• Published 15th Sep 2013
  • 10,618 Views, 288 Comments

The Warmistress of Equestria - iowaforever

Sequel to God Empress of Ponykind; Luna returns and prepares to face Equestria's enemies once again.

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Luna waited outside the room. She would have loved to have been inside, interrogating the prisoner herself, but a more rational part of her brain told her that there would be a time for that. Instead, she focused on the memories of her battle with the deer witch; it had said that it was trying to save the world, but from what? Horus’ condition earlier that day had led her to believe that Chaos was on the march once again, but she could not be certain. Maybe the deer was an agent of Chaos, trying to sow discord among Equestria.

If that were true, would my sister know about it?

“Luna.” Luna looked up as Celestia came down the hallway, followed by her personal guards. “One of your Guardsponies said that you had an encounter tonight?”

“I did.” Luna straightened up. “I was alerted by Force Commander Sleight-Hoof that one of his Justicars had engaged an unknown enemy. I went to follow them, but on my way I saw... a deer.”

“A deer?”

“That’s what it called itself. It appeared to be a sorcerer of some kind, and when I attempted to subdue it the deer attacked me and I was forced to give chase.” Celestia frowned, looking away for a moment.

“I don’t remember creating deer... did it say anything else?”

“Well... it said it was from some clan called ‘Elynia’, and it tried to invoke some god named ‘Khaine’-” Luna was interrupted when Celestia abruptly grabbed her and pulled her closer.

“‘Khaine’? Are you sure it said ‘Khaine’?”

“Tia, I never forget what has been said to me.” Celestia let go of Luna cursing under her breath.

“If it did mention Khaine... then the situation is worse than I imagined.” Celestia looked up at Luna. “I told you of the Eldar, did I not?”

“I... I think so. You mentioned them in a few of your stories, but I don’t see how they could affect our world.”

“The Eldar traveled through a realm known as the Webway.” Celestia began to pace. “It’s like the Warp, but it is mostly shut off from daemonic incursions. The Eldar used it to travel across the galaxy without having to risk their people being trapped and consumed by the denizens of the Warp, and part of their empire was based inside the Webway before the Eldar fell.”

“But that was back in your old universe, wasn’t it?”

“The Webway exists outside of reality, just like the Warp. It is also massive; I don’t think the Eldar ever opened all of the Webway Gates.” Celestia looked to Luna. “If this deer invoked the name of Khaine, then it is possible that the Eldar might have engineered them or made contact with them and sent them here.”

“Why, though?” silence.

“I do not know. The Eldar enjoy their schemes and plots. If they had a reason to come here, I dread to think what that reason is.” Celestia shook her head. “I will deal with this matter later. For now, we have more pressing issues.”

“There is another thing, Tia.” Luna shuffled her hooves a little. “I... I think something attacked Horus.” Celestia blinked, and Luna could see small cracks in her composure; her wings twitched slightly, her ears flattened against her head.


“Horus contacted me today, and his armor was heavily damaged. He did not stay for very long, but he said that he had found a disturbance in the Warp and went to investigate it.”

“If there was a disturbance, why didn’t I feel it?”

“I don’t know; maybe Horus’ investigation had something to do with it. But he found the disturbance... or rather, it found him.”

“What?” Celestia took a step forward. “What found him?”

“... He said something about a daemon, a very powerful one at that, and then I lost contact with him.” the silence that followed was one that Luna had never experienced before, and never wish to afterwards. Celestia’s gaze grew stony, her jaw tightening ever so slightly.

“It appears that my vigilance is failing.” Luna blinked in surprise; she had assumed that Celestia was more than capable of blocking the interference of Chaos, but that no longer seemed to be the case. Luna set these thoughts aside for a moment and followed after Celestia, the two alicorns stepping into the room where the Night Guard had the prisoner secured.

“Princesses.” Sleight-Hoof said, bowing once Celestia and Luna entered. “We’ve interrogated the prisoner, and he said he was paid by a General Blackwing to assassinate you.”

“Did he mention anything else?” Celestia asked. “Anything related to Chaos?”

“No; he was ordered by General Blackwing to come here and assassinate you.” there was a pause. Celestia looked to Luna, then back to Sleight-Hoof before pushing past him and approaching the prisoner. The maimed griffon backed up as best he could, trying and failing to get away from Celestia.

