• Published 7th Oct 2013
  • 1,132 Views, 14 Comments

The Diamond Refinery Contest Theme No.2: Harmony Project "Five Become One"/"Working as One" - Telaros

The Diamond Cutters' Special Event Series. Where authors go pen to pen on who can dish out the most fun and interesting interpretation of a given theme/prompt. Where YOU get to help choose the Top Prize Winner for most fun and best themed story!

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3rd Place - Entry#02 - The mysterious theft of ponyville - By M Specter (corrected)

The mysterious theft of ponyville

*Somewhere within Ponyville*
“Soon it'll all be mine...”

The rolling of the train tracks lulled Babs out of her sleep. She was on the train headed to Ponyville. For the next month or so she will be living with Applejack and Apple Bloom, because of some immediate circumstances at home. She didn’t mind of course the last time she visited her cousins was during the family reunion and they had lots of fun then. Although the train won't be arriving at Ponyville for another hour so she tried to fall asleep again.


The screeching of the wheels breaking into Ponyville station awoke Babs from her seat she quickly gathered her suitcase and made way for the exit. Upon reaching the exit she was immediately hugged by Apple bloom. “It’s been awhile hasn't it Apple Bloom" Babs said as she hugged her cousin back. "Yeah how have things been back in Manehatten”
"You know same old same old"
Apple Jack came over and gave Babs a hug “Nice to see you back in Ponyville.”

"It's nice to be back" They made small talk as they made their way to the apple family's barn. The barn still looked brand new from the last time Babs saw it at the family reunion. After setting up her things in the guest bedroom the family gathered together for dinner. Were upon having dinner the tan filly said hello to Big Mac and Granny Smith as well as getting an all she can eat buffet of Apple related goodies.
After dinner was complete Apple Jack decided that the two youngest Apples needed there rest, for tomorrow Babs would be going to Apple Blooms school to start the new term.


The next morning the apple family woke up early as usual and prepared themselves for the day. Apple Bloom had to wake Babs up because she wasn't used to waking up that early. Back in the city schools started later then they do in Ponyville. Needless to say Babs was a little tired when she woke up but with a quick breakfast consisting of toast and eggs she was ready for what the day had in store for her.

“You’re gonna like M.s Cheerilee Apple Bloom boasted as she and Babs headed to school " She's really nice and knows how to deal with all types of students."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO" a voice rang out
"Babs are you saying you don't like Cheerilee?"
" I haven't said nothin yet Applebloom"
" I wonder who or where that scream came from" the yellow filly said as she put a hoof to her muzzle.
" I don't know but if it’s important will know about it soon" Babs said as she continued to walk towards the school in the distance. “Look out" Somepony yelled as they zoomed passed them and collided into some garbage cans near them. The voice seemed familiar and the pony seemed to be hurt but Babs and Apple Bloom continued to school for fear that they would be late to class.

Once in class Apple Bloom took her usual seat near sweetie bell as Scootaloo rushed in when the bell began to ring. “That was a close one she wheezed as she took her seat on Apple Bloom's right “one more tardy and “M.s Cheerilee will give me a detention". Scootaloo looked like she had recently gotten hurt there were scrapes all over her orange fur and her purple mane and their were bits and pieces of rotten food stuck in it. “Scootaloo are you ok" Sweetie Bell asked “I don't want to talk about" she said as she laid her face on the desk.

Before anypony could say anything else M.s Cheerilee entered with Babs following behind her. “Everyone we have a new student joining our class today, her name is Babs and she's from the city isn't that neat." Before Babs could even fully introduce herself a smug voice interrupted "oh look another blank flank, just what we needed" laughter could be heard by most of the classroom and Babs used her tail to cover where her cutie mark would be.

"Diamond Tiara this is not how we treat new students, after class I expect you to give an apology to Babs."
“Yes M.s Cheerilee” Diamond said unenthusiastically. Sweetie bell raised her hoof " M.s Cheerilee could Babs sit here " she motioned to the empty desk next to her and Cheerilee gave a curt nod before saying " Babs you can sit next to Sweetie"
" Yes ma’am" Babs sat next to Sweetie and upon her sitting down Cherilee began the lesson. ”I’m really glad you’re back in Ponyville Babs” Sweetie whispered. “Feels good to be back” Babs whispered in response and the day continued from there.

When the bell finally rang most of the fillies and colts rushed out of class eager to get home. Four fillies were all but left within the classroom *yawn* " I'm sure glad class is over I didn't think I could stay awake any longer" Scootaloo said as she stretched.
" Let's go over to your clubhouse I haven't been there since my first visit to Ponyville".
" Sure thing Babs" with a destination set the four crusaders went on their way to the clubhouse however while on their way there something caught there eye. There were two guards at Twilights library; they decided to investigate to see what was going on. The closer they got to the library the louder the voices got. One sounded familiar to the three original crusaders while Babs didn't have a clue as to who could be behind the door.

