• Published 15th Sep 2013
  • 2,157 Views, 51 Comments

(SiC) Part 5 - Pinkie Pie the Evangelist - Brian Jacko

Pinkie Pie goes on a mission to win hearts for Jesus.

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An Unexpected Grey Guest Shows Up

Rainbow Dash kept an eye out from above. She shielded her face with one front leg to keep the rain out of her eyes. After a while, she spotted Pinkie Pie. It was a little bit harder to find her because the shade of her coat had become much darker because of her depression.

Pinkie Pie was sitting at the edge of the pond watching the rain drops make ripples through the water. Tears were streaming down her face, but they were well hidden in the rain. There was a storm several feet in the air and it was pouring rain down on top of her.

Rainbow Dash swooped down and sat next to Pinkie Pie.

Twilight and her friends followed closely behind her.

"Go away, Dashie," Pinkie Pie said. "I'm an abomination to God and I should no longer call my self a sister in Christ. I have done more damage than good. In fact, I don't think I have done any good at all. I have led ponies into confusion with heresy. I have killed somepony's beloved pet. I have turned off non-believers from wanting to know more about our God. I am a screw up and can't do anything right. You're all right. I should just leave you all to reap in the harvest without me."

"I'm not going to say that what you did wasn't wrong, but there's just as much hope and redemption for you as for the ponies who you were trying to preach to. You did a right thing wrong," Rainbow Dash said. "We can't understand how God works and sometimes ponies who I thought were surely going to come to Christ, ended up choosing not to and ponies who gave much hate and opposition to the faith, suddenly had their minds and hearts changed and converted. I can't figure out how it happens and neither can you. Our job as Christians is to live a Godly life and help spread the good news of the Gospel. We are all called to be missionaries, but we have to do it the right way. Remember Applejack's most favorite parable about the story Jesus told about the spreading of the seeds? We need to remember that and go over it again and again because it's so true. We need to tell others about the love of Christ, but even I need to remind myself to be gentle and kind about it, especially when I'm trying to show other ponies what sin is. We can't just shove religion down other ponies throats and your little crusade that you went on did just that. I know that I can be pushy and antsy about things sometimes too. I'm not very well known for patience either. Let it be known that God is never going to give up on you and He loves you the same always."

A little bit of hope had shined through Pinkie Pie's heart and she had a little smirk on her face from the comforting words of her Pegasus friend. She turned and wrapped her front legs around Rainbow's body and said, "I'm so thankful I have a sister in Christ like you."

Rainbow Dash embraced her hurting friend.

"And ya got plenty of other sisters in Christ as well to help ya with yer misunderstandin's and struggles, Missy," Applejack butted in.

Pinkie Pie let go of Rainbow Dash and then sunk low to the ground when she saw Fluttershy. "I'm so sorry I killed the pet that you were taking care of. I don't have any more money to help out and buy a new dog. I hope you don't get sued."

Fluttershy smiled and said, "What happened was terrible and tragic, but there is good news. A miracle had happened and God brought him back to life after I prayed over him. He's also healed and is back in good hooves with his owner. Try not to worry too much about what happened with your money. We'll try to help you as best we can with any money if you need it, right girls?"

The rest of Fluttershy's friends agreed that they would help Pinkie Pie out if she had any money troubles.

"Wow! That's amazing," Pinkie Pie said. "I'm so glad that happened, and thanks for offering me financial support."

"Come on, Pinkie Pie," Rarity said. "Pick yourself up and walk with God through this storm in your life."

Pinkie Pie got up and started to walk over to Rarity. Her hoof struck a rock and she tripped and fell into a mud puddle.

Giggling could be heard from behind the ponies and each pony turned to see that a certain grey Pegasus was trying to contain her laughter with a scrunch face.

"Derpy Hooves? What are you doing here?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Derpy walked over and helped pick Pinkie Pie back up. She then flew over to the cloud that Pinkie Pie was sitting under and pushed it over Pinkie Pie and stood on top of it.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Derpy?" Rainbow asked.

"Of course it is!" Derpy replied. "I learned this trick from you and this will get all that mud off of her."

Derpy bounced up and down on it and the rain came out harder. She continued to bounce on it until a bolt of lightning came out from the storm cloud and struck Pinkie Pie's cutie mark.

Pinkie Pie jolted upwards.

Derpy stopped bouncing up and down on the cloud and said, "Oops. I just don't know what went wrong!"

"Why are you here, Derpy?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Because I was helping bring in the storm clouds today and I noticed you from above. It seemed like you were sad and you were the only pony who could cheer me up and make me laugh. Do you remember that song you sung to me after those bullies were being mean to me because of my disabilities?" Derpy cleared her throat and began to sing. "Come on everypony. Smile. Smile. Smile. Fill my heart up with sunshine! Sunshine!" Derpy smiled and said, "You taught me that laughter is the best medicine and that I shouldn't be ashamed of my disabilities."

Pinkie Pie's mane and tail became puffy again and her coat became a lighter and brighter shade of pink. "Hey! That's right! It reminds me of one of my most favorite verses. A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."

Applejack laughed and said, "Here's another one for ya, Pinkie. He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with shouting."

"Where did you get those sayings from?" Derpy asked.

"From the Bible!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"Is that the book about Jesus or something?" Derpy asked.

"Yes!" Pinkie Pie yelled out. "Do you know Him?"

Derpy shook her head no in sorrow and said, "I tried to read that book, but my disabilities prevent me from understanding much of anything. I don't know if God loves me because I have so many disabilities and I get into a lot of trouble because of them. Do you think He loves me too?"