“Please, I’ve told you everything I know-” the griffon said, but Celestia raised a hoof to silence him.

“I’m sure you have told me everything.” she said before touching her horn to his forehead. “But I just wish to make sure.” there was a pause before the griffon started screaming, thrashing about in agony as Celestia tore through his mind. Luna looked on, another small part of her feeling that she should try and put a stop to this.

No. I won’t. This is to find the corruption of Chaos. Soon the screaming stopped, the griffon slumping over as Celestia turned back to Luna.

“I really did not want to do that, but...” she sighed. “I have my answer. This griffon was present when Blackwing made contact with several Traitor Legionnaires, predominantly a Shadowbolt and a Drakeguard commander. I don’t know what the exact discussion was, but I am certain that the Traitors were the ones that wanted Blackwing to kill me.”


“Why else? They have been trying to destroy Equestria for the last thousand years, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve victory. The griffons are not wholly innocent either, or else their attempts at expansion over the past two hundred years have been seriously over exaggerated.” Celestia moved out into the hallway. “But that doesn’t matter now. What does matter is that Chaos has managed to slip under my watch, and it has pushed the griffons towards war.”

“And what is our course of action?” a pause.

“I will not stand by and allow the forces of Chaos to continue growing. If we stand idle they will grow in strength until we cannot defeat them. We must strike quickly and destroy their forces and their allies before they are allowed to become too strong.”

“So... does that mean we are at war?” there was a long pause, Celestia looking off into space while Luna waited.

“Guards, leave us.” the guards nodded and left, Celestia waiting until they were gone before speaking again. “One thousand years I have tried to keep peace and order throughout the world. One thousand years I hoped to forge a society that you and I could rule together, a society without war or loss. When you returned, I made you my Warmistress in the hopes of giving you some semblance of familiarity, but I had hoped that you would never need to use that title.”

“Tia, I was always ready to fight in your name-”

“Do you think that’s what I wanted?!” Celestia cried, turning to face Luna. It took Luna a moment to realize that Celestia had tears in her eyes, and this caught her off guard more than anything. “I never wanted this for you, Luna! I never wanted you to be my Warmistress, to go out and kill in my name! I wanted you to stand by my side as my sister, nothing more, and nothing less! I wanted you to be happy, to go out and help our subjects and love them like I love you! I wanted you and me to rule Ponykind in peace, but the universe never seems to listen to what I want!” Celestia turned away, her body shaking from suppressed sobs.

“Tia,” Luna took a step forward, resting a hoof on Celestia’s shoulder. “I know it may seem like the universe is against you, but you need to look beyond the failure. You brought life to a world, you have watched over it and protected it for millions of years, and you saved me from the clutches of Chaos. Yes, we may have to go to war, and ponies and griffons may die, but in the end, I know that the forces of Chaos will be broken, and you and I will be able to maintain peace throughout this land.”

“You are very hopeful that this will turn out in such a way.” Celestia said. “But I gave up on hope a long time ago.”

“It’s not hope, Tia.” Luna turned Celestia towards her, giving the older mare a smile. “It’s faith. Hope is something I want to happen, but faith is something I know will happen.” there was another pause, and slowly a smile formed on Celestia’s face. She pulled Luna into a tight hug, tears streaming down her face.

“Thank you, Luna.” she said. “Thank you for being the greatest sister a pony could have.”

“You’re welcome, Tia.”


Anlindē’s surprise came not from the ease of her escape, but rather her destination. She had tried to return Galas and herself to Everfree Castle, somewhere they would be safe, but instead she had found herself deposited at the Seer Council, the deer looking at her with thinly concealed disdain.

“Anlindē,” the head Seer said as Anlindē gathered herself. “What have you done?”

“Only what was asked of me.” she responded. “I searched for the identity of the Lost-”

“And dragged us into a war.” one buck interrupted. Anlindē’s composure broke, and she began to sweat. They couldn’t have traced me back here, could they? That mare might have been powerful, but not that powerful.

“I-I did not mean to attack them-”

“We know, but what you did was foolish.” Chanthal said. “You could have divined the identity of the Lost from your quarters, but you chose to travel to Equestria, right into several of their most populated cities, and risk exposing yourself.”

