• Member Since 29th Jan, 2013
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Comments ( 37 )

What did I just read? :rainbowhuh:

I am almost tempted to read this. I will update you on whether or not I have, and whether or not I will, and whether or not I want to kill myself afterwards.

3190850 What to say... what to say... Kinda swimming in depression to be even with dislikes and likes, so let me try to convince you to read and hopefully Thumbs Up.

I understand if you are wary of this fic, the cover art certainly envokes thoughts of god awful clop and such, which I am sad to say might have influenced a lot of the Thumbs Down, considering the fic was up for all of ten seconds before it got two (you cannot possibly read that fast, I'm sorry.)

I did work very hard to keep the characters in character. And if you can read to the very end, it's actually very happy, very bubbly, a lot of the foreshadowing suddenly comes about, and no one is hurt. I think that's important. This is rated mature for sex, but I can promise: there's no blood, no gore, and really no violence, no one is hurt, and everyone goes home happy.


It has a happy ending?

Oh woe is me!

Nah, I'm kidding. I'll read it. Eventually. And I will still let you know whether I will kill myself or not. Nothing you said has influenced how I feel towards it currently, but I promise I won't properly judge it until I've read it.

I actually liked it, I was reading it in the first place to see why people thought it was so bad.

I couldn't find one reason why it would be bad.

3190996 People see the cover and figure it's a rip of Cupcakes or something like that. I have seen people who brag that "If X acts a certain way, I immediately thumb it down." It's not about the quality of the fic or anything of the like. Its they assume something. Anyway, thank you. Please Thumbs Up if you enjoyed.

Ah, I actually don't want to kill myself. Still.....

Dafuq did I just read?

Also, why do ponies have hands?

And yes, I do believe I will give this a thumbs up. Even though I'm still unsure of what I just......processed.....:rainbowhuh:

Also.....why do they have hands???

3191085 It does have the Anthro Tag, hence, they have hands, as in the cover art. I'm not a fan of anthro myself, but this is a birthday gift for Khorme, the guy who did the cover art, and he draws a lot of anthroized ponies.

Also, who is Dafuq? I keep seeing him mentioned around my fics but never met the guy. Is he some brony every brony should know?

On a side note: this is just macrophilia writing, or macro as it is more commonly known, which is, love of giant. Sex with giants. Etc.


Did not notice, nor did I know the meaning of Anthro 'til now. Sorry :twilightblush:

But still, this wasn't......bad, per say. But I still don't know I just read.

Also, Dafuq = The Fuck.

3191129 Everyone has to learn something from somewhere. If it helps, Anthro means "humanized." It's the creators choice how far that goes, such as Equestria Girls-esque colored humans. That was far on the spectrum. Other times it's, do they have hooves? Hooves only on their feet? It's a very broad term, but usually simply means, at least, they walk up right. I hoped to include enough comments about them wearing clothes and the hands, someone wouldn't have a problem just coming into it.

I know "Dafaq". I just... This, Gourmet, and especially Poisonous Joke get the :pinkiesick: face a lot.

Everything aside though: Thank you for being open minded when reading, not seeing the cover art and immediately thumbing it down without even reading the content. Hopefully the ride was fun, and with time you might start to enjoy it.

Someday, I should make a cupcake flavor of you.

More of this bullshit :facehoof:

Enough with the goddamn Cupcakes references, PLEASE.

3191221 And I was just saying how people would dismiss this as a Cupcake rip.

read it, didn't hate it, but eh....well, this is somebody's kink. I mainly read it because....I dunno. I guess anthros and I wanted to see what it was about.

Ya know, that old myth of "This is straight haired pinkie = must be horribly written"

Not entirely out of character but...eh, not awful, not a bad story really. I guess it's fun for people who are into this ^^;

the whole high heeled boots smashing down part had me shaking my head but otherwise I guess everything else was....in line with my expectations xD

Sorry, not entirely sure what to say about this besides the above. Anyways, nice work, not many grammar errors which is expected since this work isn't incredibly long, meaning an easier time editing.

