• Published 5th Oct 2013
  • 1,815 Views, 51 Comments

Trigun: The Honest Disaster - Genis94

It was just a normal day for Vash the Stampede, until amysterious light burst from the desert, bringing a strange creature with it. With no one else to turn to, Applejack must trust in the Humanoid Typhoon to help her find a way back home.

  • ...

Aggressive Insurance

Applejack was now walking with Vash and Wolfwood to the town the called "Adnarl", albeit with Vash's help. Walking on two legs wasn't an easy thing in her old body, but she soon found she couldn't get around on all fours with the way her new one was proportioned. There were so many questions Applejack had buzzing through her mind, about this planet, the people, and just about everything she saw, so seeing as how they would be walking for a bit, she decided to get started.

"So, uh, what exactly are you- Am I- Ugh! What are we?" She asked, annoyed at trying to figure out the right wording.

Wolfwood raised a brow from behind his black sunglasses. "Well, we're humans, though I doubt that really applies to Needle Noggin." He said, gesturing to Vash.

"That's just cold, Wolfwood." He complained.

"Humans... If Lyra finds out, Ah'll never hear the end of it." She muttered to herself.

"So what's this here planet like? Other than the desert."

Again, Wolfwood raised his brow. "Lady, this planet is nothing but desert. Just how don't you know any of this?"

"Ah'm from Equestria. I told y'all that before!"

"Riiiight." Wolfwood leaned over to Vash. "Are you sure we should be hanging around her?" He whispered.

"What do you mean?" Vash asked.

"Well, it sounds to me like she's got a screw loose. Maybe we should just dump her once we get back to Adnarl."

Vash shook his head in disbelief. "You really are a crappy priest! We can't just leave her alone, we've gotta help her get back home!"

"In case you haven't noticed, she seems to think she's from another world! She'd probably just wind up following us to find a home that doesn't exist."

"Uh, what're y'all whispering about?" Applejack asked.

Wolfwood nervously rubbed the back of his head. "Oh, uh, nothing!"

Applejack didn't need to be the Element of Honesty to see that was a lie, but she decided not to press it... for now.

"So what's with that big t lookin' thing you got in that cloth?"

"You mean my cross?" Wolfwood asked.

"Yeah. Ain't it heavy carryin' that around?"

Wolfwood allowed himself a grin. "Yes, but that's because it's full of mercy."

Vash groaned. "You and I have very different definitions of mercy..." Vash turned to Applejack and flashed a warm grin. "So you asked what we were before, does that mean you weren't human?"

Applejack nodded. "Well, before I wound up here I was still a pony."

"Oh, a pony." Vash continued a few steps before the words sunk in. "A PONY?!"

"What the hell's a pony?" Wolfwood asked.

"It's a... It's an animal people rode before we came to Gunsmoke and we found Thomas'." Vash nervously answered.

"So... you used to be an... animal?" Wolfwood wondered.

"Well, I wasn't different from anypony else, and it's not like I was one of the critters Fluttershy took care of."

Wolfwood felt like asking who Fluttershy was, but realized it would only result in more confusion.

"Well, I guess we can figure everything out once we rest up in town. We're almost there anyway." Vash suggested.

"That sounds good to me. Ah'm plum tuckered out after all this craziness." Applejack sighed.

Soon enough the town peeked up over the horizon. It was a small little settlement that reminded Applejack of Appleloosa, a small comfort in this strange world. The trio strolled into the town, and Applejack found herself looking at all of the people she passed. These humans seemed to come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but none of them had any wings or horns, and their clothes prevented her from seeing their cutie marks. Finally as they went to the entrance of the town inn, she spotted two large bird creatures that had masks on.

"Hey Vash, what are those things?" She asked, pointing to the creatures.

"Oh, those are Thomas. They're animals we humans use to get around and-"

Vash stopped dead in his tracks and his eyes went wide.

