• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 2,534 Views, 65 Comments

Mares and Does - Pen Brush

When Twilight tests out a new spell, Pinkie disrupts it. Twilight and her friends find themselves in a forest seemingly devoid of ponies. How will they survive and why do those does look so familier?

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As the sun rose over the horizon, a new day slowly started in Ponyville. Shop keepers opened their stores, pegasi cleared the sky, and everything seemed to be a regular day. But for a certain lavender Alicorn, it felt like one continuous night of hard work, determination, and overall sleep deprivation from a new spell she had been creating in her home. Her dragon assistant had long passed out from all the work he had been doing to help the Alicorn, and her pet owl was about to follow the dragons footsteps. The dragon yawned as he slowly opened his eyes from the morning rays of sunlight.

"Twilight, are you still awake? I thought you would've gone to bed by now." The dragon rubbed his eyes as he walked into the kitchen.

"I know Spike, but this spell needs my full attention right now. It's important that I finish this final part." Twilight said as she drew more symbols onto the floor.

"So drawing random pictures inside a circle is important how?" Spike asked as he got a glass of orange juice.

Twilight just sighed, frustrated by Spikes lack of knowledge. "These aren't just random symbols Spike. There runes."

"So magical symbols." Spike Deadpanned.

“Yes and no.” Twilight said as she drew what appeared to be two full moons and a sun in the middle. “Each rune has a different meaning and purpose. Like if you draw a heart in pink chalk and cast a spell on it, it becomes a love rune, allowing the caster to find their true love.” Twilight said as she drew one of the final remaining runes. “But if it’s drawn in red chalk, it becomes a love charm, causing anypony to fall in love with the user.” After finally stepping out of the circle, Twilight continued her little conversation/lecture. “In short, all runes have a different meaning.”

Smiling with pride at her work, Twilight sighed tiredly as she plopped down on her couch. Finally resting since she had started, she levitated a cool glass of water from the kitchen towards her.

“Spike, get the girls. Tell them to meet here before the sun sets.” As the lavender mare said this, her eyes became lidded, and within seconds of her sentence being finished, Twilight fell into a deep, but well deserved, sleep.

As the morning gave way to afternoon, and then afternoon giving into evening, Twilight finally awoke from her day long sleep due to a knock on her door.

“Be right there.” Twilight said as she quickly brushed her mane and tail as she walked towards her front door. Composing herself one last time, the lavender mare opened the door to reveal her closest friends. “Hello girls! I’m so glad you could come.” she said with a warm smile.

“The feelings are mutual Twilight. When my Spikey-wikey told me about this spell, I just simply had to come.” Rarity said as she and Twilights other friends walked into her home.

“But what does this spell even do Twilight?” A lazily flying Rainbow Dash said, and impatient frown spreading across her face.

“I’m glad you asked that, Rainbow Dash.” With a flick of her horn, Twilight cast the runes in a lavender aura, causing them to glow with their own green light. The two moons and sun glowed a blue and orange respectively, all the while getting brighter with each passing moment. “I call this the ‘Mirror of Worlds’ spell.” And with a bright flash, the two moons and sun had disappeared, being replaced by a large ornate mirror. Said mirror had two moons at the bottom edges, while the orange sun hovered in the middle at the head of the object.

“As you can see, the runes used in the spell along with a constant flow of magical energy creates this mirror, which allows the user to observe a ‘what if’ scenario that they choose. For example” Twilight's horn glowed as the mirror distorted, shimmering like a pool of water. “Lets see what an Equestria ruled by Luna would look like.”

Golden Oaks library was as quiet as a mouse as the Lavender Alicorn read her latest book. That is until a certain dragon decided that now was a good time to turn the volume on his T.V. up.

With the resounding disturbance startling the mare, more or less giving her a heart attack, Twilight closed her book with a frustrated sigh. As she walked up the stairs that led to hers and Spikes bedroom, she could hear the resounding explosions and barking of orders through the door, no doubt coming from his online comrades.

“Spike, how many times do I have to tell you. No video games after the sun sets.” Twilight said with a frustrated sigh. The reason being is that she didn’t mind a good match of Haylo every once in awhile, she just didn’t like playing it with the volume up loud enough to burst her eardrums, let alone the baby dragons in front of her. “And on another note, why is the volume up!?”

The baby dragon just shrugged his shoulders as he stared at the failed mission screen in front of him.

“It’s not my fault, She’s the one that turned it up.” Spike pointed towards the screen, laughter resonating from both his headset and the speakers.

“That’s what happens when you play off against the best hacker in Equestria!” A certain Dj mare said as her laughter continued.

Twilight at first was frustrated, then angry, then had a confident smile on her face. As she sat down next to her assistant, Twilight turned on a second wireless controller as her profile loaded.

“Bring it on.” Twilight said menacingly to the Dj as she joined Spikes team.

“Are you serious?”

“Like I said. BRING. IT. ON!”

As the scene faded, Twilight had an amused smirk on her face while her friends processed what they had just seen. The first remark she heard was the impressed whistle of a certain farmer.

“Wow, Twilight. I’ve seen a lot a things in ma’ life, but I never seen anythin like that.” Applejack said.

All of her friends seemed extremely impressed and proud of Twilight. All except Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie walked up to Twilight, examining her from head to hoof before a smile spread across her face.

“Pinkie, what are you doi-” Twilight was interrupted by the playful, but slightly annoying, bop on the head by the pink mares hoof.

What happened was unexpected by everyone in the room, well all except Pinkie Pie. From the moment Pinkies hoof bopped Twilight, the image changed to a similar scene like the previous. But instead of Twilight, there was a lavender stallion sitting next to Spike.

“No, that’s not right.” Pinkie said with a hint of discontent.

She bopped Twilight on the head again, causing another scene change. But like the previous scene, it wasn’t what she was looking for. This continued for several minutes as scenes containing changelings, couples, a purple and light brown unicorn discussing something, and twin sisters played out in front of Pinkie and her dumbfounded friends before stopping at a gentle forest in the grip of evening.

“Here we are!” Pinkie marilly said as she pulled out a cardboard sword. “LEEEROY JENKINS!!!” Was the last thing Pinkie said before jumping towards the mirror.

Regaining her senses a second too late, Twilight tried to stop Pinkie Pie. “Wait Pinkie don’t-” And once again, Twilight was cut off in mid sentence, but not by her pink friend, but by a blinding light that seemed to engulf the entire room.

Once the light disappeared, most of the runes had vanished with it, along with Twilight and her friends. The only witness was a baby dragon that had come in from the kitchen at the last minute, which now the dragon stood there, trying to piece together what had just happened.

But what he didn’t know is that what just happened would change not just his friends lives, but six does lives as well.

Author's Note:

A friend of mine on here who is called Dr Science helped me write this.