• Published 5th Mar 2014
  • 1,417 Views, 48 Comments

Sol Don Him - Razalon The Lizardman

Ever wonder what Applejack and Rarity's lovechild is like? Well, said pony has the hots for Big Macintosh, and she'll stop at nothing to make him her special somepony.

  • ...

The Picnic Proposal

Once the Apples had finished preparing all the food of their namesake and the drainage pipe had gone through a rudimentary repair job, the family quartet along with Rarity and Sol Do began making way toward a plain, grassy hill that overlooked the apple orchards as well as afforded a magnificent view of Ponyville in the distance. While Big Macintosh and Applejack carried the bulk of the food on their backs, the two unicorns used their magic to levitate the pitchers of apple cider alongside them as well as a couple sets of eating utensils for themselves. Apple Bloom had the picnic blanket strapped to her back, which bounced in synchronization with her gaiting steps. Having done most of the work cooking and preparing the apple foods, Granny Smith opted not to help carry anything lest she break her remaining good hip and end up completely immobile.

"Alright, here we are," the olden mare declared once they reached the hill. "Let's get this here picnic set up an' start chowin' down."

"Yes ma'am!" Apple Bloom said. She grabbed the picnic blanket off of her back and, in one fluid motion, unfurled and laid it down on the ground perfectly even.

Sol Do and Rarity quickly set down their pitchers and utensils before using their magic to unpack all of what Applejack and Big Macintosh had carried, and it was without any surprise that Sol Do chose to help Big Macintosh. Once all the food was unloaded and the plates were distributed, the group of six began loading up on the various apple foods Granny had cooked. Everything from fritters to tarts to pies to sauce and much more was present, and aside from Rarity, everypony had full intention of chowing down to their heart's content.

"I must say," Sol Do said after swallowing a bite of apple fritter, "these fritters are without a doubt the best apple-based food I've ever had, and I'm not just saying that for the sake of flattery!" She took another bite, her face set in a contented expression while she chewed.

"Why thank ya hun," Granny Smith replied. She took a gulp of apple sauce and swallowed. "Ah, that's the stuff . . . yeah, ya won't find better apple foods anywhere else in all of Equestria than here at Sweet Apple Acres."

"Is that so?" Sol Do asked. She briefed a glance at Rarity and Applejack, who only stared back indifferently while they munched on a couple of regular apples, before returning her gaze to Granny Smith. "Miss Smith, far be it from me to judge you and your family's current state of being, but do you suppose I could seek a job here on your farm in the near future?"

Both Rarity and Applejack immediately spat out their chewed up apple chunks, which unfortunately collided with Apple Bloom's face, making her scowl in irritation.

"WHAAAT!?" Rarity screamed.

"What!?" Applejack shouted.

"What the hay, sis!?" Apple Bloom exclaimed, wiping the spittle and apple chunks off her face.

"Here ya go, little'un," Granny Smith said, giving Apple Bloom a napkin, which the filly accepted and began cleaning herself with. She turned to Sol Do with a wry expression. "So, y'all are lookin' fer employment, eh?"

"A second job, yes," Sol Do replied with a nod. She briefed another glance to Rarity and Applejack, who looked as if they'd just learned Rainbow Dash secretly took ballet lessons. She smirked slyly, and continued. "You see, I'm looking to purchase a second house here in Ponyville for the summer months and would like to have a job of some sort to occupy my time." Her smile took on a wistful edge as she continued. "Truth be told, working hard is my passion and I can't imagine myself being happy without having some way of being useful."

Granny Smith nodded in understanding. "An' that's definitely the kinda attitude Ah'd look fer in a potential employee, but," her face took on a sterner expression, "us Apples are a proud bunch, and we're darn proud of it!" She laughed at her own joke, as well as Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh, whereas Applejack and Rarity only let out small chuckles as they were still nervous from hearing Sol Do's proposal.