She hadn't been to a library the last couple times she stepped hoof into Ponyville, in fact a library had been the furthest things from her mind.
" ...Spikes just over reacting I can assure you"
" Twilight no pony should of known I had gems there, I mean it's a secret stash for a reason."
"Don't worry M.s Sparkle and Spike we will look for the pony responsible for this theft you can count on us".
When the guards opened the door to exit they were surprised to see four filly's tumble into the entrance. "It seems we have spy's" one of the guards said as the other lightly chuckled. They both flew over the fillies as they continued on their way. "What are you girls doing here?" Twilight asked. “We were curious when we saw guards in your home so we came to see what was going on."

The foursome got up and dusted themselves off. " Well as you may have heard Spikes gem stash has been stolen"
" It took months to find all those gems, now I have to start all over again" Spike pouted sadly.
"Oh who's your new friend I believe we haven't met before” twilight said motioning to Babs.
"I'm Babs nice to meet yea" she said as they shook hooves. “She’s my cousin" Applebloom stated proudly "and she's the official fourth member of the cutie mark crusaders" Sweetie Bell said. " I'm only staying for a while until I can go back Manehatten."
"Well Babs it was certainly a pleasure to meet you and I hope to see you again soon."

" I'll see you later Twilight I'm going to go look for gems."
" Spike how about I help you find more gems" Twilight asked.
" No it's not as satisfying with help but thanks for trying to make me feel better." They hugged and Spike left the library. " Come to think of it you girls should head home we don't want this thief targeting you."
" Aw Sweetie Bell said " we were going to the clubhouse."
" I guess we could go tomorrow" Babs said. “Yea then well come up with more crusader ideas then."
With everypony satisfied they each went home.

*the next morning*

Babs had woken up a bit earlier then yesterday and wasn’t as tired as she had been that day. She figured it was some of her southern genes kicking in. On the way to school Scootaloo stopped by her with a panicked expression of her face.
"What's wrong scoots?"
" Yea you look like something is bothering you"
"You haven't heard yet have you” Scoots said
"Heard what"
"Spike has gone missing Twilight said that he hasn't shown up since yesterday." The two apples gaped at her for a while before Apple bloom said "maybe he just got caught up in finding gems." Scootaloo shook her head "he would have stopped at the library and said something to Twilight you know how close they are."
" Yeah I think your right, poor Spike I hope he comes home soon."

They walked and in Scootaloo's case scootered slowly to school.
The school bell rang signaling the end of class, today the students milled around the classroom or played in the court yard. Most ponies were in groups tending to themselves. Currently Babs was teaching Apple bloom and Sweetie Bell how to do a couple of math problems. They were struggling with PEMDAS and Babs was helping them by explaining how to do the problems in a clear and concise way. Scootaloo was near them sleeping she had gotten bored of the math problems and decided to take a nap. Cheerilee was doing some paper work at her desk until Twilight came into the room and spoke with her.

Their conversation couldn't be heard over the fillies and colts individual conversation but from their faces anypony could tell that the conversation had quickly gone sour. "Children Twilight has something to tell you all" the class progressively got silent as they turned their attention to Twilight. "Everypony make sure you go straight home after school the royal guards and I suspect that the thief that stole Spikes gems has also kidnapped Spike, and we don't want anypony else missing so we ask of you all to obey these new regulations until the culprit is caught."
"Thank you for your time Cheerilee" with that Twilight stepped out of the room.
"Alright class promise me that you'll go straight home after school today"
"We promise" came the chorus of replies from the foals and filly’s
Scootaloo was still asleep so Apple Bloom shoved her " I promise" she let out before rubbing her hooves over her eyes and saying "wait what did I just promise to do."

Later that day the four crusaders were heading home each with a little pep out of their step. "Come on guys tell me what was said, what happened don't leave me in the dark" since it seemed like no pony was going to tell them Babs decided it would be up to her to explain the situation. “Oh is that all, that's not anything to be dis um dis...” Distraught" Sweetie Bell suggested.
" Yea no need to get distraught over it"
" Don't you understand Scoots were not worried about that where worried about Spike."
With that Scootaloo's demeanor changed as well.
“Will see y'all later remember we promised M.s Cheerilee and Twilight." The white and orange coated filly nodded and they split off into their own ways.

