• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 974 Views, 31 Comments

Cadence Goes Trolling - Flames173

Cadence is bored, and being the princess of love, she can do anything involving it.

  • ...

A day in the life of a female stallion (6)

Shining woke up at roughly 7 AM. She stretched and yawned. Then she poked Cadence in the side.

"Cadence, Cadence get up. Time to try to fix me." She whispered.

"Five more minutes." Cadence's slumbering form mumbled.

Shining poked harder. "Cadence wake up." She said a little louder.

Cadence simply rolled over.

Shining jabbed her wife in the ribs. "Wake, up, now." the white mare practically shouted into Cadence's ear.

Cadence rubbed her eyes and lifted her head. "What is it?"

Shining stared at Cadence. "You know, last night."

"OH, oh right." Cadence got out of bed, yawned, and looked at Shining Armor. "Ready?" She asked sleepily.


Cadence lazily focused on her new wife. Her horn glowed a familiar dull red. There was a loud pop and, as last time, the spell failed.

"Did it work?" Shining asked.

"I don't think so. Maybe I'm just too tired. Try again at noonish?" She asked with a yawn.

"Sure, I guess, anything to get me back to a stallion." Shining sighed heavily and left to the barracks for his daily duties of commanding the Royal Guard.


"All right maggots, listen up." Shining shouted at the row of guards.

"Dude, when did we get a new captain?" Steel Blade asked Flash Sentry.

Flash shrugged.

"I think she's hot."

Flash looked at the Commander of the Guard closely. Something about her seemed familiar.

"What do you think?"

"I feel like I know her." Flash squinted, trying to see why he thought this.

"You do? Lucky, that means you probably got a better shot with her than me!"

"What are you two discussing?" Shining asked. She glared at the two newest guards.

"I was trying to figure out why I know you sir, I mean ma'am." Flash answered.

"And you?" Shining asked Steel.

"I was, doing the same." Steel replied quickly.

"I don't believe you Blade, but I'll let this one slip." Shining dropped back and resumed his pacing up and down the line of guards, telling them their duties for the day.

"Dude, she knows my name!" Steel whispered to Flash when Shining was out of earshot.

"Not sure that's such a good thing." Flash whispered back.

Shining eventually made her way back down the line to Steel and Flash.

"Flash, you roam the parapets and make sure all seems good, and Steel, meet me in my office."

"Tough break man. Good luck, see you on the other side." Flash said jokingly, slapping Steel on the back.

Steel followed Shining to her office as the rest of the guards went off to their duties.

Shining locked the door and shut the shutters behind the two white ponies.

"Do you know why I called you in here?" Shining asked.

"You wanted to give me a secret mission that involves a conspiracy?" Steel Blade ventured.

"No, nowhere near."

"You want to know what I was truly talking to Flash about?"

"Oh no, I heard."

"Ok then, I give up, why did you call me in here?"

"I think that you're sexy." Part of Shining's mind was screaming DUDE STOP, this is gay! She put aside this thought, due to the fact that most of her mind was telling her to keep going. Shining took a small step towards Steel and blinked slowly once.

Steel backed into the wall, unsure of what to do next. He began to sweat nervously. "What are you doing?"

"Shh. Just go with it." Shining stepped closer, their faces were inches apart. Then Shining ran a hoof through Steel's mane, messing it up.

"I, I have to go clean the ramparts from bird poop." Steel said quickly, he dashed to the door and unlocked quickly. He left the room, glancing at a forlorn Shining Armor.

"Well, that was a let down." She said to herself. Shining opened the shutters and sat on the chair in the office. She looked at the stack of paperwork that still has to be done and sighed. She pulled out her pencil and started working on them. Every half hour or so, she'd leave the office to check on the guards to make sure they were doing their job, or to use the little mare's room.

After about 15 hours, Shining got up to go back to her bedroom, when Steel Blade stopped her.

"Steel, what are you doing here?"

Steel shut the door. "Look sir, I came here to apologize for my previous and rash decision."

"Oh really?"


Shining shut the shutters to the small office room and locked the door.


After a while, Shining made her way back to her bedroom.

"What took you so long honey?" Cadence asked.

Seeing her wife, Shining's male mind power flared up. "I, I don't want to talk about it."

"Why not?"

"I just, don't want to."

"Oh, ok, hey, do you know what day tomorrow is?"

"Is it our anniversary already? I thought we did one like a year ago!"

"No, and that was 348 days ago to be exact."

"Ok, so, what is it?"

"It's Sunday!"

"So, I don't have to command the guard?"


"So, we can go get help figuring out how to reverse your spell?"


"Oh thank Celestia!"

"Why does every pony say Celestia? Why doesn't anyone thank Luna? Or say Oh my Luna? It's always Celestia, whats up with that?"

"I don't know, nor do I really care, I just want it to be tomorrow. Now." Shining crawled under her covers and shut her eyes. "Good night Cadence."

"Good night Shining." Cadence crawled in next to her wife and kissed her.