• Published 6th Sep 2013
  • 16,214 Views, 1,074 Comments

Thirty Moons - MythrilMoth

The Equestria and Canterlot High versions of the Mane Six trade places.

  • ...

Phase I: I Wasn't Prepared For This

Celestia looked around at the new arrivals and smiled warmly. "Welcome to Equestria, my little humans."

Six mares stood in the center of the room, each very familiar to the other ponies gathered.

Except that they were all standing upright on their rear hooves.

Unceremoniously, the six newly-ponified counterparts of the Element Bearers toppled over, landing in a heap on the floor with a mightly *whumpf*.

Celestia blinked. "Goodness..."

* * * * *

Twilight opened her eyes and climbed to her feet. "Is everypo—everybody okay?"

Her friends groaned. "Ugh...why's it so COLD here?" Rainbow Dash complained. She instinctively tensed and flexed her wings to take flight...and wound up flat on her face. "Ohmygoshohmygosh...my wings! Twilight! My wings I can't feel my wings I can't feel my—"

Twilight sighed, reaching down to haul the ex-pegasus up by the arm. "You don't HAVE wings anymore, Rainbow. We discussed this."

"Oh...oh yeah. No wings. Heh. Okay, I can...uh..." Rainbow's face fell. "I can't deal with this!"

"You can and you will," Twilight said with an encouraging smile. "You'll just have to take it one step at a time."

Pinkie Pie SPROINGED to her feet, bouncing around in a circle. "Oooooh! Look at this statue! I love this statue! And this school! It's so huge! And wow you all look so funny! Oh! Oh! Do I look like that too? Whoa! I do look like that, haha, AWESOME! You GUYS, this was the bestest idea EVER!"

Twilight rolled her eyes at the pink girl's antics. "Yep. ONE step at a time."

Rarity shuddered to life, gently curling her new appendages beneath her before cautiously rearranging herself. It took her a moment to figure out how to sit cross-legged on the ground, but she did so, looking up at her transformed friends and the crowd of curious humans standing around them. She looked down at herself, examining her limbs and her clothes. "Oh, I like," she said. She waggled her fingers. "But these are a bit...strange."

"Tell me about it," Twilight laughed. "It took me forever to get the hang of hands the last time."

Fluttershy shivered, rubbing her bare shoulders. "It's...so cold," she said as she gingerly rose to her feet, wobbling unsteadily before leaning on the statue for support.

Applejack pushed herself up to her hands and knees; Rainbow Dash was steady enough now to help Twilight haul her to her feet. The cowgirl looked around, adjusting her hat. "Hoo-eee, you weren't kiddin', Twi. This here's some wild place."

Principal Celestia stepped toward the group. "Welcome to Canterlot High School." She chuckled. "It feels so strange...welcoming a group of girls who I just saw leave."

"It can't possibly feel as strange as the first time I saw girls who looked like my friends," Twilight laughed.

"Oooh! We need to have a Welcome To Canterlot High party!" Pinkie exclaimed, now doing cartwheels around the lawn.

Celestia chuckled. "Our Pinkie Pie was way ahead of you," she said. "The party's set up in the gym. As soon as you all get your feet under you, we can head over there."

"Why's it so COLD?" Rainbow Dash moaned.

"Well, it IS winter," Twilight pointed out.

"Yeah, but...it's...winter isn't anywhere NEAR this cold back home!" the rainbow-haired girl complained.

"Excuse me...could-could I get something warmer to wear?" Fluttershy asked, shivering. "I'm freezing..."

Celestia frowned. "I'll admit it's a bit chilly today, but..." She glanced at Twilight. "Are your friends alright?"

Twilight's face was twisted up in worry and concern. "I...I'm not sure," she said. "It doesn't feel too cold to me. Applejack? Rarity?"

"It's a mite nippy, but it ain't too bad."

"I hadn't even noticed."

"Are you insane?" Rainbow shouted. "It's fuh-fuh-fuh-FREEZING!"

Twilight gasped. "OH MY GOSH! I understand! Principal Celestia, we need to get these two inside NOW! Is it warm in the gym?"

"Well, it's warmer than out here, at any rate."

"Good. You guys! Help get my friends inside!"

