• Member Since 8th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


If this second was your life, what would you do?


Fluttershy wanted a nice, peaceful Hearth's Warming Eve to spend with her loved ones. Life, however, has this nasty habit of throwing around unexpected events at the worst possible time.

Written for the Random Polyamory Game in the Intelligent Shipping Discussion Group. Check out the thread if you'd like to participate!

Special thanks to Loeden, Hivemind, Karrakaz and Jondor for prereading!

Inspired by Aerosmith's song Angel.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

This is sad and yet wonderful at the same time. Nice pairing.

Thank you for the comment! If you liked this one, check out the Random Polyamory Game folder in the Intelligent Shipping Discussion group I linked. There are more three-way romances done by other authors of the group. :twilightsmile:

:fluttercry: I love the...hesitate to call it PAIRing, and it was a beautiful little story, but, man, you just kicked me in my heart. I no longer feel up to making a joke about a pan galactic gargleblaster in this comment, like I told myself I would when I first saw your name.

Heh. Trust me, feel free to make any jokes you like at my expense. Some of my friends on Skype have already gone to town on the Pangalactic Gargle Blaster bit.

Glad you enjoyed!

3206144 I actually kind of feel like I need one. to counteract all the sad. and I don't even drink alcohol that isn't a horribly traumatic space drink.

Interesting idea, these three each strikes me as the "most likely" romantic prospect for the other two, so seeing the three of them together is quite intriguing.

That was a sweet little read :twilightsmile: and poor Angel Bunny :fluttershysad:

Thanks for the comment! The pairings assigned to us in the game were randomized, but I really grew to like this one, too. Glad you enjoyed :twilightsmile:


Beatiful and sad. Poor Angel...

This was very touching, but unless I missed something, there isn't a lot of connection between Angel being sick and the three way relationship going on here. I know AJ and Twilight and there to be supportive, but that wasn't the main reason for their get together, and the moment that all three of them go to see Angel, nothing really gets resolved. Fluttershy seems to move on too quickly and easily. But that's just my opinion on the conflict in this story, it's still got the emotions across and the relationship between the three didn't feel forced or unbelievable.

Thank you for the comment! :twilightsmile:

You bring up a fair point. Truth be told, I expected someone might view it that way when I was writing Angel's part in. The reason I wrote it this way was because I didn't really want it to feel like a huge conflict that would have shaped the story. Sickness and death are a part of life, and Fluttershy knows it was going to happen to her best animal friend eventually. So by the time it does happen (i.e., the beginning scene of Angels), Fluttershy is very broken up about it but she realizes there's relatively little she can do to help. And yeah, Applejack and Twilight could have tried to do something to help Angel survive, but it really would only prolong the inevitable and perhaps even make it more difficult to handle.

This was also the main reason I decided not to include a Sad tag on the story. Fluttershy's problem isn't focussing on trying to save Angel anymore, it's more on acceptance of the fact that it's happening right now; she's doing everything she can to make him as comfortable as possible for what time he has left.

Regardless, thank you very much for commenting! Have a great day!

3217580 Nah. that little bastard deserves a painful death! MUAHAHAHAHA!!! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

just kidding^^

I think this story was an admirable effort to put on the feels, but it somewhat came up short of that goal for me.

Despite the lack of a sad tag, it felt like that that was a target feel. I read the prior comment+reply on the topic, but I'm still not convinced. Accepting the death of a dear friend is a sad thing. It felt less like Fluttershy accepting and moving on, and more like she awkwardly just shut that part off mechanically. I think the biggest reason... is that he is still upstairs dying while they're happily opening presents and cuddling. The scenario is simply too big, messy, and complicated to really depict in such a short story without turning it artificial.

The other problem is that the scenario detracts heavily from what is tagged as story intent, the romance. If it isn't intended to be “a huge conflict that shapes the story” then you probably ought to have avoided it entirely.

If we completely remove the premise of Angel being on his deathbed, and read what is left over (aside from needing a title change) we still have a cohesive scene. The problem is that a scene is really all we have. There really isn't any story, just a hint at a larger story overall.

With or without temporarily removing the bits about Angel that remains true; it can be much harder to write a story with this few of words because you have to make a story happen quickly and satisfyingly.

I can't even really comment on the romance side of the scene. It is certainly fluffy, but it relies pretty heavily on me simply accepting what is presented. There simply isn't enough to go on to really show the mix of dynamics involved. Twilight and AJ are in character only in that they have so little time on screen to get them wrong.

That all said, it's not bad enough for me to downvote. If you were to change it from complete to incomplete and work on the rest of the story, it could be actually quite good. What little we have hints at solid writing that would tell an interesting tale. Rather than avoiding the Angel-death stuff being a shaping conflict to the story, I'd embrace that (especially since, y'know, it's the title and all). Having one or both of her girlfriends worry excessively about Fluttershy's sadness while Angel dies could be itself an interesting conflict. Have 'Shy react exactly as you intend, but have Twilight overreact and try too hard to comfort her. Have AJ realize the conflict and moderate the other two. Boom, story. Between that and expanding on the history the three share, and some more well-written fluffy scenes like this one, and you could have an adorable story.

This is a great story, but it probably would have impacted me more on an emotional level if I didn't think that Angel was a self entitled little shit.


Almost everything I wanted to say about the story was said in this comment. Besides that, I didn't really feel a romantic connection between the three characters. Yes, they acted like a real couple (trio?) might on some random evening, but that doesn't illustrate their feelings. Dropping the audience off in the middle of their relationship is a hard thing to do unless you have a lot of time to develop it, and I didn't feel like I got to know these characters and their dynamics here.

Good news, there's a dramatic reading of your fic.

Looks like your hard work paid off there, good job.:twilightsmile:

Wow, that's amazing! I'll be sure to leave my thanks on the youtube comments of the video itself. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! :pinkiehappy:

You're welcome! Congratulations by the way, you've earned it!:twilightsmile:

Meh. I can only sum up this story in one word:

Cute. :twilightsmile:

A very cute and adorable story not really sad about Angel sense I hate his guts.

I usually only see AppleDashLight when it comes to TwiJack+1 fics, so AppleShyLight is a wonderful change of pace, especially when it's written like this. You've really made me want to read more of it. :pinkiehappy:

Interesting 3 way shipping

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