Babs got the idea that something seemed off about the whole situation so she took a visit to Twilight’s alone. When she entered the library Twilight was organizing some books but when she heard the door close she said “Welcome to Ponyville library how may I..." she hadn't turned around immediately so upon turning around she was surprised to see Babs there. “Babs I know I said yesterday that I would like to see you soon but not this soon especially with what I told you in class today."
" Something was bothering me Twilight it just doesn't seem right to sit down and do nothing while my cousin’s friend is in danger."
" I guess your right but you came her all alone does Applejack even know your here?" Babs shook her head "no I figured that I'd be able to go here and back without much problem."
"What did you want to know Babs?"
" Well if it’s alright with you I'd like to see where Spikes secret stash of gems was"
"Sure, to be perfectly honest I don't know why Spike would hide it here of all places" Twilight returned to her bedroom quarter of the library and brought down a basket. “This is Spikes bed apparently he kept his gems hidden in there." Twilight levitated the basket to Babs and she took a look at it.

The basket wasn't warm in fact it was completely cold and there were small patches of fur on the inside as well as one of Spikes purple scales. " ok thanks Twilight I think I've gotten all that I need for today."
" Now you head straight home Babs we don't want you disappearing as well."
" See you later Twilight."

*The next day after school*

The original three crusaders were sad because Spike still hadn't been found yet the other filly was a lot happier. Finally Scootaloo got fed up and said “what are you so happy about Babs you've been smiling all day."
"I may have found a way to find the one who took Spike." All the crusaders except for Babs stopped and said simultaneously "you what?" Babs just smiled and repeated "yea I may have found a way to find Spike but we won't be able to do it until this weekend can you promise me to wait until then."
They each did a Pinkie Pie Promise and decided to meet at the club house that Saturday morning.

*Saturday Morning*
since it was Saturday the two Apple family's youngest members were sleeping in. They had told Apple Jack ahead of time that they would be going crusading today; Applejack knew they went crusading every Saturday morning but because of Spike's disappearance she told them to be more careful then normal. When the two of them finally did wake up they hurriedly got to the kitchen grabbed an apple.

"Morning Babs “
"Morning Apple Bloom"
" So how are we going to find Spike" Apple bloom said as she munched on her apple. " Were going to need Winona, I talked with Twilight to find out more info on and apparently he has taken care of Winona before so it'll be easy to find him with her nose."
"You're right Apple Bloom exclaimed " Winona is one of the best dogs around." They both finished there apples called Winona and headed towards the club house. Oddly enough Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell were already waiting there.

" There you girls are we've been waiting forever" Scootaloo exclaimed as she lay upside down on the window sill.
" No we haven't we've only been waiting here for five minutes"
" Yea well it feels like forever though" Scootaloo stuttered embarrassingly.

The four crusaders gathered around on the rug with Winona sitting next to Babs. Babs pre cured a box hidden underneath the floor boards and opened it. "My plan for finding Spike is using Winona to find him by using his scent found from one of his scales." Babs held the scale in her hoof and motioned for Winona to smell it. Winona took a few sniffs before recognizing the smell of the baby dragon. She then began to sniff the surrounding area and even sniff the fillies in close proximity to them causing them to giggle a bit.

Eventually she headed outside sniffing to find a trace of the purple dragon. Before they knew it they were in the plains outside the northern part of Ponyville. Winona caught Spikes scent and bounded for it at astounding speeds. The crusaders had to gallop near full speed to catch up. "Winona slow down" Applebloom tried to tell her but she was too focused on the task of finding the source of Spikes scent. Soon she stopped at a field of dry land that had several holes in it. “I know this place this is where Rarity goes to find gems for her dresses" Sweetie bell acknowledged.
“I guess this is a good place to start everypony look for any clues to Spikes whereabouts" they all nodded and began to look.

They searched for most of the entire day coming up empty, in the end they were sad that they hadn't found anything pertaining to Spike so they decided to continue whenever they can.

They spent most of their free time on the weekend searching for Spike and with no new clues they returned to school the following Monday less happy then they wanted. After school the crusaders decided to go to Rarity's house. When they got there they were surprised to see that the door was slightly ajar and the inside of her boutique looked dark and uninviting. Sweetie bell ran to the entrance and opened the door all the way. “Rarity" Sweetie bell cried out into the dark workshop.

The crusaders were scared at this point even Scootaloo showed some signs of being scared. “Were not gonna learn anything from standing around out here are we?" Babs said as she walked further into the now eerie building. The crusaders followed but took a more cautious approach. Sweetie Bell flicked the lights on causing everyone to jump a bit from the sudden brightness. The first thing everypony noticed was how ram-shacked the place looked. Broken glass littered the floor as well as torn pieces of fabric and clothes.