"No way... It's just a coincidence... Just a coincidence..." He began muttering.

"What's the matter with you?" Applejack asked.

"Nothing! Let's go check in!" Vash said as he pushed them inside, his eyes darting around the town.

Inside there was an elderly man behind the counter, and a black cat with large eyes sitting on it. He gave them a warm smile as they approached him.

"Hello there! What can I do fer ya?" He asked.

"I'd like two rooms. One for the priest here, and one for us." Vash said, pulling Applejack to his side.

For a moment Applejack felt like showing him just how strong her legs were, but was interrupted as a shorter woman with short black hair pulled him by the ear.

"I can't believe you! You despicable excuse for a man!" She yelled.

"AHHHH! OW OW OW OW OW! UNCLE! UNCLE!!!" Vash screamed as he struggled against her vice grip.

"We leave to file that report on the bronze statue, and by the time we get back to do our job you're chasing the first woman you find!"

"W-W-Wait! It's not like that!" He insisted.

Another woman approached, this one as tall as Vash and with long brown hair.

"Meryl, don't you think you're being a bit hard on Mister Vash?" She asked.

Meryl groaned at the other woman. "Milly, you have to stop being so naive. And besides, the only way to teach a dog like him is to get physical.

"P-Please! Let me explain!" He begged.

"Ah don't understand. Is she your girlfriend?" Applejack asked.

"G-Girlfriend?! Why would I be in a relationship with this no-good, immature, lunatic?!" Meryl asked, emphasizing each point with a tug on Vash's ear.

Applejack nervously raised up her hands. "N-Never mind."

Wolfwood sighed in annoyance. "You know for once, it might be worth listening to him."

"What do you mean 'for once'?!"


After Vash finally got a chance to explain the story to them in their room of the inn, Meryl reluctantly stopped berating him.

"Okay, so you helped her out. That still doesn't excuse trying to take advantage of her like that."

Applejack waved a dismissive hand. "Ah, don't fret none. He couldn't pull the wool over mah eyes if he tried."

"Well, I suppose we should introduce ourselves. My name is Meryl Stryfe."

"And I'm Milly Thompson." Milly chimed in.

"We're representatives of the Bernardelli Insurance Society."

"Y'all are insurance agents? Like for floods and such?"

"Well, yes, but floods don't really happen around here so that policy is never used. It still doesn't stop somebody from causing one, though." Meryl glared at Vash.

"Hey, why was that my fault?"

"That's another thing, how do y'all know each other?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, well we were assigned to perform 24 hour surveillance on Mister Vash in order to confirm insurance claims caused by him." Milly answered.

"Is this guy really all that clumsy?" She wondered.

Meryl groaned in annoyance. "He's not just an idiot, he's downright dangerous! This is the legendary outlaw known as Vash the Stampede!"

"Him, a legendary outlaw? He looks like he couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag!"

"I'm still right here, you know..."

Meryl groaned again. "I know, that's why it took us so long to track him down the first time... But it's the truth! This is the legendary outlaw with $$60,000,000,000.00 on his head!"

Applejack tilted her head in confusion. "Sixty Billion Double-Dollars? Is that a lot?"

Meryl's jaw dropped in disbelief. "She really isn't from here... Look at it this way: you could probably buy fifty towns this size and still have a fortune."

Applejack gaped at the very thought of that much money, and found it hard to believe Meryl was telling the truth.

She ain't lying, but maybe she's just mistaken? Ain't no way this fella is worth that much.


"Hey old man, give us all the cash in this stinking place, and throw in some food for my boys while you're at it." A voice taunted from downstairs.

"P-Please... Don't do anything rash..."

"W-what's going on?" Applejack asked, startled by the loud noise.

"Trouble..." Vash muttered.

Author's Note:

Another bit of introductions, but the next chapter will have Vash showing his... interesting methods. thanks again for all the favorites in such a short span of time, guys! I promise not to let you down on this one!