• Published 15th Sep 2013
  • 1,051 Views, 7 Comments

Button's Bizarre Adventure - Dark Colt Sabata

Button Mash goes into a JoJo adventure with his mother Milan and his companions.

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I - Magician's Red

Somewhere over the coast of Zebrica, a coffin was discovered deep within the ocean and seen for the first time in a hundred years. The world was oblivious of the tragedy that will be unleashed upon the world.

“Hello Rarity, sorry to come here unannounced,” the cream colored mare said at the doorstep of Carousel Boutique.

“Milano dear,” Rarity reassured her, “It is always a pleasure for you to come to visit, feel free to make yourself at home.” She let her into her home and lead her to the kitchen table.

Milano, the mother of Button Mash, she was one of the kindest mothers of Ponyville. Though the rumors about her youth was known to everypony, she let them think anything they want and left them be. Her cutie mark suggested that she was good with foals, but nopony thought much of it.

Rarity came back with two cups of tea for them, she sat on the opposite end of the table and used her magic to give Milano’s cup to her.

“Tell me, what is the occasion?” Rarity said, taking a sip of her tea.

“My son is in jail,” she replied.

Rarity’s eyes widened as she spewed her tea across the table. Taking a napkin she wiped her mouth and wiped her mouth to continue.

“What? On what charges?”

“According to what he told the guards, some punks were about to steal from an innocent mare. He beat them to a pulp without hardly laying a hoof on them,” Milano stated nonchalantly, smacking her lips to get more of the tea's taste.

“And how come you’re not freaked out by this? He’s your son, a teenager no less, and he’s in jail!” Rarity slammed her hooves into the table, leaning forward.

“For one, the guard told me that he was free to go, but he refuses to leave. Two, apparently he locked himself in by his own choice. And three, I once beat up a gang of punks when I was his age.” Milano looked up at Rarity, unfazed by her overreaction.

“Excuse me?” Rarity shrieked.

“Please Rarity, I would rather not waste any more time and get my son out as soon as possible.” Milano then turned to face the kitchen door, a white unicorn horn sticking out from it. “Come on here Sweetie Belle, we can see you.”

Rarity looked at Milano as if an extra hoof had grown out of her all of the sudden. She turned around in time to see her sister entering the room, she was now standing tall as her sister and now had her cutie mark: a heart adorned microphone. The teenage mare looked like she was about to tear up.

“Is it true?” Sweetie Belle took her gaze at Milano. “Is Button in jail?”

“I’m afraid so,” She left her tea cup on the table “But we need to go now, come on Rarity.”

“What?” She and Sweetie Belle followed Milano as she was making her way to the door. “I understand that you came to me because I’m well acquainted with the princess, but why the hurry?”

“One, he has a room to clean up, and two,” She paused and looked back at with a smile them “Let’s just say that an old friend of mine will be waiting for us.”

Within the dungeons of Canterlot, two of the Royal Guards stood unmoving at their post as they watched the teenage stallion in his cell lay surrounded by multiple videogame consoles, and empty cups of what used to be milkshake.

This was Button Mash, one of the very few gamer ponies of this generation. Despite his growth he is still a pony with the best intentions, of course that doesn’t help him when his hormones kick in. He was still wearing his favorite hat that he got ever since he was younger, it had certain sentimental value.

He heard some hoofsteps getting closer to his cell as he layed on his bed facing away the bars. The guards noticed a group of mares and one of them raised a hoof for them to stop.

“Halt! What business do you have here?”

“We’re here to convince the ‘convict’ to get out of his prison,” Milano said stepping forward.

“It ain’t that easy,” the other guard shook his head, “He’s got something on him alright, I don’t think it’s safe to get near him.”

“I’ll handle this.” Milano pushed the guards aside and walked to her son’s cell.

She halted in front of the cell, seeing him lie in bed with a bunch of junk scattered throughout the dark cell.

