• Published 19th Sep 2013
  • 2,697 Views, 96 Comments

Far Cries Of Hope - Blueball-Blitz

Scootaloo never thought she'd become a single mother at this age and the worst part is that no pony knew about it to help her, however a certian loyal pegasus returnes to Eqestria and will do anything to help out her little sister in her trouble

  • ...

Chapter 5 - Training Starts

Scootaloo galloped across the many fields of ponyville as she came up to a cyan mare napping lazily on a cloud, Scootaloo spotted the rainbow coloured tail, she giggled knowing her older sister was napping and grinned evilly before speaking.

Scootaloo breathed in before shouting, "Hey Dash I'm back!" causing the cyan mare to jump and nearly fall of the cloud she had been lying on, Scootaloo fell over in a fit of laughter whilst Dash turned around and gave an annoyed look to the younger mare below her before swiftly diving down to meet her younger sibling.

Rainbow smiled, "There you are Scoots, thought you'd never show up" the mare said with a smirk

Scootaloo rolled her eyes playfully as Dash let out a giggle of her own before continuing, "right lets get this thing goin, first I wanna see you do 100 wing press ups" Dash said as she revealed a whistle from her wing and blew on it loudly making the orange mare jump before starting her exercise.

Scootaloo sighed as she got down into the first few press ups and she felt the stress already getting to her muscles, she decided to try and get away from the pain as she thought about what Hope was up to at this time...

Fluttershy flew into the kitchen and set the cream coloured foal down on her kitchen table before she made her way over to the fridge to see what was available to eat.

Fluttershy smiled as she found some of her emergency baby mixture at the back of the fridge, she leaned in and took the bowl of mixture out before setting it down on the table, but when she looked back up she realised the foal was gone.

Fluttershy gasped in shock and instantly started her search for the missing pony, she quickly checked the entirety of the kitchen not finding a sign of the foal before moving into the living area of the house.

Fluttershy saw her pet bunny angel currently lazing around on the couch in the living space, the pale yellow mare cantered over to the white bunny before speaking.

"Angel bunny, have you seen a foal come past here?" the shy pegasus asked kindly as she leaned forward towards the small animal.

The bunny looked up at the mare and pointed towards the slightly ajar door leading outside of the cottage, Fluttershy's eyes widened before she dashed off after the escaping foal that was currently crawling away from her house.

The mare frantically looked around for the foal and was relieved when she saw Hope sitting on the grass watching all the creatures move around the garden.

Fluttershy smiled and cantered over to him whilst saying, "you move very fast don't you little one" before she sat down next to the foal.

It was then that Fluttershy began to wonder who's foal this was, she knew it wasn't Rainbows, but then she remembered Scootaloo whispering something to the foal before she left, it was then that Fluttershy looked down to see Hope and knew instantly who the mother was when she saw those large violet eyes looked around the place in wonder.

Suddenly everything began to click with Fluttershy, she now knew why Scootaloo had ran off but she couldn't understand why she didn't tell anyone about the problem.

Fluttershy sighed, she just hoped Dash would be able to help Scootaloo...


Scootaloo could feel the sweat running off her forehead as she pressed up for the 100th and final time before collapsing in a heap on the ground below in a fit of heavy breathing as she let her wing muscles relax.

Rainbow sighed as she looked over the orange mess on the ground, "well I guess thats okay for your first go, but next time we're gonna try for 1000" the cyan mare said as she watched her sister heave herself off the grass and wipe the sweat from her brow with a forehoof.

Scootaloo sighed and nodded lazily, "yeah...sure" she said sarcastically, breathing heavily as she came down from her exercise

Dash nodded happily, "well I guess thats us for today kid, lets go to Fluttershy's I wanna see Tank" the older mare said gleefully as she floated down to the ground and started trotting off with her younger sibling.

Whilst the pair walked Dash couldn't help but not think about something that had been bugging her since she had heard about Scootaloo's troublesome years.

The cyan mare gulped before speaking up, "So...Scoots I've been meaning to ask..what was Firestorm like?" she asked hesitantly as she looked over her shoulder towards the other mare.

Scootaloo looked away from her older sister as she replied, "he was okay I guess, kinda thought I would be sharing my life with him...apparently not" she said with a sigh

Dash nodded solemnly, but she still wanted some more information, "soo what did he look like?" she asked curiously as the pair continued to walk down the dirt path.

Scootaloo pondered for a moment before speaking, "um...black coat, red mane... and yellow eyes" she said as she looked off into the sky thinking about distant memories.

Dash again nodded, she wanted to leave it at that but she wanted to ask the vital question and it was something she didn't think her sister would be comfortable with answering

Dash sighed as she made up her mind before she spoke, "Scoots...was there..you know a specific reason why he left you?" she asked hesitantly as they continued to trot. Scootaloo tensed up at this and held back from answering and instead pretended to ponder until luckily the cottage came into view.

Scootaloo smiled as relief came over her, "Oh hey look there's Hope!" the orange mare said excitedly before galloping off to the small foal and the yellow mare accompanying him

Dash let out a long sigh, the question could wait till later right now she had to focus on her little sister and her little nephew, the multi coloured mare smiled before galloping off after her sister towards the old cottage.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the wait guys i have been through a lot this week and its just getting harder and harder to write, i will try my best but finding time right now is really hard

So moving onto the story ive been ironing out some more plotholes and such hope you like the story so far ! and i will try to get some editing done with ma crew of editors if i can.


and thank you all for the likes and faves for this story aswell it really helps!

thanks for reading !