• Published 8th Sep 2013
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Episode 3: Mageismoiras - mr lovecolt

Twilight Sparkle, after reading through a book Discord gave her, decides to bring Fluttershy back to life. But what is truly broken can never truly be fixed, can it?

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The Choices

Rarity and Twilight Sparkle sat on opposite ends of the bench that lined the wall of the Ponyville General Hospital. Under normal circumstances, Doctor Stable would have turned away any visitor, stating that visiting hours had long since passed.

These were not normal circumstances.

The hospital itself was, for the most part, quiet. A few nurses rushed up and down the halls, glancing every now and again towards the two unicorns who sat as far away from each other as possible. Twilight Sparkle turned her gaze to Rarity, who stared blankly against the other side of the wall.

A heavier set of hooves made their way down the hall, and Twilight Sparkle watched as Doctor Stable made his way towards the two of them. He turned to Rarity first.

“Miss Rarity,” Doctor Stable said, “thank you for bringing Miss Applejack in.”

Rarity didn’t move.

“How quick was it, doctor?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Immediate, Your Highness.” Doctor Stable replied, “She didn’t feel a thing. The branch fell directly on her neck.”

Doctor Stable paused and then turned to Rarity once again.

“She didn’t feel any pain, Miss Rarity.”

Rarity continued to stare at the wall, but finally whispered something. Both Twilight Sparkle and Doctor Stable had to lean in.

“I’m sorry,” Doctor Stable asked, “But what was that, Miss Rarity?”

“Who is going to tell Big Macintosh?” Rarity asked, her eyes still staring ahead.

“Oh, I see.” Doctor Stable said as he pondered the question, “In my professional opinion, news like this is always handled best when delivered by a loved one.”

Rarity retreated into her silence.

“As for Fluttershy,” Doctor Stable continued as he turned to Twilight Sparkle, “You say you found her on top of Meteor Hill?”

“Yes,” Twilight Sparkle replied, ignoring how Rarity’s gaze slowly turned from the wall to her.

“She-” Twilight Sparkle continued, “She wanted to see The Alpha Asteroid that I had shown her one year. We told her that she needed rest after such a traumatic experience. Maybe the effort of walking up such a steep hill was too much for her.”

Twilight Sparkle saw Doctor Stable reach up and rub his muzzle. She noticed the bags under his eyes and knew that hadn’t gotten any sleep for a couple of days. Her eyes darted over to Rarity for a moment, only to find that Rarity’s gaze had become even darker.

“How is Rainbow Dash doing?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“She’s still the same,” Doctor Stable replied, “I don’t know how she’s doing it, but she keeps speaking in Old Equestrian. We didn’t want to have to enlist you to help us, so we’ve asked for a scholar from Canterlot to-”

“That won’t be necessary, Doctor Stable.” Twilight Sparkle interrupted, “I’m here, and I will stop at nothing to help my friends.”

Twilight Sparkle stood up out of the chair, but Rarity raised a hoof at Doctor Stable.

“Doctor, if you please,” Rarity said, “I just need to discuss with Twilight the best way to break the news to Big Macintosh. After all, she is the best out of us at helping ponies with their problems.”

“Very well,” Doctor Stable said as he bowed towards Twilight Sparkle, “Your Highness, I believe you remember where her room is.”

Twilight watched Doctor Stable turn and trot towards the East Ward of the hospital. As soon as she saw that he was gone, she turned to Rarity, only to feel a hoof slap against her face. She reached up to touch the newly formed bruise and turned to Rarity. Rarity’s eye began to twitch.

“That’s the story you went with?” Rarity muttered with a barely contained rage beneath her tone. “Fluttershy died because she wanted so much to relive a memory that she had with you that she let it kill her?”

“It’s the only story that places her on top of the hill, Rarity.” Twilight replied, “And we both know that nopony in Equestria is ready to know about the fact that old magic has reemerged.”

“How did you find that out, by the way,” Rarity sneered.

“Discord showed me the alicorn library in the Crystal Library,” Twilight Sparkle said, “He told me that the Princesses are discovering this magic, as well, and that I needed to learn about it.”

“And you trusted him, just like that?” Rarity yelled.

