• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 1,496 Views, 37 Comments

Hecarim's Peril - Hammerdog

Hecarim is thrown into a much unexpected place.

  • ...

Chapter Two: The Journey Begins

Malzahar looked around at the circle of champions.“Alright, is that everyone?”

In total, there were nine of them. Just awhile ago they had been slaughtering each other, but now they were working together in order to get Hecarim back.

First there was Malzahar, a seer who wielded the power of the Void, and had been the one to banish Hec in the first place.

Next to him was Nasus, a protector of balance. His only goal was to retrieve his missing teammate before things got out of hand.

To his side stood Lulu and Pix, two friends that were beyond strange. While their allies bore grim faces, they held a completely different perspective on the current events. Lulu could hardly contain her excitement.

Following after them was Twisted Fate and Graves. The air was uneasy as the two gave each other backstabbing glares. Working together was the last thing they expected to do, nor were they pleased with it.

Further down was Jarvan, a commander of Demacia, and Riven, a Noxus exile. Although they were neutral on terms personally, they still held little trust for each other.

Then there was Thresh, the keystone of the operation. Like Hec, he also originated from the Shadow Isle. His job was simply to enter the Void first to hopefully gain entrance to the same dimension as Hecarim.

Lastly, there was Draven. Who was, as usual, boasting of his skills to a very agitated Riven.

“Alright,” Mal started, “I need you all to be mentally prepared for what we're about to do. The Void is a tainted place, and is not to be underestimated. I can’t tell you what to expect, so it’s best to be on your guard at all times.”


Everyone moaned in irritation.

“Yes, Draven?” Malzahar repeated for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

“Will there be women?” he asked with a sly voice. “I mean, don’t get me wrong,” he quickly added on, gesturing towards Riven. “You’re good looking enough, but I don’t think you could handle the Draven on your own.”

Riven rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breath.

“Any questions that are actually relevant?”

The only answer was a slightly disapointed Draven.

“Then let us begin.”

With a swift flick of his hand, Malzahar reopened a rift into the Void. One by one, with Thresh taking the lead, the champions marched into a vast world of uncertainty.


“But… how can this be?” He kneeled in defeat. “No mortal being has ever been able to match my speed…”

“Oh come on,” Rainbow said as she landed near the speechless Hecarim, “don’t be such a sore loser!” the pony teased.

“Rainbow! You did it!” Twilight yelled, running up. “That was amazing!”

“No…” Hecarim murmured.

“Aww, come on Twi! That was nothing!”

Hec clenched his fists, pounding them into the ground forcefully.

“What’s your-” Dash was interrupted by the Shadow of War as he gripped her throat and slammed her down.

“NO! I WILL NOT LET THIS STAND.” Flames spouted from every direction as his rage enthused. “A CREATURE AS PATHETIC AS YOU DOES NOT EVEN DESERVE THE AIR YOU BREATH.”

Without hesitation, Hecarim lifted his axe with his free hand and aimed it at Dash’s throat.


Rainbow gritted her teeth, flailing in attempt to kick away her overwhelming attacker. “Hecarim!” Twilight cried out, “You promised!”

He paused. Where...? Where have I heard those words before?

His grip loosened, allowing Dash to break free.

“What was that for?!” she managed to say through large gasps for air.

Hecarim paid her no attention and turned away. “I will obey my word,” he began. “For now, that is.”

“Geez Twi, who is this guy anyways?” she asked, rubbing the mark that had already started to form around her neck.

“I’m not really sure, but it’d probably best if we took him to Celestia,” Twilight responded. “Without any violence,” directing the remark at Hecarim.


Riven awoke, lifting herself from the grass. A soft breeze swept across the area, swaying the branches of a lone tree above the new arrival. She stretched her arms towards the sky. “Where is this place?”

It was as if she were in a dreamland of some kind. She tugged at violet flower beside her and felt its soft petals brush against the skin of her hand. “Is this truly the Void?”

On that comment, she noticed that she was alone. Not a single one of the others were in sight. She stood to her feet, giving herself time for one final stretch. She picked her blade up off the ground and looked toward the horizon.

In the distance, she saw what looked to be a naturally formed bridge with a small stream running under, along with a yordle-styled cottage. Bird houses were scattered all across the building. “Am I still in Runeterra after all?”

Brushing herself off, she started towards the home, noting the rather peculiar animals on the way. Instead of hiding from her, they stood in plain sight. One bunny in particular was bolder than the rest and approached her directly.

“Hey there, girl” she said, crouching down. “You’re pretty brave, huh?”

She reached out and the rabbit met her halfway, placing its head into her palm.

Riven smiled. You can almost feel the harmony in this place.

The bunny was quite outgoing and let Riven pick her up. She was miniscule compared to Riven’s gauntlet. The one trait that stood out to her was the rabbit’s unnatural blue symbol on her back. It matched the pattern of the runes on her sword. “That’s it! I’ll call you Rune!”

The rabbit paused for a moment, then happily hopped onto Riven’s shoulder, snuggling against the base of her neck.

“Oh right, I should probably figure out where I am…”

She advanced towards the home she had seen earlier. Upon reaching the door, she gave a few knocks.

“Hello? Is anyone there?”

There was no response.

Figuring the house was unoccupied, she gave another scan across her surroundings. Following the path of the road, she saw a town in the distance. “I’d probably be better off trying my luck there.”

With her new companion perched on her shoulder, Riven crossed the river, and walked down the rugged trail.

I can’t tell you what to expect, so it’s best to be on your guard at all times.

Riven stopped to Malzahar’s words echoing through her mind. How could I have been so careless?!

She looked at Rune from the corner of her eye. The rabbit was staring straight forward, unaware of Riven’s questioning gaze.

