• Published 15th Sep 2013
  • 6,666 Views, 57 Comments

Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney: The Equestrian Turnabouts - TheBronywiththeBowTie

Not even Equestria is safe from the devious plans of Criminal Masterminds.....Innocent ponies are being framed for crimes they didn't commit....and it's up to a certain lawyer to prove their innocence!

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Turnabout Wonderbolt - Part 2: Trial

September 29, 9:53 AM
Ponyville Court Defendant Lobby No. 2

Phoenix, Maya, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were all sitting in the defendant lobby, waiting for the trial to begin. It wasn't long before Rainbow was lead in by the royal guard.

"I can walk myself, ya know!" She said, irritated.

The guards just grunted, and took their places over by the door to the court room.

"Well....this is it." Twilight said.

Applejack nodded her head. "Ah hope the evidence we got is enough tah prove Rainbow's innocence..." She said.

Phoenix nodded. "If there's more, then I'm sure the judge will give us more time to investigate if he's intrigued by the evidence." He said.

Rarity nodded at that. "It doesn't help that, that monster who corrupted Fluttershy is prosecuting..."

"U-Uhm...he's not a monster...he's a minotaur." Fluttershy said. "A-And anyway, it wasn't his fault I acted so horribly.....it was my own fault...I read into his lessons wrong...."

"Wait, Iron Will is prosecuting?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "I'm doomed!"

Maya put a hoof on her shoulder. "No you're not!" She said with a reassuring smile. "He's a new prosecutor....he should be easy to beat!"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Maya..." Phoenix said. "From what you told me, he seemed pretty confident in himself."

Just then, the Bailiff walked into the lobby. "Court's about to start." He grunted.

Phoenix nodded.

"Good luck, Mister Wright." Twilight said.

Everypony went into the court room and took their places. Phoenix, Maya, and Rainbow behind the defense desk, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Twilight, and Rarity int he gallery. Iron Will was standing at the prosecution desk, two of his goat assistants with him.

September 29, 10:00 AM
Ponyville Court
Courtroom No. 2

When Phoenix stepped out, the ponies in the gallery started whispering to each other. "That's him!" "He's the one who proved Derpy innocent!" "What's up with his hair?", Were some of the comments made.

The Judge seemed to rise up from behind his desk, and banged his gavel to quiet everypony down.

"Court is now in session for the trial of Miss Rainbow Dash!" He said.

"The Prosecution is ready, Freddy!" One of his goat helpers bleated. The minotaur turned to him. "Yer right....that was a bad rhyme...."

"The Defense is ready, Your Honor." Phoenix said.

The Judge nodded his head. "Very well. The Prosecution will make their opening statement."

Iron Will nodded confidently. "You got it, Judge!" He held a few pieces of paper in his hands, flexing the muscles of the arm holding the papers. "The defendant is charged with theft of one Spitfire's Wonderbolts Uniform! The prosecution has decisive evidence that can point her at the scene!"

Rainbow slammed her hooves down on the desk. "I'll give you decisive evidence!!" She shouted angrilly, causing Twilight to facehoof.

The Judge banged his gavel, looking a bit wide-eyed. "Miss Dash! Please put a cap on that temper, if you will!"

Rainbow sat down, crossing her forelegs across her chest, looking rather cheesed off.

"Anyway, as Iron Will was saying..." He continued. "The evidence that she stole the suit is a lock of the defendent's mane, and two of her feathers! One teal, one brown! No doubt matching her rainbow colors!" He then slammed his fists on his desks. "If ya can't do the time, then don't do the crime!!"

The Judge nodded. "Yes, the court will accept these into evidence. Now, does the Prosecution have a witness to call?" He asked.

Iron Will nodded. "As a matter of fact, Iron Will does!" He charismatically pointed to somepony in the gallery. "Captain Spitfire! To the stand!"

Spitfire stood up, still dressed in her military uniform, and she took the witness stand. She looked over at Rainbow Dash, who covered her face out of shame and humiliation.

"Witness!" Iron Will shouted. "Gimmie yer name and occupation!"

Spitfire nodded. "Spitfire. Captain of the Wonderbolts." She had a common demeanor to her.

"Would you please explain the events to us?" He asked.

Spitfire nodded once again. "Yes sir."


Spitfire cleared her throat. "I had woken up early that morning, as I do every morning. I was ready to get the morning training started, so I walked to the locker room to change into my uniform. I think I remember somepony passing me on the way there, but I couldn't make him or her out. But, as you know, when I got there, my uniform was gone. The only evidence, being the mane hairs, and the feathers."

The Judge nodded. "Hm....that seems in order to me! Mister Wright, you may begin your cross examination!"

