• Published 6th Sep 2013
  • 1,156 Views, 14 Comments

Castlemania: Aria of Pinkie - FullMetalFurbee

What do Pinkie Pie's new "powers" mean? What secrets does the old castle in the Everfree Forest hold?

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An Unconventional Visitor

Dreams were great. The way Pinkie saw it, it wasn't a good night's sleep without a manic sugar induced hallucination here and there. Her subconscious imagination covered a vast amalgam of topics: What would the next adventure with her friends be? What was being a pegasus like? Surely a nice surprise. What did the scanners see? Was grass sentient? Was it possible to construct a donut-cupcake-ice cream cone?

Mr. Cake's voice intruded upon a particularly tantalizing dream depicting the Equestrian Renaissance painters. “Hello, Pinkie Pie? Are you still asleep? Goodness.” There was a knock at the door back in the waking world. “You have a visitor here. Time to wake up.”

Pinkie's eyes cracked open as the stallion's voice booted her from sleep. She yawned.

“Are you awake in there?” grilled Mr. Cake.

“Yeah. Come in,” she croaked groggily.

The pastry baker entered. “I'm surprised you're not up! It's already after noon.”

The words seemed blasphemous. “Huh? Are you sure?” Pinkie asked with a moan.

“Yes, Pinkie. I'm sure.”

A quick glance out the window revealed the sun blazing high in the sky.

“You're right,” Pinkie admitted. That's weird. I usually get up at dawn and count the sprinkles on all the cupcakes.”

“Indeed,” said Mr. Cake. “Anyway, you have someone here who wants to see you. I don't know what he wants, but he says it's important. Just eh, let me know if you need anything.”

Pinkie shrugged. “Alrighty. Fine with me.”

Mr. Cake disappeared downstairs. Moments later, quite the unexpected visitor slithered into the room. His eyes twinkled with mischief.

“Whoa! Discord!” gasped Pinkie as she shot out of bed. She pointed a hoof at the draconequus. “You better not be up to any funny business!”

Discord chortled and bowed before his host. “Oh, relax! Those days are far behind me! I'm a refined gent now. Don't you remember? Fluttershy showed me the tragic error of my ways.”

“Hmm...” Pinkie scratched her chin. “I suppose that makes sense, but I've got my eye on you, mister.”

The mythical creature grinned. “Completely understandable. May I take a seat?”

“Sure. So why do you want to see me?” Before Discord could answer, Pinkie came to her own conclusion. “Oh! Is it something to do with the castle and my powers?”

“Bingo!” said Discord, throwing his hands up. Confetti and streamers materialized and rained softly onto the floor. The chaotic entity summoned a throne and flopped lazily onto it. “You see Pinkie, you are a very special pony. Nopony else in the entire world has powers quite like yours. Only you are worthy of becoming the castle's master.”

Pinkie's eyes grew wide with wonder. “No way!” she voiced in amazement. “What about Princess Celestia? Couldn't she take the castle if she wanted it?”

“Nope!” said Discord. “She doesn't have your abilities. She just has measly old magic. The castle is very picky when it comes to selecting an heir!”

Pinkie couldn't believe what she was hearing. This was insane. “You're sure nopony else can do the job?”

Discord made a noise of delight. “Indeed not, my dear confused amigo! Can't you feel it calling you? The castle wants you to rule it!”

Pinkie asked, “But why me? I'm just your typical neighborhood Pinkie Pie! What makes me so special?”

“Those delicious powers of yours, of course,” replied Discord. He rubbed his hands together as if referring to a scrumptious meal.

Pinkie wished she had a goatee to stroke. “But I still don't know why I'm the one. Surely other ponies have visited the castle before. I know it's hidden pretty well but still... why me?”

Discord turned and laid over the arms of the throne. “I have no earthly idea! It could have been your pet alligator for all we know! But it's not. It's you, and that's wonderful!”

“Hm. Okie dokie lokie...” She hopped up and trotted to the window. The Everfree Forest was visible in the distance, well beyond the sleepy outskirts of Ponyville. “But will I ever find out what all this means? Have I always had these powers inside me? Why is this all happening now?”

Discord laughed heartily and joined her at the window. He rested a thick paw on her shoulder. “My my, so many questions. I promise that everything will be clear very soon.”

Pinkie looked at the draconequus. “How do you know so much about the castle and my powers anyway?”

“Simple, my dear Pinkie! Long long ago, before I arrived in Equestria, I used to reside deep within the castle's walls.”

She did a double take at the revelation. “No way, really?”

“Oh yes,” said Discord. “That was long before the castle came here. In fact, you could say it was in another world entirely.”

“Another world...” repeated Pinkie. Vibrant fantasies popped into her head about what kind of world it might have been.

“The previous ruler was a quirky lad. Sam, Sumo, something like that. The funny thing is - he wanted nothing to do with his powers. In fact, he outright rejected them! He thought the castle was evil and it's mere existence was a plea for purging. Can you believe that?”

“That's silly,” echoed the current heir. “I mean, he was wrong about all that. Right?”

Discord narrowed his eyes. “Yes. He was led astray by his so-called friends. Not everyone understood how beautiful the castle was.”

“Uh, you mean everypony, right?” Pinkie asked.

Discord realized his mistake. “Oh, yes, of course. Sometimes I forget how little you ponies know. Anyhow, at that time I was shut away deep inside the castle. He never ventured far enough in to discover me.”

“How did it end then? What happened to him?”

“His friends convinced him to leave. He abandoned his powers and the castle never to return. As far as I'm concerned, he lived the rest of his life without accepting his gift.”

“How sad,” Pinkie said quietly. “That doesn't seem like the right thing to do at all.”

Discord jumped back onto his throne. “Exactly. So now that we've had a little history lesson, it's time for the real reason I came to visit today.”

Pinkie smiled. “Okay! What is it?”

Discord snapped his fingers and conjured a small present wrapped in silver paper. “I have a gift for you!”

“Yay! Ohmygosh thank you so much!” squealed Pinkie. She threw her arms around Discord and squeezed him tightly. “I love getting gifts! It makes me so happy!”

“I knew you'd be excited. Here, take it!” He handed her the small box.

She tore it open at mach speed and extracted a lustrous white ring with a sizable ruby resting at the center. She inspected it thoroughly, awed by its indefatigable glitter.

“Discord, a-are you proposing to me?” she whispered.

The creature giggled and blushed like a schoolgirl. “Oh Pinkie Pie, you scoundrel! We barely know each other! What would the others think? Let's talk after dinner and a show. For right now, the artifact I gave you is what's important. It's called a Chaos Ring. I just want you to have it. That's all.”

“Chaos?” Pinkie repeated suspiciously. “That sounds dangerous. Are you sure you're not up to no good?”

“I'm sure,” said Discord. “You see, that ring is only meant to help. It draws power from chaos and mashes it down into energy you can use. Basically you can use your powers all you want and never get tired!”

“Ooh, that does sound nifty. Are you sure I can have it? It seems really fancy. I might accidentally break it.”

Discord told her, “The chances of that happening are somewhat diminished, considering how it's protected by its own chaotic power. It belongs to you now. Take it! Think of it as a welcome home gift.”

Pinkie Pie gave Discord another bear hug. “Thank you so much! That's so nice of you!”

“Don't mention it! Anything for the new Master!”

Pinkie squinted her pale red eyes in the noontime sun and licked her edged canines. “You know Discord, I'm starting to get used to that title.”