Once done laughing, Granny Smith continued. "So, y'all are gonna have ta convince us that yer worthy of joinin' our family, so to speak." She smirked. "Think y'all can do just that?"

"Indeed I do, Miss Smith," Sol Do replied. She gave Rarity and Applejack a haughty smile. "Indeed. I. Do."

The two mares gulped simultaneously.

"In fact," Sol Do continued, turning toward the stallion of her affection, who had lost interest in the conversation and had taken to munching on an apple tart, with a half-lidded stare, "so I'll know what living like an Apple is like, perhaps a little tutelage under one is in order?"

Big Mac's eyes opened as he stared at the mare whom was giving him a saucy look, but made no verbal response at first as he pondered the question. Applejack, in contrast, was quick to get between Sol Do and Big Macintosh both literally and figuratively.

"Now wait just a gosh-darn minute there," she said, while holding her hooves out as if trying to protect her big brother. "If'n y'all are lookin' fer somepony ta show y'all what workin' on Sweet Apple Acres is like, Ah'm perfectly suited ta the role."

Sol Do scowled briefly before smirking. "Perhaps, but I prefer to learn from the best, and if our earlier apple bucking session made anything clear, it's that Big Mac's the stronger one of you two."

"Strength ain't everythin', missy! Ain't that right, Granny Smith?" Applejack asked as she turned to the elder mare.

Granny Smith chuckled. "If'n ya ask me, it sounds like y'all are a might jealous that Miss Do's askin' Big Macintosh an' not you."

Applejack pouted. "Ah ain't jealous."

"Then let Sol Do choose who she wants ta be taught by," Granny Smith chided.

Applejack grumbled, but returned to her spot on the blanket next to Rarity, who was looking quite exasperated. Apple Bloom, meanwhile, had confusedly observed the scene as it played out and silently wondered if Applejack was starting to treat Big Macintosh the same overbearing, overprotective way that she always treated her. The thought made her glower at her older sister, but she said nothing and resumed eating her food.

"Now then," Sol Do said, returning her saucy gaze to Big Macintosh, who had also resumed eating his food completely unmindful of the scene which had just played out, "how 'bout it hun? Would y'all like ta tutor little ol' me in the Apple family's lifestyle?"

The sweet, vulnerable tone in which Sol Do had spoken almost made Applejack gag on reflex, while Rarity only winced at what she believed to be Sol Do's attempt at wooing the red stallion into accepting her request. She knew the art of wooing quite well, and Rarity was sure that no straight and single stallion could possibly deny such a request when spoken in such a sweet, alluring tone of voice from a mare as beautiful as Sol Do.

Rarity was somewhat relieved, however, when Big Macintosh merely shifted his eyes to one side in a thoughtful expression while chewing his food. Even if he agreed, Rarity was sure it wouldn't be from him falling for her cousin's flirtatious behavior. Eventually, he finished chewing and swallowed.

"Eeyup," he replied with a smile.

Sol Do let out a most unladylike squeal of excitement that made everypony briefly cover their ears.

"Oh, thank you so very much, darling," Sol Do said, eyes sparkling with excitement. "When can we start?"

"'Morrow's fine, miss," Big Mac replied. "Be here at the crack o' dawn, an' don't bother gettin' dressed," his smile turned coy, "cause you'll be gettin' very, very dirty."

Sol Do snickered. "Ah'm lookin' forward to it, darlin'," she replied, turning to Applejack and Rarity and giving them an evil smirk of delight that sent chills down the two mare's spines.

"Well, now that that's settled," Granny Smith said, picking up the pitcher of apple cider, "anypony care fer another drink? We gotta finish all this up tonight, after all."

"I'll have some more," Sol Do said. She used her magic to take the pitcher from Granny Smith and pour herself another glass. She then took a large gulp and swallowed before letting out a sigh pf content. "Very refreshing, that is. Though, I must admit I'm very much interested in trying out that Zap Apple variant you've got in your cellar."

