• Published 14th Nov 2013
  • 2,865 Views, 12 Comments

Delicate Negotiations - vazak

Celestia and the Saddle Arabian Amira discuss their relationship and something more blossoms.

  • ...

Just This Night

Delicate Negotiations

A full silver moon shone high in the dark night sky; thousands of stars and constellations twinkled and sparkled down upon the world through the thinning clouds.

The Equestrian city of Canterlot had been the home and center of Equestrian culture and governance for over a millennium. Some of the more prideful members of nobility had been quoted saying that Canterlot wasn't just the center of Equestrian high culture, thanks to them of course, but also the center of the world.

This attitude had, in the past, caused headaches for Princess Celestia; but luckily most Canterlot nobility were far too busy attending banquets held by themselves in their own honor to make much of a nuisance of themselves on the world stage.

Presumptuous or not, Canterlot certainly seemed to be living up to its reputation as a diplomatic center; the gold lined spires and white ivory towers of the castle were playing host to dozens of dignitaries, delegates and ambassadors from around the world.

Music and conversation filled the air in the grand halls of Canterlot castle, a hall that annually hosted the Grand Galloping Gala. The brightly lit foyer was filled to the brim with creatures of all shapes and sizes. Equestrian diplomats and members of the parliament of foreign affairs talked, ate and danced with Zebra dignitaries; Griffon ambassadors debated fine art with Canterlot nobility. A canine representative eyed the Kirin ambassadors cautiously while the three representatives surrounded a table and debated quietly amongst themselves.

The celebration was in commemoration and anniversary of both the long-held held pact between Equestria and Saddle Arabia, but also in light of the recent trade agreements between the two equine nations. Naturally, the guests of honor were the alicorn princesses themselves and the Saddle Arabian delegates.

Princess Celestia, diarch of Equestria and guide of the sun -along with a few dozen other accumulated titles she usually tried to ignore for brevity's sake- stood a glass of purple punch floating absently in her telekinetic grip. The solar princess stood surrounded on all sides by various nobles and 'well-to-do' ponies who, out of respect, were keeping a somewhat larger than necessary distance between themselves and their princess. As fate would have it this did not allow the princess an out, just a way for more ponies to surround her.

'I could almost make an unfavorable comparison to hunting animals,’ she thought bemusedly. Subtly, Celesta eyed her sister across the foyer. Princess Luna stood adjacent to the window which conveniently offered the greatest view of the moon, and she was conversing excitedly with Haakim, the male Saddle Arabian delegate. They were accompanied by the two princess's respective niece.

Her niece was still flushed from the recent victory over King Sombra and the re-awakening of the Crystal Empire; thanks to the mystery surrounding that rather ‘large’ international incident, the newly dubbed Crystal Princess was as much guest of honor, and curiosity, as the true guests of honor themselves. Seeing her family enjoying the festivities brought a far more genuine and cheerful smile to Celestia's face.

'I wonder what has Cadence so excited?' Celestia pondered. Her niece was practically glowing almost mischievously, as she gazed around the room; her husband returned to her side with drinks and joining the conversation between delegate and Lunar Princess.

"I would have loved to attend the garden party once again Upper Crust, but my duties often detain me," Celestia explained politely. It was true that she would have preferred to say yes, even if she'd have enjoyed staying in and reading a book or visiting her student more. But changing her schedule or acting unexpectedly around the public had a bad tendency to set her beloved subjects off in one direction or another and was usually more trouble than it was worth.

'Besides, the last time I attended a function with too much consistency they turned it into the Grand Galloping Gala,' she reflected morosely. That was something else positive about hosting diplomats; the food had to be far more varied to accommodate so many cultures and species, which stopped the chefs from making every meal into tiny portions of asparagus garnished in nut shavings.

Normally these sort of events allowed Celestia the chance to engage in conversation, food and drink that she rarely got the opportunity to have in a formal setting, which was why her current predicament was so frustrating.

But excusing herself was difficult at best; cutting their conversation short would likely upset them, and maintaining decorum while somehow avoiding the nobles following her, rather than returning to their discussion about whatever giant hat was in season was troublesome to say the least.

Upper Crust crinkled her eyes and offered an insincere smile, "Ah yes, princess, I hope your trip to Saddle Arabia wasn't too unpleasant. Such work really is for diplomats, and I've heard so much about how sandy the place is. Hardly fitting work for a princess such as yourself," Upper Crust complimented. Celestia repressed a grimace and settled for a slightly arched eyebrow of disapproval.

"Oh, it was quite necessary and a wonderful experience," she assured the the mare. Despite nodding in assent, Upper Crust continued seemingly unaware of Celestia's disapproval while the other nobles backed away ever so slightly from her. Celestia immediately brought her expression back to its normal maternal smile; she hadn't intended to upset them afterall.

While the young pony -though almost all ponies could be considered young given how long Celestia had been on the planet- talked about the most recent fashion shows, Celestia continued to secretly eyeball her sister and niece and quickly realized why Cadence seemed to be so entertained; Haakim was flirting with Luna. Celestia had to suppress a chuckle out of sympathy for the poor stallion, for he'd been seemingly enamored with Luna since his arrival and had been making quite an effort to win her interest. As of yet he did not seem to be having much luck; the chances were that her love-minded niece was advising the young stallion in his attempts at wooing the lunar monarch.

'I'll have to keep an eye on that' Celestia thought, grinning with amusement.

"Oh princess, I would just love to hear what you thought of Playwrite's rendition of 'A Morning in Canterlot.' I had heard tell that you attended, a surprise visit even, and the performance has been receiving accolades in the papers. But one can't trust the average pony to determine such things as quality," the yellow-coated mare intoned imperiously.

Celestia, with practiced ease, kept her matronly smile plastered upon her features and resisted the urge to discuss what she thought of most 'nobilities’ views on "quality." After all, this was meant to be a polite conversation and Celestia scarcely had the heart to upset one of her subjects for not knowing better.

Before she could properly respond, a familiar canter wafted over Celestia's ears, lower than the music or the halls filled with the din of conversing creatures, but Celestia could make out the equine’s movements as clear as day.