“I never meant to-”

“Silence, child!” the head Seer barked, loud enough to cause Anlindē to flinch. “Your actions have broken a shroud that we have worked so hard to maintain. Worse, your little escapade coincided with an attempt by the Great Enemy to slay the ruler of Equestria, thereby tainting our image and making us appear as associates to Chaos.”

“The Equestrians will declare war on the Griffon Kingdoms,” another doe said. “And they will have orders to find us and kill us as well. We are not prepared for warfare on the scale the Equestrians will bring, and we have not fully directed the griffons to fight them as one unit. Worse, if the forces of Chaos are able to locate our brothers and sisters-”

“I didn’t know about the Chaos incursion!” Anlindē cried, collapsing to her knees. “If I did, I would have stayed here and not done anything rash! Please, do not blame me for my lack of foresight.”

“You are a Seer!” Chanthal responded, her horns flaring slightly. “You are supposed to rely on your foresight in everything, and that you so willingly disregarded the tenants of your path-!”

“Enough!” the head Seer shouted, silencing all but Anlindē’s whimpers. “We must not bicker about this. Anlindē, leave this glade while we decide your sentence.” Anlindē bit her lip, trying to regain some of her composure. Failing that, she nodded and left, slipping through the trees until she was certain she was far enough away. She stopped and sat down, fighting back tears as she tried to calm herself and clear her mind.

“My lady?” she looked up as Galas approached, the Ranger sitting down across from her. “What happened?”

“I am a fool, Galas.” she said, looking to the ground. “I have brought unneeded hardship upon our kind. I have exposed them to the horrors of war, and the Great Enemy. The Council is deciding on my punishment as we speak.”

“But that was not your fault.”

“Yes it was!” Anlindē snapped her head up to look at Galas. “I was in that city when the Great Enemy tried to murder Equestria’s ruler. I was caught by this ‘Warmistress’. If I hadn’t been there, we would still be safe. Now...” she looked down again. “Now I don’t know what to do.” there was silence, Galas looking around as Anlindē continued to try and calm down. They sat in silence for several minutes before a voice rang through Anlindē’s head.

“Return to us, child.” the head Seer said. Anlindē nodded out of impulse and stood up.

“I go to face the Council now.” she said, her voice flat. “It has been an honor working with you, Galas.” Galas tried to say something, but Anlindē turned and walked back into the clearing, bowing once she had entered. “I give myself over to your judgment.”

“Rise, child.” Anlindē did so before the head Seer responded. “Anlindē of Clan Elynia, you have placed the deer at risk of war and destruction. For this we pass judgment.” there was a pause, Anlindē closing her eyes in anticipation.

“Fix this.” the Council said. Anlindē opened her eyes, confused.


“Do not be dense, child,” a buck said. “You placed our kind in danger. The Council is willing to give you a second chance, if you can remedy the problem.”

“... What must I do?”

“Take a force of Guardians and Aspect Warriors. Herd the Great Enemy towards the Equestrians and away from our clans, and you will be absolved of your sins.”

“Why? I mean, I know the value of defending our brothers and sisters, but why give the Equestrians more reason to hate us and hunt us down?”

“You do bring forth valid concerns, child.” another Seer said. “But we do not have the forces to destroy the enemy on our own; the Equestrians, on the other hoof, do. Also, if you prophecy concerning the lost still holds weight, then it is possible that we can direct the destruction towards the powers of Chaos and rid the world of their taint.”

“But what if I fail?” she asked, taking a step forward. “What if my actions lead to the destruction of the roe enclaves, or of our kind as a whole? What if the Lost is revealed, and the world consumed by death at its return?”

“What constitutes as failure will be determined by us. Go in peace, Anlindē of Elynia, and may the gods show favor upon you.” Anlindē remained motionless for a few moments, finally nodding in reverence and exiting the clearing. Galas was still waiting outside, the Ranger joining her as she walked.

“What did they say?” Galas asked.

“They want me to make sure that the forces of the Great Enemy are focused on Equestria, not on us.” she sighed. “Galas, do you know any other Rangers that might be willing to join me?”

“Several. What is your plan?”

“We must head to the Griffon Kingdoms. I will devise a plan that will save our kind and hopefully calm Equestria’s wrath.”


Although he hated to admit it, Scorpan was impressed at Talon Hoof’s ability to gather supporters. Already hundreds of Traitor Legionnaires and aspiring cultists had gathered within his camp, preparing for the battle to come. Drakeguard, Shadowbolts, Iron Stallions, all had come to join under the banner of Talon Hoof.