A group of Canterlot High students descended upon Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, escorting them toward the school while their friends pressed around, worried. Two boys wearing letter jackets draped their jackets around the girls' shivering forms.

"What's goin' on, Twi?" Applejack asked.

"Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are pegasi," Twilight explained.

"Well yeah, I know that. So?"

"So pegasi aren't affected by winter cold," Twilight reminded her. "It may not feel that cold to the rest of us, but to two ponies who don't even know what cold is supposed to feel like..."

Applejack's eyes widened. "Whoa nelly. An' without fur, they..."

Twilight sighed. "I hope they can adjust. It never even occurred to me this could be a problem."

* * * * *

Rainbow Dash examined her new wings in the mirror, tilting her head from side to side as she experimentally flexed and flared them. "This. Is. So. Awesome."

Fluttershy looked around at the crowd of ponies gathered around them, and her timid face broke into a wide smile. "Ponies...so many PONIES..."

Pinkie Pie bounced up to Celestia, looking her over. "Oh! Oh! I know who YOU are! You're Principal Celestia!"

"Err, Princess Celestia, actually," Celestia corrected.

"Oh yeah yeah, her too. How come you have wings AND a horn? How come TWILIGHT has wings and a horn? Can I get wings and a horn?"

Celestia chuckled. "Why don't you help your friends get their hooves under them for now. There will be time for questions later."


Rarity, hooves still trying to slide out from beneath her, nudged Rainbow Dash away from the mirror. "My hair. How's my hair?" She studied herself in the mirror seriously, then let out a relieved sigh. "Still gorgeous. Good."

On the other side of the room, Sweetie Belle nudged Apple Bloom. "That's DEFINITELY Rarity," she stage-whispered.

Twilight Sparkle rustled her wings as she stood, then approached Celestia and bowed. "Your Highness," she said. "Thank you for allowing my friends and I to visit your world."

"Think nothing of it, Twilight Sparkle," Celestia replied. "If there is anything I can do for you and your friends, you need but ask. In the meantime, we've prepared a reception for you all. Err, once your friends are confident they can walk on four hooves."

After some time, the sizeable group in the mirror room met up with an even larger group waiting outside, and the entire procession marched through long, beautiful corridors with impossibly high ceilings. As they headed...wherever they were going...Twilight studied a white-coated, blue-maned unicorn stallion for a long moment. "You seem...so familiar..." she said, trotting closer to walk beside him.

"I'm Shining Armor," the unicorn said.

Twilight's hooves gave out beneath her. "Sh—SHINING ARMOR?!" Her eyes were wide, her pupils constricted to narrow points. "No...it couldn't be..." The procession stopped dead in the middle of the hall, confusion upon many faces.

Shining blinked. "Well, yeah. You didn't expect to see me over here? I just assumed you'd have the same big brother my Twiley has."

Twilight shook her head frantically, not taking her eyes off the unicorn. "I...it's just...Shining Armor—I mean, my Shining Armor—he died, three years ago."

Shining reared in shock. "D-died?!"

"He was in an accident," Twilight said, her voice quiet. "Some guy on a motorbike wasn't paying attention, ran out in front of him. Shining swerved to miss him, and..." Tears gathered in her eyes.

Shining Armor's ears drooped. "Oh. I'm...sorry." He dipped his head. "Is me being here...too painful for you?"

"N-no, it's okay, I..." Twilight swallowed, trying to wipe her eyes and nearly poking an eye out with her clumsy hoof. "I was just surprised. I'm...I'm glad the other me still has her BBBFF." She put on a brave smile, and the group continued onward.

"Is there a Cadance in your world, Twilight?" Shining Armor asked.

"Cadance? You mean my old babysitter?" Twilight asked. "I haven't seen her since the sixth grade." She smiled. "She was nice." She paused. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, because Cadance is my wife in this world," Shining Armor said. "We got married about a year ago. She's waiting for us in the banquet hall."

Twilight's eyes widened. "You married Cadance?" She paused. "Waitwait. Was Pony-Cadance Pony-Me's babysitter too?"

Shining Armor nodded. "She was Twiley's best friend as a filly, other than me."

Twilight's face fell into a studious expression. "Then...if my brother hadn't died, maybe he'd have gotten together with..."