Without ceremony, Amira slipped through the collected noble ponies and stood alongside Celestia. The pink-coated and purple-maned Saddle Arabian delegate stood confidently with a glass of wine grasped in a pink hoof and an easy smile on her delicate features.

Amira wasn't just standing close to Celestia though, she was for all intents and purposes right next to her. There was scarcely an inch between them; the solar monarch could practically see some of her subjects restraining gasps of offence at the Arabians'nerve.’ Ponies scarcely ever approached Celestia unless parameters for being close to her had been set out and explained, usually with formal etiquette or tradition somehow being involved. Amira was not one of her little ponies and seemed to find their attempts to hide their shock and horror at her effrontery amusing as a small impish smile appeared on her lips.

"Princess Celestia attended that play with myself actually, I must say it was quite enjoyable. Though I feel we would have enjoyed it more had there been more music to it," Amira spoke smoothly, her normal friendly smile returning as she spoke.

That raised everpony's eyebrows, including Celestia's own, though be it only slightly; speaking for a princess was, much like interrupting, standing next to or offending one, considered bad form and something that terrified her subjects far more than Celestia would ever want.

Smiling, the princess queried, "What makes you say that my friend?"

"Hmm?" the mare questioned. "Do you remember that performance I took you to when you visited us at the capitol last week?"

Celestia did indeed remember; she'd spent two weeks in the Saddle Arabian capital city before travelling with the two delegates back to Equestria to finalize the paperwork and to host them as they had her. "I certainly do, it was most enjoyable, the acrobats were very skillful. But what does that have to do with music?" she inquired.

Laughing, Amira replied, "You were humming along with the music the whole way through, dear princess.”

Celestia felt the pink mare's tail brush up against her own and fought down a concerned blush. That 'was' inappropriate, but a glance at Amira only rewarded her with a slight wink before the mare returned her attention to the nobles who had apparently decided if the princess was not going to question the Arabian’s forwardness then they shouldn't either; some of them were still glaring at her very hard though.

Celestia let loose a small chuckle and replied, "I did do that didn't I? It was just so very catchy."

"That is perfectly understandable, my dear princess," Amira responded. The Arabian mare sent the solar princess a very friendly smile.

Celestia would like to think she'd gotten to know Amira relatively well over the last few weeks. The pink mare, having been serving in the diplomatic core for some years, had to find a means to speak with the princess whenever she had visited, and ever since her promotion she'd certainly made use of her new position to spend more time with Celestia.

Though the solar princess was largely unbothered by this fact, it wasn't an uncommon occurrence and the Arabian mare did present quite a stark contrast to the snobbery and fearful distance much of Canterlot's elites offered her or the fear and awe she inspired in the rest of her subjects.

Amira's interest seemed far more relaxed. There was definite admiration, but the mare did not let that stop her from treating Celestia as something closer to a peer as opposed to a superior. Of course, the fact that she had gotten to know Amira rather well also meant that she had noticed the mare's rather pronounced affection for her.

'Which doesn't solve the problem of what to do about it,' she reflected. Celestia wasn't about to deny enjoying the younger mare's company, but it wasn't appropriate for her to even consider engaging in such things. Not with Luna so recently returned, her student’s ascension the way and... not with her responsibilities and duties. It was selfish, and the potential scandal would be too much for her subjects to cope or want to deal with.

'I am their leader, their protector and guide; the one who has born this nation for one millennium in solitude and in penance. Even if having someone who doesn't fear some horrifying imagined reprisal or treat me as untouchable and beyond the needs or desires or right to approach, is wonderfully refreshing. I cannot allow such selfish desires to cloud my judgement, no leader can,’ she resolved. It wouldn't be difficult; the mare, while amorous, was mature and would likely just accept the alicorn’s polite refusal and friendship; they were both professionals after-all.

'Still, not acknowledging it isn't helping and I can't leave something like this to fester. I'll need to resolve this before she leaves,' Celestia decided. 'I simply have to get her alone' she thought. Not only would it likely be embarrassing, at the very least, but Celestia knew her subjects would be horrified to learn that somepony had been flirting with their princess.

"Speaking of the fine arts, I recall that you offered me the chance to have a private viewing of Canterlot Castle's famous galleries; I certainly couldn't stand to leave Equestria without taking you up on such an offer" Amira declared, drawing Celestia back into the conversation.

"I certainly did" she replied simply. Smiling over at the mare, her hint hardly missed. 'That's certainly an excuse to leave' Celestia thought while the surrounding ponies looked over the tall equine jealously. Visiting the castle galleries was not an impressive thing in of itself for Celestia ensured they were open to all her subjects. But a guided tour from a princess, one who had starred in many of the pieces and who had known the great artists of history, that was something completely different.

Sadly, Celestia could already see the gears turning in some of the noble ponies’ mind. 'I can hardly have them along for such a discussion, it will simply have to wait,' she thought despondently.

"Still, it would hardly be appropriate for the guests of honor to leave their own celebration, would tomorrow morning be acceptable, after breakfast perhaps?" she asked.

Amira's ears drooped slightly as her face fell into a small, but slightly put on, pout.

"Perhaps we could accompany you as well princess," Upper Crust chimed in.

Celestia had to repress a sigh; it wasn't an idea she was opposed to, but she'd intended to speak with Amira alone, and frankly she knew that they were not asking to join them to view art but instead to be seen with a princess. It was rather disheartening, for Celestia quite liked art, but in truth it was far more a passion of Luna's, and knowing their subjects were more interested in using it as part of a social climbing exercise rather then out of true passion made the centuries of acquiring or creating master works seem belittled.

"Oh, I hardly think it's necessary to wait aunty;" Princess Cadence's melodic voice flowed past the collected social climbers’ attempts to crab walk over one another for attention. Everybody’s eyes were drawn to the newly minted crystal princess.

Cadence stood in a resplendent crystal style toga; thick layers of purple and gold layered over one another and accentuated with dozens of different crystals. Her mane was laid out in slightly curled waves with crystal head chains flowing down to her back. When the light reflected on them just right, it would create a subtle rainbow corona around the wearer. 'One can't accuse the Crystal Ponies of being inconsistent.'