The question on everypony's mind was where’s Rarity and what happened to make the place look like this. After about half an hour of searching through the debris they managed to find Opal. Normally her fur was elegant and beautiful but now there was dirt splotched all over her fur as well as patches of it missing. " Opal are you ok" Sweetie bell asked as she removed the last board holding her in place.
" Meow" she said with depression in her voice. She rubbed her head affectionately on Sweeties chest happy to find someone she knew. At first Sweetie bell was shocked but then began to hug her. "She must have gone through a rough time; Opal would never willingly hug me unless something was wrong."

" Opal where's Rarity" Scootaloo asked, Opal then stopped hugging Sweetie bell and began to walk up what was left of the stairs. Opal stopped at Rarity's room where there was a book shelf blocking the way. “Is she behind there?" Sweetie bell asked as Opal nodded. " Alright girls help me push this down" they all got to the left side
" on 3 1, 2, 3"
They all shoved as hard as they could pushing the book shelf bit by bit. They had to take a break a couple of times but each break was short lived as Sweetie bell really wanted to get inside causing then to push again. By the time they finally pushed the door away everypony was tired but Sweetie bell ignored how tired she was and entered the door.

" Rarity?" Sweetie bell called as she searched the room. The room was empty of anypony but there was a pony shaped lump under the rug so she decided to check it out. She grabbed the edge of the rug with her mouth and pulled it over the lump. She let out a gasp which prompted the other crusaders to rush into the room. There under the rug laid Rarity unconscious with her lenses shattered near her. Sweetie bell began to shake Rarity's body in an attempt to wake her up. “Rarity wake up" she wailed desperately at her unconscious sister. She couldn't understand why Rarity wasn't getting up.

Tears began to flow freely from Sweetie's eyes and after a while she stopped and began to hug her sister. None of the crusaders stopped her after all she had lost someone close to her and they didn’t know what to do or say anyway. Everything was silent except for Sweeties wails of despair but then Rarity's body began to stir.

"Sweetie Bell you’re making it hard for me to breath"
"Rarity" Sweetie said between tears. She let go of Rarity and allowed her to stand up but she stood up to quickly causing her to stumble. “I had the most terrifying dream; I was busy making a dress for a client in Canterlot when...” Rarity then noticed the state her room was in “Maybe it wasn't a dream after all".
" Did you see who did it?" Scootaloo asked. Rarity shook her head “sorry girls all I remember is getting hit on the head but I don't know who may have done it."

Opal then strode into the room and began to nuzzle Rarity's leg. " Opal darling I'm glad to see your ok don't worry about your fur as soon as mommy figures everything out will be off to fix our complexions."
" What did they steal though Babs asked quietly "it must of been something important if they tore this place up pretty bad."
" Your right Babs Apple Bloom said agreeing with her cousin " let's look around maybe will find out more if we search again." Everypony nodded and began to search the household. From what they could tell from hours of searching is that somepony or something rather took all of Rarity's gems, gem encrusted dresses as well as destroyed all of the fabric and dresses they didn't steal. Also the seamstress workshop had claw marks all over it. There were a number of species that could have done it griffons, dragons, diamond dogs, it was too soon to call though and they would have to get Twilights opinion on the matter.

When Twilight did arrive she went straight to work trying to identify the claw markings. Although after a while of studying it and flipping through a couple books she couldn't tell what species had made the marking. Whoever made it, made it so that it was so identical to other species that it would be near impossible to recognize otherwise. After apologizing to Rarity she promised that she would find whoever did this and also find Spike. Everypony was tired so they called it a day and went home.

Over the next couple of days the crusaders spent there as much of their free time looking for spike in the outskirts of Ponyville. They let nothing deter them not even when a certain pink and grey filly followed them.

" Why do you blank flanks spend all your free time out here don't tell me your looking for that dragon that went missing a while ago."
" Yeah Diamond's silver colored friend added “maybe he finally had enough of living with Pony's and decided to live with his own kind he's done it before you know."
Babs didn't know what she was talking about but she obviously knew they were there to annoy them but she didn't know what they benefited from doing it. Scootaloo's eye began to twitch a signal of what might turn about if left unresolved. Babs whispered "Scoot calm down don't let them get to you." Scoot sighed "I know but there so annoying".

They began to search around again with Winona, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara sitting on the sidelines watching them. Diamond had grown curious of what may be in the holes or how deep they were so she began to investigate peering over the edge curiously. Unknowingly the dirt from beneath her hooves began to slide into the hole causing her to start slipping in. When she noticed herself sliding forward she gave a small scream as she began to tilt over the edge. Silver seeing her friend was in danger ran up and bit her tail, stopping her decent slightly although her strength wasn't enough to stop her decent completely causing her to slowly slip with her over the edge as well.

