• Published 6th Sep 2013
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Five Score: A New Hive - bossfight1

Chris, on his twenty-fifth birthday, begins going through some inhuman changes. Set in the Five Sco

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Chapter 19: Taking Stock

Chapter 19: Taking Stock

I was surprised to hear from Echo that we were to meet at the house of Dane’s friend Lucas. I was even more surprised to hear that it was Dane who helped Trixie free us. Dane. As in, the douche who’d grown so complacent from sucking off his dad’s fortune that he’d likely pay someone to do all his drinking and drug abuse for him. It took me some time to find Lucas’ house-- partly because I was crap at following directions, and mainly because my flying still had some kinks to work out when traveling long distances. Finally I found it up a dirt road; the house looked like it housed Cletus the Slackjawed Yokel, but the heavily damaged car filled with changeling-sized dents told me I’d found the right place.

I landed some distance away from the porch and hurried up the steps. I knocked hurriedly on the front door. “It’s me!”

I heard footsteps-- or possibly hoof-falls-- on the far side of the door. “...How do we know it’s really you?” Came Dane’s voice.

“Not in the mood for this shit…” I said warningly.

“Move!” I heard Liz say. The door swung open. Liz stood there with an apprehensive Dane behind her. She stared directly into my eyes for a moment. “Chrys?”

I gave a relieved laugh. “Oh, baby…” Liz immediately ran up and threw her arms around my neck.

Suddenly the adrenaline rush wore off-- Liz had given me plenty of love to work with, but turning into a heavily-armored warrior, a steampunk behemoth, an abdominal-muscle obsessed lunatic and a goddamned T-Rex, had taken its toll. The eggs in my magical grasp fell to the ground with a series of clumps; with a sound like a dying murloc I fell into Liz. “CHRYS!!” She cried, trying her best to hold me up.

“I’m fine…” I rasped. “Just… tired. Soft… surface… please…” I blacked out.

- - - - -

I looked down at Chrys, who seemed to have passed out from exhaustion… Other than some cuts and cracked chitin, though, she seemed fine. My eyes fell on the eggs she’d brought back; were they all she could save? I hoisted Chrys onto my shoulders-- she weighed about as much as a full-grown horse can be expected. My legs shook, and I nearly collapsed under her weight.

“Here,” Dane said, wrapping Chrys’ foreleg around his neck and lifting, taking some of the burden off of me.

I gave him a wary look. “What were you doing there?”

- - - - -

Forty-five minutes ago.

Our lips parted. I stared into Chrys’ eyes-- I felt she could win, no, I knew she would win. And somehow I could tell, she knew it too. There were traces of a confident smile crossing her muzzle.

In her eyes I could see a different person-- or, pony, rather-- someone nearly the complete opposite of Chris… Yet I could see the same man I loved, somewhere deep in those green eyes… The way he practically relished every moment he looked at me, was present in the eyes of this… changeling.

Chris had changed… yet not at all.

“Fuck. Her. Up,” I said firmly.

Chrys smiled. “I will. Now go.”

I looked back at Echo and nodded. Echo took me up, with surprising strength, considering her size, and began to fly me out of the cavern. I cast a glance back-- Chrys was watching me leave, like she was at an airport watching my flight take off. I caught a glimpse of Prima, still growing, almost bursting with that green slime…

I looked at Chrys again-- her confidence hadn’t gone anywhere, so neither had mine. We rounded a corner up the narrow tunnel, and out of sight.

We broke surface, flying through the now ruined office trailer that had covered the entrance, and into the cool night sky. The captives were all looking about, wondering aloud where they were or where to go.

“What do we do now?” Echo mused.

“We get these people out of here,” I said. “...Gimme a sec to figure out how.”

“It’s me!” Came a voice from below. I looked down to see Halford Sr. talking into a cell phone, covered in slime but otherwise still functioning, miraculously. “I need…” he did a head count, then did some calculations in his head. “Perhaps two trucks at the gravel pits off West River!” His eyes fell on the two men carrying Bedford. “And an ambulance, there’s an old woman here who’s in dire need of a hospital. ...Yes, I know I’ve called in my favor-- this is serious! I’ll explain later! ...Thank you.” He clamped his phone shut.

