• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 927 Views, 5 Comments

Eternal Equestrian Radio - ReapersSprint

This is a message to every brony.

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Twilight Sparkle

Welcome back to Eternal Equestrian Radio. This is your host, Dj-Pon3. Just call me Vinyl for short. Today we have a special guest with us to discuss some of the happenings with our many fans out there. As many of you may know, its been pretty hazy lately. A lot of new people have joined the herd, so to speak, and are eager to be a part of our community. With that said, I’d like to introduce the one and only star pupil of Princess Celestia herself, none other than Ms. Twilight Sparkle.

Please Vinyl, just call me Twilight, Ms. Twilight Sprakel is too formal. Anyway I’m happy you invited me over.

Well who else would I invite over for what we’re going to talk about tonight. Next to Celestia you know more about almost everything than anypony else around here.

I wouldn’t say that, I’m just like any other pony out there.

Yea...right. Anyway, as many of you may already know I’ve invited Ms. Sparkle over tonight to talk about some of the more edgy stuff as of late. It seems as though some ponies out there have forgotten what it is to Love and Tolerate, and I couldn’t think of anyone better than Twilight to have over for this. So, with that said, I’d like to ask you the first question Twilight, if you’re ready that is.

Go right ahead, I’m always ready.

Ok, well let’s start by getting right into the heart of the matter shall we? Do you feel as though many of the residents of this beautiful nation of ours have lost their way?

Even though it hurts me to say it, I do have to say that some ponies do seem to have strayed from what we have built our nation upon. I’m always happy to see new neighbors and friends around, but some of these ponies aren’t as friendly as most of us. They seem to find trouble accepting other ponies for what they are, just because they are a little different.

It actually reminds me a lot of when I first say my friend Zecora in Ponyville. everyone was afraid of her and didn’t leave her any chance to introduce herself. We even thought she cursed us, I felt like such a little foal after that. After we got over how what she looked like on the outside, we found she was just like the rest of us. Other than being a master of potions...and a Zebra of course.

I have to say I completely agree with you Twilight. It hurts to say it, but some ponies just aren’t as Tolerant as some of us would like to think. How do you think ponies like these could effect our Nation? Is it something to worry about?

Sadly, both me and Celestia have been a little afraid lately. The intolerance and hate that some ponies have showed is a bad sign. It reminds the Princess a lot of Princess Luna when she became Nightmare Moon. If ponies continue to argue and fight with one another we fear it might destroy Equestria. The hate and intolerance could even lead to a complete split, tearing our Nation apart. This is the last thing we want to see, but it seems almost impossible to stop at this point. not even the Elements would be able to fix this.

Woah, that is a pretty frightening thought. I personally love everypony, and would hate to see something like this tear us all apart. It seems that many ponies find trouble tolerating the tastes and opinions that other ponies have about varying subjects. Do you think this could be a leading cause of these problems?

Oh yes certainly. Ponies will always have different opinions and may enjoy things others don’t. Just because a pony doesn’t enjoy something you do, or even vice versa, doesn’t mean you should fight or argue over that. I personally love books and they almost make up my life. i mean i am the librarian aofr Ponyville and everything.

Rainbow Dash however always hated books, she called it an “egghead hobby.” This always annoyed me, but I didn’t think anything of it because i know how Dash is. A few weeks back she had a bad accident and ended up in the hospital. I convinced her to pass the time by reading some books, seeing as she had nothing else to do, and she actually did try reading it. She didn’t want me or the others knowing though and ended up waking up half of Ponyville after stealing the book just to finish the last chapter. Now she comes by the Library every day to check out another book.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that just because a pony doesn’t like something doesn’t mean you have to fight with them about it. This also goes both ways, you can’t say you don’t like something until you try it. You never know, it may just lead to your new favorite hobby.

Why doesn’t it surprise me that Equestria’s Best Young Flyer managed to wake up an entire town over a book. This actually brings me to my next point, what do you think is the best way to handle a pony who may be, how should I say this? Grinding your gears?

I can say I have had plenty of personal experience on this subject. I find the best way is to come to a consensus. Find some way to change the subject or even just drop it entirely. Some ponies just feel too strongly about a subject and you should never try to change who they are. There are exceptions though, if the pony is in desperate need of help then don’t let them drop it. This also means you can’t let it become a fight either.

