain here and there, but I have to be more careful than the others when I'm playing.

This was awesomely awesome!!!! I really loved it! :rainbowkiss:

I'd love if this got a sequel about RD being able to fly again... but I'll be fine if it doesn't happen, since the ending was still very nice.

6460895 Unlikely to happen, sorry.

6461226 Eh, it's fine.
Like I said, the ending was happy enough.
Plus, I didn't think one would come. I just thought it wouldn't hurt to ask

I really liked this story. Thanks

I found it!!! I've been trying to find a story where Rainbow Dash loses her wings that didn't go off with some crazy scheme or or Rainbow Dash losing her mind this was a really good story I would definitely like to see a sequel:pinkiehappy:

Great story from start to finish.

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