• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 6,331 Views, 243 Comments

How We Met - Rated Ponystar

A story of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's relationship from their first meeting to their end

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How We Triumphed

How We Met
A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfic
By The Rated Ponystar
Chapter 3: How We Triumphed
Edited by: Fernin
Disclaimer: I do not own MLP... yeah I got nothing else.


She couldn’t believe it. It all happened so quickly that Fluttershy didn’t know if she was should be more grateful that she survived the fall, or the fact that she fallen in the first place. After dropping from the cloud at the start of the race, Fluttershy thought it was all over untill the butterflies saved her. They were so beautiful, their hypnotic colors breathtaking. It was more amazing then anything she had ever seen. She never felt so happy before, she felt like she was flying.

In fact, she was.

It took her awhile to realize it, but she was flying for the first time in her entire life. She thought it was all a dream until she turned around and saw her own two wings flapping just like any other pegasus. It brought her such joy she began to sing.

Her singing brought more animals. Glancing around, Fluttershy could see all the creatures she’d read about and imagined… and then something burst, filling the sky and Fluttershy’s heart with multicolored joy. Her new animal friends scattered, fleeing in fright for the safety of their homes… but with soft and encouraging words, she managed to calm them down. That’s when Fluttershy noticed it. The one thing all fillies and colts dreamed of getting.

A cutie mark.

Now Fluttershy knew where she belonged: here on the ground, taking care of the animals that surrounded her. She couldn’t wait to tell Rainbow Dash and her parents!

She looked back up into the sky, the city of Cloudsdale so high in the air. Fluttershy didn’t know if she could make it all the way. She never flew before until now. Would she be able to make it? Maybe one of the other students saw her fall and alerted the teachers? If so, she could just wait for help.

As she pondered on her predicament, one of the baby bunnies came forward and snuggled next to her, falling asleep. Other bunnies soon followed its example and Fluttershy smiled upon seeing the cutie little furry creatures yawning before dropping into a deep slumber. Fluttershy soon yawned herself. Maybe she could stay for a little while longer.


Fluttershy jumped to her hooves while the animals scattered for safety. Fluttershy felt her legs shaking as she looked around for the source of the roar. What kind of monster was it?!

“Aaaah!” cried a voice in the distance. One that Fluttershy knew very well.

Fluttershy’s pink mane whipped around as she jerked her head this way and that, trying to find where the cry might have come from. Worry filled her voice as she called out, “Rainbow Dash?!”


“Not good! Not good! So not good!” shouted Dash as she fly towards the surface. Never in her life had Rainbow Dash felt such fear and panic before now. How could have this happened?

After the race, Rainbow Dash was in bliss. Not only had she performed only the best trick ever: the legendary Sonic Rainboom, but she also gained her cutie mark! Dash couldn’t wait to tell Fluttershy… but when she returned to the starting line she wasn’t there. By the time Rainbow Dash learned what happened, she didn’t waste any time heading towards the ground. She could only pray that Fluttershy was alright and that somehow she either managed to catch a cloud, or land somewhere safe.

Flying closer to the ground, Rainbow Dash continued to call out Fluttershy’s name, hoping to hear a response. When she heard nothing, Rainbow Dash only assumed the worse. Unsure of what to do, she continued to fly aimlessly around the trees.

“Fluttershy! Please answer!” shouted Rainbow Dash. Something rustled the foliage, shaking a few branches. Moving quickly, Rainbow dove down and landed near the shaking bush. “Fluttershy is that you?!”

What came out wasn’t Fluttershy or anything Rainbow Dash had seen before. At least, not face to face. It looked like a creature Fluttershy had showed Dash once in the book on animals on the ground. A great big bear.

Rainbow Dash felt her mouth drop upon seeing the creature rise to its hind legs. It was twice as tall as anypony Rainbow Dash had ever seen. Splattering flecks of its saliva landed on her face when it roared. Dash wasn’t the type to normally back down from a fight, but in a case like this she felt bravado wasn’t worth it.

Rainbow Dash tried to take to the skies, but the bear swung its giant paw and slapped her. The blow landed, painfully senting Rainbow Dash back to the ground with a loud cry. As the bear leaned over her, Rainbow Dash could see the long row of sharp teeth in the bear’s mouth, ready to tear her apart.

“Rainbow Dash!” cried a shrill, worried voice.

Turning to her left, Rainbow Dash saw Fluttershy galloping towards her at top speed, but quickly came to a halt when she saw the massive bear. It noticed the newcomer and turned its attention towards her. As it started to stomp it’s way towards it's new prey, Dash screamed, “Run! Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy tried to get her body to respond, but she was paralyzed with fear. As the bear got closer, her mind drifted to her knowledge of animals. What were you supposed to do when a bear was about to attack? Suddenly, Fluttershy remembered: play dead.

