• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 598 Views, 15 Comments

For Ever Free - Ninja Cookies

When Tia and Lu Lu are playing Hide n' seek, they get an un expected visitor... or should I say un expected, crush...

  • ...

A lullaby for a filly

"78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90! 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99... 100! READY OR NOT HERE I COME LU LU. BETTER BE READY!!!!" Tia had called out uncovering her eyes from her hoofs. The white alicorn looked around for her younger sister. When Tia came close to a large oak tree she heard a small voice that sounded like Luna's. Looking up she seen Luna's tail on a tree branch, Smiling she said "found you Lu Lu" to Luna. Luna giggled

"ye old aw" she said sticking her head out looking down at Tia. A crackling in the bush had caught Tia's ear making it twitch. Looking behind herself Tia seen nopony. Getting weirded out she had looked back at Luna.

"hehe, yea. Come on Lu Lu, let's go" Tia had said while Luna flew off the branch. Luna's hoofs hit the warm damp grass, Looking at Tia she smiled

"okie dokie" she said . Tia nodded and started to walk away with Luna following her. What the fillies didn't know that somepony was watching them, well not a pony at lest. A small, young Draconequus had been watching the two young alicron ponies from a bush. Out of curiosity he wondered what they were doing out here so he followed the two ponies like a silent ninja in the darkness of the night.

After a long walk Luna a stopped in placed and huffed.

"Tia, I'm tired" Luna had complained in a whining tone, while sitting down. Tia turned around and looked at Luna who seemed to be exhausted from all the walking around the un named forest . Sighing she said

"alright let's rest here for the night.` I can tell you don't like walking around. Or ever liked it". Luna smiled at Tia and caught up to her. The two found a clearing and laid down next to each other. Tia almost fell asleep instantly but Luna had woke her up.

"Tia? Can you sing me a lullaby? Please? with a cherry on top?" She asked shyly and with the puppy eyes going on. Tia opened her eyes and smiled kindly at Luna.

"Alright Lu Lu, how about your lullaby?" Tia had waited for an answer. Luna had smiled lazly,

"yes" she answered. Tia had paused

"Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine And rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth Through cloud, and through sky, and through space. Luna your loved much more then you now. Fate has been cruel and order unkind. But into the stillness I'll bring you a song And I will your company keep
Till your tired eyes and my lullabies. Have carried you softly to sleep. Once did a pony who shone like the sun. Look out on her kingdom and sigh. She smiled and said, Surely, there is no pony So lovely and so well beloved as I

So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory. That long was the shadow she cast. Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved. And grew only darker as days and nights passed. May all your dreams be sweet tonight Safe upon your bed of moonlight And know not of sadness, pain, or care And when I dream, I'll fly away and meet you there Sleep... Sleep... Sleep..."

Tia sang beautifully. Like a sad song on a rainy day, Luna had started to get sleepy. Trying to keep her eyes open Lu Lu couldn't Closing her eyes Luna fell asleep. Tia had smiled and laid her head down going to sleep, dreams had raced though her head. Like a river of dreams she could see them as clear as the winter snowflake.

The Draconequus had been watching from a bush. Resting his head on his eagle claw and lion paw while laying on the damp warm grass. He admired the alicorn's singing, it was oddly hypnotizing, it was hard for him to not stop looking and listening. He had yawned, the little Draconequus had closed his eyes slowly. Giving in to the wery darkness of slumber. Completely oblivious to what was going around them... When the Draconequus had woke up it was near midnight. Looking at the alicorns they seemed cold. Puffing up a blanket with his magic and a snap of his claws. The draconequus had hovered the blanket above the two ponies. Covering them up with it he smiled. When the blanket was snug around them he got up and walked over to Tia and Luna. He had blushed a bit, "goodnight wittle ponies" he whispered in their ears kindly. Then walking back to were he was before the Draconequus had curled up in a ball. Opening one eye he looked at the ponies behind him. Closing his eyes he fell fast asleep. Dreaming of the three of them being friends and playing together in the daytime. It seemed so real. He had smiled twitching his tail in a motion that sounded like a beat to a song. Tia's ears twicthed then started to open her eyes. But couldn't keep them open, She had fell back asleep, completely oblivious of what the Draconequus was doing. Mumbling something Tia had smiled

"The years now before us Fearful and unknown I never imagined I'd face them on my own May these thousand winters Swiftly pass, I pray I love you; I miss you..." Was what Tia had mumbled. Has the night went on Tia's dreams had gotten worse, like a nightmare was coming true. Waking up she was huffing and puffing. Looking around she had seen Luna cuddled up to her. Smiling and calming down Tia and laid her head down. Her eyes glaring at Luna "goodnight sister mine" she said quietly and kindly. Then falling back asleep

||Chapter 1||

||created by: Ninja Cookies||

||Story by: ninja cookies||

||Anything else: nope||

Author's Note:

The beginning of a journey that will take all they've got has begun