• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 6,025 Views, 143 Comments

Love . Sick - KitsuneRisu

Twilight Sparkle goes against the warnings of Princess Celestia and declares their love in public.

  • ...




The sun, in all its majesty, never once compared to the one who caused it to rise every morning - the gentle, beautiful ruler of the lands of Equestria – Princess Celestia.

Her work came but once a day, and the nights were left to call her own. The evening brought the hazy smells of fresh flowers over the grass as the wind picked up and caressed her rainbow, silken hair.

She looked down upon the city of Ponyville, from her spot on the hill, where it twinkled in the distance from the street lamps intermittently responding to the setting of the sun as they came to life one by one.

As the sun dipped behind it, a warm, orange silhouette exploded over the city, casting it into shadow, where only the blinking fires that lined the streets and the windows of the inhabitants of the township gave it any form. Anything else was merely a sketch in ink; and even that too slowly faded away as the final rays of light dipped behind the edge of the world and onto a new day.

A candle flickered to life, bringing illumination to the scene upon the hill.

Twilight sighed contentedly. She never once found this sight to be repetitive in any count, and the only one thing that would, and did, make it better was the company she chose to spend it with.

She drew in the sight, taking a deep, full breath; a feeling of melancholy passing her by for just an instant. But she never did want to think of the night ending, and she pushed it away with a quick look to her companion for the night.

"Well... that was... beautiful," muttered Princess Celestia, nearly under her breath.

Twilight nodded. They sat, side by side, on a white-and-red chequered blanket with a small glass bowl of cold fruit between them. It was nearly finished; the stems of a bunch of grapes and a few stray slices of oranges were the only things left floating in a half-melted puddle of ice.

"It's rare that I get to spend some time alone with you, my pupil," the Princess elated, with her gentle, heartfelt voice. "Thank you for sharing this wondrous sight with me. I would never have experienced it otherwise."

Her eyes still remained transfixed to the town, as it started to take shape yet again as the lights brightened it up with no more competition to be found, and the pair’s eyes grew accustomed to the darkness. It was like watching a photograph of a scenic vista slowly developing in front of your eyes, but with the magic of life added to the encumbrance.

"Oh Princess," Twilight said, trying to hide the pride behind her voice. "It's nothing, really."

She giggled.

"Anyway, as you said, it's rare just to spend some time alone with you. And I just... picked the right spot, I guess!"

"Don't be so humble, Twilight," Celestia responded, looking down toward her. "Take some praise where it's rightfully due."

Twilight was glad that it was dark, and the hue of red slowly flushing up from under her purple skin didn't show too obviously.

"Well... alright. I did do some research, I suppose, but, well..."

Her heart took a pause for measure as she started with what she truly wanted to say.

"... it's a special occasion I guess," she eased in.

"Well yes, it is a lovely Wednesday," Princess Celestia remarked, quirking an eyebrow.

"No, not that. I mean yes, it is a lovely Wednesday, but that's not why... I mean..."

"Slowly, my dear," the Princess chuckled.

"Whoo... ok," Twilight gulped down a final breath of air. "I think... and I really... will understand if you disagree... and I fully know the reasons why if you do, because I've been considering it and it's all about public appearance and your position and..."


"..." she paused. "... I think we should go... public."

Her expression changed to that of a cheesy grin, eyelids slanting away and body sinking into itself, a mix of embarrassment but still clinging on to the little hope that somehow, somewhere, the answer might just be 'yes'.

Celestia's expression didn't change quite as much.

"I understand," she said, at last, after a year of silence passed through Twilight's mind.

"You... what? Huh?"

"Oh, I mean... I'm sorry. I know why you would want to, of course. Many nights have I thought about it myself, but..."

And there it was.

That one word.

The one word that always, in every answer, threatens to destroy everything built up prior to that moment.

Twilight's plea was a building, condemned, and 'but' was the detonator.

"... but I'm not sure if it's such a wise idea."

Well, that wasn't a 'no'. That was, at best, a 'probably not', but it certainly wasn't a 'no'.

Twilight felt her heart beating a little bit faster now. She had to fight for it. She knew she couldn't let it go on a perhaps.

"Listen, Princess... if it's about the age difference..."

"Twilight," the white-clad ruler said sternly. "What have we discussed about mentioning my age?"

"Sorry!" peeped the younger, smaller pony. "I... I mean... anything, we can work through it, right? We've been together so long already, why... why keep it secret? I want to tell all my friends, I want to tell all of Equestria! It's..."

She swallowed.

"Celestia, I love you," she said sadly, her words thick with the truth of her emotions. "I love you so much and... ever since I met you it's been nothing but just a wild flight of fantasy, and... I know it's selfish, but I need to tell everyone. I need everyone to know that I love you. I need everyone to know that you love me."