‘Some things never change.’

“Hey Button, it’s mommy,” she called out for him in a soothing tone.

Button rubbed his eyes as he slowly got up from his bed, he looked at his mother waiting outside the cell along with Rarity and his classmate Sweetie Belle. He got out of the bed, staring at his mother blankly.

“Hey mom,” he replied with an uncaring tone.

“Come on Button, you need to get out of there now.” Her tone was now the complete opposite of Button’s.

“I can’t, I’m uh….” He scratched the back of his head, trying to figure out the right words to tell her.


“I’m… possessed by an evil spirit and I don’t want to put anypony in danger.”

“Evil spirit?” She raised an eyebrow as he mentioned that, wondering if he meant…

The other two mare gasped loudly, Button had in his possession one of the guard’s spear. The room fell completely silent, and both Sweetie Belle and Rarity’s jaws dropped while Milano, as well as the guards, stared at Button with their eyes as open as saucers.

“See? I told you it was evil.” He broke the silence as the guard who was missing his spear now had it back.

‘As stubborn as ever,’ Milano thought ‘While I do know the truth about this “evil spirit” I doubt that he will listen to me without any proof.’

“Okay, you can come on in now!” Milano turned as she called to the shadows behind the sisters.

A completely cloaked pony made it’s way to the cell along with Milano, the figure lowered it hoodie to reveal the stripes on it’s coat and the big gold rings on the neck and ears.

“Zecora?” Sweetie Belle asked out loud, embracing her sister in a hug.

“Yeah, I’ve met her a couple of years ago during Button’s first boy and girl party.”

“Mom!” He blushed and it earned a small giggle from his mother.

“Zecora, please get my son out of the cell.” Milano stepped away from the cell and joined the two unicorn sisters.

“He looks strong, it’s gonna get violent Ms. Milano, he may get seriously injured.” Zecora took her position as she stared at the imprisoned colt.

“It’s alright Zecora, I have faith in you.” She turned to the guards to fall back as well, they knew it was not gonna be pretty, so they complied.

Button kept staring down at the Zebra, she sat on her haunches and waved her hooves in a pattern for a short while before bringing them together in a motion that left her hooves one behind of the other.

The zebra gave out a red light before it intensified and a red coated pony with the head of a bird with his back hooves on fire came out of her and almost reached Button. Everypony was left awestruck, specially Button who was his turn to drop his jaw on the floor, seeing the magic that she used to summon whatever that thing was.

“W-What the…” He muttered.

“That’s right,” Milano interjected “Zecora also has the evil spirit you speak of. It obeys her will and can be manipulated.” The spirit spew flames from it’s beak, facing towards the ceiling “And it’s name is Magician’s Red.”

“Okay, who in their right mind would do it with a bi-” He didn’t had time to finish as Magician’s Red’s fire reached him. The fire pushed him all the way to the cell’s wall, he was now pinned against the wall spread open with fire rings on each of both his hooves and hind hooves.

“Hothothothothothot!” Button yelled and screamed while attempting to get free, but with no success.

“Stop! What are you gonna do with him?” Sweetie Belle screamed almost to the point of cracking her voice.

“What is going on here? I don’t see any fire in here.” One of the guards commented.

Before anypony else could say anything, a shadowy figure appeared from Button and punched Magician’s Red back with a force that almost sent it flying. Zecora regained control of her spirit, ignoring the small trail of blood forming on the corner of her mouth.

“There it is,” Zecora muttered “Button’s power is stronger than I expected.” She had long since given up the tradition of eliciting rhymes, once exiled by her family there really wasn’t reason to maintain the custom.

“What kind of magic is that zebra using?” One of the guards spoke up, apparently unable to watch the real fight that was taking place “It’s too hot in here, what’s going on?!”

“So it finally revealed itself,” Milano muttered under her breath.