Twilight Sparkle looked around and saw that a couple of the night nurses had turned their attention towards them. Twilight Sparkle turned her head towards the door that led to the small garden in the courtyard.

The cold breeze hit them as they walked out, though it was nothing like the weather that was there before. The clouds had finally gone away, leaving only Luna’s moon. It was midnight. Another night at the hospital, Twilight Sparkle thought as she sat down on the single bench in front of the pond. A bright light lit up the horizon, but it wasn’t the moon, nor the stars, nor the sun. The Alpha Asteroid begins its course across the sky, she continued to think.

“So,” Rarity said as she ran a hoof through her mane, “You immediately trusted Discord when he advised you to look at these books…”

“It’s not…” Twilight Sparkle replied, “It’s not as simple as that.”

“Of course it isn’t,” Rarity replied, “All unicorns who have attended Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns learn that there are certain spells that you do not do. I didn’t realize that Discord had put them all in one place.”

Rarity leaned in closer to Twilight Sparkle.

“But,” Rarity continued, “You actually used the magic that had been forbidden ever since Discord was overthrown. I wonder, what could have been so important about Fluttershy that made you willing to throw away all of your power, not to mention your royal title, just to bring her back?”

Twilight Sparkle stared at Rarity. Rarity laughed to herself as she stood up to leave.

“You see,” Rarity said, “I have always had a keen eye for detail. I don’t think the others noticed, but I did. And now you have created a perfectly tragic ending for her, haven’t you?”

Rarity stood at the door and turned back to Twilight Sparkle, ignoring the anger that built in her eyes.

“No longer a story of those horrible shadows and you desecrating her, it is the story of poor Fluttershy being attacked by timberwolves, who loved her friend, her dear Twilight Sparkle so much that she killed herself from exhaustion just so she could relive a memory she had with you, only to die before you could even see this wonderful astronomical event. It truly is tragic, isn’t it?”

Twilight Sparkle looked down at the ground, her breathing growing heavier by the moment. Rarity turned with a huff, but before she could push open the door to reenter the hospital, Twilight Sparkle stood up and turned to Rarity.

“Rarity, wait.”

Rarity turned around.

“We still haven’t discussed how you’re going to tell Big Mac about how the branch that you didn’t take down because you were too interested in making it look pretty killed his little sister.”

Rarity’s eyes filled with tears, only falling once she blinked.

“You’re a monster.”

Rarity ran through the door. Twilight Sparkle raised her hoof and began to shout out to her, but Rarity’s sobs were louder than her voice. She listened to the sound of Rarity’s hooves as she ran away. She held her hoof up to her face and began to tremble. She sat back down onto the bench and stared into the pond. The words of Rainbow Dash returned to her.

Traitor… traitor… traitor.

And now, Rarity’s voice joined in the chorus of her friends turning away from her.

You’re a monster.

Soon, the voices in her head began to escape her own muzzle.

“I’m a monster… I’m a monster… I’m a traitor.”

I told you only to read and understand what it is that we were going to face, Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle’s eyes closed and she gritted her teeth.

I never told you to actually perform any of the magic in the book. Though, in all honesty, it did end up saving Fluttershy from a worse fate. Not to mention that nameless shadow that you saved. Such is the nature of chaos.

Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes and stared at the small statue that stood in the middle of the pond. The statue slowly turned towards her and smiled.

But I suppose this experience will make you realize just what it is that the Celestial Sisters are doing, and how dangerous it truly is.

“What are you talking about?”

The statue in front of her began to move its lips.

“Twilight,” the statue said through Discord’s voice, “Have you read any part of the books other than necromancy?”

Twilight Sparkle’s lips quivered and she turned away.

“I guessed as much,” the statue replied, “Just know this; if the Celestial sisters manage to find the vessels who can contain this old magic, then it will open the way for the Old Gods to return.”

“And Helioselene is one of these Gods?” Twilight Sparkle asked, remembering a part of Edger’s story. “And Edger is one of the vessels?”

“You are already out of your league, Twilight.” The statue replied, “Read the books. It may even help the Element of Loyalty escape her fate.”

“What do you mean, ‘her fate’?” Twilight Sparkle replied.

The statue stopped moving. Twilight Sparkle leaped through the pond, using her magic to allow herself to walk on the water. She reached up and began to shake the statue.

