• Published 9th Sep 2013
  • 1,285 Views, 33 Comments

War of Gods and Goddesses - Disciple of Chrysalis

The Princesses, Discord, and Chrysalis are pulled away from Equestria to participate in a Godly War to protect their realm.

  • ...

Meet the Gods

The Equestrian Gods were gathered in a circle, all were focusing their magic to open the portal, they had suitcases by their sides packed with all the basic necessities, toothbrushes, clothes, and fake mustaches. "Just a little bit more" Celestia grunted, sweat had appeared on her brow and she panted from all the effort. Twilight wasn't sweating but she didn't look any less tired nor did she pant as her teacher did, Discord, Cadence, Chrysalis, and Luna were no better off then Celestia. Finally their effort payed off and from a small point of light that had appear in the center of the circle there was an outward expansion that formed itself into a gateway.

The Gods all smiled in unison and each reached downward and picked up their respective suitcases except Twilight who had just enough magic left to pick hers up with magic "Is everyone ready?" she asked, the gods muttered yes's around their cases except Discord who held his in a talon "Yes Ma'am" Discord said. Twilight nodded and stepped through the portal followed by the others before it closed itself.


The Gods went through a swirling vortex of pink before appearing stepping out of the portal on the other side, Chrysalis noted just how dark the room was, dimly lit with the occasion light on the ceiling. She looked back to where they had stepped and there was an archway with the word 'Equestria' on it, she looked and saw similar arches that read things like Greece, Egypt, and other similarly odd names.

Chrysalis saw something moving towards them and she bared her fangs slightly, the others noticed and moved to look similarly intimidating, only Discord actually succeeded. The lights suddenly grew very bright and revealed the things that were approaching, they were small creatures that she chalked up to the description of humans, only shorter and with pointier ears "May we take your bags" one asked.

She raised her head and looked confused, these were the servants, well she wasn't going to pass up free labor, she tossed her bag at one and it caught it easily, the others followed suit. "We understand this is your first time being here so let us run you through, you will be assigned a rooms where you will be staying with another God or Goddess and please, enjoy your stay" the only pointy ear without bags concluded.

"Rooms, I though we'd be killing one another" Luna said and the small creatures laughed at Luna before they realized she was serious. "Oh heavens no, that's just a rumor the master spreads, though you will fight each other on occasion your stay will be quite not so bloody" the one Chrysalis named leader of the pointy ear in her mind said. The Equestrian Gods looked at one another before shrugging and continuing "Please, follow us to your rooms" the leader elf said.


Celestia found herself in a room that was decked out with maps, plans, weapons of every kind, women of every humanoid race, and grisly trophies hanging from pikes or chains. Celestia looked quite aghast looking at everything, her mouth hung open and her eye was twitching, there was a tall male near the back of the room, he wore a gold helmet on his head and a white sheet around his body, he turned to see Celestia.

"Zeus, I told them to send me something exotic but this is just plain ridiculous" the man said, inspecting her up and down "I hope you know how to ride", he started laughing at his joke as he approached her. Celestia's eyes widened and her jaw practically hit the floor, she closed her mouth and narrowed her eyes and she slapped the arrogant man across the cheek once he was close enough "Some way to treat your roommate" she growled.

The god clutched his stinging cheek "What the hell, I'm rooming with a female horse" he said angrily, Celestia just rolled her eyes. She pushed past the man and inspected the room "Lets just introduce ourselves" she groaned, she extended a hoof "I'm Celestia, Sun Goddess of Equestria and Leader of my Pantheon" she said. The man hesitantly took the hoof into his hand "Ares, co-god War God of Greece" he shook the hoof and quickly took back his hand. Celestia sighed loudly, this would be fun.


Luna stood in the room, before her was a tall and imposing figure, he had only one had and where the other should have been was a lion's head made from steel. "Um, Hello" Luna hesitantly said to the imposing man, he looked down to her and smiled "Hello little one, it is a pleasure to meet you" he said, his voice was gruff but gentle. Luna smiled hesitantly, she looked around the room and found it hadn't even been decorated yet "My name is Luna" she said, extend a hoof upward towards the man.

He took it into his hand and shook it "And I am Tyr" he said smiling, he released her hoof a few seconds later, he continued to smile at her. "Lets start decorating" Luna said, stepping around the room and removing some pictures from her bag that she continued to pin to the wall, Tyr smiled at her.


"Oh you must be kidding me, he expects me to share a room with this 'creature'" The blond women complained, glaring daggers at Chrysalis who followed suit. "This is no picnic for me either, lets just make the best of this" the Changeling said and placed her bag on the bed designated as hers.

"No, you will leave this moment" the women said but Chrysalis ignored her, after a few seconds she heard a series of loud and angry noises coming from the women. "I'm guessing your that Greek Goddess Aphrodite" Chrysalis growled. "And I'm guessing your that hideous Equestrian Goddess Chrysalis" she said in the same tone.

A roommate match made in Heaven.


Twilight found herself in a room with a tall human, he was muscular but not overly buff, like a track star back at Canterlot High, he had tanned skin and his blond hair shot upward in the front, he work a skirt-like thing. The man looked her over momentarily before going back to his business, which was strumming a Lyre. "How do you feel about music?" he asked. Twilight shrugged "I've got nothing against it" she said carelessly "My names Twilight"

"Apollo" he said, not even looking at Twilight, she just shrugged and climbed into the bed on the other side of the room and opened a book that she'd brought from home.


Discord laughed, he had his own room when a tall man walked in from the adjacent bathroom, he had an eagle head and he wore a white skirt.

"Ra" he said

"Discord" Discord said

they ignored one another.


Cadence looked at the one she'd be sharing a room with, he was a small human baby with small wings sprouting from his back and curly brown hair, he looked at Cadence as he looked at her. "Hello, My name is Cadence" she said, extending a hoof towards him, the baby took the hoof into his hands and shook it "Names Cupid, anyone you want me to hook you up with?" he asked hopefully.

Cadence chuckled and shook her head "No thanks, I'm married and besides, I'm a Love Goddess so that's not really a problem for me" she said. Cupid's eyes seemed to sparkle when she said that "You too, oh we have so much to talk about" he said excitedly and they began to discuss the logic of Love, it's worth, and other things.

Author's Note:

part two, title of the story totally mislead you huh, anywho, I hope you enjoy


I used this as a reference guide to the gods

Comments ( 12 )

Well this was an interesting chapter, a bit short, and it had a bit of a filler vibe to it, but good none the less.

3183210 It is filler, next time there will be hijinks

Discord and Amun Ra in the same room? Ohhh this is NOT going to end well. The crunchy bug and Greek's love goddess? LOL OHH MY! I really wanna see where this goes! I'm more interested in Twilight and Apollo to see where that goes. XD



Not a single fuck.

3183882 And on that day, not a single fuck was given

3183924 And on the third day the Gods actually gave a buck about why they were room sharing with humans.

Aphrodite and Chrysalis? This will be fun.

3192733 Chrysalis shall never go hungry again

3197021 Agreed. I'm just sad Sombra, God of Stairs and Sombreros, wasn't here.

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