"Help" Diamond yelled as she was slowly descending down the hole. The crusaders turned their heads toward the two wealthy fillies as they got further and further into the hole.
”Should we help them Sweetie bell asked” they've been mean to us since the first time we've met them."

"Yea but is that a good reason for us to not help them?"

" As far as I'm concerned they can die in that hole, right Babs" Scootaloo turned to Babs but when she noticed that she wasn't there she said " hey where’d she go"

Babs was biting silver spoons tail and trying to pull them up but it's hard to pull up two filly's when there being pulled by gravity. It appeared that diamond was over the edge now and was desperately trying to slow herself from falling any further. "A little help" Babs said it came out a little muffled when her mouth was full of tail but slowly and surely they began to help as well. Although it was too late, because of their hesitance to help they all fell into the hole screaming the entire way down.

“I feel terrible” Scootaloo said as she got up dusting herself off and making sure everypony else was up. "You just had to look over the edge Diamond Tiara"
" Hey the pink filly said as she got up " I was just curious about what was in the hole"

"Yeah but now were in the hole" Scootaloo cried out.

"Look Silver spoon said we can either fight about who's fault this was or we can try to find a way out of here."

" I agree let's put our differences aside for now " Babs said as she got between Diamond and Scootaloo. They both gave a "humph" of indignation before splitting away.

"Any ideas on how were going to get out of her" Sweetie bell asked. “Winona" Apple Bloom yelled there was a faint barking coming from the top of the hole. “Winona see if you can go get Apple Jack to come help us." Winona barked and nodded her head in understanding before running towards the barn. “Now that that's settled let's see if we can find our own way out of hear." Babs said walking further into the cave. The others followed as they went deeper and deeper into the cave. There was still light within the cave because of the lanterns attached to the walls.

When there were forks in the path Babs chose to follow the path that didn't have the sounds of mining coming from it. She could only guess that meeting the diamond dogs that inhabit the holes would lead to trouble. Everypony was scared they had never been in a situation like this before. Diamond tiara and silver spoon also never had to walk this long causing them to feel tired and eventually led to complaining. "How long until were out of here I need to go home and take a bath"
"Yea Silver spoon added on “I need to get home and practice cooking some more.” The complaints for a long time but eventually Babs had enough

" Will you girls be quiet Babs shouted "it's not our fault you decided to follow us and then got us all into this hole, don't you think we have things we'd like to do or family that will worry about us" Babs would of continued but her outburst had caused the stability of the caves to diminish. Rocks started falling from the ceiling at a rapid pace soon the small pebbles turned into large rocks "Run" Apple Bloom shouted. No pony needed any more incentive they began to run as quick as they could, even when the rocks stopped falling they were still running. After the adrenaline wore off from there system they decided to take a break behind some rocks in the cave. It appeared they had reached an abandoned part of the mine; there were still pick axes and mine carts strewn about as well as rails leading deeper into the cave. After everypony was through panting there was an awkward silence that hung about.

No pony knew what to say after the events that just took place. Diamond tiara decided to break the silence "I'm sorry for causing all of this" everypony turned towards her each with a different expression on their face. "I was just curious about what was in the hole when I dragged you all into this mess can you forgive me" it was obvious that it was a pain to say that but she seemed sincere as well. "I forgive you Babs said " we may have had our differences but we can forget them to work together right."
"Yea thanks Babs"
Silver spoon was the next to speak " Diamond we've been friends as far as I can remember of course I forgive you". Diamond hugged her friend she was definitely one of the best friends she ever had. "I forgive you to Diamond Tiara the red maned filly said "it's not all your fault were partly to blame for you falling, if it wasn't for Babs coming to save you we probably would of let you fall in."
Sweetie bell was the next one to apologize she had small tears coming from her eyes when she did so. Scootaloo was the only one who hadn't apologized yet and she decided that she wouldn't after all she had nothing to apologize for.

The sound of rocks falling brought their attention to the far side of the caves. They peered over the rocks and noticed that there was a light gray diamond dog with a hoodie on. He was sniffing around looking for something when his gaze fell over to the rocks the filly's were hiding behind, they brought their heads back and began to cowered behind it. In the heart of the moment they hugged each other thinking that it was the end. “Diamond I'm sorry about not helping you sooner when I saw you were about to fall" Scootaloo said quickly. The steps grew louder as the diamond dog came closer to their hiding place. “And I'm sorry for annoying you guys for most of the school year; to be honest I was just jealous of the friendship you all had." With everypony feeling like they got what they wanted to say off there chest they were ready for what was to come.