Phoenix nodded. "Yes, Your Honor."

"Go get 'em, Nick!" Maya said, patting him on the shoulder. Rainbow said nothing.


"I had woken up early that morning, as I do every morning.


"Why do you wake up early every morning?" Phoenix asked.

Spitfire looked slightly confused at this. "Isn't if obvious?" She asked. "Training starts early every morning. As captain, I have to make sure I'm up and ready."

Phoenix put a hoof to his chin. "I suppose that makes sense. Please continue."

"I was ready to get the morning training started, so I walked to the locker room to change into my uniform."

Phoenix nodded, signalling to continue with her statement.

"I think I remember somepony passing me on the way there, but I couldn't make him or her out."


"Are you sure you didn't notice any features? No gender, no cutie mark?" Phoenix asked, putting a hoof to his chin.

"Hm....come to think of it, the body shape did look distinctly female....but I don't know for sure...."


Iron Will slammed his fists on the desk. "That doesn't matter! What matters is what she saw in the locker room! Not outside of it! Quit trying to block, or I'll show you that I ROCK!!!!"

Phoenix jumped back a bit at Iron Will's comments. 'T-This guy is smarter than he looks....and not to mention crazy!' He said to himself in his head.

The Judge nodded. "I agree. Mister Wright, please focus on the matter at hand and...um.... *ahem* 'Quit trying to block....'"

"But, as you know, when I got there, my uniform was gone. The only evidence, being the mane hairs, and the feathers."


This time it was shouted by Phoenix. "The mane hairs can definitely be traced back to my client.....yes...." He began. "But what about the feathers?"


Iron Will pointed at Phoenix. "The only thing that matters is the mane hairs!" He shouted. He then slammed his hooves on the desk. "Either agree with what I say, or get out of my way!"

The Judge shook his head. "No, no, Mister Will, I'm intrigued by what the defense says. Please continue, Mister Wright."

"Gladly." Phoenix said with a smirk. "Take a closer look at the feathers."

"Why should he?!" Iron Will asked. "They're different colors! Just like Dash's mane!"

"Hold on a minute!" Phoenix exclaimed. "Last time I checked, it was just her mane that was multicolored, and not her feathers!"

The Judge nodded. "Yes, that is true."

Spitfire nodded as well, her expression brightening. "I've noticed that."

Iron Will looked around nervously, then he looked over to one of his goat assistants, who bleated at him. "Rgh....How could Iron Will not notice that?!" He grumbled to himself.

Phoenix nodded and continued. "As you can see, there are two feathers that were left behind at the scene! One dark brown, and much larger than a pegasus feather, and one about the same size as a pegasus feather, its color being teal." Phoenix slammed his hooves down on the desk. "Last time I checked, my client's feathers were a bright shade of cyan, not teal!"

The ponies in the gallery began whispering to each other again, Twilight smiling at the results, Pinkie munching on a bag of popcorn that seemed to appear from out of nowhere.

The judge banged his gavel on his desk. "Order! Order in the court! Witness, do you have anything to say about this?"

Spitfire shrugged. "At first, I thought this would be open and shut, and I'd have to discharge one of my cadets who had the most potential..."

Rainbow stood up. 'She really thinks that?! OmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOMIGOOOOOOOSH!!!!!' She thought to herself in her head.

"But now, it seems two more suspects have come to light, right?" She looked over to Phoenix.

"Uh...yes, Exactly!" He said. "It might've been that person you saw earlier!"


"Hang on! Iron Will objects!" He shouted. "Even if these ponies were the real ones who stole the uniform, we have no idea where they would be! They could be all the way in Saddle Arabia for all we know! And even if we did find them, what makes you think that they'll agree to testify?! Don't be too hasty! You'll get crazy!"

Twilight looked over at Iron Will surprised. The minotaur seemed much more intelligent than he did at their last encounter. He really must've studied up!

"I don't mean to be rude, but I've just about had it with those little rhymes of his...." Rarity whispered to the lavender Unicorn.

The Judge nodded. "Hm....you give a fair point, Mister Will....maybe we shouldn't continue down this line of thought...."

Rainbow looked scared at that.

"Nick! Do something!" Maya exclaimed.

"Wait! Your Honor!" Phoenix shouted. "The witness said it herself! The true thief might have been the pony that she passed on her way to the locker room! And we have evidence to prove it! Please, just give us more time, and we can find these ponies, and get them to testify!"

Iron Will slammed his fists on the desk. "Forget it, Wright! Ya can't keep chasing things ya can't back up!"

The Judge put a hoof to his chin. "Hm.....I'm still not sure....."

Phoenix then hatched an idea. "Can I at least ask the Witness one more question?"