“Listen up!” He called. “Some of my friends in the police station are sending some vehicles to get us out of here!”

My heart sank; I looked between Ray-- or Trixie, as Chrys seemed rather adamant in calling him-- and the grubs. The police were coming here? We couldn’t stay, but where could we go? God knows what had happened to our house if Prima’s drones ransacked the place-- either abandoned and looted in our absence or cordoned off by the police…

I noticed an SUV pulling down the dirt road; its windows were smashed and the body was covered in multiple changeling-sized dents. It pulled up near the captives, and the driver-side door opened. A face I had mixed feelings about seeing popped out. “DAD!!” Dane cried, slamming the door and running over to his father. He had a few cuts and bruises, with one particularly nasty gash in his left arm.

“Dane?!” Halford cried as Dane ran up and hugged him. He awkwardly returned the gesture. “What are you doing here?!”

“I could ask you the same thing!” Dane said. “What’s this stuff all over you?” He suddenly held his dad’s head in his hands and peered into his eyes. “...Thank god, you are back…” Echo gently lowered me down, while Digit and Shift did the same with Trixie. Dane looked at us; his expression froze when he saw me. “...Hey, Liz…”

“Hello, Dane,” I said with a neutral expression. Call it petty but I wasn’t exactly thinking too fondly of him right now. To my surprise, Trixie ran up to him.

“You okay?” She asked.

Dane reapplied pressure to the wound in his left arm. “Could be worse… That ‘Prima’ thing-- the huge-ass changeling you mentioned? --She popped up and nearly killed me, but then she suddenly took off like she’d left the oven on… She and all her little bugs…” He looked around for a moment. “...Where’s Chris?”

An echoing scream from below answered his question… And it wasn’t Chrys screaming, fortunately. I looked over at Dane. “We need to get out of here, the cops are coming and Trixie and the grubs can’t be seen!”

Dane looked over at the SUV. “...I know a place. Get in.” He turned towards the car, when his dad’s hand fell on his shoulder.

“Dane, what are you doing?” He asked. “What are these things? What is that unicorn… thing, what in the hell is going on?!”

“Dad, I’ll explain everything later…” Dane said. “But right now, these guys need a place to hide out, okay? I’ll give you a call later.”

Halford gave his son an odd look. “...When did you become such an upstanding citizen?”

Dane shrugged. “I knew those bug things had something to do with you acting so weird… Couldn’t leave you like that, and I knew Chris might be able to fix things. That, and… I had to grow up sometime…” He got back in the car. “Get in, you guys.”

Trixie and the grubs piled into the backseats. Trixie dropped to the floor and out of sight while the grubs just turned into a trio of dogs, hoping to blend in (as best as one could blend in while riding a car that looked like one Chris had driven in a video game). With no seats left I reluctantly sat in the passenger seat, keeping turned away from Dane as he pulled away from the staring escapees and driving out of the site. We managed to get off the dirt road and down around the corner before the first sign of police lights flashed in the rearview.

- - - - -

“Those bug things did something to my dad…” Dane said as we hefted Chrys into the guest bedroom. “I figured, helping Ray-- or Trixie, or whatever, it’s really getting confusing the way these pony people are changing their names-- I figured it would get my dad back to normal…”

We laid Chrys on the bed; her head collapsed into the pillow with a soft, relieved groan. I laid a hand on her hoof. I knew she’d be okay, but I still had a right to worry; judging by her state, she hadn’t gotten out of fighting Prima without a few scratches. I looked up at Dane. “Was that the only reason you came?”

Dane stuttered. “Yes!” He paused. “I- I mean, no, I mean--” He made a frustrated noise and cradled his head. “Look, I wanted my dad to get back to normal, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t care that you were being kept there!”

I shook my head. “Whatever… Look, just… Just leave me alone, okay? I don’t know what to think right now, but I’m nowhere near considering you a friend-- I know how you are, Dane.”