She peered up into Celestia's face, which was slowly weakening from the most terrible words of all; that of pure heart and nothing more.

"What could possibly be bad about it? You wouldn't have to... not be princess, or anything!"

"It's not about that, my sweet," replied Celestia. "If I had a thousand crowns I would give them all up just to spend another night up here on this hill with you, Twilight."


"It's... complicated. It really is. I... Please believe me, Twilight. You know that we have never kept anything apart from each other since the start. But right now... this is something that I can't explain. It's... complicated."

"You keep saying that!" yelled Twilight suddenly, stamping her front hooves on the ground. Moisture started to collect in her eyes, as they grew damp from the lamentable mix of evening dew and her own raw, unabated feelings.

She threw her head into the grass in front of her and covered her ears with her legs.

"Ifft's noff fairff," came the mumbled, tear-choked complaint. "Ifft's jufft noff fairff!"

A gentle touch came down, upon Twilight's shoulder.

"Alright," Celestia sighed. "I... will try to explain."

Twilight frumped forward, sniffing. She gazed half-heartedly at the town with the lower half of her face nestled in her folded front legs.

"Twilight, you're... special."

The purple pony remained silent. Was she just trying to compliment her? That wasn't going to work. Silly old Celestia.

"And I don't mean in the ‘that’s why I love you’ sort of way.”

Oh, that makes it all better. THANKS, Princess. Twilight rolled her eyes up.

Princess Celestia quickly clarified.

"What I mean is that I have always loved you, unconditionally, from the very beginning. Since the first day we met I have never, ever regretted our chance encounter, nor have I ever wavered from this position."

Oh, alright. Keep saying things like that, twilight bore a hidden smile.

"But it's because I love you... that... you're special."

Twilight finally lifted her head and cleared the remaining dust from her throat.

"Wh... what do you mean?"

“I know it sounds strange, but just… hear me out, alright?” the Princess said. “Your uniqueness comes from the fact that we are together, not the other way around. But that is not to say that you aren’t special to me.”

“Yes, that is what you just said, only in slightly fewer words,” Twilight said, dryly. “It doesn’t really explain why it’s so bad.”

"Well, let’s put it this way. I don't think your friends will… react very well to knowing about our relationship. It's not you, specifically, but it's about… the idea of us. I know this sounds a bit... strange, but if you were anypony else, I'd be telling you the exact same thing."

"What, so... it's... about you then?"

"No, not exactly either. The thing is... well... there’s magic involved, and magic works in strange ways. You and I... even as gifted as you are, we both still do not know how it really works, correct?"

Twilight nodded, eyes betraying her feelings of curiosity and suspicion.

"So the first time that we... ah... touched horns, it created a resonance between us. You and I... we are linked together. And this magic that seems to envelop us... will only affect you, although it was caused by both of us together."

Twilight's mind tried to wrap itself around this strange, yet significant plot device.

"In... what way?"

"Well, when you tell your friends... I mean, if you tell your friends," she shot a stern glare at Twilight as if to warn her against it. "They will... react... in bothersome ways."

"I... see?"

"Let's just say that things previously unknown may... become more realised to you."

"That's it?"

Twilight shot up, propping herself up on her forelegs. "They're going to just be a little bit jealous and proclaim their feelings? That's all?"

"Well, yes, that's understating it a little bit, but..."

"Oh, was that all it was?" Twilight laughed a small laugh of relief. "I know you're trying to protect me, Princess, but really."

The old Twilight seemed to return for a moment.

"Well it's not just that. Sometimes they might actually develop feelings for you that they wouldn't normally have as well."

Twilight scoffed.

"No problem."

"They... might change."

"No problem!"

"Twilight, it's really for your own good. What if your friendships get ruined because of this? What if you can't reconcile with them?"

"Princess... you said earlier that you would give up a thousand crowns for me. Well I would..."

Princess Celestia's nodded sighing interrupted Twilight's epiphany.

"Alright, I get it. I get it," she smiled, although it was a wry smile, bereft of personal pleasure. One with a tinge of worry on it. "O... ok. Go ahead. But... if I were you I'd just start small. Don't go telling everypony in Ponyville about it from the start, ok?"

"Ooooh, Celestia!" squealed Twilight Sparkle, throwing her forelegs around her neck.

"I love you, I love you, I love you so much, thank you thank you thank you!"

Twilight planted a big kiss on Celestia's muzzle, and she couldn't help but smile genuinely at that.

"It's... alright," said Celestia, holding Twilight close to her.

"It's alright."