When Sparky looked around the rock and saw the six fillies cowering in fear he felt sorry for them. 'They must be lost' he thought 'and they also must be scared of me'. "You fillies ok?" he asked them they didn't give a verbal response but judging from their lack of trust of him and there shaking he figured they weren't ok. "If you tell me what’s wrong maybe I could help you" he told them. They each looked at each other and at him before the yellow filly said " were lost do you think you could help us get out?" Her voice was shaky and full of fear but her message came across correctly the diamond dog smiled and shook his head “yes follow me."

The 6 fillies didn't know what to do and they didn’t know what was worse a diamond dog willing to help them or getting trapped somewhere along the way. It was bad enough that Apple Bloom had asked for help but to hear him actually agree to help them scared them to no end. ”You coming ponies" the diamond dog asked waiting for them to follow. "Should we go with him" Diamond asked “he seems friendly enough" Sweetie bell replied back “if he wanted to capture us wouldn't he have called for the rest of his buddies?" Babs asked " Maybe we should give him a chance, after all it's better than wandering around the cave blindly at least he knows where to go" Silver Spoon said. With a unanimous vote they began to follow the diamond dog.

The diamond dog was walking on all fours and at a slower pace so that the ponies could keep up with him. “Hey diamond dog can we have your name" Babs asked “Me Sparky" he said pointing at himself “tell me your names". His lack of knowing complete equestrian didn’t deter them for Babs felt she should introduce after him “I'm Babs the brown coated filly pointed to herself that’s Apple Bloom Sweetie Bell Scootaloo Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon."

"Nice names" the diamond dog replied.
The rest of the journey was in silence there were times when other diamond dogs would approach Sparky or they had to take another path to avoid more diamond dogs but true to his word Sparky brought them to the surface. The sun was starting to descend over the horizon but the filly's didn't care they were finally out of that cave. The fillies hugged Sparky with as much strength as they could muster. “Thank you for getting us out Sparky" Apple Bloom said eliciting thank you's from the other filly's as well. "Try not to get lost again I may not be there to save you"
"We promise cross our heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in our eye." With the promise given they each began to go home though they didn't get far before they saw a familiar face.

“Apple Bloom, Babs, girls"
Apple jack was looking for the lost filly's as soon as Winona came looking for her. The tone Winona barked at her gave it away. She gave them both a big hug “I’m so glad y'all are safe" they returned the hug and once the hug was complete Applejack took everypony to their respected homes.

The CMC weren't allowed to do anything dangerous and that included looking for Spike. Of course the four filly's disliked the idea but the adults said that the royal guard and Twilight would handle it. Without being able to search for Spike the CMC were disheartened to do anything they couldn't help but wonder if spike was alright and that nothing bad happened to him.

*Somewhere outside of Ponyville*
Spike was munching on gems happily he may have been kidnapped against his will and forced to stay in his cell but he could eat all the gems he wanted. The thought occurred to him that the thief that had taken his gems was responsible for his kidnapping but at this point he didn't care.
At last he was full and he dug his way into the middle of the gem pile to continue to dig his way out. They might have thought he was just a baby dragon but even he had a few tricks up his sleeve.

After the events that took place at the cave Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had been avoiding the crusaders at all costs. They did however tell them that no pony else should know what happened in those caves. The crusaders were happy to know that Diamond Tiara kept her distance and wouldn't be a bother to them but at the same time it didn't do much justice.

That same week another theft took place this time in the household of both Diamond and Silver. The thief took away Diamond's tiara and Silver Spoons collection of Spoons. Twilight along with the guards investigated the crime scene but there wasn't much in the way of new evidence making the trail go cold.
The guards however had grown tired of not finding new information and decided to go around questioning everypony about the recent events. Not much was said that wasn't already known which caused another dead end. Twilight told the guards that there might be another theft and if so they should be posted around Ponyville.

The next week the unthinkable occurred the thief stole the elements of harmony. Unfortunately for him though he had left a trail to follow. The next morning a search party was sent out to look for him. The mane 6 themselves were also a part of this search party, the crusaders were curious but given the warning that they got before resided to just mope around in the club house.

Sweetie bell was doing her homework but wasn't completely focused on it, Scootaloo was bouncing a ball on the wall, and Apple Bloom and Babs were trying to think of more crusading ideas. None of them expected Diamond or Silver to walk into the room they also didn't expect the next thing she said. “I need your help" immediately everypony in the room stopped what they were doing to stare at Diamond. This caused Scootaloo's ball to bounce back onto her face the aforementioned Pegasus took no notice however as she continued to stare at the pink filly who entered there clubhouse. “You want what?" Scootaloo asked in disbelief. " I need your help she repeated again " It was Silver Spoons idea if it was up to me I wouldn't be asking you blank flanks for anything."