The Judge nodded his head. "I don't see anything wrong with that."

Phoenix nodded. "Miss Spitfire..."

"--Captain Spitfire...." Spitfire said.

"Was there anypony else in the locker room with you?" He asked.

Spitfire put a hoof to her chin. "Come to think of it, there was....Soarin, my wingpony on the Wonderbolts." She said.

Phoenix gave a sigh of relief. "Maybe he got a better look at who passed by!"

The Judge had sort of a wide-eyed expression. "Ah! I suppose I never thought of that! Very well then." The Judge banged his gavel. "Court will adjourn to a short recess until we can get this 'Soarin' into court to testify! Captain Spitfire, you are free to go." He then banged his gavel.

Spitfire nodded, and stepped down from the stand.

Phoenix wiped the sweat from his brow, while Iron Will was conversing with his goats, looking rather irritated with himself.

September 29, 10:28 AM
Ponyville Courthouse
Defendant Lobby No. 2

Phoenix stepped out into the lobby with Rainbow and Maya. "That was a close one...." Maya said.

"Close one?! CLOSE ONE?!" I could've been locked up right then and there!!!" Rainbow shouted. "Are you sure you guys know what you're doing?!"

Phoenix put a hoof on her shoulder. "Rainbow, calm down! That's the nerves talking! Deep breathes!"

Rainbow rolled her eyes, yet did what he said. After a few deep breathes, she found herself feeling calm. "Sorry...." She said.

Phoenix nodded. "It's alright...."

After a few moments, the rest of Rainbow's friends came into the room. "Wow Rainbow!" Pinkie said. "Are you ok?! I can only imagine being in your situation! Everypony thinking I'm a no good dirty rotten thief, almost no escape from judgement, just barely making it out on a re--MMPH!" Applejack had covered Pinkie's mouth, as her comments weren't making Rainbow Dash feel any better.

"Ah think she gets the point, Pinkie." The farm mare said.

"MmphmmphmmmphHMMPHM!!!" Pinkie mumbled. It sounded like she was still trying to talk even though AJ was covering her mouth.

Rarity put a hoof on her athletic friend's shoulder. "Think of the positives, darling! Another witness is going to be testifying!" She said.

"Right, Rarity!" Twilight exclaimed. "And he could provide the evidence we need to prove your innocence!"

Rainbow Dash gave a small smile. "Yeah.....you're right!" She seemed much more confident now. "I shouldn't worry! It's in the bag!"

Phoenix looked away nervously. "Well...I wouldn't know about tha--OW!!!" Maya had smacked him on the back of the head. "Nick! She finally calmed down!" She whispered to him.

The doors to the court house opened again, Spitfire, Soarin, and two guards walking inside the lobby. The two Wonderbolts stood in front of the group.

Rainbow stood at attention. "Ma'am!" She said, saluting.

Spitfire nodded her head. "At ease, Cadet." She ordered, causing Rainbow to relax.

"Private Dash," She began. "I just wanted to tell you, that I don't believe you stole my uniform. Not after the evidence I saw today."

"Yes Ma'am." Rainbow said, trying to hide her relief.

"But, if you are judged guilty, I won't be able to do anything to get you out of prison." She said.

Rainbow's relief suddenly disappeared. "Yes Ma'am..."

"But, I don't believe that will be the case, not after seeing your Lawyer's performance in court, and since you kept a level head....for the most part." Spitfire continued.

"Yes Ma'am." Rainbow said to her, a new-found feeling of happiness and pride in her chest.

Spitfire nodded. "This is all I have to say."

The Bailiff trotted up to the group. "Court is about to reconvene." He grunted.

Phoenix nodded. "Well, we'd better get in there."

Everypony nodded as they stepped back into the court room.

September 29, 10:33 AM
Ponyville Courthouse
Courtroom No. 2

The Judge banged his gavel after the gallery settled themselves back down.

"The trial of Miss Rainbow Dash will now reconvene!" He said. "Would the prosecution please give us a recap of the events that occurred before we went to recess?"

Iron Will nodded, wiping the sweat off his brow. "S-Sure thing, Yer Honor." He said. The minotaur held a few pieces of paper in his hands and read from them. "The witness, and victim of theft, Captain Spitfire of the Wonderbolts, testified to us about what she saw when she discovered her uniform was missing. And according to the testimony, there may have been another pony present at the scene." Iron Will then slammed his hands on his desk. "But Iron Will still thinks it's nuthin' but a bunch o' tricks! Before we went to recess, Spitfire told us of another witness who could testify! Soarin, her Wingpony!"

The Judge nodded. "And will this 'Soarin' please take the stand?"