Don’t be ridiculous, she thought to herself. There’s no way a harmless rabbit could pose a threat.

She continued on, but didn’t lower her guard. She had been deceived once before, and didn’t plan on letting it happen again…

Within a few minutes, she had reached the beginning of the village. “Where is everyone?” Riven asked aloud. Rune also seemed a little confused at the ghost-like streets.

She turned a corner and bumped into something.


A miscellaneous assortment of fabrics exploded from the cart, scattering everywhere. In the mix of it all was a very distressed white unicorn, with long purple mane. Opening its mouth, the words flew out automatically.

“My dearest apologies! I simply could not see where I-"

The ponies face turned from one of distress, to one of horror.

Before her stood an imposing two-legged creature, with a blade in hand. Locked in a daze, she didn't move a muscle.

Riven blinked slowly, adjusting to the situation. “Oh, um…”

She got on all fours and fumbled around to pick up the pieces of cloth. She folded them as best she could manage and placed them back into the cart.

Riven gave the creature an apologetic look, “I’m, uh, sorry. I wasn’t paying attention...”

After an awkward moment of silence, Riven spoke up again. “Excuse me, uh, I hate to cause you anymore trouble, but do you mind telling me where I am?”

“Ponyville,” she replied, recovering slightly from her shock.

What a strange name… "And what are your, er, kind called?"

“We’re ponies…”

Riven’s eyebrow twitched slightly. “I see… How clever.”

“I suppose you aren’t from around here, are you?” she asked nervously, stating the obvious.

“Not exactly. I’m here looking for a friend...”

“A friend?”

Riven nodded. “He’s gone missing, and I’ve traveled from afar in order to bring him back.”

“Oh!” she blushed, “How romantic!” Her mood had changed in an instant.

“Huh? I don’t-”

“But you simply can’t reunite with him looking like that! Follow me and I’ll fix you up in a jiff!”


“Oh right! Where are my manners? I’m Rarity. It’s a pleasure to meet you!”

“Riven. But I don’t see how-” Again, she was cut off.

“Come now! We mustn’t let such a rare opportunity go to waste!” Rarity used her magic to push the cart forward hastily. Riven and Rune exchanged glances and shrugged, following the unicorn into a large boutique. Remember, she reminded herself, don't trust anything here...


Hecarim, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash had finally arrived in Canterlot, where they were to meet Celestia. After Twilight explained what had happened, Hec was bound in magical shackles to prevent him from causing any more harm. Guards surrounded him, with their weapons tracing his every movement.

Celestia was slightly smaller in height compared to terrifying horseman, but she showed no fear when addressing him. “Hecarim, was it?”

He remained silent, sizing up the supposed Princess. She became aware of his challenging glare, and positioned herself directly in front of him, meeting eye to eye. “Those chains have been enchanted with an ancient spell that nullifies any aggression the bearer would make. In other words, you have no power here.”

Hecarim grimaced. It was true that he felt incredibly weakened. He hardly even had the willpower to walk straight.

“You have already harmed one of my dear subjects, and I do not intend to let you do so a second time,” she said, her words sharp like daggers. “So I will ask this of you once, why are you here?”

“I need not answer you, filth,” he retorted.

A nearby guard bashed him on the side with the butt of his spear. “Watch your tongue, beast!”

Hecarim didn’t flinch. “Had these infernal devices not have been binding my strength just then, you would be dead,” he growled at the guard.

“Silence!” Celestia shouted. “I will not have to speak to my subjects in that tone.” She turned to her student. “Twilight, I thank you for bringing him here, but I would feel much more assured if you and your friend returned to Ponyville.”

“Yes Princess Celestia, I understand.” With that, Twilight and Rainbow exited the room.

The sound of the large doors closing echoed throughout the throne room. “Why are you so intent on harming us?”

Hecarim laughed loudly, startling the knights. “Why? Because I find suffering enjoyable. I want you to bend to my will, and to see this pathetic world CRUSHED beneath me! And no matter how you restrain me,” he threatened, “I will have my way.”

“In that case,” Celestia raised a hoof into the air, “Take him away! Have him locked up beneath the library, in the Arcane Prison!”

The leader of the guards bowed humbly. “Right away Princess.”

They shoved Hecarim out the door, leaving the room empty once again. Celestia sighed. “What’s happening to Equestria?”


A few hours had passed since Hecarim was placed in his new prison. It was made up of dense protection magic that electrocuted anyone with the slightest touch. On top of that, he was still bound by the shackles from before.

But Hecarim was not fazed. He saw all these attempts at locking him up as petty comforts. He knew he would not be so easily restrained.

All of a sudden, light flooded the damp dungeon. The sound of hoofsteps became more and more apparent, stopping outside his cell. A silhouette of a pony resembling Celestia stood before him, with its mane shining in the darkness.

“Have you come to ask more useless questions?”

“No. I’m just here to observe.” From the sound of its voice, it was surely a female.

There was silence for a few moments, but eventually the mysterious captor spoke again. “What is your name, prisoner?”

“I’m Hecarim, Shadow of War.”

“Hecarim…” she repeated, as if tasting the words. “I hope we can get along.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I’m Luna,” she explained, “sister of Celestia. Besides watching over the night, I’m also the warden of this place.”

Hecarim remained silent.

“Do you require anything of me?”

“Can you get me out of this cage?” he asked bleakly.

“I cannot,” Luna admitted.

“Then I have no use for you.”

Luna was quiet for a bit, then turned to leave. “I shall be seeing you, then.”

As her hoof steps grew more and more distant, a grin creeped across Hecarim’s face. Slowly, he began to unravel the spell-bindings that were sapping his magic. Interesting, he thought.

Very interesting indeed…