"What do you need help with" Sweetie Bell asked. "I want to look for the culprit who stole my tiara, and you’re the only pony's other than the grownups who know anything about it."
“Why can't you ask your dad to do something about it" Babs asked.
"He says I'm too young and that the guards can handle it, what a joke Diamond said " So how about it we have a truce until I get my tiara back and then we can go back to what it used to be deal" Diamond said as she held out her hoof. The crusaders huddled together to talk about after a while Apple Bloom walked up to Diamond “you got yourself a deal."
"Now first things first were going to have to find Winona."

Winona was enjoying the quietness of the barn for this was where she was taking a small nap. Applejack hadn't come to give her work so she decided it would be a slow day or a break from the normal routine. She would have continued her nap had Apple Bloom and her friends not wake her up. Babs brought up the box that contained spikes scale but instead of Spikes scale being brought up it was some grayish patch of fur. Winona immediately sniffed it knowing that is what they want her to do.

Soon Winona was on the trail of tracing down the culprit leading to the Everfree forest. The Everfree was just as creepy as it always was with its eerie sounds and odd looking trees and predators heard off in the distance. This however did not deter the resolve the fillies had made. Nothing would stop them from achieving their goal of finding Spike and getting Diamond and Silver's stuff back.
Winona led them to a clearing near the ruins of the old castle she sniffed around a bit before barking up at a tree in front of her.

" Show yourself" Scootaloo shouted at the tree
" Yea or are you just a coward hiding in the shadows" Diamond added.
" Heh I was hoping you pony's wouldn't catch on to me I guess I should of stopped after taking your Tiara and spoons which by the way were very expensive I have to thank you for that." The voice resounded from everywhere at once causing the filly's to be slightly scared.
" Wait you sold my Tiara?"
" And my spoons" The two rich fillies complained.
" Yes they were needed in a little agreement I made"
“What kind of agreement" Applebloom asked
“I needed power so I traded valuable items for it."
"What kind of power" Sweetie bell asked.
“The power of a god" the voice replied as the ground underneath them began to crumble.

“Run" Babs shouted over the sound of the ground shifting beneath them. They ran as fast as they could through the forest hoping to Celestia that whoever the voice was had stopped chasing them. "You think you can run from me the voice taunted "there isn't anywhere you can run to that'll stop me from attacking you." A cliff ruptured the ground in front of them making them were trapped. “Aww are the little fillies scared of the cliff, here have a closer look" Babs instinctively jumped out of the way as the ground crumbled into the cliff below. Leaving 5 fillies’s to scream all the way to the bottom.

Babs rushed over to the edge of the cliff and watched as her friends fell into the abyss. There screams faded until there was no sound coming from within the cliff. There wasn't even a sound that indicated there gruesome splatter to the ground just silence. "And then there was one" a voice called out from the shadows of the trees. Babs had tears in her eyes she lost one of the first friends she had in a long time all because of one creature. Babs turned and stared at the figure within the shadows anger plastered on her face while the remnants of tears still falling to the ground.

" You killed my friends"
" Of course I did and what's to stop me from killing you" the figure stepped out of the shadows to reveal who he was.
Babs gasped "Sparky?"
"Yep in the fur and blood"
"Why would you help us escape if you were just going to kill us now? “
" That's the question isn't it, why didn't I do it. Simply put I didn't think you would have caught on to me so soon and I didn't expect a bunch of fillies to get further in the investigation than the adults."

"This is my new plan I had to modify it because of certain complications" he said motioning to her.
" I kill you and continue to do what I've been doing until I gain enough power to take out the sun and moon goddess themselves." He was laughing maniacally now as lightning crashed beside him, Babs could see that his power had made him insane and he needed to be stopped. Also it's more than him being stopped it's about revenge she will have revenge for the pain he caused her.

Babs began pawing at the floor like a bull ready to charge. Sparky took notice of this and started to chuckle “you really think you can fight me let alone hurt me?" seeing as Babs wouldn't back down he summoned a lance and took a fighting stance. "So be it Babs it's your funeral"

*Meanwhile within the cavern*

The five fillies had held their eyes clothes throughout most of the fall to scared to see there end come but when there decent slowed they began to lower their screaming a couple octaves and look at what was happening. They were still falling but it was as if they were in slow motion and there body's glowed with the color of their fur.
"Anyone else wondering how we haven't fallen to our death" Apple Bloom asked.
" Magic?" Scootaloo questioned
" Well whose magic would it be bird brain I know she can't do magic" Diamond Tiara said as she pointed at Sweetie bell.
“Then what did it?" Sweetie Bell asked.
Suddenly a voice was heard “Do you want to stop the diamond dog?" it said in a light heavenly voice. They wondered who the owner of the voice was but by the way it sounded it seemed friendly and all it did was ask a question. Everypony looked at each other and said all at once " yes"
"Good" the voice returned, “you will all work as one to become an unstoppable force and with this power you will be able to stop the diamond dog are you ready?" Each of the fillies’ nodded and immediately felt strange. There body's flashed white until they were practically blinded by it.