But Scorpan was not looking for those that swore loyalty to Talon Hoof.

The Shadowbolt walked through the camp, his boots sinking into the mud. He looked around at the Legionnaires as they prepared, searching for familiar faces. He spotted one or two Shadowbolts giving sermons praising the Dark Gods and asking for their favor, a welcoming sign among the bloodthirsty Khornates that made up the majority of Talon Hoof’s host. Scorpan was careful not to approach them; while they did have potential on the battlefield, the Drakeguard were not the most trustworthy of allies. The Iron Stallions and the Stalliongrad Guard might be useful, but only if Scorpan could find the right contacts... or more accurately, they found him.

“Well, if it isn’t Scorpan the Herald.” a female voice called from the shadows. Scorpan flicked his eye in the direction of the voice as a bat pony mare stepped forward.

“Hydia,” Scorpan replied as the fellow Shadowbolt fell in step beside him. “I had heard you were slain in Prance.”

“Ah, but the Loyalists are oh so fond of boasting about their accomplishments, are they not?” Hydia chuckled. “And if I were slain, how would I come to acquire my latest trophies?” she gestured to the pair of Celestial Guard helmets mounted on her shoulders. “Standard bearers of 4th and 9th company. I made sure they died screaming.”

“Very impressive, Hydia.” Scorpan grinned. “I wish I had been alerted to the Celestial Guard’s whereabouts, if only to make sure our dear friend Angelus suffered.”

“He retired, apparently, and sired a little parasite that assisted in the defeat of our queen.”

“... I suppose my revenge can wait a while longer.” the two walked on, rounding a pit the Drakeguard were using for “training” cultists. “But enough of the past, why are you here?”

“Why else? To spread the word of Nightmare Moon and forward the agenda of the Dark Gods.” Hydia looked to Scorpan. “But I can tell that you have something planned.”

“Indeed I do, but how do I know that you will not betray me to our ‘Lord’ Talon Hoof?”

“I swear allegiance to Chaos, not Talon Hoof. As if that fool could ever command true respect from me. But you, Scorpan, you are different; I was there for many of your campaigns, and I know you speak with the backing of the gods. Whatever endeavor you have planned, I will follow.” Scorpan smiled. Hydia was a capable warlord, one who could help him greatly once the time for action came.

“Then I accept your assistance.” Hydia smiled as Scorpan continued talking. “Do you have any forces under your command?”

“The standard rabble of cultists and my Shadowbolts, although more are coming every day.”

“Excellent. I have Talon Hoof’s trust, for now, so I shall be able to deploy our forces where they are needed. But I need more ponies who may be willing to offer assistance. You wouldn’t happen to know any, would you?”

“Arabus, a sorcerer of the Order of the Sacred Star, may be of some use; he commands a congregation of magic users and is much more knowledgeable about the Warp than I am. Also, I heard rumors that Grogar the Necromancer was moving his host from the east to join with Talon Hoof.”

“Why? I thought that those two hated each other.”

“They do, but you and I know Grogar; wherever there is death, he is there to expand his armies and spread contamination to the survivors.” Of course he would.

“Contact Arabus and see if he is willing to speak to me. In the meantime, I will investigate if these rumors concerning Grogar hold any merit, and if so I might be able to negotiate a deal with him.”

“If your plan, whatever it is, is appealing to him, of course.”

“Oh my dear Hydia,” Scorpan smirked. “If my plan is successful, then Grogar will have millions of bodies that he can contaminate to his heart’s desire.” Hydia returned the smirk before trotting off to search for Arabus, leaving Scorpan alone in the camp again. Once she was gone from his sight, Scorpan turned and began searching for more Shadowbolts, hoping to bring more to his side.

Why do you seek to enlist the aid of sorcerers? The voice echoed through his mind.

Sacrifices must be made, my lord. Scorpan replied. I will need all the help I can get if I am to free you from the Warp.

Sorcerers are a cowardly and deceitful lot. You should distance yourself from them and stay within my aura of influence.

Under normal circumstances I would agree with you, but our plan is not ready to be executed just yet. I need time, and more power than I possess, and the sorcerers’ divination will be vital in determining the best method of setting you free.