Magician’s Red was being held down harshly by a blue hoof on his neck, the fire on Button’s hooves disappeared, leaving him free. His spirit resembled a blue muscular pony, one whose mane was jet black. It’s hooves were covered in leather and it had golden shoulder pads.

“Ha! What now bro? What are ya gonna do now? Come on, you and me, one on one. What’s wrong? Are you a chicken?” Button boasted at her imitating chicken sounds when he was done with his banter.

Zecora looks like she’s being choked with magic, only that there is no magic around her neck doing that. Even if in this situation, she tried to break herself free from the spirit locking hers in place.

“But seriously mom, how do you know about evil spirits?” Button asked to his mother, careful to not let the zebra’s spirit go.

“Well you see dear,” Milano spoke up, not gazing up at him whatsoever “Just like Zecora, I didn’t think yours would show itself this clearly.”

“Milano, you only wanted me to get him out of his cell. That’s why I’ve been holding back, however please look at my neck,” She turned her head to the right, a hoof making could be seen on her neck and it’s going deeper.

“Maybe I’ll break it, maybe not,” Button interrupted pretending to ponder his chin.

“Do you want me to stop?” Zecora turned to the group of ponies near her. “If you still want me to stop, he might end up in the hospital.”

“Go right ahead, it’s the only way for this knucklehead to listen to reason.” Milan told her with calm even with everything that is happening right now.

“Understood, Rope Of Fire!” Zecora commanded.

A rope of fire reached out to the ignorant colt in the cell and tied itself around his muzzle, the junk on his cell also catching on fire. Button screamed yet again as he tried to pull the rope away, but to no avail.

“Rarity! The spirits of the two are killing each other, make it stop!” Sweetie Belle buried her crying face into Rarity’s coat, unable to watch any longer.

“Milano, what in Celestia’s mane is going on?” Rarity yelled at Milano, still comforting her sister.

“Leave everything to me Ms. Rarity, trust me.” Milano rested both of her hooves on the fashionista’s shoulders, with a nod from her she turned her eyes back to the battle, unlike Sweetie Belle.

‘I can’t breathe!’ Button thought, beads of sweat forming on his head ‘And I think that my tongue and lips are on fire!’ Button’s spirit was now a little blurry and was now slowly retreating to his owner’s body.

“The evil spirit is retreating, it’s hard for you to breathe because of the heat,” Milano explained without changing her facial expression.

‘And it’s because I have fire on my lips thanks to that stinking zebra!’ Button wanted to say, though the words never came out.

“You see Button,” his mother continued, “It is a spirit, but it’s not evil. What you believe to be is an evil spirit is actually created by your life force, a powerful image! Because it’s standing beside you, we call it,” she paused as she narrowed her eyes, “A Stand!”

‘Wait, what? I didn’t understand crap of what she told me! And a “Stand”? Couldn’t she come up with a better name?’ Button mentally ranted.

“Young colt,” Zecora called out to him, “If you cannot take the heat anymore, calmly leave the cell without resisting any further.”

“Look,” Button said despite having a rope completely made out of fire tied to his muzzle, “The reason I didn’t want to leave is, like I said, because I didn’t want to hurt anypony. But seeing you with this power as well I feel confident that I can keep it under control.”

“However,” Button took some step backwards smiling under the fiery rope on him “If you keep playing rough, then I’m gonna play rough too!”

Button raised his hind legs high and bucked them hard enough to knock down the toilet. The water sprayed Button all over, putting out the fire rope out and returning his ability to breathe properly.

Button quickly summoned his stand making him put it’s hooves over the cell’s metal bars and spread it’s hooves apart, bending the bars like if it was paper. The teenage colt then tried to clean his face of the dirty toilet water and spitting some that has gotten into his tongue.

“T-T-The bars bent by themselves…” The guard were shaking at what they are seeing before them.