"We're here, everypony," Celestia said. Her horn lit up, and the massive crystal doors standing before them swung open...

* * * * *

The gym was crowded, noisy, and warm with body heat. The decor boasted a definite Pinkie Pie touch, and long tables were laden with drinks and snacks. A sound system had been erected at one end of the gym, and a pale-skinned girl with electric blue hair and large purple shades stood at the ready, hands on the turntables. A huge banner was stretched across the gym, hanging from the rafters, which proclaimed "CANTERLOT HIGH WELCOMES THE EQUESTRIANS".

Celestia ascended the bleachers on one side of the gym, joining her sister, who held a microphone connected to an amplifier. "Attention everyone!" she called out. "It is my great pleasure to greet our second group of visitors from the magical world of Equestria!" A wave of applause and cheers broke out at this. "I'm sure we all remember Twilight Sparkle from her first visit." More applause. "Well, she has returned, and this time she has brought friends. Equestria's versions of our own Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie have all joined Twilight Sparkle, and will be with us for quite some time, if I understand the situation correctly. Please, show them a true Wondercolts welcome!"

The entire assembly erupted into wild applause, and the DJ cranked up the sound system. The party was soon in full swing.

The jock who had given Rainbow Dash his coat appeared again, carrying two steaming cups. He offered one to each of the two shivering former pegasi. "Here's some hot chocolate," he said.

"Thanks," Rainbow Dash said. She reached for it...

"Hold it!" Twilight said. She accepted the two cups, and gently helped the two girls wrap their fingers around the paper handles. "Didn't want you to drop it. Hands take time to get used to."

"Thank you," Fluttershy said. She sipped her hot chocolate. "Mmm, this is so good."

"Wow, there's so many familiar faces here," Rainbow Dash said as she gulped down her drink. "You weren't kidding about how many of our pony friends are here too."

Twilight started to reply, but was cut off as she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and stared into the most gorgeous pair of eyes she remembered ever seeing.

"Welcome back," Flash Sentry said.

Twilight threw her arms around his neck, leaned up, and kissed him.

* * * * *

The ponified high school girls ooohed appreciatively at the huge, formal banquet hall. Guards bleated out a fanfare on trumpets as the procession made its way along a red carpet to the long banquet table. Most of the seats were empty; only a pink pony with vibrant tri-colored hair sat at the head of the table. At the opposite end, however, a tiny purple and green creature stood atop the table; at their entrance, he hopped down and scrambled up the carpet, beaming up at them. "Hey girls, miss me?" he asked.

"S-spike?!" Rarity gasped. "Is...is that really you?"

"Of course!" Spike replied.

"Wow, you weren't kidding," Rainbow Dash said, blinking. "I thought that whole dragon thing was a total load, but you really are a dragon!"

"I never imagined a dragon could be so adorable," Fluttershy said, awestruck.

Twilight leaned down and examined the dragon curiously. "So you're Pony-Me's Spike?" she asked.

"Uh-huh," Spike replied, nodding. "Sorry I didn't meet you in the mirror room, but Twilight—err, my Twilight—had something important for me to take care of at the last minute."

"Is it normal for ponies to have pet dragons?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm not anypony's pet!" Spike replied indignantly. "I'm Twilight Sparkle's number one most trusted and valuable assistant!" He puffed out his chest.

"Oh, um...sorry," Fluttershy said, her mane curtaining her right eye as her cheeks flushed pink.

The new arrivals took seats at the head of the table, alongside the princesses, Shining Armor, and Spike. The rest of the procession seated themselves along the length of the table.

A spoon clinked against a glass of its own volition, wreathed in the aura of Celestia's magic. "Fillies and gentlecolts," she began. "It is with great pleasure that I officially welcome our visitors from the other world to Equestria. No doubt we will find that we have as many things in common as are different between us. I encourage everypony to make every effort to help these familiar yet different faces adjust to life in Equestria." She smiled warmly. The ponies cheered.

As waiters laid out serving dishes, Pinkie Pie looked up and down the table, then turned to Celestia. "So about the wings and horns thing..."

The princess chuckled. "Very well, I will explain the three races of ponies to you. And, I am sorry to tell you this, but as our Pinkie Pie had neither wings nor a horn..."