I suppose... But remember where your loyalties lie, Scorpan. You promised that you would release me from the Warp, so that I may slaughter the foes of the Blood God. And if you betray our bargain for some sorcerer’s deception-

Have faith in my abilities, my lord. I devoted myself to spreading the power of Chaos, and I will not back down from that oath until this world and all others burn in the fires of the Warp. I ask that you allow me to carry out my plan, and I shall set you free.

... Very well. But if you do betray me and side with the sorcerers, your skull shall be my first offering to Khorne.

Of course, my lord. Scorpan could feel the presence of the voice leaving him. He set those thoughts aside and moved on, searching for more potential allies while mulling over his plan in his head.

Soon, he would be ready. Soon, the world would burn.


Luna adjusted her armor one last time. It was different than just wearing it for a sparring match; now, she was really going back to war. She would march out against the enemies of Equestria, and lay them low with each strike of her mace and each blast of magic. She should have felt proud, excited even, that she would be back in familiar territory once again.

But she could not forget her conversation with Celestia the other night, before a formal declaration of war was issued. To see her sister, so broken and vulnerable, it was something Luna did not want to see again. But now, I will break the forces of Chaos and bring peace to Equestria... not just for the sake of all who live here, but for Celestia’s sake as well.

There was a knock at the door. Luna turned and opened it, seeing Sleight-Hoof standing outside with four of his Night Guardsponies.

“I was asked to lead your personal entourage, Princess.” he said, bowing. “I hope you will accept me.”

“I already have, Commander.” Luna said, beckoning him to rise. “You and the ponies under your command were the first Legionnaires to really welcome me back to Equestria, and your skills are like none I have seen before.”

“We try,” Echo said from the back. “Gotta keep those cultists on their hooves, after all.”

“I... I see.” Luna was still not used to the Justicar’s rather lax attitude, but she would have to learn to accept it. “I’m sure that you all will serve me and Equestria with honor.”

“We will.” another one of the Guards said. “And... if it’s not too much to ask, do you think you can help me with something? See, I’ve been working on this project-”

“Sparks. What did I say about mad science?” Sleight-Hoof said, casting a glare back at the other pony.

“Sorry, Boss. Just got a little excited there.” Luna nodded and moved down the hall, the Night Guardsponies following close behind.

“We leave for Manehattan as soon as possible. The rest of the assigned Legions will meet us there before we sail for the Griffon Kingdoms.”

“Um...” another Night Guard said. “Is that the best place to rendezvous?”

“My sister has made the arrangements, and the Legions follow her command.” Luna turned around. “Why do you think it’s a bad idea?”

“Well...” Sleight-Hoof said. “You don’t exactly have the best reputation in Manehattan.” Then Luna realized what they were speaking of. The Daughters massacred, thousands killed, the entire city burned to the ground in Nightmare Moon’s name, and here she was marching right back into that city.

“That will be an obstacle we shall have to overcome. Whatever sins I may have committed in the past can be overlooked, and in due time Manehattan will see me as their protector, not their destroyer.”

“I don’t know.” Sleight-Hoof said. “No offense, Princess, but Manehattanites are very stubborn when it comes to changing their beliefs... I should know, I was born there.”

“Hey, maybe one of these days when we’re not going around killing daemons and monsters you can show us some sights.” Echo said, giving a cheery smile.

“... You really want me to step into that, don’t you?”

“Hey, we’re going out to fight for Equestria’s survival and everypony’s being all moody.” the Justicar shrugged. “Somepony’s got to keep our spirits up.”

Author's Note:

Wow, got a lot of inspiration for this story all of a sudden.
So, our factions are on the move: Luna to meet up with her Legions, Anlindē to possibly redeem herself, and Scorpan to KILL MAIM BURN!... actually, he'd have more control than that. Added a dark tag because war is very dark, and there will be lots of war.
Oh, and if you can get the references with all those Traitor Legionnaires, you win an internet cookie
Also, any alternate names for the different Aspect Warriors? I want to stick as close to the Eldar naming schemes as possible, but I still want some things to be unique.
Also also, the mentioned Angelus is this universe's Gabriel Angelos, and his daughter is one of the Mane 6
Still don't own Ponies or 40k. Likes and comments are appreciated, and if I screwed up please let me know.
Oh, and check out this group I made for the universe, if you're interested in that sort of thing.