"Besides, it is hardly appropriate to keep a lady waiting or to arrive to a private meeting accompanied," she smiled sweetly.

"I believe the Equestrian term is 'no time like the present'?" Amira added, batting her eyelashes at the elder equine.

Celestia glanced over at Luna who was now speaking with the canine representative. 'She has wanted to head more of these functions, and I wouldn't be doing my duty as host if I didn't live up to my guests' hopes,' she thought, almost smirking.

"You make an excellent point Princess Cadenza; I can be assured that my sister and your noble self shall be more than capable of caring for our guests." Celestia almost saw her niece tense at that. 'I’m sorry dear, but you'll be able to sneak away far more easily than me, besides, it shall be good practice for you, for the future.' she thought, sadness edging its way into her mind.

Of course, such thoughts were chased from her mind the moment Amira's tail slipped down and wrapped itself against her ankle. "After you, dear princess," Amira intoned happily, through half lidded eyes.

Swiftly, the two mares slipped out of the great hall, Cadence now bearing the full brunt of Canterlot nobilities’ opinions. 'Shining Armor will be by soon,' Celestia thought. She glanced over at her sister and their eyes met; there was a sparkle of excitement and the two shared of a nod of understanding as Luna moved closer to the center of the hall.

'I wish you a good night sister...' Luna whispered across the ether, her voice echoing in Celestia's mind as she led Amira, still at her side, out the door and down the palace halls.

Canterlot castle denied the traditional conventions of a castle and could technically be described as a collection of large interconnected towers, gardens and large assembly halls. The need for traditional walls and fortifications was made largely obsolete by their position astride a mountain and various advances in magical shielding techniques. 'Besides' Celestia thought, 'anything powerful enough to attack a city protected by at least one pony capable of moving a celestial body several times the size of even the largest continent would hardly be impeded by a stone wall, enchanted or not.'

Thus the walls surrounding Canterlot were either for show or for privacy, and this fact had allowed the princesses to create a castle with a more open and free environment that suited their personal tastes.

Celestia walked with Amira by her side, stepping down the final dais and into one of the many castle gardens; neatly trimmed bushes were scattered sparingly throughout the small private garden. A miniature pond sat just off the curved cut stone path.

"You were away so long because you were speaking to Princess Cadence, weren't you? Setting up that little scene?" Celestia asked, already knowing the answer.

Amira's response was a polite smile that hid the mischief in her sapphire eyes. "I most certainly did, I needed some way to save you from them; you were surrounded after all."

"Well I certainly appreciate it, though I hope my niece can slip away as easily," Celestia murmured, running her tongue along her teeth and tasting the last remnant of punch; the two mares had dropped their drinks off before leaving the celebration.

Celestia's steps faltered ever so slightly as she passed a memorial; nopony knew it was a memorial of course, and if they did they were the exceptions and almost always family alone. It was a simple collection of flowers; red, white and blue, flowing into one another and forming a disk around a thin branched pink flowered bush in the center. Each flower was in full bloom.

"Moonflowers?" Amira breathed.

Celestia glanced at the mare from the corner of her eye, 'I shouldn't be surprised; at least one of those is native to Saddle Arabia.'

"Yes, they are my sisters’ favorites; there are designs like that scattered throughout each of the gardens, though that's hardly the only place such flowers are used," she explained, turning back to the path. She continued moving, pushing thought of her various memorials to her sister aside, already knowing what had brought them to the forefront of her mind.

The two equines passed through the garden without any interruption.

Celestia cantered down the stone path elated at the sight of the gallery hallway, Amira keeping an easy pace next to the alicorn. Celestia had almost needed to remind herself she didn't need to slow her walk for the equine when Amira, in her excitement, started pulling ahead as they passed through the the garden.

"Would you perhaps have preferred to stay in the garden?" Amira asked curiously as they entered the Canterlot gallery hall.

Surprise must have been clear on her face as the delegate was quick to elaborate her point.

"When we dined here earlier this week, you seemed to enjoy the fresh air and gardens more, and you were very interested in those flowers. Besides you appeared so enthusiastic when giving me the tour, I learnt a great deal," she finished with a grin clear even through her bridles.

"For the most part, I am rather partial to the gardens; my sister was always the one interested in painting and sculpture. But we shared tea there just this morning and there's little else I could tell you about them," she explained.

"I think your company would be more than enough, princess," Amira teased.

"Perhaps, but you were promised art my dear delegate, and the royal gallery is something to see," she enthused before leaning closer to the mare and whispering. "Though really it's just a glorified family photo album," she snicked, drawing a giggle from the Arabian mare.

The two equines came to a halt in front of the first pieces. It was an ancient pastel painting commemorating Celestia and Luna's original defeat of Discord so many eons ago. It was vastly more detailed than the stain-glass window and had the added symbolism of both princess's magic, dark and light, combining and surrounding Discord, forcing the spirit of chaos and disharmony into the center as he roared in futility.

'Of course he'd actually been laughing when we defeated him with the Elements of Harmony, but this does remind me of the Chaos Sea battle,' Celestia mused, though art rarely reflected reality, after all.

The two mares gazed up at the struggling Draconequus before slowly moving further down the silver tiled floor.

"This piece commemorates the founding of Canterlot, it was created by master Acryclics over a thousand years ago," Celestia explained. The spired city was smaller than it was currently and was mostly made up of half completed towers and barely carved stone; Celestia stood at the forefront upon the castle walls, the sunlight shimmering off her breastplate. Luna stood further back and atop the only completed tower, stars just beginning to twinkle behind her.

"What was it like, having to pose for so many hours? This piece certainly can't have been finished quickly," Amira queried.

Celestia sent the mare a mischievous smile and replied, "Actually we didn't. We created magical clones in our likeness and returned to work, Canterlot wasn't built in a day but we were determined to try." Amira burst out laughing. "Sadly we could rarely get away with such behavior later," Celestia smirked ruefully.