Applejack is the msot honest mare i know, but she is also the most stubborn. On more than one occasion she has refused to accept help even though I could see that she was hurting herself. Being one of her best friends, I couldn’t just leave her like that. I gathered up the rest of the girls and made it a point to AJ that it wasn’t a sign of weakness in accepting help from your friends, but is actually a sign of strength, strength in numbers so to speak.

Wow, that’s quite a lesson you’ve got there. No wonder you’re the Princess’ star pupil. Another problem we have is that there are others outside of our nation that cause problems with us, almost like our existence is a plague. Even thought they aren’t violent, some of the stuff they say can seem to hit a pony hard where it counts. What do you have to say on this?

I personally have to say that I view our Nation as its own culture. With this I can say that every culture has a counter-culture. Obviously these two cultures will always find a way to clash. It is how each culture reacts to this battle of lifestyles. Neither side should hate the other, however neither side should try to force the others to be like them either.

We can not simply try to force those that dislike us to live like us. Even if we can get them to agree with our way of life, they may very well still have the same ideas and attitude that they held before. A pony must find their own way, if they find our way of life to be the better one, then we need to welcome them and show them the kindness and love that they deserve. This does not mean that we should be intolerant to those that choose the other way of life either.

Some things other ponies may say can be hurtful, but the opinions of those that hate us isn’t what matters. It is the opinion of those that love us that we need to rely on. Face the counter-culture with the same love and tolerance that we show for our fellow Equestrian’s. Do not try to force our way of life on them either, this goes back to our talk on varying opinions. If we stay clam and civil then we may find a way to co-exist with one-another.

I don’t think Princess Celestia could have said it better herself. There also seem to be ponies out there who feel that Love and Tolerance should not be used on everypony. They even bring up you and the element’s fights with Nightmare Moon and Discord. Do you have any comments on this?

Well, I’d hardly call our little escapades against those foes a fight.

Pretty confident words there i have to say, was it really that easy?

That’s not what I meant. I don’t view them as fights. Nopony was seriously hurt and everything ended the way it always was. Going against these obstacles was merely a test of our strength. We did not hurt Nightmare Moon nor Discord. We simply removed the spite and hate that Nightmare moon held. Discord was more difficult, we did not hurt him, we simply held him in a state that he can not hurt any other pony. One day we hope to be able to remove his hateful and dangerous ways.

At no point have any of us thought about hurting anypony physically or mentally. No matter what, Love and Tolerance will always triumph as long as we stick together.

I have to say, this has personally made me want to help more ponies out there. Hopefully through this broadcast many ponies have had their eyes opened. It truly is a scary thought, the nation breaking apart because of hate and intolerance. I have one final parting question for you Ms. Sparkle. Do you think there is a chance to keep our nation whole and peaceful?

Its hard to say, but i personally believe we can save Equestria. If everypony finds a way to erase the hate and spite that others may hold, we can save our Nation. This is a true trial of our land, a steep hill we must climb. if we manage to survive this climb, then the only thing we can do is build ourselves larger ans stronger. We will build this with the strength of numbers, and with the powers of harmony. The elements lie within everypony, not just us who bear the elements.

Our power is built upon the feelings of the ponies around us. the more ponies that give into hate and intolerance will destroy our power. To save Equestria, we need the help of everypony to end the strife and learn to live alongside each other. We all share a common interest and wish to see our nation grow. If we allow our problems now to end us, then all hope is lost and the nation we have worked so hard to create will fall apart.

We must stay true to each other and void straying from the ideals we have built ourselves upon. that is unless we wish for an eternal winter to grasp us all and never let us go.

I...uh...wow. That’s quite a way to sign off there Twilight. I didn’t expect that one. Leaves me, and I’m sure many other ponies, with a lot to sleep on. With that said, I must thank you for your time and I need to say that you have truly left me speechless. I would be glad to have you as a guest again in the future, hopefully in a new Equestria, so to speak.

I’m glad to hear that Vinyl, I would love to be your guest again. thank you for having me in your studio.

It really is my pleasure. Hopefully you ponies out there listening have had your eyes opened as wide as mine, because we’ve got a lot of work to do. It’s time to love and tolerate like we never have before. This is Dj-Pon3 signing off, remember everypony, the fate of Equestria lies in your hooves.

Comments ( 5 )

With the exception of a few spelling errors here and there, I see nothing wrong with this, and am now awaiting the next chapter! :twilightsmile:

Seems legit. Tracking.:moustache:


Yea, I fixed them in the Google doc but forgot to do it on here. I'll be doing a better job with that next time.

A good read, but it still looks like you missed some minor typos. Either way I'll still be sending people to this!

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