Dane opened his mouth to protest before sighing and heading for the door. “...I’m sorry, okay?” He asked, putting his hand on the doorframe. “For everything.” He walked into the hall and left. I clicked on a lamp on the bedside table, stroking Chrys’ hoof with a thumb.

“Is mother okay?” I turned to see the grubs standing in the door, Digit perched on top of Shift, to his annoyance. Echo was holding the five eggs in her magic, looking tentative about where to keep them.

“I think so…” I said. “Just tired, is all…” I looked to Chrys and stroked her head. My thoughts drifted to what Echo had relayed-- that Discord himself had appeared to whisk Prima away.

It was all so overwhelming… It was weird enough when Chris turned into Chrysalis a week ago, but I’d thought it couldn’t get any weirder. Now I find out that… he always was Chrysalis, deep, deep down? And that he could never just go back to being Chris?

I looked at my hand wrapped around Chrys’ head. The weirdest part of all this was… No matter what Chrys would call herself now, I… I couldn’t imagine myself leaving her. We’d been through too much-- with or without the whole pony thing. Even after having her memories restored, I knew Chrys felt the same way. In her eyes I could still see that little glimmer I’d seen in Chris’, the one that always appeared when he looked at me, when I could tell he was just enjoying my company…

It didn’t matter if this was that good-mannered dork or the darkly regal changeling… They both loved me…

...and I loved them back.

My eyes drifted towards the eggs that Echo was carefully placing in the corner. If I was staying, that meant I’d be staying with a Queen… Someone who was hundreds of years old, and may very well live for hundreds more… One who would have responsibility for a people that could number in the thousands in less than a week. I didn’t know if Chrys had plans for her people yet-- how her people could live with the ponies, how to manage their numbers, anything…

I exhaled through my nose. We’d figure it out. It was a lot to figure out, but we’d manage. I looked to Chrys again; somehow she seemed to sense my presence, given the little smile on her muzzle as I stroked her head. I carefully climbed onto the bed, lay behind her and draped my arm over her body. The grubs tactfully withdrew from the room, closing the door behind them and leaving the room in complete darkness.

My head sank into the pillow as I felt Chrys’ steady breathing. I felt her tail slowly brush against my leg, the surprisingly smooth hairs somewhat tickling against my skin. Stifling a giggle I slowly drifted off to sleep.

The simple act of laying there with the person-- or pony-- I loved made everything feel… normal.

- - - - -

Queen Chrysalis sat behind a stone table, overlooking a series of documents; statements from the governing officials of the various settlements in Equestria, replying to her requests for allowing some of her people to move in. There were many more who agreed to allow changelings to build a home in their towns than she’d expected, to her delight. There were still some who gave very verbal denials, taking Chrysalis’ simple request as a threat of militaristic expansion and promising a brutal reckoning if her people were ever seen there. However, the ratio of approvals to denials was very uplifting for her-- perhaps her people could know peace, and still find a plentiful food source--


Chrysalis jumped, scattering countless papers to the floor as she looked around for the source of the shout. “Who…?” She began.

“SPYSPYSPYSPYSPYSPYSPYSPY…” She tracked the voice behind her. Part of the wall behind her had vanished, replaced with a rift lined by a thick, shifting yellow line. On the other side of the rift was a simple room, with grey walls, thick carpet and a desk with a strange device on top of it…

...A computer, Chrysalis realized. And sitting at that computer was a human, a male in his mid-twenties-- twenty-five, to be exact-- with short brown hair and the barest traces of stubble lining his chin. The human was wearing a headset and microphone, and was leaning towards the computer screen, his hands on the keyboard and mouse as he quickly controlled the game displayed on the screen.

“Pootis-spencer!” He ordered quickly through the microphone.

“Hello, Chris,” Chrysalis said. Chris turned to her, almost unphased by the disturbance.

Oh hai, Chrysalis,” he said in an unplaceable accent. He removed the headset and placed it on the desk as he stood up. Chris put his hands behind his back and swayed back and forth uncertainly for a moment, pursing his lips. “...So…”

Chrysalis scratched a foreleg with her hoof. “So.”