Milano’s, along with Rarity’s and Sweetie Belle’s, jaws dropped and their eyes opened wide. As if that wasn’t enough, Button’s stand took one of the broken metal bars and broke it in half. The stand now holding the bars on it’s two hooves he rose one of them in the air, rapidly bringing it down on to Zecora.

But surprisingly the zebra retreated her stand and turned to walk back with the rest of the ponies, making Button’s stand freeze in place. He didn’t know why she suddenly stopped and turned away from the fight, but he won anyway, so he retreated his stand as well. That didn’t stopped him from asking what her deal was with that.

“What the hay? Why did you turned your back on me? I was gonna stab you in the face!” He stood in place, resisting the urge to beat her up on the spot.

“Ms. Milano only told me to get you out of your cell.” She stopped right besides her and sat on her haunches. “And since my deed is done, I see no reason to continue this fight.”

Button looked down on the floor, she was right, he was out of the cell already. Looking back at the cell, his stuff in there was already either burned or ruined by the water, either way those were 7 hours of gameplay he will never get back seeing the burnt console.

“Does that mean I win?” Button turned his gaze back at Zecora with a huff.

“Not really,” Zecora gazed back at him with a smile “I was ready to send you to the hospital, you’re stronger than I thought.”

“Is that so? What if I actually stabbed you in the face, huh?”

“Easy, I could easily evaporate the bar and burn you into a crisp.”

“Aww, horseapples.”

“Enough Button,” Milano stepped in the middle of their conversation and hugged her son, “You and Zecora have the same ability, you don’t have to stay in there anymore.”

“Button!” Sweetie Belle hopped in and hugged him as well “I was so worried! I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“Y-You were?” Button stuttered and slowly hugged her back.

“Yeah, ever since Rumble and Featherweight mysteriously disappeared two weeks ago I was worried that you would someday disappear as well!” Sweetie nuzzled his neck, some of her tears running down his neck.

“Wait, there’s something I don’t understand,” Button tuned back at his mother, furrowing his eyebrows at her, “How did you know about my stand? I don’t get that.”

The stares of both her and Zecora turned cold when he asked that, silence followed for a couple of seconds before Milano spoke up again.

“Okay dearie, but to explain this I must go back to the start, it’s something I owe to the Sparkle family.” Milano gave a nod to Zecora and she pulled out a series of pictures. “First, take a look at these…”

“What’s up with the pictures?” Button scanned the pictures, one of a neatly adorned coffin, it looked ancient and mostly covered in seaweed. But the one that caught his attention was the one that has captured the letters on the side of the coffin written on solid gold ‘SUNSET’.

“Four years ago that iron coffin was found close to the coast of Zebrica, that box is about 100 years old.”

Rarity and Sweetie Belle gasped.

‘A coffin that is 100 years old? Maybe it has tons of jewelry inside, but how does it relate to Twilight and the stands?’

Button however kept his attention on both the pictures and his mother’s explanation.

“I found out that the coffin was onboard a ship that had an accident, which Light Night and Twilight Velvet’s great grandmother was on.” Rarity gave yet another gasp, there was an accident 100 years ago that involved Twilight’s great great grandmother.

“When we found the box, it was already empty, but I know what was inside.” Milano’s facial expression turned into a mix of anger and sorrow. “Zecora and I are tracking that mare down.”

“Whoa whoa whoa whoa, hold on mom.” Button held his hooves in the air for her to stop. “That mare? You’re calling it as if she was a pony? It’s something that has been underwater, in a coffin no less, for a hundred years. Why do you call it a mare?”

“Because she has been sleeping for a century and now she’s awake, it’s our destiny to fight her!” Milano broke apart from the group and turned her gaze back at them with the same expression.

“The mare is pure evil. Her name is Sunset Shimmer.”

Author's Note:

This is a new project that randomly came to mind one day, don't ask, I had a hunch that this will be awesome.

I will try my best to reference JJBA Abridged as little as possible, promise.

P.S: I chose Sunset Shimmer as Dio because I thought it fits her more.