* Back with Babs*
Babs body slammed against tree after tree as she flew through the forest. She crashed landed on the trunk of a big tree leaving a dent in its once pristine bark and fell to the floor. Her body felt sore all over and she had many cuts and bruises on her body. Her fight with Sparky hadn't gone to well from the beginning she knew he had the upper hand with his god like abilities but she still had to try. The faint sound of crackling could be heard as the dust began to settle back down.

Sparky raised his paw with Babs in it “This has been fun Sparky told her readying his other paw for the last strike " but this is the end you failed Babs". Babs closed her eyes awaiting the inevitable but it didn't come there was a gale of wind that struck her instead leading her to collapse on the ground as Sparky got punted. Babs opened her eyes to see a pony that was as tall as her but looked significantly different.

She had a horn and wings as well as different shades of color in her mane all reminding her of her friends. Tears fell down Bab’s face she wanted to say something but her body had enough and she fainted.

Sparky got up from where he had been kicked; whatever had kicked him was strong almost as strong as three full grown earth ponies combined in fact. The figure he stared into was unusual it was nothing like he ever seen, the filly's he had tossed down the cavern were now one. There was no logical reason for it but he knew he had to stop it if he wanted to continue getting power. He charged up one final blast powerful enough to turn anything into dust where they stood. The filly charged up her own attack with their horn.

For a moment all stood still as two powerful beings charged up their most powerful attack and then all at once released it toward each other. The beams collided with each other in their path to hit the other. The beams pushed against each other struggling for control of the other. The ground crumbled under them and destroyed the trees around them. Eventually Sparky's power began to run out “No not now " he said as his power began to waver and ultimately diminish. This left the colorful beam the Alicorn sent to strike him. Sparky screamed in pain as he turned completely to stone.

With the fused filly's power gone she reverted back into her original five leaving them tired and unable to do anything but faint. The sky darkened and began to rain showering the landscape with much needed rain, however it didn't help Twilight the other elements and the royal guard find the one who stole the elements of harmony. They've deduced that it was a diamond dog that had been on the stealing spree. They did hear the commotion that went on before the storm hit but the details were unknown and they decided to go in the direction of the noise. Eventually they found a massive clearing with a lone diamond dog statue in the middle with the elements of harmony surrounding his statue.

“Twilight?" the voice sounded familiar to everypony gathered but they couldn't put her hoof on it. Then a purple figure rose from a dirt hole that had been previously covered with leaves. “Spike" Twilight ran to her assistant quickly giving him a hug but before Twilight could say another word “look in the hole". He motioned over to the hole that was semi covered by leaves and the other elements quickly got to work removing it. They were surprised to find Sweetie Bell Apple Bloom Babs Scootaloo Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon within it.

"How did they end up here" Fluttershy asked barely heard over the roar of thunder. “I don't know but I do know that that diamond dog over there Spike pointed at the statue “did it he's the same one who kidnapped me”. Hearing this the royal guard went over to it and began to carry it out of the forest. One stayed behind to tell the group that they would be at Twilight's library and will be contacting the princess. “Let’s get back to Ponyville Applejack said "we can ask how they got here in the morning once there all rested." Everyone nodded and carried a filly on their back. Applejack carried Apple bloom and Babs while Rarity carried Sweetie Bell, Rainbow carried Scoots, Pinkie carried Diamond. and Fluttershy carried silver. They each made their way home safely and returned Diamond and Silver to their rightful homes.

The six fillies had slept for a couple of days each extremely exhausted from the events that took place. When they finally did awaken they had no recollection of the events, all they knew is that they went into the Everfree but for a reason they couldn’t remember. Babs solely remembered what happened and didn't talk about there was no reason to plus no one would believe her anyway. The six filly's returned to their normal school life there were questions about what happened to them during their absence but no pony said anything to them.

Eventually time came for Babs to return to Manehatten the three crusaders and the duo of trouble came to see her off.
" Bye girls it was nice spending time with yea while I could."
" Yea say hi to the Manehatten branch of the crusaders for us" Apple Bloom said.

"Babs we'll always be friends no matter what" Silver spoon told her giving her a hug. "What she said" Diamond said smugly. After the heart felt good byes Babs got onto the train. The train began to leave the station and Babs was glad that that whole mess was behind her. Although she would still miss her friends old and new and eventually the sound of tracks on wheels lulled Babs to sleep but not before uttering a few words "and thus ends the mysterious theft of Ponyville".

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