"Well, odds are y'all won't get any if'n Applejack's got anythin' ta say 'bout it," Apple Bloom said with a frown and crossed fore legs.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack shouted condescendingly.

"What's this 'bout not gettin' any Zap Apple cider?" Granny Smith asked.

The two Apple sisters were too busy glowering at each other to answer, so Sol Do did so herself. "Apple Bloom wanted to bring Zap Apple cider to this picnic, but Applejack said there wasn't enough time to properly ferment it and told her sister to return the barrel she brought up back to your apple cellar."

"Ah see," Granny Smith replied with a nod. She turned to her youngest grandchild. "Well, little'un, it's true that we wouldn't of had time ta properly ferment the cider in time fer this 'ere picnic, but there's always tomorrow if'n y'all want ta help whip up some fer our guest."

Apple Bloom ceased her glowering and turned to her grandmother. "Sounds fine by me," she replied with a small smile.

Applejack just sighed in exasperation and continued eating her food. She was interrupted, however, by a whoosh of air followed by a pink blur which zipped beside her before coming to a stop in the middle of the blanket.

"Pinkie Pie," Applejack groaned. "What is it y'all want?"

"Silly Applejack," Pinkie playfully chided, "Sol Do has to attend her 'Welcome to Ponyville' party. I mean, sure she isn't staying here permanently, but regardless I made a promise to throw every, and I mean every, pony that comes to Ponyville for the first time a party to let them know how welcome they are and that we're oh-so-super-duper excited to have them here even if it's just temporary." She inhaled a large breath to give reprieve to her aching lungs before exhaling and continuing with her rambling. "So, c'mon everypony, it's time for the party! Everypony else is waiting at Sugarcube Corner for you!"

Everypony stared blankly at the hyperactive party pony while she bounced up and down excitedly as she talked. Eventually, Sol Do cleared her throat and spoke softly to the pink mare.

"I'm very grateful for how welcoming you are, Pinkie Pie, and I do appreciate having a party thrown in my honor." She pursed her lips. "However, now is a very inconvenient time, for we need to eat up the rest of this food so it doesn't go to waste."

Pinkie stopped bouncing. She stared blankly for a second before tapping her chin in thought. After a few moments, she brightened and, as quickly as she arrived, zipped off into the distance towards Ponyville.

Sol Do turned to her cousin with a concerned frown. "What's she up to, Rarity?"

Rarity looked skywards as she contemplated all of what her pink friend could be planning. It didn't take long for her to make a sound conclusion.

"Pinkie's bringing the party here to Sweet Apple Acres," she said with conviction. She stood up and gestured towards the house. "I don't suppose you've got a fold-able table we can use for our unfinished food? It'll become naught but refreshments for the party guests in but a few moments, and it simply wouldn't do to have it scattered about on this picnic blanket where it's sure to get kicked around and make a huge mess."

Applejack nodded. "Yeah, we've got a few refreshment tables inside." She stood up and stretched briefly before heading toward the house. "C'mon, Apple Bloom, let's bring 'em out."

"Fine," Apple Bloom grumbled, still sour over their earlier exchange, and began following her sister.

"Ah'm comin' too," Big Macintosh said as he began following after them, smiling. "Y'all could use a little help haulin' those tables, can't ya?"

Sol Do snickered while Applejack, unbeknownst to anypony else, blushed profusely in response. "Shut up," she muttered under her breath.

"Well, looks like Ah'd better hit the hay then," Granny Smith announced, and started following her granddaughters. "Ya young'uns wouldn't want an old fusspot crampin' yer style, Ah reckon." She laughed and shook her head.

Rarity briefly watched them depart, then turned her attention to Sol Do who wore a dopey, love-filled expression as she stared at Big Macintosh's backside while he walked down the hill with his family.

Well, fate's dealt the cards; I suppose all I can do now is wait and see who ultimately wins, she thought as the sound of Pinkie's party mob began fast approaching from off in the distance.