Chris looked about their surroundings-- the point where it transitioned from “man-cave” to “insectoid hive”. “...So, where do we go from here?” He asked. “I mean, we’re not exactly mirror duplicates here… I wasn’t exactly eased into the fact that I’m really… you.”

Chrysalis nodded. “And yet we haven’t felt a real need to wrest control from the other…” She approached Chris and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Chris, we may have ended up as two minds, but this doesn’t have to change anything. The life you lived is mine as well, and a fine life it was.”

“If somewhat uninteresting…” Chris mumbled. “School, vidjima games, school, vidjima games, graduation, lots more vidjima games…”

“Liz…” Chrysalis said coyfully. Chris looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.

“...You love her the same as I do?” He asked, unusually serious.

Chrysalis nodded slowly. “There were few I truly loved in the centuries I’ve lived.”

“Even if it was technically my love for her, that kinda... bled into you, if that makes sense?” Chris asked.

Chrysalis laid down on her side of the rift. Chris did the same on his, crossing his legs. “If you wish to know if Liz is at risk, you have my solemn vow that I will do everything in my power to keep her safe.”

“Lotta good that’s done so far…” Chris snickered goodnaturedly. Chrysalis smiled; it was a bit of a weird sight for Chris. There was none of the malevolence he’d seen from her on the show. “...You really have changed, haven’t you?”

Chrysalis’ smile faded to a guilty frown; her gaze fell to the floor. “I’d be lying if I said that, looking back, I have no regrets. I suppose seeing the show-- seeing me, as… as the monster I had become… It helped put things in perspective. I only had my peoples’ best interests at heart, but that does not excuse the atrocities I’d committed…”

“Oh, c’mon, they weren’t that bad…” Chris said, though he didn’t sound particularly convinced.

“I kidnapped innocents,” Chrysalis argued. “I put them into a deep sleep and fed off their dreams of their loved ones, bled them dry in hopes of keeping my own people strong!”

Chris sighed. “...Okay, yeah, you did some pretty messed up things…” he conceded.

Chrysalis shook her head. “But I can’t let them haunt me. It was when I lived your life that I learned just how… how low I’d-- we’d fallen as a people. It was you who showed me that… that living as a monster is no life worth living.”

“Unless you’re Godzilla,” Chris said, smirking.

Chrysalis gave him a cross look. “Always quick to joke, aren’t you?”

“It helps to get people to loosen up,” Chris said, shrugging. “Sometimes an out-of-nowhere joke’ll get people to relax… Or it’ll annoy them. Either way, it’s a victory.”

Chrysalis sighed. “Regardless, you showed me the greatest lesson a leader could learn: if peace and war will yield the same result, always go for peace.”

“And will peace with the ponies keep the changelings fed?” Chris asked. “I’m not condoning your… old ways, but do have an alternative?”

Chrysalis thought for a moment. Then she thought for a few more moments. Then several more. “...No,” she finally said. “I guess if there was an easy solution, things would have been different.”

Chris patted the Queen’s shoulder. “We’ll find a way.”

Chrysalis looked at Chris. “These are concerns of my world, my life… What of yours?”

“Uh…” Chris looked to the floor now, this thought only now occurring to him. The past week, he’d thought of nothing but his transformation, his new (or rather, old) responsibilities... What of his family? Liz didn’t seem ready to leave him-- as astounding as that was… But his parents? His sisters? His friends? Would he be leaving all that behind? Did he have a choice?

“Just as we don’t need to decide who remains dominant in this one body,” Chrysalis said. “We don’t need to decide on one life and forsake the other, Chris. We are more than capable of living multiple lives-- such is the way of a changeling.”

Despite Chrysalis’ comforting words, Chris still felt uneasy. “I wanna… I wanna see ‘em. When we wake up, I wanna head out to Missouri and… and talk to them. Tell them everything. I can’t hide this from them, but I can’t just cut them off either… I love them too much.”

Chrysalis scooched towards Chris and wrapped a leg around his shoulder. “Then we’ll go. Perhaps Trixie will wish to do the same with her human family. She said they were in Vermont, correct?”