As the two mares continued their trip Amira posed a question, "I assume you lend these pieces out, it seems uncharacteristic of you to hold anything from your subjects."

Nodding, Celestia replied, "That is correct. We loan pieces, or sometimes copies, out to various museums, exhibitions, even foreign allies if they are interested," she explained as they passed by one of Celestia's portraits; it was clearly ancient and showed Celestia without her regalia and instead a simple set of bronze ankle bracelets as she lay atop a stone ledge.

"That piece is from the Paleopony period." Celestia muttered, clearly embarrassed.

Amira's interest was clearly captured as she eyed the work. She arched her eyebrows and turned to Celestia and asked, "Might I be able to request a piece?" she queried good-naturedly.

Celestia repressed a sigh as they approached the end of the hallway; hanging in the main foyer was an old and very popular piece, though it was not one of Celestia's favorites works. It was a watermark painting; everything in the image seemed slightly ‘blurred’ ‘Though at one point it was considered more realistic than anything else,’ she reflected. In the painting Celestia was bedecked in a garish dress, her mane was thick and pink, and the entire piece was very ‘stylized’ was the word… Personally, Celestia had never been quite as able to enjoy this piece, maybe it was the style?

'Or perhaps it was that dress,' she groused internally. Memories of the girdles that had been so needlessly popular back then, and were coming back into fashion again, flashed through her mind.

'I had almost forgotten what I truly came here for,' she thought. 'I'd hoped we'd dealt with this in Saddle Arabia but, perhaps I encouraged her? What I saw as gestures of an equal, or even a friend she may have taken as something, more,' Celestia reflected, concerned. Though in truth, Celestia had done little to truly warn the mare off her, acknowledged guiltily. She had feigned ignorance and explained that while she enjoyed the mare's company and candidness, her subjects would not.

'That is not the same as telling her to simply stop.' Celestia bit her cheek.

Her arrival in Saddle Arabia had been accompanied by much fanfare, as her visits always seemed to be. Regardless of her requests and actually telling her subjects, or foreign allies, to relax just seemed to confuse and upset them. After the initial pleasantries Amira had come forward and promised to ensure that Celestia not only succeeded on their shared diplomatic mission, but to show the alicorn princess as much of her great nation as she could. Somewhat taken in by the mare's forwardness, she'd gone along with Amira’s requests and had thoroughly enjoyed herself. They'd seen plays, visited galleries and stayed close during meals.

Celestia had initially assumed it was merely an attempt to fawn on her, but time had quickly robbed her of that assumption, as complementary and pleasant as the Arabian could be; she'd been quite content to debate Celestia and her tone had never seemed sycophantic, something Celestia was well acquainted with. As the time went by she'd come to find Amira to be intelligent, she was a diplomat after all, and engaging as well as very genuine. The fact that her, at that point, clear physical attraction to Celestia had not stopped her from ensuring her own countrymen were treated fairly had won her a good deal of respect in the alicorn’s eyes.

As the month had gone by, a fledgling friendship had developed between the two, and of course Celestia had also noticed that Amira's initially entirely physical attraction obvious from the occasional lingering glance or her offer to dance at functions, had become something more in depth. That was also the reason why Celestia needed to warn the mare off her, even if it meant damaging a burgeoning friendship.

Bringing herself to a halt, Celestia beckoned Amria to stand before her. She gazed into the Arabian mare's lavender eyes and squashed any nascent feeling of attraction. 'I cannot ever allow myself such selfishness.'

"Amira, would I be right in assuming you have been, for lack of better words, attempting to seduce me for sometime now?" she asked bluntly.

Amira smiled enigmatically, "I'd have hoped you would have noticed by this point," she replied flirtatiously. Amira’s eyes glazed over and she leaned forward until Celestia could feel the mare's breath upon her lips.

Celestia leaned back from the other mare’s advances and saw a small spark of pain glint in Amira's eyes.

"I had thought we were moving in a direction you were happy with,” she mumbled, her words slurring ever so slightly.

Resisting the urge to press her ears to her skull in shame, Celestia spoke, "I allowed it to continue; I led you on and entertained this notion... because… I liked it,” she sighed shamefully. “Because it was nice to not be the princess of the nation and as untouchable as the sun, but instead I could be something, someone far closer to a pony. But that was callous of me; I cannot and should not, engage in any such form of relationship, and despite that I have led you on and for that I am truly sorry." She finished, her voice tense and ragged.

Rather than rejecting her apology and leaving, or accepting it at all, Amira instead leaned closer to Celestia; the Arabian mare's intense blazing eyes locked with the solar alicorn’s and wouldn't let go.

"You do want it then; perhaps just a night, perhaps something more, but you do want it you've said as much yourself," she replied slowly and with a firm tone.

Stepping away from Amira, Celestia finally found the will to break their gaze, "What I want is irrelevant; I cannot do this, not to you, not my subjects and not my sister..." She bit her tongue.

'A few weeks of near freedom and I start acting like this!' Celestia thought with disgust.

For her part, the delegate stood stock still in surprise, but it only lasted for a moment before she took a tentative step forward. "How, how would taking a lover harm your subjects, your family, me? You are ancient, and will outlive me, I know and accept that," she whispered fiercely, eyes dropping to the floor as she paused her lecture.

Sucking in a breath, she continued, "Even before meeting I had read your history and not once in a thousand years have you had an open partner, and I would not ask you for that. Come what may; if anything at all were to happen between us, I would make the choice for myself and not you make it for me," she said firmly, stamping her hoof against the ground and meeting Celestia's gaze with resolve etched on her tense features.

Celestia leaned back from the mare, not quite intimidated, but certainly a little shocked; she was so used to being around her much smaller subjects that dealing with one near her own height was a unique experience.

"You are right," she breathed, closing her eyes as she spoke. "It is your choice and I have no right to speak for you, but I can speak for myself, Nothing. Can. Happen. Amira," she reaffirmed, images of her sister lost and consumed with hatred sealed within the cold moon alone for a thousand years filling her memory. 'She has lost so much, I cannot think so selfishly,' Her subjects always looking to her for safety and comfort; she couldn't deny them their guardian, their guide. It was her role to protect them, not theirs to comfort her.