3193624 If nothing else, thank you for keeping an open mind in regards to this fic. I have been the victim of “You’re title is the same as mine?! Thumbs Down!” or “Nine words out of 6,624 make me angry! Rawr!”

I agree, this isn’t for everyone. It’s certainly very fetishy, but considering what is in the Feature Box I dared to hope.

If there are any glaring grammar mistakes, please let me know if possible. Despite many reviews, I just can never get them all, and sometimes I don’t even know them until someone points them out. In another fic, I used the word “dower” when I was supposed to use “dour,” and, frankly, I didn’t even know it was a mistake, so no amount of proof reads would have had me change it.

Again, thank you for, at the very least, not down voting.

Great story I thought pinky was going to kill/hurt rainbow and I loved the ending great twist dude

3196334 Thank you. That was a big thing: I didn't want Pinkie Pie to cross a line, and if you go back in and read, you might notice a lot of foreshadowing that this was always a game. I really didn't want it to just be... clearly it was going one direction, and then it gone thrown in another. I worked really hard to make sure that, if you were a careful reader, you would see it was always a game, and Pinkie was always pranking.

3196860 yea I noticed some stuff but wasn't 100% sure

I really Really REALLY want to see rainbow get pinkie back . Maybe an eating thing no bondage though that's over done

3198483 No such thing as overdone when it comes to bondage.

This fic was naugsty.

If my friends were to ever prank me like that, I'd probably move away. That's beyond unforgivable.

Anyway, I guess I'll give it a thumbs up.

3198483 Everything is overdone to someone. Like that dweeb whining about the Cupcakes reference.

I could imagine something. RD shrinking Pinkie Pie, and acting as if she isn't aware Pinkie is around, casually voring her before revealing the ruse. Who knows.

3275835 There is always room for more, I think, if it's written well. The problem is overdone, and poor written.

3276116 Naughty or nasty?

You know, some of the pranking television shows coming down to "I'm going to make you think you are in mortal danger so that I and millions of viewers can laugh and ridicule your reactions." I don't think this is all that much of a stress from that. I do also think that though, that it could only have been Pinkie and RD. Someone like Twilight or Fluttershy couldn't just shrug it off. AJ maybe could.

But thank you for the thumbs up regardless.

3276386 Both!:rainbowlaugh:

(That's why I did that, a combination of the two.:pinkiehappy:)

3275835 actually there is, when the suspension of disbelief goes to far then it Breaks the connection to the character.

3277590 I understand what you are saying, but I think that has more to do with awful writing. This is really the closest I would ever come to a Cupcake esque fic. I don't like writing the Mane6 as sociopathic or murderous, I don't like portraying Celestia as a heartless tyrant, and I don't like portraying Blueblood as a cannabal who lives under Ponyville and brainwashes fillies into eviscerating others and using the organs to spread on his toast.

Yeah... that last one...

I think the main thing is the quality of writing. Even in extreme fics, you can portray the characters as deeply disturbed, suffering immensely, and resolve the problem with scars, but scars that will heal. All too often, it's just poor writing, smut writing. And I write tons and tons of sex, I admit it, but I always want to include a splash of romance, characterization, a reason for why two characters are becoming intimate. The problem is, when there are so many awful things, a specific type of story gains a stigma.

Eh, just my thoughts.

3277707 I hate Blue blood, but that is because he is a total douche, who portrays him like that? Never mind I really don't want to know, but actually I agree with you, this is about as far from how I see the mane six acting that I would want to read.

3278103 I love Blueblood because he's a misognystic, self-centered, obnoxious douche. I can relate to him so easily.

3277707 I think I Should have worded that Better. I wasn't pointing at you on this Exilo. I meant Like Cupcakes,(Best reference) Pinkie in that Was evil period, no build up no back story nothing, now A heavy bondage story can be good if the decent into that dark realm is shown somehow, be it in monologue or us(the readers) watching it unfold.

