• Member Since 13th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen May 12th, 2020



A young man comes home from work to find himself changing into something... strange. His twin brother is, too. Worst birthday ever. (Contains Christian themes and plot-points)

Based on the "Five Score Divided by Four" story.

(Marked "Teen" for profanity. May contain violence at a later point.)

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 160 )

Coolio. I noticed a few mistakes here and there:

nimrods riding in upon

when the pastor coming over

please God' I prayed

Apart from that, it's all still looking good. :)

And a perfect cliff-hanger spot to end on. This should be interesting.

Comment posted by Penjacker deleted Oct 17th, 2013


What's wrong with 'expound'?

1.present and explain (a theory or idea) systematically and in detail.

3360754 Ah, whoops. I just saw the word and assumed it was a mistake, my bad.

This story so far is much better than the one where the mobster's son is sombra.

When life screws with you, drink vodka.
Because we're men.

Gain weird mystical powers that nobody in the known world has?
Brag about it to your brother.
Because we're men.


Thank you! I admit, that was part of the reason for writing this; I didn't think that Sombra was used to his full potential in that story, there was so much more one could do with that character.

Looking good so far, I can't wait to see what happens to James. The final sentence of the penultimate paragraph ought to end with a question mark, by the way.

i feel like the transformations are too quickly but then again i'm the kind of guy that likes adhering to rules and such so i quite literally did the exact timeline. Twisted said you could modify the timeline so i can't judge you. Good start, onwards to insomnia!

The Man Code was clear; when fucked up shit happens and you can't handle it, and need to have a heart-to-heart talk, you drank copious amounts of hard liquor so you could actually TALK about it, and hopefully not remember it the next day. I was looking forward to the second part the most.

guilt free psychiatrict treatment, and all it costs is the most mean diabolical annoying hangover you'll ever have, whatdya say?
*already downing several cases*
Because ponies...

The unicorn seethed in barely controlled fury, the grinding of his teeth audible. “What. Is. Your. POINT?!?”

What? It's a horn joke...

even the horn felt like it belonged there.

“Alright, fine, point taken,”

Well i'm guessing this is only the tip of it. The jokes are just poking fun at unicorns and frankly i think you haven't pointed out enough yet

Maybe they just did it for shits and giggles?

Are you kidding me? I do everything for shits and giggles.
Right now i'm in the bathroom Laughing my shit out!

None of it made much sense

Ponies- None of it madekes much sense

Please write the next chapter soon!!! :pinkiehappy:

New chapter posted! Also - is it normal to have more favorites than likes? It seems counterintuitive - that is, 'favorite' seems to be a subset of 'like'.

Wow. Mental changes really do f*ck with your reasoning.

Pretty sure it's normal to have more "favorites" than "likes. Favorite is more of a "following" (and used to be named as such) than "I enjoy this story", and can be from curiosity or hoping a story will improve more than a measure of how much people like it. Single chapter one-shots are the only ones that ever have more likes than favorites.

Dads i can understand, moms.... ehhh moms have a tendency go a bit bonkers :derpytongue2:

Looking good, James is certainly in for a rough time.

3424406, It seems the only way to keep track of story updates is by 'favoriting' it.
'Liking' a fic doesn't allow that one reader any way to find it.
That may seem somewhat counterintuitive, but that's how it works right now.

Wait a minute.
How does this story not have category tags?


Wait. How do you add those? I added the character tags, is that what you mean?

Oh. Wait, as far as "Sad/Comedy/Slice of Life/Adventure/etc"? Yeah... Not sure what it'll qualify as. Whatcha guys think - Slice of Life?

This needs more views and Thumbs-up because this story is really good.

“Well, that's all fine and dandy,” I grumbled, annoyed that I'd come to a 'prickly' spot so quickly. “But what if they're being stubborn idiots who won't see reason? Of course you have to make them see reason, and if not you have to do what needs to be done...”

"I take this burden of evil upon myself and I will not fear it, for I AM FEAR INCARNATE!" - Konrad Curze


More like arrogant, self-centered, and believing he knows better than others how to run their lives. He doesn't glory in darkness; he sincerely believes he knows what's best.

Starting to get the picture I'm painting here? ^.^

Konrad executed people for any single act of crime

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."

"--At the cost of freedom."

"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."

"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."


"--But every sin...is punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."

"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"

And words from my previous comment were said just before starting the exterminatus of his one home-world - Nostramo

Also, Konrad Curze had split personality and suffered from prophetic dreams (more like prophetic nightmares)

Great chapter, though I suggest inserting a solid line or something to show where the scene changes. It was a bit confusing when everyone here is written in the first person perspective.


Ah, thanks! I included them in the document, but I guess they didn't save as '***'s.

poor burd.:fluttercry:

man sombra!james is super messed up. He should go read that CS Lewis book some more.

Well, I've read the two "Sombra" Five Score takes I'm aware of, and I gotta say I like this one far more. The pacing of this one is better, the reactions of characters involved seem better to me.

It's been enjoyable to read and I look forward to seeing it update again.

Awww, thanks! Yeah, Christmas and final exams have kicked my plot and devoured my time, fortunately things are calming down now. I've got a good portion of a new chapter written up, but I'm not sure I'm happy with it. I'll be taking a fresh look on Sunday, and pruning and/or building upon as necessary.

Wow, "Sombra" is getting more evil by the minute, and not even realizing it. I wonder if they can get him back to "sanity" , if at all.

Yay! Update!
And wow, he's in for a rough time.

Now the question will be can he remain himself afterwards. Or rather who he was as a human... or will he become Sombra again wholly, or some sort of hybrid of the two?

Either way, Luna is not going to be happy about this, methinks.:pinkiecrazy:

You said something that perplexed me this chapter. You said Cadance was the only other Alicorn... what about Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia? Did you simply mean your Luna has not encountered either of them yet?


I'm presuming that she hasn't met up with Twilight just yet...TOOOOTALLY wasn't an oversight on my part, nope! *wonders if he should go back and edit it >.>*

But yeah, I imagine she doesn't know about Celestia yet.

Also, up until a day ago or so, I had no dislikes. Now I have 3. I wonder, are people with multiple accounts voting several times???


I'm presuming that she hasn't met up with Twilight just yet...TOOOOTALLY wasn't an oversight on my part, nope! *wonders if he should go back and edit it >.>*

But yeah, I imagine she doesn't know about Celestia yet.

Easy enough to fix. Simply change the wording to "The only other alicorn I have yet encountered" or something similar.

Also, up until a day ago or so, I had no dislikes. Now I have 3. I wonder, are people with multiple accounts voting several times???

I couldn't tell you if they'd been doing it or not. Sadly I wouldn't put it past some people. :facehoof:

Ah well, fixed now, thanks. And now it works whether she knows about Twilight or not ^.^

3830717 I remember I think someone did that to me when I was starting out. Kept making troll comments and stuff. If there is someone doing that, there probably doing it cause there either a big fan of New Boss, or they just don't like Five Score. Or most likely, it was just a coincidence. On the bright side, should still be proud your story wen't this long without dislikes. In my experience it's pretty rare.

On an unrelated note, I still haven't read this cause I'm either afraid of either...
1. Subconsciously borrowing from this
2. Getting discouraged if this is actually better than mine.

May be when New Boss is done in like a year and a half from now... I'll check this out and see your take on Sombra.


*noddles* Seems like a good enough theory. When in doubt, blame trolls.

Also, don't feel bad about borrowing - if I hadn't read CS Lewis's works, I probably wouldn't be writing this. Though, by all means, if you think you'll be discouraged avoid reading my story.

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