Soarin stood up, clad in his Wonderbolts suit, he slicked back his dark blue mane as he trotted over to the stand.

Iron Will pointed at Soarin. "Witness! Tell Iron Will your name and occupation!"

Soarin nodded. "Name's Soarin! And I'm a Wonderbolt! Spitfire's Wingpony, to be exact." His voice had sort of a cocky tone to it.

"He seems a little....headstrong, Nick." Maya whispered to Phoenix.

Phoenix nodded. "Well, fame will do that to you." He whispered.

"And would you mind telling us what you saw on the day of the theft?" Iron Will asked.

Soarin nodded. "Sure thing!"


Soarin cleared his throat. "I was walking from my quarters to the locker room in so I could change and get morning training started. I saw somepony walk by on my way there....b-but I-I couldn't really make them out. Then I walked the rest of the way to the locker room to change, when I ran into Spitfire. We talked for a little bit, and then she opened her locker, and saw her Uniform wasn't there. That's all I can remember."

The Judge nodded. "So...that's it then? Alright, Mister Wright! You may cross-examine the Witness!"

Phoenix nodded. "Of course."

"Applejack, did you notice that?" Twilight Whispered.

"Huh?" Applejack leaned closer to Princess Sparkle. "Notice what?"

"Soarin stammered a bit in his testimony." She said. "That must mean he doesn't really feel confident about what he's telling us. Which could mean he's lying...."

Applejack's eyes widened at that. "Are ya sure? Ah don't think Soarin's the type o' pony who would be associated with thieves..."

Twilight shook her head. "Well, it could be possible! I just hope Phoenix noticed this...."


"I was walking from my quarters to the locker room in so I could change and get morning training started."


"Was that all you did that morning?" Phoenix asked.

Soarin nodded. "Yeah, as far as I can remember."

"I saw somepony walk by on my way there....b-but I-I couldn't really make them out."


"So you noticed nothing about this pony?" Phoenix asked.

Soarin peered about a bit. "Uh....yeah! I swear"

Phoenix smirked. "Are you sure? you don't seem very confident in what you're telling us!"

This seemed to irritate Soarin. "What are you talking about?! I'm always confident!"


Iron Will slammed his fist on the table. "Objection! The defense is badgering the Witness! That's not cool! Don't be a fool!"

The Judge put a hoof to his chin. "Hm....actually, I'm quite intrigued by where Wright is taking us. Objection Overruled!"

Phoenix wasn't buying what Soarin was telling him. "It think there's something you're not telling us."

"Oh yeah?!" Soarin shouted. "Prove it! PROVE I spoke to that pony!"

Phoenix looked through the case records. He smiled when he found a record of Spitfire's testimony.


"How's this for proof? In Spitfire's previous testimony, she said that you might've spoken to that pony! Would you lie to your commanding officer?"

Spitfire shot Soarin a glare. "Yes, Soarin. Would you lie to me?"

Soarin looked to Phoenix, then back to Spitfire. Then to Phoenix, then to Spitfire. Phoenix. Spitfire. Phoenix. Spitfire. Phoenix. Spitfire. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. "OK!!!!! OK!!! I DID SPEAK TO THEM!!!"

The gallery began whispering to each other again, causing a dull roar to fill the court room. The Judge banging his gavel.

"Order! I will have order!" He said.

"Who were they, Soarin? And what did they want?"

Soarin sighed and looked down. "It was Lightning Dust....I caught her sneaking onto the accademy with a griffon....I don't know her name....they weren't authorized to be here, so I told them to get lost. B-But they offered me something to keep quiet..."

Phoenix put a hoof to his chin. "And what was this thing they offered, Soarin?"

Soarin looked down again. "I can't say....it's too embarrassing...."

Phoenix slammed his hooves down on his desk. "Tell us!"

"GAH!" Soarin shouted. "Ok! Ok! It was an apple pie!"

Spitfire face-hoofed at that. "Stupid pie-for-brains...." She muttered to herself.

"I couldn't help it!" He said. "It's just so delicious....and I was so hungry!!"

Phoenix nodded. "There you have it, Your Honor. Proof that there may be another witness left to testify."

The Judge nodded. "I see.....well then, I rule that the court should go to recess, until we can get this Lightning Dust, and her griffon friend to come in and testify!" He banged his gavel. "Court shall break for recess until tomorrow morning!"


Author's Note:

Now I had much more fun writing this chapter! Personally, I don't think this case is as strong writing-wise as Turnabout Muffins was, but that's why I have you guys and your opinions and critiques to help me out! Please, let me know what I'm doing good, and what I'm doing wrong! Thank you so much! Until next time, it doesn't end here!