• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 1,804 Views, 38 Comments

Bloodlines - SleepIsforTheWeak

Growing up is hard on its own, especially when your accomplishments are forever overshadowed by those of somepony else. And how could one not be overshadowed by Rainbow Dash?

  • ...

Fourth Year (16)

He is sixteen and Pinkie mentions one day that he does not seem at all interested in dating and that she thinks it’s weird.

"Do you think he has somepony at school?" Pinkie asks her. They are sitting by the fireplace together in a rare moment of alone time. The kids are all scattered, since it's the weekend.

Sue is with her friends for the night, she left right after school and Dash doubts that they'll see her again until Sunday afternoon.

Diane is with Octave, the son of Octavia, and they are most likely up in his bedroom/studio right now, jamming away.

They don't exactly know where Skylar is, but there is about a ninety percent chance that he is at Sweet Apple Acres with Jasper Apple, AJ and Rarity's youngest child and only son. Jasper and Skylar had been friends since birth, basically, and were completely inseparable.

Stormee is in town right now, probably causing mischief, because out of all of their kids, Stormee has taken it upon herself to carry on their pranking traditions. They really should keep a better eye on her.

"Dashie?" Pinkie calls out to her after Dash doesn't respond.

"Sorry," she mutters, "Was just thinking about the foals."

"Yeah. They're growing up fast, aren't they?" Pinkie has a sad undertone to her voice that kills Dash inside, because she hates it when Pinkie is sad, even if it is a bittersweet sadness.

"Yeah." she replies, draping a wing on her counterpart.

"So do you think it's normal that he isn't into dating, yet?" Pinkie asks after a while of sitting under the embrace.

"Probably. I didn't start dating until I was twenty."

Pinkie raises a brow. "Dashie, we started dating when you were twenty." she giggled.

"Exactly." Dash says with a wink, leaning in for a kiss.

He is sixteen and he steps into Dean Blizzard's enormous office.

"Lightning Dash, good to see you."

Dean Blizzard is an older pegasus with a snow white coat and a short, gray mane. He has a booming, happy voice and smiling eyes. He had been dean of the school for well over thirty years, and a professor before that, and had seen some of the most prominent talents in Equestria walk his halls when they were teens.

Lightning sits down in a comfortable, plush chair in front of the dean's desk.

"You wanted to discuss something with me, sir?" he asks hesitantly. He thinks he knows what the dean wants to discuss with him, and he dreads the conversation, but he is also a bit excited.

"Yes," The dean comes from around his large desk and sits in the chair next to Lightning's. "You did not provide the school with your three choices of career for this year. Did you receive the list in the mail?"

Lightning fidgets a bit. "Um, yes sir. I... was a bit overwhelmed by it, in fact. I haven't thought anything on what I want to do when I graduate. I don't know where to start."

Dean Blizzard nods at him patiently. "Have you spoken with your parents about this?"

He runs a hoof through his mane. "N-no sir. I have not. I-I think everypony expects me to be a Wonderbolt, like my mother."

"And do you want to be a Wonderbolt?"

"Not really, no. The Wonderbolts are more of my mom's gig, uh, legacy."

Dean Blizzard nods understandingly. "Well, what do you want to do?" he asks, which earns him a halfhearted shrug in answer.

"Your mother, as soon as she stepped into the gates of this school, always wanted to be the best. And since the Wonderbolts are largely considered the best fliers in all of Equestria, she fell in well with them." the dean explains. "But what about you? What do you want to do in your job?"

He contemplates the question seriously. What did he want to do? He knew he wanted to fly, but that was natural. He was a pegasus, duh. But there had to be something else.

"I... I think I want to help ponies." he speaks slowly, still deep in thought.

"Okay. Anything else?"

"I don't want my talent to be wasted. Like, I know that down in Canterlot, unicorns will pay a pretty bit to be followed around with a cloud to block out the sun, but I don't want to ever do something like that." He decides. "And, I don't want to be a weather pony, either. It seems like everypony works for the weather factory nowadays and I don't want to be a sheep."

The dean smiles. "I think I have the perfect job for you, Lightning."