Chris nodded. “Though we do have three grubs, plus a clutch of eggs that’ll only grow as time goes on. On top of that, our cars back at our house-- god knows what state it’s in while we’ve been gone-- are barely big enough to hold one human, one pony, five plus eggs and a few changelings. The SUV isn’t relatively SUV-shaped anymore, either. Transport is a bit of an issue.”

“Well, if it were easy, it would be dull, wouldn’t it?” Chrysalis chuckled.

Chris groaned. “I’m supposed to be the idiot in this relationship, Chrysalis!” He said mock-sternly before laughing with her.

As their laughter died down, the human smiled at the Queen. “We might meld together better than I thought.”

- - - - -

I woke up, my eyes slowly opening, reluctant to depart from beloved sleep. I was laying in a queen-sized (heh) bed in a rather plain bedroom, with only a single painting on the far wall next to the closet, and a bedside table with a boring lamp. Sunlight was leaking between the two dusty curtains draped over the window. I realized there was an arm draped around me-- Liz was wrapped around my back, her breathing quiet and peaceful. Smiling, I put a hoof on her hand.

I felt it flinch slightly in surprise, then relax. “Hey,” Liz said softly.

“Hey,” I replied. I lifted my head to look around the room. The five eggs were stored safely in the corner, their glow somewhat dimmer than I remembered. They’re hungry, I thought.

“How are you feeling?” Liz asked.

“Feelin’ fine…” I replied. I gave a little laugh. “I did what you said, though, I really fucked Prima up.”

“Really?” Liz asked. “How so?”

“Swords, drills, buzz-axes and teeth,” I said simply. “Had a bit of fun… Though, in retrospect, I think I might have some issues. There was so much blood…” I laughed, then paused. “Yeah, doesn’t sound as good when I laugh about it, huh.”

“And then Discord came?” Liz asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, but I don’t think he’s really happy with Prima’s failure… She was supposed to stop me, then stop the Mane Six, but since I kinda made her into a… puddle, she wasn’t gonna fulfill his wishes.”

“So what’ll happen to her?”

I shrugged. “I dunno… Is it bad if there’s a small part of me that pities her in that regard?”

“It doesn’t take a genius to figure out she’s just Discord’s pawn,” Liz said. “I think she was due for some hardship, win or lose.”

“I guess,” I said. We lay there in silence for a few minutes. “...So I might be a wee bit schizophrenic now.”


“I mean I’m not… My mind, it’s… Ugh, Chrysalis and Chris are both up here,” I tapped my head. “We’re kinda… swapping out, you know? Tag-in, tag-out?” Liz was silent. “I was never really like her, you know? I’m an easy-going goofball, she’s a serious, somewhat temperamental leader.”

“‘Somewhat’?” Liz asked; I could practically hear her eyebrow being raised..

“She’s changed,” I said quickly. “She’s seen the wrongs she’s done and she wants to make amends.”

“So, if Chrysalis-- if the ponies are real, what does that mean with the show? Does Hasbro know something?”

“Again, I don’t know… Maybe the Mane Six are farther along than us, we just have to find ‘em, somehow.” I sat up, stretching my stiffened legs. “...I wanna see my family, too.”

“Really?” Liz sat up and scooched to the edge of the bed.

“My life as a human is gonna be so much more complicated…” I sighed. “But I can’t shut them out. I need to talk to them, explain everything that’s happened… I just want them to know that I love ‘em, you know?” I looked to Liz. “What do you think?”

Liz wrapped an arm around me. “You know I’ll stick by you… No matter how weird it gets.”

“Even with the whole Queen thing?”

“So long as you’re serious about Chrysalis really changing,” Liz said, with a quick peck on the cheek. “I’d rather not be dating the pony equivalent of Maleficent.”

I frowned. “I look nothing like Angelina Jolie…”

“Oh, shut up…” Liz said, smacking me with a pillow. As I laughed, I felt joy in feeling like things might not change completely.

Author's Note:

Bit more relaxed chapter. Bit of time to relax from that little nerdgasm I had last time. :twilightblush: