• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 2,235 Views, 38 Comments

Lost and Far From Home - KyleAJ

Alternative ending to Earthbound, HIE style because why not.

  • ...

Magic n' Stuff

Magic n' stuff

Twilight was making her way to the library she called home. She was disappointed that she did not get to ask the new being she had met earlier that morning, but she was a patient pony. She had spent most of her filly years reading, unlike most of her friends. With this, she gained the ability to very, very patient. But discovery is tempting beyond comparison to the intellectual unicorn.

It was like a book, no, it was more like a diary, one that held so much information that was just waiting to be discovered. Unfortunately, like most diaries, they had locks that prevented tampering. The locks were mostly just a gimmick for little fillies to keep their thoughts private from the prying eyes of their parents. It was the only metaphor Twilight could think of, but it fit well enough to make sense in her mind.

Because Twilight was so caught up in her thoughts, she had already made it to the library without realizing it.

“Hey Twi, we’re here.”

“Huh? Oh, we are.”

They entered the library and both lay down on the couch off to the side.

“I can’t believe you just let him go to that party Pinkie decided to throw.”

“She didn’t decide to throw it, it was pretty much her obligation, and there wasn’t really much I could do to stop them, they were gone before I could stop them.”

Spike merely shrugged in response. “So, are you going to just wait for him to come back to the library? That is, of course, if he comes back.”

“I don’t know, probably. I could just try and read about him, see if there is any mention of... Humans, that’s what he said it was right? Any mention of humans in any of my history books.”

“What’s up with you Twi? You would normally be chasing him all around Ponyville, trying to ask him all sorts of question!”

“I guess it’s because I just feel kind of tired. I don’t really feel sleepy; I just don’t feel in the mood for a chase scene right now.”

“Oh well, if there is anything you want me to do, I’ll be upstairs, trying to taking a nap.”

“I never understood how you simply take a nap whenever you want.”

“It’s a valuable life skill, I know.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and started to levitate some books in front of her. She put back the books that were irrelevant to the current situation first, and then she sorted through what was left. In front of her were three books; ‘Equestrian Sky: Everything You Can See from Your Window and More,’ ‘All You Need to Know about Comets,’ and finally, ‘Equestrian Protocol for the Encounter of New Species.’ She put ‘Equestrian Sky’ back, as she realized that the book was meant for foals with their first telescope, not serious research.

She had two books now, and it was time to read. She decided that she was going to read the book on Equestrian protocol first, just in case she met with Ness again.

“Let’s see, ‘Always throw a super duper special party for the new Pony/Griffin/(scrawled in pencil)Zebra/Monster because they might not have any friends and be lonely and sad.’ Wait a minute.” She checked the inside cover of the book. “Co-Edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie,” it written in proper ink, not crayon like last time this happened.

Twilight was not mad; she was too impressed to be mad. Pinkie had somehow managed to Co-edit an official book.

Twilight set the book down; if Ness was with Pinkie then he would at least get the ‘official’ welcome that apparently was protocol. She reached out with her magic and grabbed the other book she had ready.

“Let’s see, where is it?” She began mumbling words from the book as she skimmed through it. “Comets, balls of ice, high speeds, backwards contrails, hmm...” she rapidly flipped through a large chunk of the pages. “Ah, here it is; ‘Landings on Equestria’.”

“Comets rarely ever come close to Equestria. When they do come close, they rarely ever hit the atmosphere. I would write that fewer still even touch the ground, but none have ever made it past the atmosphere, it is simply too hot, so the comets vaporize.” Twilight finished reading, and her mind was abuzz with thoughts.

“Argh! This doesn’t make any sense!” She paced around the library, thinking away about what this cosmic landing means. “Unless, of course,” she was cut off by the sound of the door opening.

“Is this the library?” a voice called out.

“Oh, yes, of course! Please come in, is there anything I can help- oh, it’s you.”

“Yup, it’s me. Hiya!” said Ness.

“Weren’t you going to that party Pinkie had thrown for you?”

“I was, but I just didn’t feel right about ditching you in the middle of the road. Oh, and I brought you some cake!” Ness pulled a slice of cake from out of his backpack.

“Is that Stardust on it?”

“Uh, maybe?”

Twilight rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time today. She was only mildly annoyed by Ness’ antics, but it was nothing compared to the antics Pinkie got up to on a daily basis. “Thank you for the cake Ness, that was very thoughtful of you.”

“Yeah, no problem. So, you wanted to talk about magic?”

“Oh, of course, among other things.”

“Wanna see what I can do?”

“Yes, but first I want you to tell me what you can do, then you can demonstrate it.”

“Okay, the first thing I’m going to do is my favourite Psychokinesis... ‘thing’. I had a name for it, but I can’t seem to think of it now. I’ll need a target, something that can be broken.”

“Let me get my notepad first.” Twilight retrieved it with her magic before pulling out a white cracked vase from the garbage. “Here use this, if you make a mess I will clean it up.” Twilight said as she put the vase on the table across the room from where Ness was standing.

“Sure thing,” Ness said as he started to mimic the stance of a cowboy getting ready for an old west style duel. A toothpick materialized in the corner of his mouth as he tilted his cap just over his eyes and hovered his hand over his right hip. Suddenly a reddish pink light erupted from the palm of his hand. “You feelin’ lucky, punk?” he asked the vase as the light began to pulse with energy. As if on cue, the clock struck 6 o’ clock signalling the two duelists to draw. Lightning fast, Ness whipped up his hand in the form of a finger gun. The orb of energy flew, straight and true, toward the vase as the air around it bent from the pure power. The flight lasted a fraction of a second, but it left a lasting impression on the eyes of its beholders with a bright flash that signaled that it had struck home.

Twilight peaked out from the notebook she had appeared to use as a shield for her face. “What happened? And where’s the vase?”

Ness walked over to the table where the vase was a mere moment ago. A smile cracked across his face as he observed the damage. He gestured to the entirety of the room that was now covered with a fine dust. He wiped his finger on a particularly dust surface and showed it to the purple unicorn, “Here it is!”

Twilight’s jaw dropped. “Mother of Celestia,” she swore. She started furiously scribbling notes, underlining and circling the words ‘powerful’ and ‘destructive’ many times.

Ness was having a fit of the giggles, he liked showing off things like this.

Twilight was done after about another couple of minutes. After she finished she nervously asked, “Do you have any other ‘abilities’ like that?”

“Not really, aside from PK Starstorm that is.”

“PK Starstorm, what’s that?”

“It’s where I rip open the fabric of the universe and rain destruction on whatever looks at me funny, I mean, attacks me. Oh, and it also works indoors, because they aren’t really stars falling, just the fluff that floats around the cracks between universes!”

Twilight, once again, was at a loss for words. She was talking to a being that rivaled the power of the Goddess of the Sun. “And how old did you say you were?” she said shakily.

“Eleven... uh, I mean Ten, actually. Hey, I matured a lot over my journey.”

Twilight now understood how dangerous this alien was.

“And I can also do that cool telekinesis thing that you did too, watch.”

Ness concentrated hard on a small pile dust that once was a damaged vase. The powder slowly but surely floated up into the air. Ness’ face was accented with lines of intense concentration. It took him a minute, but he finally floated the dust all the way to a garbage can in the corner of the room.

“Ugh, whew! That was hard work!” He said, slowly gaining his breath back from the serious mental workout.

“Wait a minute, you can destroy vases in the blink of an eye and crack the universe open, but you struggle with the most basic of magic?”

“I can teleport too, I just thought I should mention that as well, and besides, telekinesis is hard work, sure I’ve been doing it since I can remember, but it was always easier to use my hands like a normal person.”

“You can teleport too?! But teleporting is far more difficult to master than telekinesis, and what do you mean, ‘normal’ person?”

“What? Oh, there were only like, two people, other than me, that can use that kind of stuff, I guess we were just special.”

“There were other people who could use magic, who are, or were, they?”

“Magic? Oh yeah, Paula and Poo. Paula could shoot flames out of her fingers, man I wish I could do that, freeze things solid, summon lightning and drain ‘magic’ from other things. Poo could do the ice, lightning and Starstorm stuff too.”

“How did you meet up with them?”

“I guess it was destiny; we were the chosen heroes.”

Twilight relaxed a little at the knowledge that he had no evil intentions. She wondered for a moment why she was so trusting of this new being before finally asking; “Heroes, of what?”

“The world, obviously.” Twilight brought a hoof to her face. “Together we stopped uh... what was his name again? Anyway, he was the embodiment of evil and he tried to destroy the world, ten years in the past just to make it more complicated or something.”

“So you are saying that you and your two friends traveled back in time to defeat the embodiment of evil on your world?”

“There were four of us, and we were robots”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “Robots... really? And who was this forth pony with you?”

“Heh, ponies. Don’t ask me why we were robots, I honestly don’t know, but I bet Jeff, the fourth ‘pony’ with us would be able to explain it or something, I don’t know. Are we done yet?”

“We’ve barely gotten through all of the questions I had for you.”

“Yeah well whatev- wait a minute, why is the sky all orange?”

“Uh, because as the sun sets, the sun’s rays have to pass through the thicker atmosphere which makes only the longer yellow, orange and red light waves appear.”

“Yeah, uh... weird.”

“What is it?”

“I’ve never seen this before; where I’m from, it’s either night or day, and never in between.”

“How does that work?”

“I don’t know, but I guess the change just happens too fast to be noticed.”

“Well seeing as it is now dusk, we should probably get something to eat.”

“Don’t worry about me, I have tons of food in my backpack,” Ness said as he pulled out a large bag of fries and another fistful of luminescent white powder.

“What is that, and why is it literally as large as the bag you pulled it out of?”

“For your first question, they are fried potatoes or fries as I call them and for your second question... I got nothing.”

“So you have a bag that defies physics, or is there something more to it than that?”

“No, that pretty much sums it up. Plus, I don’t even remember putting anything inside it. So I just kinda stick my hand in it like this,” Ness put his hand inside, “And I pull out the exact thing that I just so happen to need!” Ness yanked his hand out, holding a melon sized beige ball. “Huh? What is this?”

All of a sudden, a big nose and a pair of feet popped out, followed by a set of whiskers and a pair of eyes and finally a single hair on the top with a red ribbon tied in a bow to top it off.

It spoke in a funny, hard to understand accent, “Oh hello, I not know what BOING doing here. Kay-O, bye-bye.” It said before hopping back into the depths of the bag.

“Uh... Bye-bye Mr. Saturn?”

“Well, that was random.”

“You can say that again.”

“Wanna know what I learned from that?”

“What could you have possibly learned from that?”

“Two things, one, I can probably hide inside this bag if I really had to, and two, this bag has literally everything inside it.”

“Something tells me that you are going to do this regardless of whether or not you have to...”

“You’re just jealous because I can.”

“You’re just weird because you want to.”

“Shut up and let me eat my fries in peace.”

Twilight chuckled, “Sure, I have to go make some food for me and Spike anyway.”

“Want some of this?” Ness said as he offered a fistful of the white powder.

Twilight smiled and shook her head, “No thanks, I would rather not eat something that I don’t know what it is.”

“Your loss,” Ness said as he tossed the fistful of powder into the bag of fries and shook it around.

The sun had fully set by the time Ness, Twilight and Spike had all eaten. While the three of them were eating, Twilight filled Spike in on why there was dust on the recently dusted bookshelves already. Spike complained about how Twilight hadn’t woke him for the show, but Twilight countered with the fact the he always got into a grumpy mood if he was woken from one of his naps. Spike crossed his arms and pouted for less than an hour before forgetting about why he was in a bad mood in the first place.

Twilight offered her guest bed for Ness to sleep in, seeing as he had no place to stay the night. Normally, he would have rented a room in a hotel, but seeing as he had none of the local currency and the fact that someone was offering to give him a free nights rest, he decided to graciously accept the gift. In the morning, however, Ness was greeted by an old friend.


In the far reaches of the Equestria, in the southern mountain range the Commander was making the last preparations for the long journey. In the subterranean base all of his soldiers were gathered. He stepped out onto the balcony above a crowd of his loyal troops. The murmur of voices magnified by multiple thousands of times all of a sudden stopped as the presence of the commander demanded attention.

“Listen, my soldiers, for I have located an enemy to our cause. The meteor shower we have witnessed mere moons ago was no ordinary feat, but a show of power. The enemy, Poo, is the cause of this ‘natural’ occurrence, he is trying to intimidate us, but we will not falter!”

A roar of approval erupted from the crowd below.

“We will move out when the final preparations have been made; no sooner, no later.”

The crowd roared again. The Commander stepped back from the balcony and into his office. He moved over to a red velvet curtain and tore it away. Behind it lay a mass of machinery hidden behind thick armor plating. It was exactly the same as it was all those years ago, when it first saw action against a powerful enemy. But tomorrow would be different, he would prevail this time. He had strength in numbers, and that was all he needed to defeat him.

He walked across the room to another red curtain; it was worth noting that he liked how dramatic red curtains made it when you reveal something, which he tore away to revel a glowing green tank of stasis fluid. Inside was the perfect combination of animal and machine. One of the ‘locals’ had stumbled across his base of operations, but instead of wasting such an opportunity, he took it. Thanks to the help of Dr. Andonuts, he had created the first successful combination. A ‘Chimera’ as the doctor called it, but to him, it was his ace in the hole.