When I said there is a limit, I was telling kinkie pie that, because I've read storys where Other Authors go to that cupcake extreme with a character without a reason except to injure or kill a character.
You Exilo Don't go there, Hell I Loved this story. I love your style you ride the edge while keeping us on the edge of our seats waiting to see whats next

Comment posted by smoothersuperior deleted Mar 17th, 2014

Aha, cherry good story, Sir Exilo! Some excellent imagery to found here, and quite... fruity, I have to say. Rather tickled my stem, if you know what I mean.

You have earned mine follow. I do hope for more macro fics, because this was berrylliant.

3468932 There's some macro on here. Gourmet is one of my most popular, and seems to have appealed to even non-macro fans. I have others here and there.

A lot more of my macro stuff is on FurAffinity account, though. I would go there if you are interested.

Exilo- FurAffinity

I've never liked anthro, and I never had a thing for vore, and never exactly liked micro/macro but... I hate to admit; this was really dam hot. :rainbowhuh: Congratulations on giving me two new fetishes. Also; this is the first anthro fiction of thoroughly enjoyed. I'm really glad I gave this a chance...
Last comment: The story was extremely well-written. I envy your talent. :twilightsmile:

3667041 I thought I responded to this one...

Anyway, I am happy you enjoyed this. I do find that, if a fic is well written enough, it doesn't matter the content, it's still enjoyable. So I work hard to make all my fics top notch. There are tons of bad fetish fics, so I don't blame your warry, but I am happy I could change your thoughts.

A good story overall, but what in the actual heck did I just read...


am i the only one who feels that the ending stinks? normally, i wouldn't even consider saying something so blunt about a story without adding in some feedback, but the only way (in my opinion) to fix it is to have dash at least be pissed off. i mean, she was drugged, shrunk down, swallowed, stepped on, and generally humiliated! pinkie even straight out made fun of her by mentioning if only her fan club could see her at that moment! i can get her eventually forgiving them, but the idea of dash just accepting that it was all a prank, and then going along with everything just doesn't sit well with me.

While I understand the criticism, I hope you will allow me to explain the rational and reasoning for the content, and see that it all has its backing.

1) A lot of television shows involve a person getting humiliated as a prank. Scare Tactics is probably the most popular. In that, the people are placed into situations where they genuinely feel that they are in absolute danger, learn it’s all a hoax, and can do nothing but laugh. Almost every hidden camera show is essentially that, and that ends up on national television. This, on the other hand, is all done in private. No one knows what Pinkie is actually doing. Twilight might have some ideas, and Gilda might know there’s some sort of prank, but for the most part it is between Pinkie and Rainbow, thereby sparing Rainbow any real lasting embarrassment. I would also actually cite the plot of the 1997 thriller-classic the Game, where the main character is beaten, drugged, and left for dead, all in the name of a very elaborate prank. But at the end he can’t help but have admitted he enjoyed it. Some people love to be scared. They love to feel the thrill, and when it’s all done, they cannot actually feel bad so much as cathartic.
2) Within the show’s canon (My stuff sort of happens in its own continuity though the show stuff happens too), this even seemed nicer to do than the infamous Mare Do Well episode. Again, Pinkie is keeping everything going on behind locked doors and heavy curtains. I know, I know, they lead Rainbow Dash off, but they were still publicly showing her up, and for someone with so much pride, that was really just outright cruel.
3) The entire show is built around the Easily Forgiven trope. Now, I actually consider that a crutch. But I do look at it: Rainbow Dash loves Pinkie Pie. Not in a sexual manner necessarily, but Rainbow Dash loves Pinkie like a sister, and when you truly deep love someone like that, your first instinct is not always rage in a given situation. As I pointed out above, there are many factors at work here, but a big one to add would be they simply love each other and don’t necessarily hold grudges, especially in those cathartic moments.

So I do have reasons for everything I do. There are probably others but I can’t really think of them at the moment. It basically was a prank though, and as Rainbow Dash said in Griffon the Brush-Off, she likes pranks. I think the most important thing in this situation is that it was done privately, Rainbow Dash was never in danger, and Rainbow Dash was quite a bit turned on by the whole thing.

5365669 Macrophile lovin'.

Uhhhhhhhh...... huhhhhhhh......

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