Quickly sitting on her hunches, Fluttershy gave out the best dying like cry she could muster and pressed her hooves to her chest. Her fake moaning caused the bear to slow down and stare at her curiously. Fluttershy gulped and continued to cough and moan while swaying back and forth. She ended the charade by falling onto her back, closed her eyes, and lifted all four legs into the air like a possum.

The bear slowly approached the seemly deceased pegasus and grunted. Its prey looked perfectly fine a few seconds ago, but now it was barely moving. Had it been sick? Or had he scared it to death?

Rainbow Dash held her breath as the bear sniffed her seemly-lifeless friend. What the hay is Fluttershy doing? Why is she playing possum? To Rainbow’s shock, the bear slowly began to step away for Fluttershy, no longer interested. Although relieved, Rainbow Dash realized that the bear was going to now come back to her.

Seeing how Fluttershy was able to trick the bear, Rainbow Dash copied Fluttershy and held her breath. When the bear turned back to it's previous target, it was stunned again to find the other pony lifeless as well. Just like before, the bear sniffed at the body and stepped back. It looked at both fillies in disgust and started to walk away.

Fluttershy slowly opened one of her eyes as the bear started to leave. She felt even more relived when she saw Rainbow Dash unharmed and playing dead as well. It seemed like they were in the clear when suddenly her nose started to twitch. Realizing she was about to sneeze, Fluttershy tried to hold it back as long as possible.


The bear snapped its head around and saw Fluttershy head move. Realizing it had been tricked, the bear roared again, and charged at her. Reacting as quickly as she could, Rainbow Dash leaped up. She flew towards the bear and latched onto its head. The bear howled, it’s deadly claws swiping in the air as it attempted to get the pegasus off its face.

“Fluttershy! Get out of here!” yelled Rainbow Dash. The bear knocked Dash off his face and she fell to the ground with a crash. In a flash, Fluttershy was at the dazed Rainbow Dash’s side as the bear soon stood over them, its claw raised to finish them off. Fluttershy looked at the bear and then at her friend. She started to feel something growing inside her. It was something she had never felt before.

She felt … mad.

“You… How dare you!” shouted Fluttershy as she eyed the bear face to face. It stopped as Fluttershy, slowly flapping her wings, lifted herself up the bear’s height. “Who do you think you are?! Attacking us like this! We did nothing to you and you come by trying to hurt us! How would you like it if something came and bossed you around?! It wouldn’t be very nice would it?!” The bear tried to look away from the furious blue eyes, but it couldn’t. Every nerve in its body shivered as it dropped to all fours, feeling week and helpless before this tiny yet dangerous pony that hovered in the air above him. Fluttershy got right into it's face and leaned down making the bear feel like a bug against a giant. “Now you go home now and never let me catch you hurting anyone again! You got that?!”

The bear shook its head before fleeing, tears pouring down from its eyes as if it was a cub scolded by its mother. After a few deep breaths, Fluttershy slowly began to calm down. What was that? I never felt like that before.

Rainbow Dash stared at Fluttershy in awe with her mouth wide open. "Fluttershy...You… You’re… "

Drifting herself closer to Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy asked, “Rainbow! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!”

Rainbow Dash pointed to Fluttershy's wings and shouted, “You’re flying!”

“Huh?” Fluttershy turned her around and gasped. “I’m flying again! I really am!”

Dash's mouth opened even wider as she quickly got on all four hooves. “Wait?! You flew before?!”

“It was after I landed. I met all these animals and I was so happy I just started flying,” Fluttershy said, dreamily. “And look! I got my cutie mark!”

Rainbow Dash gasped as Fluttershy showed the mark on her flank. “Oh my gosh! I got mine too! Look!”

“I said you could do it! Am I ever wrong?” asked Rainbow Dash. She flew up and the two fillies hugged each other in midair. “But seriously, Fluttershy. What was that?! I’ve never seen you yell at somepony before much less get angry.”

“I… I don’t know. I just didn’t want you to get hurt and… I really don’t know how I did it,” said Fluttershy.

“Seriously?! That was so cool! You stared it down good!” Dash shouted before gasping. “We can call it The Stare! Sounds really awesome don’t you think?”

Fluttershy nodded. “I guess. Say how about we go home now? Everypony’s got to be worried about us.”

“Sure! Try and keep up!” Dash shouted as she flew ahead with Fluttershy taking her time in following her friend. She just wanted to enjoy the feeling of flight for the first time in her life.

The next day, she shocked the entire camp by flying through the obstacle course. Granted she had the slowest time in the camp’s history, but to her it didn’t matter. She felt like a winner.

End of Chapter

There you go. Hope you enjoyed. Still more to come.

Rated out.

(Plays Metalingus by Alter Bridge)