"Awww," Pinkie complained. "But storytime's good!"

"Yes, please tell us!" Twilight said. "After all, we are here to learn."

Celestia smiled. "So very like my faithful student. Very well. There are three races of ponies in Equestria: Earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. Earth ponies—" here she gestured at Pinkie and Applejack, "—possess great strength and physical prowess, and a deeper connection to the land and the life which grows from it. Their magic is different in that it is largely passive. Using it is instinct, not conscious thought."

"Oooh, I have magic?"

"Not in the way you're thinking," Celestia said. "Earth pony magic is all about your connection to the very earth itself. It is why many Earth ponies are farmers." She paused to take a sip of tea. "Unicorns—ponies with a horn upon their head—have a different sort of magic, which is actively and consciously controlled." She demonstrated by levitating her teacup and making it hover in front of the attentive guests. "Most unicorns can use at least some basic magic. Some unicorns can perform more advanced feats. Almost all unicorns have a special type of magic or skill which is unique to them; it's generally related to their special talent."

"And pegasuseseses?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Pegasi can fly, walk on clouds, shape the weather, and are very resistant to cold temperatures," Celestia said.

Twilight frowned. "But pegasi only have wings, right? And not horns?"

"That is correct," Celestia nodded.

"But...what about me?" She asked. "And you, and..." She took a quick headcount. "There are four ponies here, myself included, that have wings AND horns."

Celestia chuckled softly. "Ah, yes. The Princesses of Equestria are a special type of pony, apart from the other races. We are called Alicorns. Alicorns possess traits of unicorns, pegasi, and Earth ponies, and wield powerful magic. Twilight Sparkle—that is, our Twilight Sparkle—was born a unicorn, but through great hardship and many trials of character and intellect, she discovered her true destiny. She became an Alicorn princess."

"So any pony can just become an Alicorn?" Rarity asked.

Celestia shook her head. "No, only those who possess the greatest magic and a unique destiny."

"Awww," Pinkie complained. "So I'm stuck on the ground and I can't move things with my mind? Bummer!"

Celestia laughed. "Your counterpart here has her own very...unique set of special abilities. And unless I am very much mistaken, you will inherit them during your time here."

Spike gasped. "Ooooh no. Not the Pinkie Sense. ANYTHING but the Pinkie Sense."

"Pinkie Sense?" Twilight asked, tilting her head. Just then, the pink mare's tail began to vibrate wildly.

"AHHH! RUN!" Spike cried, diving under the table...

* * * * *

Twilight's friends stared in slack-jawed surprise as their friend and Princess released the handsome blue-haired boy from her vacuum-sealed liplock.

"Wow," Flash said. "That was...quite some greeting."

"I've been thinking about you ever since I left," Twilight said breathlessly. "I mean, there's a Flash Sentry back home, but...he isn't you." She paused suddenly, blushing self-consciously, and released Flash, stepping back. "Um. Oh dear. I'm sorry."

"No, it's...it's okay," Flash said. "More than okay."

"But...I shouldn't have done that. I mean, what would the other Twilight think?"

Flash grimaced. "Yyyyyeah...the other Twilight. Ah. Thing is...I haven't really talked to her very much. Or at all, actually."

Twilight blinked. "Huh? Why not?"

Flash turned faintly red, looking away. "Because she isn't you."

"AWWWWWW!" Pinkie cooed, springing up between the two of them. "Aren't you just the keeeee-YOOOOOTEST couple?!"

"Oh, this is so juicy! Please, DO continue," Rarity said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Bleah!" Rainbow Dash made a show of pretending to vomit. "Enough with the mushy touchy-feelies, I'm gonna head over there and party down. Fluttershy, you coming?"

"Oh! Um. I...guess?" The shy girl seemed to shrink into her borrowed jacket, playing with the sleeves as she tried to make herself invisible.

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Whutever. HEY! APPLE BLOOM!"

A girl with a huge bow in her hair appeared in front of her. "You called?"

Applejack stared at her. "Huh. You look a little bit older'n mah sis back home. At least, Ah think y'do." She shrugged. "Anyhoo, wanna fill me in on th' Apple family o' this world while we get somethin' t' eat?"

"Sure. And you can tell me all about pony world!"

As the farm girls wandered off, Rarity caught another girl observing her out of the corner of her eye. Her hairstyle was unmistakeable. "Sweetie Belle?" she asked.

"Hi Sis. Um. I mean, Sis-from-another-world."

Rarity smiled. "Let's talk in private."


Pinkie Pie bounced away to mingle, leaving Twilight and Flash Sentry alone together. "So, um, wanna dance?" Flash asked.

"I'd love to," Twilight said.

* * * * *

"This is such a beautiful palace," Fluttershy said.

After the banquet, Cadance and Shining Armor had taken the guests on a tour of the Crystal Palace. Celestia had excused herself to lower the sun (the guests had blinked in confusion at that), and Luna had made a similar excuse.

Now, the hues of sunset bathed the corridors of the palace. "A chamber has been prepared for the six of you," Cadance said. "Rest tonight. Get your bearings. Tomorrow, you'll take the train to Ponyville, where your counterparts live. Tomorrow, the fun—and the hardest part of adapting to our world—begins."

Once she had left, the ponified girls looked at one another.

"So?" Twilight asked. "What do you girls think?"

"I like it here!" Pinkie said. "But I can't wait to have a REAL party. I wonder if there's a pony version of Scratchie! That girl so knows how to party down!"

"That fancy banquet food didn't really do much for me," Rainbow Dash said. "I hope when we go to Ponyville, we can get some REAL food. Do you suppose there's a pony version of O'Burger's?"

"I doubt it," Twilight said. "Ponies aren't really known for being meat-eaters."

Rainbow's ears drooped. "You mean I gotta go veggie-dork? For two and a half YEARS?!"

"It won't be so bad," Rarity said, waving a hand airily. "So long as they don't expect us to eat grass and flowers and hay, I mean."

"We'd best get some shut-eye," Applejack said. "Ah reckon tomorrow's gonna be a big day."

* * * * *

After the party wound down, Celestia approached the six pony-girls. "You must all be tired by now," she said, digging her keys out of her purse. "I'll drive you home."

"Home," Twilight said, blinking. "You know, I'm not even sure where 'home' is here."

The principal smiled. "Well, lucky for you, I have access to all your information. My sister's already loaded the bags your counterparts left behind into her car. Come on, let's get you all settled in before it's dark."

Two hours later, Twilight Sparkle found herself sitting on a simple, soft bed with a lavender bedspread in a medium-sized room with a desk, a bookshelf, two chairs, a closet, a computer, and a television. Celestia had called it a "dormitory". Whatever it was, it was all hers, and she lived alone except for the little purple dog curled up in a wicker basket at the foot of the bed. Smiling, she thought wistfully of her own loyal assistant, and hoped he was okay back in Equestria.

She fished around in the bag this world's Twilight had left for her, and found a sealed lavender envelope with her cutie mark drawn on the front. She opened it carefully and pulled out a sheet of bright violet paper, upon which the other Twilight had written in indigo ink:

Dear Twilight Sparkle,
I hope you enjoy your time in our world, and I am looking forward
to learning everything I possibly can about yours. Please take
good care of Spike, I've had him since he was a pup. Don't give
him canned dog food, he prefers the really crunchy dry kind. I've
asked my parents to keep in touch with you; if you need anything,
money or a ride somewhere or just somebody to talk to, just call my
mom. Her number's in my phone, which I also left with you.

There's plenty of school supplies in the desk drawers, and I got
you a notebook you can use as a diary. I've always liked keeping a
diary of the things I learn and feel and do. I'd like to think you
do something similar.

We won't be able to see each other again for a long time, so please
take care of yourself.

Until we meet again,
Twilight Sparkle the Human

Twilight smiled, folding the letter and placing it back in its envelope. "Just like me, to think of everything." She had found the notebook in question with only a moment's searching, and was about to start writing down her thoughts about today, when there was a knock at the door. "Just a minute!" she called.

Putting aside the notebook and standing, she walked over and opened the door. Her eyes widened at who she saw on the other side.

"I thought we might catch up a bit," Sunset Shimmer said.

Author's Note:

Next time is all about settling in and food.