"How could it harm your sister? She is happy and free, what of your subjects? You are a mare with as much right to joy and freedom as any other!" Amira continued tersely, her tone growing heated.

"But I am not, just any other mare. I am Princess Celestia of Equestria; that is not a position that one has freedom from, no leader does. “Besides," she heaved, "if I were to take a lover it would have to be one of my subjects; they would expect it of me. I cannot disappoint them, I have to live up to their expectations and watch over them; it is not their burden to care for me; it's my duty as a leader."

Amira lunged forward and pressed her hoof against Celestia's chest, caressing her affectionately; easily something between friends, but so clearly something more. "How long have you been without one to hold you in the night, who, in these long eons has comforted you, protected you from your demons and taken on your burdens? Has anyone, or was it always you bearing them?" Without warning Amira leaped forward and brought Celestia into deep kiss.

It was sudden and all too brief as Amira pulled back, her face flushed with excitement but possessing a steadfast conviction. "They cannot, will not care for you as you deserve, you are their leader, their protector, their idol, and admiration is the farthest thing from understanding," she whispered softly, pressing her chest against Celestia's and pulling her into a hug.

"Celestia, your subjects adore you so much it can scarcely be put into words; but they refuse to see you as you are, a mare, beautiful, kind, intelligent, ancient and powerful; but in just as much need of care as anyone in this world. If they cannot give you what you deserve, why not entertain one who will?" she implored, brushing her muzzle up against Celestia's affectionately.

Luna's voice rang in Celestia's consciousness. 'I wish you a good night, sister'

'She expected this...?' Images of Cadence flashed in her mind. 'No, they both did.'

Celestia shivered despite the warm evening. "It's been a very long... long time" she breathed out, her heart beating in her ears as she spoke.

Amira slid beside the alicorn, her tail running along Celestia's chest as she passed by. "Then why wait a moment longer? All that counts is here and now," she explained simply, passing through Celestia''s tail and moving past her shoulders. Amira nuzzled against Celestia's neck before moving past her. The mare's tail slipped under Celestia's side and rubbed enticingly against her barrel. Celestia could feel her strength leaving her.

"It's alright you know, to want something, to need it. Even if it's just for this night, I'll take care of you..." she whispered, confidentially trotting down the hallway, there was a moment’s hesitation, guilt, fear, shame welled up within her.

'I'll take care of you...'

Celestia followed.

The guards outside the entrance to her chambers had been easy enough to dismiss. Even with the oddity of a Saddle Arabian delegate at her side and a function down stairs they were too well trained and accustomed to Celestia's occasionally eclectic behaviour to question a request.

After traversing the winding staircase and slipping through the tiny wooden door, Celestia stood near the center of her royal chambers; they were sparse and excluding a few decorations it was quite a simple place. Off to the left of the princess and pressed up against the wall there stood her domed, purple fireplace adorned with a crown seal. Celestia had not let the flames truly go out in an age; small embers and coals still burning yet doing nothing to ease the chill running down her spine.

The princess's mind continued to drift, as she tried to avoid thinking of the warm body at her side; she glanced down at her lavender floor; the intricate magical patterns swirling and melding together surrounding the fireplace and eventually disappearing beneath her royal purple carpet beneath her hooves. The walls were instead dark blue and adorned with a cloud and star motif, rather suitable for a place of rest she had always felt. Celestial and star covered drapes were scattered throughout the room; astrology had long been a passion of both the royal Sisters.

Finally the alicorn's magenta eyes were drawn to her bed it. Much like her whole room, it avoid the garishness so often associated with Canterlot, if extremely comfortable. A thick circular mattress, one long golden bolster at the head and white satin sheets covered by a thin red quilt.

None of that served as a true distraction from the Saddle Arabian pressing up against her side. languidly Amira slid forward deeper into Celestia's private sanctum; barrel to barrel, the solar princess could feel the younger mare's rapid heartbeat, steady & strong against her own. Scarcely any of her subjects would possess the courage to stand here without fear of offending her.

Amira was not one of her little ponies though, and that became exceptionally clear as the mare's tall frame pressed itself up firmly against Celestia's own. She could feel Amira’s decorative howdah rubbing against her marble white coat as she slid past, her forelock brushing up against Celestia's neck as she went.

Once again, Celestia felt the mare's skilled tail slip down her side, just beneath her wings and quickly making its way lower. Amira’s tail pressed itself against her barrel, running in long enticing strokes. Celestia's eyes darted over the other mare's face, a gentle flirtatious smile stretching over her decorated muzzle; there was a hint of mischief in her sapphire eyes as her seemingly perennial/prehensile tail flicked against the solar monarch;s flank.

"Ah," Celestia let out a stifled gasp as Amira gently slipped her tail away and came to face the alicorn, matching Celestia's half down turned posture. Amira faced Celestia, her neck arched back slightly as her half-lidded gaze met Celestia's own. The princess could see a warm, almost encouraging smile through the purple decorative bridle. Her dark blue mane hung to one side, held in place by her violet, opal framed headdress.

There was barely a distance between them now. their eyes locked, kindness and warmth scarcely hiding a naked desire; Amira leaned forward and gently pressed her nose to Celestia's. With that, the Arabian delegate drifted upwards, placing a soft kiss upon her muzzle. Celestia let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, hot air rushing against the other equine's muzzle as she moved upwards, never taking her eyes off Amira’s.

Celestia leaned down into the mare's touch as Amira haltingly trailed her tongue and lips across the alicorn’s features, laying tender kisses against her fur and stopping a moment to let their cheeks touch. Celestia blinked and felt the mare's lips press against her eyelids before moving higher. Amira's affections slowed as she reached the princess's horn.

Celestia could feel the delegate’s hot breath against the base of her horn; it wafted over her animate mane like a breeze as the princess absently took in the mare's light pink chest, mostly hidden by her purple and blue necklace.