“What do you mean?” Tell me!”

“Your Highness!” A voice shouted behind her.

The magic left Twilight Sparkle’s horn and she plummeted into the water. She reemerged and shook her mane and trudged through the flank high water until she reached Doctor Stable, who stood expectantly for her.

“And to whom were you speaking?” Doctor Stable asked, to which he added, “If I may ask?”

Twilight Sparkle looked back at the statue and turned back to Doctor Stable, only to see him taking notes.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Sorry, your highness,” Doctor Stable replied as he put away his pen and paper, “force of habit. But you were speaking to somepony out here; somepony that I do not see. If you’ll forgive me, but I am only looking out for your welfare, Your Highness.”

“Take me to her, doctor.”

“With all due respect, Your Highness, I’m not sure if-”

“I have to free Rainbow Dash!”

Doctor Stable immediately bowed to the ground and nodded his head.

“Y-Yes, Your Majesty.”

Doctor Stable and Twilight Sparkle made their way down the halls, they turned a corner and Twilight Sparkle immediately recognized this area. She turned to her left and saw the blood supply room. You’re a monster…

The beep of a monitor shook her concentration for a moment, and she turned to her right, only to see that same unicorn colt from a few days ago. His curtain was open once again. He was sleeping. The only thing that drew Twilight Sparkle’s attention was the fact that his horn had been shorn off. A brown aura enveloped the curtain, and once again, the colt was hidden once more. She turned back and saw Doctor Stable staring at her.

“He’s already going to have a hard enough time in life as it is, now. Please, Your Highness, don’t gawk at my patients.”

Twilight Sparkle nodded and lowered her head. As they made their way to the East Ward, Twilight Sparkle tried to think of any way that she could fix this mess. Maybe there is a better time travelling spell in that book than the one I found in the Starswirl the Bearded Archives.

“We’re here, Your Highness.”

Twilight Sparkle could hear the faint sound of breathing on the other side of the door. She looked at Doctor Stable.

“We will have orderlies here in a moment. We will all be on this side of the door should we hear any signs of a struggle. Just try to get information out of her.”

Twilight Sparkle nodded, and with a flash of magic, she slowly opened the door and entered the darkness.


Rarity stood on the front porch of Sweet Apple Acres. Though none of the lights were on, she had a feeling that Big Macintosh was still awake. Still, she hesitated to knock on the door, for fear of waking Winona, and in turn, Applebloom and Granny Smith. I worked so hard to get them to like me, Rarity thought, what are they going to say when I tell them I’m the reason she’s dead?

Rarity stomped a hoof on the ground. You’re being selfish, again, Rarity. This is your fault, and you will do whatever it takes to seek forgiveness. If you have to close up shop and move to Sweet Apple Acres to help with the harvests, then so be it. A tear fell down Rarity’s face as she thought of closing her shop. All her life, she had sacrificed so much to increase her business. A life for a life, I suppose.

A shadow fell on the porch, and Rarity screamed as she turned around, only stopping once she realized that it was Big Macintosh.

“Miss Rarity?” Big Macintosh asked. “What’re y’all doin’ here? Applejack’s… well… Ah don’t really know where she is.”

Rarity began to tremble as she took a few steps towards Big Macintosh. With each step she made, she tilted her head up a little bit more. But she also noticed Big Macintosh’s eyes widen with fear. What could he be afraid of, Rarity thought, has he already figured it out? Rarity closed her eyes and placed her muzzle against his.

Big Macintosh closed his eyes as Rarity leaned forward for the kiss. Ah’ve seen this before, Big Macintosh thought, was it a message? Was Fluttershy tellin’ me it was okay?

Rarity leaned back form the kiss. Her eyes were still red and swollen. She had been crying.

“Miss Rarity, what’s the matter?”

“Big Macintosh,” Rarity began, “there is something that I must tell you. Can we please sit down?”

“Of course, sugarcube.” Big Macintosh led them to the two rocking chairs on the porch, “There’s somethin’ ah need ya to know, too.”

Rarity knew she needed to tell Big Macintosh. She knew he needed to know what happened to Applejack.

“Please,” Rarity said, “You first.”

Big Macintosh rubbed the back of his neck with his hoof.

