• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 1,496 Views, 63 Comments

Set Adrift: Kuma in Equestria - EnderBrony

Bartholomew Kuma gets sent to Equestia by discord to save not only their world, but his as well.

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Chapter One

“There, repairs are finally finished.” said a man in a doctors vest and mask.

“It’s about time,” his colleague said, “It’s a shock that PX-0 was able to return to base with the damage it acquired. How long have we been repairing it now? Two months?”

“Just about. Let me go tell Vegapunk that the repairs are finished,” the first man replied. He then turned towards the huge subject on which they had just finished repairs on, “Next time, don't come back in shambles, all right?” he laughed. Getting no response, he then proceeded to head towards the door.

“I think you should take it with you to show Vegapunk.” said the other man, “Odds are it’s just going to be re-deployed as soon as he knows.”

“Good idea,” replied the first man, “PX-0” he commanded towards the object on the large table.

Suddenly, the subject on the table sat upright and stepped off the table.

PX-0, or better known as Bartholomew Kuma, was a gargantuan of a man. He stood at an astounding 22’6 and had a massive barrel chest. He had seemingly pure white eyes, almost like he was wearing a pair of white shades. He had long, curly, black hair and a long protruding chin. He was wearing a massive black jacket with a design similar to that of a crosshair on a scope. Along the hem of the jacket there were white paw print patterns, and he was also sporting a pair of white pants and a white hat with panda ears, both of which are dotted with brown spots.

On his incredibly large hands, he had very strange additions: Panda pads. In years past, he ate the Nikyu Nikyu no mi, or the Paw-Paw fruit, which gave him paw pads on his hands that allowed him to redirect any attack aimed at him. He could also push objects at incredible speeds, even making them travel to a different location on earth. He used this ability to force spheres of air at targets that are powerful enough to bore holes in solid rock.

He is a human weapon, transformed into a cyborg by Dr. Vegapunk, the most intelligent man in the world. He is also a member of the Shichibukai, or the 7 Warlords of the sea. However, shortly before the great war between Whitebeard and the World Government, the final phase of the Pacifista Project was put into motion, thus taking away his ability to act freely and making him nothing more than a puppet for the Government. Before this though, he had talked with Dr Vegapunk about his last act as a true human being, and Vegapunk agreed to allow him his last wish; to protect the Thousand Sunny, the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates, until they arrived back from their two years of training. During this time though, he attained massive amounts of damage, thus leaving him where he is now.

As he stood up, his eyes began to flash red. Suddenly, the flashing stopped and he looked towards a table at his right. On this table, there was a massive pair of gloves, obviously his, and a book easily the size of a grown man. On the cover of the book, there was but one word “Bible”. He grabbed the gloves and slipped them on, as not to accidentally send something flying with his Devil fruit power, then he grabbed his book, holding it close to his chest. He then proceeded to walk towards the man who summoned him. He stopped in front of him and said in a flat tone, “Internal diagnostics complete. Damage:minimal, Condition: stable, Power: Full.”

“Yeah, you’re welcome” the man replied sarcastically as he walked towards the door, “Lets go PX-0, I’m sure Vegapunk’s gonna be glad to see you up and running again,”

Kuma obediently followed him. For many minutes, they walked through a large expanse of hallways stopping only when they reached a large set of doors taller than even Kuma. The man then reached out and pressed a button, which then let off an electronic buzz that echoed throughout the halls.

“What is the meaning of this disturbance?” A man’s voice demanded from a speaker directly above the button, “I specifically stated that I was not to be disturbed unless it was a matter of dire importance.” he said in a threatening tone.

“B...B...But sir...It is. PX-0 is b...back in full operation.” stammered the shorter of the two outside the doors.

“PX-0?” said the voice in a surprised tone, “...my apologies. Would you send him in, I have his next mission.”

“Y...yes sir, Dr. Vegapunk.” the man stuttered. The doors in front of the pair then began to open, finally stopping with a spine chilling thump.

“P...PX-0, enter.” The man stuttered. Kuma then walked inside and the doors closed behind him.

“Well… that could have been worse, I guess.” murmured the man as he walked towards the cafeteria to join his companion.

“PX-0...” said Vegapunk in a sad tone as Kuma stopped directly in front of him, or at least in front of the screen that displayed his image. He would never base himself in a marine headquarters. He was far too valuable to lose in the occasion of a raid. His true location had not been disclosed, and he preferred that it stayed this way.

“The man who gave his life for science. What a shame you have lost yourself Bartholomew Kuma; such a man of considerable strength and respect. Alas, there is little I can do, as removing Pacifista modifications would be treason, which would inevitably lead to my execution. Now, about your next mission,” he sighed half-heartedly, “A group of young upstarts have been spotted on the coasts of Alabasta attempting to supposedly re-establish the organization ‘Baroque Works’. Your objective is to apprehend and disband them. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir…” said Kuma in a flat tone, as if he had paid no attention to anything that Vegapunk had recently said that didn’t pertain to the mission, “Objective: Apprehend culprits believed to be attempting to recreate the organization ‘Baroque Works’.” he finished bluntly.