Time stood still as Amira place her lips against the base of Celestia's horn. Unlike before, she did not move on; instead her tongue flicked out, tenderly caressing the sensitive instrument and drawing a happy whimper from the princess. Celestia could feel the lips pressed against her break out into a satisfied grin; her own wings were twitching anxiously, another quiver ran down her entire frame, and she was pushed deeper into the other mares grasp.

Celestia snuggled against the younger mare's frame, her strength and power slowly flowing out of her as Amira's lips moved deliberately towards her ears. A quiet hum came from the pink equine’s throat as she nuzzled and blew against Celestia’s right ear, blowing against it. Celestia buried her face in her partners thick phthalo-blue tresses, relishing in her scent.

'Please, please just for a time, let me leave it all behind me; I need this.'

Amira pressed her mouth up against the very tip of Celestia's ear and nibbled, drawing a pleasurable cry from the ancient alicorn.


"Beautiful" Amira whispered, her tongue tracing the alicorn’s sensitive lobe, stopping to bite and affectionately nibble as she went.

Amira broke away from Celestia's ear, now twitching excitedly from even the slightest breeze. One of the pink equine's fetlocks rose from the marble floor and began tracing up & down Celestia's leg flirtatiously, eventually wrapping around her elbow and pulling Celestia forward with a gentle tug; the alicorn happily allowed herself to be taken away. Falling against her lover’s chest, their necks encircling each other as they buried their faces in one another's manes.

Amira's right leg began running along Celestia's barrel, stopping just below her wings and steadily tracing its way up to her chest.

The princess continued to breath in her partner's scent; allowing touch to guide her over sight, she began affectionately running her muzzle across Amira's back, eliciting a small tremor from the mare as she carefully laid tiny bites and hot breaths of air against her spine.

Amira's muzzle pressed against Celestia's swanlike neck, licking and biting as the mare explored the solar princess. Occasionally dive into Celestia's sparkling mane, tugging and smoothing it over, breathing in late summer breezes and the early morning dew as the two equines pressed their chests together. Leaning against one another for support, their bodies trembled, deep rapid breaths accentuating every movement, every touch.

Celestia moaned, leaning deeper into her lovers embrace. 'How long has it been since I've been held like this?'

Celestia could feel Amira sliding away from her, leaving a trail of kisses as she went; Amira's hoof pressed against the alicorn’s chest as they parted, their hot cheeks gliding over one another before their eyes met. Feeling impulsive, Celestia brought the Arabian into a deep kiss, the lingering scent of that nights wine still on her lips as they crashed together.

Yet Amira needed air and the two broke apart with a gasp and came to rest their muzzles together. Amira's hot pants could barely be heard over the sound of Celestia's own heartbeat. The two equines gazed into each others eyes, bringing their heads to rest against one another; their foreheads met as they caressed the other. Celestia could feel her mane mingling with Amira's own, and her horn touched the top of the other mares head as they rested together.

The solar princess could just make out a self-assured smile upon the Arabian mare’s features. "That's it, let me show you..." she whispered huskily, leaving the sentence hanging with a tantalizing promise of things to come.

Slipping away from the alicorn, Amira reached out and grasped Celestia's fetlock and raised it gingerly off the ground; the Arabian mare drifted down until her lips touched the tip of the princess's hoof cups. Celestia felt Amira's teeth slip over the rim and gently pushing down on her hoof cups; without Celestia's will to hold it there, it dropped to the floor with a tinkle.

"Wait, you don't have..." she moaned out desperately, but her words left her as the pink mare buried her face in Celestia's chest.

"I know" she murmured lovingly into Celestia's chest. "But let me take care of you" she whispered, her hooves silently removing the second hoof cup as the two mares wrapped their necks around one another, bringing their heads to rest on the others’ withers.

Gradually Amira drifted away, raising herself up until her eyes were level with Celestia's own; smiling confidently, Amira trotted down Celestia's side, pressing her barrel up against Celestia's as she went. Her tail rose and slipped under the alicorn's chin, guiding her to look over her lover’s elegant frame, and with her tail teasing the princess's chin, she hid nothing from her princess lovers’ eyes.

Letting out a delighted sigh, Celestia watched as Amira slipped passed her, bumping their flanks together provocatively and sending her an inviting 'come-hither' look. Celestia's tail was flicking from side to side in excitement. "Here" she groaned out; she raised her animate tail and ran it under Amira's chin, teasing and tickling her way down the mare’s chest and under her barrel, much to her lover’s delight. Celestia slithered it under the diplomat’s barrel, spreading out and rippling over the Arabian’s frame and eliciting a coo of pleasure from the mare.

Stretching out her back legs one by one, Celestia was quickly relieved of her hoof cups. Amira dropped feathery kisses across her legs as she went, while Celestia's tail continued massaging the mare's body. As the Arabian slid up to her flank, Celestia let out a gasp as Amira's tongue ran across her Cutie Mark. "I had heard they were more sensitive; even the fur feels... different," she whispered, nuzzling into Celestia's mark.

A mischievous smile lit Celestia's features. Her tail snaked its way between Amira's legs and pressed against her, eliciting an excited cry of delight; Amira's head came to rest on the alicorn's back, right between her wings.

A well known fact amongst pegasi, and a truth universally acknowledged amongst Alicorns, was that the muscular nerve bundles around the bases of the wings were extremely sensitive. Evidently that knowledge had made its way as far as Saddle Arabia as well, because once she'd regained control of herself, Amira began lapping at the base of Celestia's wings, alternating between nuzzling, licking and nibbling and gasping with delight at every minor twitch and spasm Celestia gave her.

"So the rumors about a pegasis wings are true" Amira said huskily; Celestia's only response was a low moan of pleasure.

"Yes, there’s few things that can… ah… compare," she finally replied. Celestia pressed her tail against her lover, its rippling flow of energy drawing out another wail of pleasure, causing Amira to collapse against her.

That was when the alicorn felt a hoof snaking its way under her barrel, gently massaging her as it went. With a well placed nip and a stroke, Celestia's mighty wings flared out in their full glory accompanied by a gasp of surprise from her partner and of pleasure on her own part. Her two wings fluttered, kicking up non-existent dust and trying desperately to work out the sudden built up tension within them. As she did so, Celestia's tail fell away from Amira and the mare took a single step forward, her head bowed low she slipped under Celestia's wings just as their beating died down.