“Ah not sure how to put this…” Big Macintosh replied, “Ah had a dream. At least ah think it was a dream.”

“Oh? And what was this dream about?”

“It was about… Fluttershy. She was at the house last night. It had to have been a dream, ‘cause her eyes looked strange.”

Rarity’s eyes widened, but she let Big Macintosh continue.

“Ah told her how much ah wished Ah had the courage to tell her how Ah felt about her. And then, she kissed me. And then, ah woke up.”

Rarity remained still for a moment. Big Macintosh jumped out of his chair and placed his head on her lap.

“That doesn’t mean ah don’t love ya, Rarity.” Big Macintosh continued, “Ah know it was just a dream, but I wasn’t true to ya, Rarity. Ah feel guilty even lettin’ that dream in.”

“Darling,” Rarity said as she lifted Big Macintosh’s head, “we all have to say goodbye to those we love in our own way.”

Rarity cringed as she spoke the words, knowing what she was about to say.

“I love you, too.”

Rarity continued to cradle Big Macintosh’s head in her lap as she rocked back and forth. What was that monster doing here? Rarity thought, and why did Twilight bring her here?

She couldn’t keep it in any longer. She had to tell Big Macintosh.

“Darling?” Rarity asked.

Big Macintosh raised his head.

“There’s something I need to let you know. It’s about Applejack. Perhaps it’s better if I just show you.”

Big Macintosh nodded and lifted himself from the porch. Together, they made their way down the path of Sweet Apple Acres. There, in the distance, was the offending tree branch.

“Ah don’t understand.” Big Macintosh said.

“You see,” Rarity began as her heart raced, “last night, while you were in the house, your sister was out here.”

“Yeah, Ah know that.” He replied.

“And the wind was really strong. Twilight and I were here, looking for her, too.”

Rarity sighed and leaned up against Big Macintosh, afraid of his reaction.

“This… this is where we found her.”

“So she’s in the hospital?” Big Macintosh asked.

“Darling… what I’m trying to say is that… she didn’t make it.”

Both Big Macintosh and Rarity froze. Rarity was afraid to look up into Big Macintosh’s eyes. He could see that the branch was one that Rarity had created. He had to have seen the remnants of the two hearts she had made.

“Why was my sister out here in the first place?”

“I don’t know, darling. I’m so sorry.”

Rarity began to sob quietly, only to feel a muzzle pressed against hers. She finally opened her eyes and looked at Big Macintosh, who simply wrapped a fore leg around her neck.

“Why are y’all sorry?”

“Can’t you see that it was the branch that I made that fell on top of her? I’m the reason she died, Big Mac, I’m the reason-”

Rarity felt another kiss on her cheek, though she couldn’t help but feel that Big Macintosh’s fore leg began to tremble.

“Don’t y’all go blamin’ yourself Rarity, “Big Macintosh replied, “Ah don’t know why mah sister was runnin’ about the fields in the first place, but don’t go blamin’ yourself. If we’re goin’ to go down that path, we may as well say that if Ah hadn’t pulled up a certain stump, she would have turned a different direction.”

Rarity pulled away from Big Macintosh. She could see that he was holding back his tears.

“Big Mac,” she replied, “if you need to let it out, you can. That’s why I’m here.”

“No,” Big Macintosh replied, “Not yet, Rarity. Ah need to go see mah sister, and ah’ll be the one to tell Granny Smith and Apple Bloom. We work as a family, and we mourn as a family.”

“You do realize that you called me Rarity?”

“Y’all called me Big Mac first.”

Big Macintosh turned back to the farmhouse and motioned for Rarity to follow him.

“Don’t you want to see her?”

“Ah don’t think either of us have the strength to make it to town and back.” Big Macintosh said, “Besides, we need to make sure that we’re strong tomorrow, especially for Apple Bloom.”

The two walked side by side, back to the farmhouse. They entered as quietly as they could. As they made their way up the stairs, they took extra precaution to avoid the squeaky step. As Big Macintosh opened the door to his room, he immediately fell onto the bed. Rarity took her place next to him and let him wrap his fore leg around her once more. She felt his muzzle press against her back. His grip became tighter than usual, and Rarity slowly stroked his fore leg with her own as she felt his sobs go into her fur so the sound wouldn’t wake anypony up.