“Correct. You may now proceed to location.”

“Understood.” said Kuma. He then blurred out of existence. This did not worry Vegapunk though, as he had seen Kuma do this many times. For a man of such size, he could move faster than almost any human. Whether this was a side effect of the Pacifista modifications, even he was not sure. He then turned back towards his computer and continued to study the data he collected shortly before his interruption.

Kuma appeared on the shores of Alabasta, consequently around the area where the Straw Hats landed over two years ago. As a well know, yet secluded site, it would be the perfect place to meet a group of people at. Seeing no one nearby, he began walking along the coastline.

He continued walking for hours, but to no avail. He showed no signs of exhaustion, as he was essentially a robot completely devoid of emotion. As he was walking, his scanners suddenly indicated a presence behind him. He quickly jumped and spun around and opened his mouth to fire a laser, but he saw nothing in the area where the presence was previously located. As he turned to continue his trek, the same presence as before reappeared, this time above him. Without hesitating, He opened his mouth and fired a laser directly up. He saw a strange shape dart out of the path of the laser before it could reach him.

“Well somepony seems to be a bit edgy, hmm?” said a tantalizing voice behind him. Kuma then pulled off his right glove and turned to face the source of the voice. Before him, however, was a very strange creature. It had the shape of a dragon, but it seemed to be a jumble of multiple animals. His scanners couldn’t identify what species of creature this was, or how it had just spoken to him. Kuma then created a sphere of compressed air in his hand and aimed it at the creature.

“State your name and purpose.” he demanded.

“Well,” it began, “My name is Discord, lord of chaos, and I am here to allow you to live a life beyond that of a puppet for the World Government.”

Kuma, not being programmed to understand what the creature, or ‘Discord’ as it had named itself, had said, ignored this, “Are you a member of those attempting to recreate the organization Baroque Works?”


“Then I have no need to continue this nonsense.” Kuma replied blankly as he slipped his glove back on and turned to continue searching.

“I believe you do, in fact”, said Discord as he appeared in front of him.

“I advise that you move, otherwise I will be forced to take drastic measures.” Kuma commanded.

“No sir, Bartholomew Kuma, I don’t think I will” said Discord in a voice that gave a hint that he was challenging Kuma.

“Very well then” Kuma opened his mouth and a yellow glow appeared, along with a beeping that got faster as time went on. Before he could make another move though, Discord snapped his fingers and suddenly Kuma froze. His system was suddenly overridden and memories began flashing before his very eyes. His childhood; His revolutionary years; The pacifista modifications, The Straw Hats, everything.

The glowing stopped and Kuma closed his mouth and looked at his hands, as if shocked to see that they were still his.

“You… restored my memory. I’m me again.” Kuma stammered in disbelief, “How did you do this?”

“Master of Chaos; it’s what I do” Discord replied nonchalantly.

“Tell me, why did you do this for me?” Kuma said.

“I’ve been watching you for a while, and I believed that someone so generous with their own life deserves to be more than a slave. I’m not just here to restore your memory though.” Discord replied.

“What exactly do you mean?” asked Kuma in a confused tone.

“Well as you can most likely tell,” said Discord as he gestured to himself, “I’m not from this dimension. Where I’m from though, an item of dire importance to my dimension has been stolen, and I need you to help me retrieve it.”

“What is this item that has been stolen, and why do you need my assistance to help retrieve it?”

“That’s not important now; will you help or not?”

“I can not, as I am currently on a mission for the World Government.”

“You still follow them, even after they turned you into a mindless slave?” Discord replied in a bewildered tone.

“I do not wish to continue working under their command, but as a Shichibukai, I must fulfill my obligations for them. Also, I do not see any reason to help your situation will not directly impact me.”

“Well, this item that was taken is not just important to my world, but to yours as well. Also, I did restore your memory, so I believe you owe me one. Unless you want me to remove your memory and free will again, and you could go back to your existence as a slave?” said Discord in a stern tone.

“No!” Kuma quickly replied, “I...I will help you.”

“Wonderful!” exclaimed Discord as he clapped Kuma on the back, “Let’s get going then.”

“Wait.” Kuma said hesitantly, “I have a question. Where… exactly, are we going?”

“I have a question for you too,” said Discord with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “If you were to go on a trip... where would you like to go?” In a flash, they both disappeared, leaving only the dry sands of Alabasta.

Author's Note:

Edited and Proofread by Dirty Bit,Editor Pony, and Keatosimo