Celestia could feel Amira pressing her muzzle against the underside of her wing, the princess felt Amira's tongue playing along axillaries as she started her journey back to Celestia's breast; their warm coats brushed against one another as she went.

Amira slipped through Celestia's mane, running her muzzle along her lover’s spine, sending a tingle throughout the alicorn’s synapses. Then she found what she'd been searching for; Amira's teeth found their way around chest band and smoothly slid it off the princess's lowered neck and trotted away placing it against the wall.

Celestia's head was still lowered and she felt her crown plucked from her head, sliding through her mane easily as it would through the air itself. The princess could hear it being placed down behind her.

Celestia was seized with a rather sudden feeling of nakedness and an uncharacteristic nervousness began consuming her thoughts. Guilt and shame warred with embarrassment. 'How can I think to do something so selfish; I should be seeing to my duties not-' Before she could finish the thought, Amira's head glided over the older mare's neck until her poll rested under the solar alicorn’s chin.

"There's no reason to look so worried; just let me take care of you a ‘while’" she whispered, pressing their frames closer together.

"I don't want to be alone," Celestia uttered fearfully, her voice shaking and cracking as she spoke. The desperation in her voice would have shocked her subjects; but she needed this. Needed someone to share herself with.

Nodding in response, Amira led Celestia to her bed; she didn't even bother to move the quilt, instead Celestia inelegantly clambered onto her bed and dropped to her side, lying at an angle. Her fore-legs still held her up, but her hind legs tucked tightly against herself for modesty's sake, a fact that seemed to amuse Amira as she clambered onto the bed, hovering over Celestia; something she as not at all accustomed to from other equines. It was quite refreshing.

Fluidly, the Arabian mare slipped her way around the bed, her light hoof falls barely bringing a reaction from the bed until she was bestride over Celestia's reposing form; without a moment wasted, she pressed her muzzle against the alicorn's back and Celestia stretched her wings, "Aah..."

Amira immediately refocused her efforts. Taking the princess's right wing that stretched out and lay flat against the mattress, the pink mare began preening the alabaster plumage. She began attentively rearranging and massaging each feather; every little tug and nip sending a bolt of electricity through Celestia as she lowered her head to the mattress, a welling feeling of contentedness and ease she had long since missed filling her.

'It's been an age since I've been held as a lover.'

Celestia let out a deep moan as Amira's lips passed over her wings and effortlessly glided across her spine and started moving up to her mane. Amira pressed her face against Celestia's withers and started lazily making her way up to the princess's side; only stopping once. Celestia turned to face her and Amira's lips met Celestia's own, they moaned into each others mouths.

Grinning, Celestia reached up to her lover’s muzzle and clamped her teeth around the corners of the bridle while Amira looked at her, eyes wide in curiosity. A blush made its way across her cheeks as Celestia undid the complicated lock holding it together and left the bridle hanging provocatively from her mouth.

Amira lunged forward and drew her into a deep, forceful kiss; The Arabian mare's barrel pressing firmly against Celestia's back as her hooves snaked their way around the alicorns chest and intertwining with Celestia's own.

Amira broke the kiss, panting with excitement and deftly dropped down, draping herself over Celestia and pulling the alicorn into a tight hug, subsuming her form. Their flanks pressed tightly together while Amira's barrel rested against Celestia's back; a single hoof caressed Celestia's chest as she brought the princess in for another deep kiss.

Celestia leaned into her lovers embrace and feeling a warmth and safety she had denied herself for a millennium she smiled. Celestia broke the kiss and took Amira's ear, eliciting an excited cry from the mare. Amira's hoof traced it's way down her chest, playing over her stomach as it continued its journey.

'It's time to let go...' she thought. That was her last conscious thought for that night, as she threw herself into Amira's grasp ever more tightly. Celestia let herself, let all her worries and fears, her loneliness and guilt, disappear under the tide of pleasure as she gave herself over to her lover completely.

Princess MiAmore Cadenza stood in Canterlot castle's grand ball room, an elegant Crystalline style toga adorning her frame; Shining Armor stood nearby speaking with a zebra diplomat while Cadence absently swirled a half finished glass of wine, floating in her telekinetic grasp. There was a delighted smile stretching across her muzzle as she gazed intently at, to what most ponies would see, only as a wall. But stone and mortar, even that of the enchanted Canterlot castle, couldn't serve as a shield against her vision, not against what she was and what she could see.

Princess Cadence had watched as her aunt disappeared with the Saddle Arabian delegate and had initially been worried about the other equine’s chances; but now, seeing what she was seeing, what she was sensing, it was clear that her aunt had finally ended her lonely vigil.

So Cadence watched as love, joy, warmth and a sense of relief spread throughout the castle; even other ponies not nearly as connected with love would feel something, a change in the air, rooms glowing brighter; it was unavoidable, she thought. Feeling the two different energy patterns merge and calm down, Cadence let out a sigh of relief as she let the giddiness of the whole event sweep her away.

"Love is in the air," she hummed to herself, allowing the energy the two equines were projecting to flow through and over her as it spread throughout the room.

The princess of the Crystal Empire pushed up against her lover and without warning embraced him, almost eliciting a shriek from the former guard captain, only his previous experience with her surprise hugs protecting him against her sudden affections.

"Cadence," he chuckled warmly, responding to her affectionate nuzzle with his own, confusion evident in his voice.

The zebra delegate offered a thin smirk as her eyes crinkled at the two ponies’ display and quickly excused herself, amusement clear on her features as she went.

"Cadence, we were talking," Shining Armor chided.

"Sorry dear, but..." she gazed into his blue eyes and smiled before pulling the stallion against her chest. "Let's dance!" she whispered, dragging the confused, but cheerful, stallion along with her.

"We'll be the only ones," he whispered, more amused than bothered by this fact as he allowed Cadence to take the lead.

"Not for long my love," she replied, her muzzle up against his ear as the music began in earnest.