"Of course He does you silly filly! He died for us and just because you can't understand the Bible, doesn't mean He doesn't see your heart," Pinkie answered.

"Oh," Derpy said. She was rather unsure what it meant to see somepony's heart since she thought that Pinkie Pie was referring to the organ inside of a pony's chest.

Twilight stepped forward and asked, "How about a letter to the Princess?" Twilight used her magic and brought out a scroll and a quill.

"But won't the scroll get ruined in the rain?" Pinkie Pie asked?

"This mare knows lots of tricks! I learned a special water proof spell because I'll write to the Princess at some of the most craziest times, and I have written letters while I was taking a shower in the past."

The ponies looked at Twilight with great concern.

"Ya have written letters to the Princess while in the shower, Twi? I don't know if I should be prayin' about that or not," the farm pony said.

Twilight giggled and said, "That's kind of weird, I know, but sometimes I do math problem solving while I take a bath too. I guess when I feel the need to write something down, I feel like I have to do it right away or else I'll forget. You all know that I have a bit of obsessive compulsive disorder."

Pinkie Pie began her letter. "Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned that you need to be gentle and kind when it comes to telling others about the love of Jesus. I realized that I was in the wrong and my crummy works that can be crumbier than even the crumbiest of cupcakes, can't change hearts, but only He can. I was trying way too hard and I ended up hurting ponies instead of helping them. I think God was trying to tell me, through my friends, to just be myself and use the talents that I have instead of trying to copy others. I was so crazy that I didn't listen until I saw the consequences of my actions. I learned my lesson and I'll be myself from now on. If God wants to show ponies His love through me, then that's up to Him. I have to work with Him as a team and not try to be so forceful on other ponies. Oh yeah. Twilight Sparkle also writes letters to you as she takes showers. You might want to pray for her. Yours truly, Pinkie Pie."

Twilight Sparkle was so focused on writing the letter, that it took her a moment to realize that she wrote down that very personal information about herself. Twilight Sparkle looked up at Pinkie Pie with a look of anger and then muttered some words of disapproval as she scratched out that personal piece of information on the scroll. Twilight used her magic and sent the letter away.

Pinkie Pie was smiling again and bounced over to her friends. She stuck her front hoof out and asked, "Sisters in Christ?"

Each one of Pinkie's friends put their front hoof on top. They looked over and noticed Derpy staring at them with a bit of confusion.

"Would you like to join our little Sisters in Christ team, Derpy?" Twilight asked.

"You would accept a pony like me, with so many disabilities? I don't feel like I'd fit in very well," Derpy said.

"Of course!" Twilight said. "The love of Christ extends to all and He cares for you just as much," Twilight said.

Derpy looked at the front hooves piled on top of each other for a moment and then lit up with a smile. "I want what you girls have and I want to feel loved and accepted for once!" Derpy rushed over and put her front hoof on top of all the other ponies. "Sisters in Christ!" she cried out!

Just then, the rain stopped and the clouds rolled away. The sun came out and there was a beautiful rainbow that stretched across the sky.

Everypony cheered and ran in for a group hug around Derpy.

"Welcome as our seventh member in our little group, Derpy. We'll be here for you to support you in your new journey of faith," Twilight said.

Derpy beamed with a smile and said, "If it wasn't for Pinkie Pie, I would have never cared about trying this faith that you all follow. She was the only one who could cheer me up. She's like a hero to me."

Applejack nudged Pinkie Pie in the side and said, "I reckon God just used ya to win a new heart fer Jesus. He has a great sense of humor now, doesn't He?"

Pinkie Pie got low to the ground and her whole body was quivering with excitement. She had a rather crazed smile on her face. She then sprung high into the air like a firework. She came back down and began talking as fast as she could. "Oh my gosh! It happened! We need to have a special celebration party for Derpy and over the fact that I..." Pinkie Pie paused for a moment as her friends stared at her with great concern. "I mean that God changed the heart of a pony through me."

The rest of her friends smiled at her.

Everypony looked at Derpy who looked rather sad.

"Derpy?" Rarity asked. "Why do you look so sad?"

"Will Christ ever cure me of my problems? I have so many," Derpy said.

Twilight came closer to her and said, "Derpy, we can't be sure. He has the power to do so, but not everything goes our way all the time, and as much as we want the answer to our prayers to be yes, sometimes the answer is no, or wait a little longer. When our prayers match up exactly in line with the will of the Father, then the answer will always be yes. Be of good cheer, Derpy, Jesus has overcome the world. God can still use us even though we are so beaten down with problems in life. He can turn it all around and use it for His glory. We're going to be here for you and we are here to build one another up and encourage each other just like the scriptures command us to do."

Derpy smiled once more and said, "You girls are really the best. No pony has ever accepted me like this before. I'm so happy to be appreciated and loved like this."

Everypony smiled and was so happy for Derpy.

Derpy looked around a bit and then pulled out a muffin. She now had a very serious expression on her face. "I have one really important question to ask about God."

"Please ask us," Twilight said.

"Do you think Jesus likes muffins too?"

Twilight Sparkle giggled and said, "I'm sure He does, Derpy. I'm sure He does."

The end.

Author's Note:

This is part 5 in the series that I'm doing.

Part 6 can be read here...


Comments ( 4 )


The writer of The Chronicles of Narnia, C S Lewis, was saved and admitted that series was a Christian allegory.

Mark 16:15 "Go ye therefore and preach the Gospel to every living creature."

3718852 You either skipped part 4 or do not have mature stories enabled.

Comment posted by TheEvilCookie deleted March 15th
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