• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 6,091 Views, 714 Comments

Dark Paradise: the TwiLuna Group Collab - Habanc

100-500 word prompt-based minifics from the TwiLuna group. Contains copious amounts of adorkableness.

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Lilac (2) - Fuzzyfurvert

Written by: Fuzzyfurvert

“You shall have to do better than that!” Luna smirked as flapped her wings lazily, hovering just above the clouds, forelegs crossed over her chest. She watched as Twilight struggled with the balloon carrying their supplies and equipment.

Twilight had insisted on doing this task herself, citing a ‘need to practice’ with her wings. Luna giggled as Twilight cursed under her breath between pants, the balloon’s weighted basket catching for a moment on the cloud floor. Twilight pushed the balloon gingerly into the giant dome where it would be stored for the next couple of weeks while they were staying at the Ultra High Altitude Geo-Stable Observatory Cloud.

“Well, do my eyes decieve me? Twilight Sparkle, you ARE getting better at using your wings!” Twilight flew next to Luna as the balloon coasted into position and eased to a halt in the magically stilled air. She wobbled only slightly when she landed.
“See? I told you that I could do it by myself!” Twilight beamed at Luna.

The Night Princess shook her head and smiled. “I see that you indeed could. Now, if you are quite done showing off your physical prowess, then I shall secure our transport and we may begin unpacking. If we hurry, we can catch the sunset before setting up tonight’s viewing.”

The work went swiftly and silently as the two alicorns magically organized a few long tonnes of gear and foodstuffs to the awaiting shelves. By the time they were finished the sun had already started its final descent.

“I really love watching the sunset and moonrise from way up here. It’s very different from the view on the ground.” Twilight swayed as they walked, her side coming to rest against Luna’s. “Up here, the whole world is on display. The sheer, elegant…er, awesomeness - to quote Rainbow Dash - of it all is more intense than I ever imagined. And best of all? I get to spend it with you.”

Luna tried to fight off her blush as they sat on the edge of the clouds and gazed down at Equestria below them, sparkling like a jewel in the dying light of day. She stole a quick kiss as she draped a wool blanket over the two of them and looked out toward the curved horizon of the planet. Celestia must’ve been in a good mood when she saw them off earlier for the sky was painted a brilliant shade of gold which faded to a red umber that slowly gave way to a swath of lilac that was an exact match for the coat of the mare snuggling against her. As her eyes continued upward into the stratosphere, Luna gasped as the lilac merged with a dark navy that matched her own coat before giving way to the black and the stars.

“I think that’s your sister’s way of saying she approves.” Twilight gently tugged Luna’s jaw until the two mares were looking at each other. She leaned forward and all the kisses exchanged the rest of the evening were given instead of stolen.

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