Cadence knew the language of love and she also knew that when somepony like her aunt let down her barriers and allowed herself to be happy in such an open way, it would project that feeling, that energy energy and others would be buoyed by it. Almost like floating chocolate through the air, everypony would likely feel the subtle shift in the air.

As the two pressed together on the dance floor, spinning and twirling, Shining Armor broke the question, "So, do you think Hakhim will have any luck tonight?" he wonder bemusedly.

"I certainly hope so, he's been trying so hard after all,” she enthused. "Maybe he should ask Aunty Luna to dance?" The poor stallion had been trying to catch her aunt's attention since he came to stay in the castle, but her Lunar aunt seemed largely oblivious to his flirtations. It wasn't something deep, respect and curiosity, a definite admiration and attraction; but it likely wouldn't go anywhere if it started, but she figured that was no reason not to watch.

'Maybe I should give him a hint?' she wondered.

She was the princess of love afterall.

Author's Note:

howdah (saddle) crouper (the purple things connected to howdah) Bridles (things surrounding the mouth)

I hope everyone who's read this has enjoyed it; i'd like to thank OkemosBrony, for being an absolutely incredible proofreader and editor, this story would be nothing but a mass of errors if it weren't for his assistance. Also thanks to JaydexTheShadowKnight for letting me add it to his group.

I wouldn't expect much more cloppy stuff from me in the future, this is about as graphic as I can get and it's not normally something i'm predisposed to, but I had an idea for this romance and I couldn't get it out of my head. But in the end i'm really glad I wrote it, its been a great experience.

Comments ( 12 )

Sounds interesting. Also you rarely see stuff starring the Saddle Arabians.:pinkiehappy:

Thanks! And that was actually a part of what inspired this; it'd be nice if they got more exposure.

Thanks for the comment! :pinkiehappy:

We need more Saddle Arabian stories. :pinkiesmile:

I completely agree! :pinkiesmile:

This was cute and enjoyable. :pinkiesmile:

The only thing I don't like is that it was a oneshot. I'd love to see what becomes of Tia and Amira afterwards. :pinkiesad2:


This was cute and enjoyable. :pinkiesmile:

Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

The only thing I don't like is that it was a oneshot. I'd love to see what becomes of Tia and Amira afterwards. :pinkiesad2:

I am sorry for that, I might one day come back to this couple and write a sequel, but my writing tends to be very much based around "in the moment" passion, so unless inspiration strikes a continuation is unlikely.
I am hoping to tie it in with some other maneverse fics I am writing, but only subtly, plus that really depends on whether I make much progress with them. :twilightblush:

Anyway, thank you for the review and the fave, I really appreciate it!

The sheer novelty of this story alone was enough to get me to fav, but its sensuality pushed me over the edge. Truly engaging.

Thank you, I really appreciate that and i'm glad you enjoyed it.

I read this a while back and thought it was awesome. Had the urge to read again, but couldn't find it. I searched for about 30mins and find this treasure, making sure to favorite and up vote it.

I am a sucker for a Celestia romance not involving Twilight or a human. This is my new favorite, it actually makes me want to write the pairing. Its very well written and not very choppy, much more on the sensual side. I think your characterization of both Celestia and Amira is so good. I hope you write more of the two.

Also, you should add this to some groups. It deserves more favorites and up votes.


I read this a while back and thought it was awesome. Had the urge to read again, but couldn't find it. I searched for about 30mins and find this treasure, making sure to favorite and up vote it.

:twilightblush: Thank you! That really means allot to me, i'm so glad you enjoyed the story enough to do all that.

I am a sucker for a Celestia romance not involving Twilight or a human. This is my new favorite, it actually makes me want to write the pairing. Its very well written and not very choppy, much more on the sensual side. I think your characterization of both Celestia and Amira is so good. I hope you write more of the two.

I certainly enjoy Twilestia, but I do agree that adding some variety to the two characters pairings, especially Celestia, can be extremely enjoyable. I was a little worried about the scene changes and descriptions in this and sensual is exactly what I was going for, so thank you. It means allot that you would want to write this pairing after reading my work, if you do i'd love to see it.

I'm glad you think so highly of the story and it's characterization. Getting those two down was tricky but very rewarding. I would certainly like to write more of those two in the future. Sadly I have no real story ideas to work with, as I can't really think of where to take them. In some ways I feel this one closes it off fairly well, while also leaving room for more if I come back to it.

Also, you should add this to some groups. It deserves more favorites and up votes.

Thanks for the suggestion, I have considered that but I've never been clear on how that works. Just adding my own story to someone else's group feels a bit rude to me, though maybe that's how things work here. :twilightblush: Plus i'm not entirely sure of where to add it, it feels to sensual for a none clop group, but perhaps not quite sexual enough for a clop group. If you have any suggestions though i'd be happy to listen, it would be great for this fic to get more attention.

Thank you for the great comment! :pinkiehappy:


Its really a wonderful story. Definitely in my top 5 Celestia stories and I've read a ton of them.

I am a hard twiestia shipper, but at times I need variety and this is perfect.

As for where to take it, I see a very easy sensual relationship between the two. Celestia while allowing herself one night might even feel guilty about it, but she can't help but enjoy it. Amira on the other hand is the role of understanding partner, allowing herself to enjoy any time the princess wants to spend with her. They could exchange letters(I am so tempted to write this and I haven't written fan fiction in months and never for ponies) I think this is a great one and connects them very well. You could show case a few visits of the two spending time together. Fluff, could be good for them.

As for groups I would say: Twilight's library, the sensual clop group and even the regular clop could work. Its a really great story.


Its really a wonderful story. Definitely in my top 5 Celestia stories and I've read a ton of them.

Thank you, that really does mean a lot. :twilightblush:

Totally agreed on the Twilestia front.

As for where to take it, I see a very easy sensual relationship between the two. Celestia while allowing herself one night might even feel guilty about it, but she can't help but enjoy it.

I could see that. Letters and visits could be quite nice, if you want to write it i'd love to see it personally.

TY for the suggestions on groups, I will see about asking their leaders for permission.

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